Sunday, November 07, 2021

  • Sunday, November 07, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Palestinian Legislative Council issued a press release that says that Jews have absolutely no legal, historic, religious or cultural claim to any part of Israel, Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.

Oh, and that they support terrorism.

Al-Quds Legislative Committee: Al-Quds is a purely Islamic endowment to which the Jews have no right

The Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa Committee in the Legislative Council affirmed that the people of all of Palestine, from its sea to its river, and its armed resistance stand behind the people of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in occupied Jerusalem in their decision rejecting the settlement option presented by the unjust  so-called Zionist Court of Justice.

The Al-Quds Committee stressed in a press statement regarding this continuous escalation against Al-Quds and its people and its sanctities, that Al-Quds and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, like all of Palestine, are a purely Islamic endowment and holy site in which the Jews have no historical, religious or cultural right, and this was confirmed by the resolutions of the United Nations and its various bodies, especially UNESCO.
Needless to say, UNESCO, while often downplaying Jewish claims to sites in Judea and Samaria, never said that Jews have no history in the region. Quite the opposite.

The PLC is the official legislative body of the Palestinian Authority. In the last legislative elections in 2006 , Hamas won the majority of seats. Since the Hamas/Fatah split in 2007 it has been mostly dormant since it cannot meet as it requires a 2/3 attendance for passing laws. (Since then, PA president Mahmoud Abbas has, like any good dictator, taken on that job for himself.)  

Nevertheless, the PLC still has committees meeting, and it is essentially a shadow government run by Hamas, pretending to pass laws and issuing statements like this one.

Even though the PLC hasn't officially met for 15 years, its members continue to draw a salary of $3000 a month, which is on top of the regular salaries they make for other jobs they take on illegally


EoZ Book:"Protocols: Exposing Modern Antisemitism"


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