This comic was inspired by a Jewish Voice for Peace membership drive email I just saw. It said:
As we reclaim Judaism from Zionism, our opponents try to use false claims of antisemitism against us.
As we gain traction in Congress, our opponents lobby even harder to fund the Israeli military—meaning dollars still pay for the imprisonment of Palestinian children and the theft of Palestinian land.
As the vaccine becomes widely available, the state of Israel continues its regime of medical apartheid, withholding vaccines from the millions of Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza—and accelerating the illegal demolition of Palestinian homes at a time when, for many of us, home is the safest place to be.
Since Zionism is an inherent part of Judaism, what sort of "Judaism" are they referring to?
One where one is obligated to lie about what US aid to Israel is used for?
One where one is obligated to lie about Israel "withholding vaccines" from Palestinians who never asked for them?
And then they complain that they aren't invited to join Jewish organizational umbrella groups!
Anti-Zionist Jews are the real clowns.