75 members of Jordan's parliament signed a statement condemning and denouncing the British Home Secretary's decision to consider all of Hamas a terrorist organization.
We the undersigned MPs condemn and denounce the British Home Secretary's decision to consider Hamas a terrorist organization..
We in the Jordanian House of Representatives consider the British decision an aggression against the Palestinian people and an aggression against the Arab nation. It is equivalent to the Zionist occupation that kills the Palestinian people, occupies the Palestinian land and besieges the people of Gaza, and thaT brings Jews from all over the world to settle them in Palestine.
We demand the British government retract this decision, which is contrary to international law and international legitimacy, and we also ask the British House of Commons not to approve the British Government's unfair decision and to drop it because it constitutes a bias towards aggression and injustice.
There are 130 MPs in the
Jordanian House of Representatives. Which means that more than half of the Jordanian House or Representatives voted to support a terror group that was responsible for a murder on the same day that they issued this statement.
Meanwhile, Israel is
signing agreements with Jordan to help it with water and natural gas.
I hope that there is some strong pushback in diplomatic channels between Israel and Jordan. Jordan needs Israel a lot more than Israel needs Jordan, and Israel needs to act more like a regional superpower rather than like a country that is always begging for acceptance from its neighbors.
It isn't 1948 anymore.