Sunday, May 07, 2023

  • Sunday, May 07, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon

There has been some media attention paid to the coronation oil that King Charles was anointed with on Saturday. It was prepared in Jerusalem according to a centuries-old recipe.

As the royal website quoted the Archbishop of Canterbury:(archived):

Since beginning the planning for the Coronation, my desire has been for a new Coronation Oil to be produced using olive oil from the Mount of Olives. This demonstrates the deep historic link between the Coronation, the Bible and the Holy Land. From ancient kings through to the present day, monarchs have been anointed with oil from this sacred place. As we prepare to anoint The King and The Queen Consort, I pray that they would be guided and strengthened by the Holy Spirit.

As he indicates, the idea of anointing kings with holy oil comes from the Hebrew Scriptures as the kings of Israel were anointed with consecrated olive oil. This custom was taken up by the Holy Roman Emperors and the monarchs of France and England.

Of course, the Palestinians want the world to think that this is "Palestinian" olive oil.

Palestinian-British academic Dr. Makram Khoury-Machool writes in the Palestinian Raya site about the "secret of the Palestinian olive oil."  Khoury-Machool then makes a fairly startling admission for a supposedly impartial academic:

Whether we are supporters or opponents of the monarchy in principle, or supporters of Britain's foreign policy policies, or critics, we must look at the media picture in its larger and broader framework, and not out of factional personal interest. We, as Arabs and Palestinians, must link our Palestinian cause on every occasion in order to pressure in favor of our cause and deepen awareness in order to win over the broad masses among all peoples to form a public opinion that pressures political decision-makers.

He is saying out loud what Palestinians have been doing for years - hijacking any and every cause in order to place themselves at the center and to demonize Israel.

We've documented this many times. The only reason Palestinians join international forums is to bash Israel. We've seen it with UNESCO,  refugee conferences, conferences on children, Human Rights Day, and conferences on women, climate conferences and conferences dedicated to saving the world's oceans. 

The Palestinian Authority has signed many international conventions with no intention to adhere to them - they only joined so they could join the International Criminal Court and then use that against Israel. 

Palestinians try to hijack American "progressive" causes like Black Lives Matter, native American issues and the Women's March, even though they couldn't care less about those causes. 

Thanks to Dr. Khoury-Machoul, we see that not only admit that they do this intentionally - they urge each other to hijack every possible issue.

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