Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Elder of Ziyon
Al Khanadeq, Arab antisemitism, conspiracy theories, Hezbollah, jew hatred, Muslim antisemitism, Nassib Chams
An article in Al-Khanadeq, which appear to be a pro-Hezbollah mouthpiece, writes about three examples of decades-old financial scandals that were associated with Jews.
And it concludes, "Many are the scandals of the Jews, who practiced usury, smuggling, and committing atrocities, without any moral scruples or deterrents. In the United States, which provided a lot for them, they circumvented laws and engaged in fraud, and tax evasion. There is no doubt that Jewish racism and fraud makes the Jew feel that he is a hero in being outside about the law."
It turns out that Al Khanadeq writes about how terrible Jews are quite often.
One article claims that Yiddish is a secret language that Jews used in order to commit fraud without gentiles knowing about it.
Another claims that Jewish fundraising is a nefarious plot that steals money from innocent people.
But it is not only the articles themselves that are rabidly antisemitic. The illustrations for the articles are, too:
The author of all these articles is Nassib Chams, a Lebanese writer who has written for other Hezbollah and Arabic sites.

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