I saw at least four Arabic news sites with the headline “Israel has a plot to destroy humanity” over the past few days.
The theme of the articles is that the Muslim Brotherhood was behind the birth of Israel.
Obviously, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood Hassan al Banna was Jewish. We’ve seen that accusation many times before. But the logic that comes afterwards is new.
You seem the Muslim Brotherhood – supposedly Jewish – started an antisemitic campaign in Egypt and other Arab countries to kick the Jews out – so they could move to Israel and build a state there!
Later on in the article we are told that further proof of Muslim Brotherhood love of Jews comes from Egypt’s MB leader Essam al-Arian, who said in 2012, “I call on the Egyptian Jews to return to their homeland, and they must refuse to continue living under a repressive and racist regime tainted with crimes against humanity.”
So when the Ikhwan kicks Jews out it is proof they love Jews, and when they invite them back it is also proof that they love Jews.
Interestingly, the articles are mostly illustrated with this photo, apparently of Israeli medical teams doing COVID-19 testing. One can only imagine how that illustrates “Israel has a plot to destroy humanity.”