Thursday, November 18, 2021

  • Thursday, November 18, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

Hanan Ashrawi, former PLO member and darling of the Western media, sent out a racist tweet this morning.

US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield visited an UNRWA school in Ramallah, and she tweeted that she met with UNRWA officials on how they can help educate Palestinian children without teaching them hate, as they have been proven to do time and time again.

Ashrawi responded by essentially calling Thomas-Greenfield an Uncle Tom:

This tweet is incredibly offensive on so many levels.

Ashrawi is gratuitously bringing Thomas-Greenfield's race into a discussion where it is completely irrelevant. 

She is saying that a high-ranking, successful Black woman is slavishly following the dictates of the white man and has no agency of her own.

She is defending UNRWA's teaching antisemitism and hate for Jews and Israel.

She is saying that UNRWA is a Palestinian school system that doesn't have to answer to anyone, when in fact it is a UN organization that gets funded by the West and that has written standards that it must adhere to - which is what the ambassador was doing. (Thomas-Greenfield didn't even say a negative word about UNRWA!)

Finally, Ashrawi is saying that a Black woman doing her job and representing the most powerful nation on Earth is a traitor to all people of color.

Black people have noted for years that it is offensive when non-Blacks call other Blacks traitors to their race. The new racists are saying that all Black people must act a certain way that they define.

Ashrawi is brazenly condescending towards people of color.  She is a racist who arrogantly tells Black people how they should act and think. 


EoZ Book:"Protocols: Exposing Modern Antisemitism"


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