We need to talk about the ethnic cleansing of Middle Eastern Jews
One million Jewish refugees were driven from nine Arab countries and Iran during the 20th Century. The governments and peoples which pushed them out did not just aim to destroy their lives. They aimed to destroy the brilliant history of Jews in the region. Jews had lived in Iraq ever since Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylonians exiled them from their homeland in the 6th Century BCE. There, the Farhud, a bloody Nazi-influenced pogrom in 1941, was an early episode in an ever-mounting persecution. The Farhud slew nearly 300 Jews and injured more than 2000. Sporadic violence made it impossible for Iraqi Jews to stay and initiated their flight to Israel.The Mind-Bendingly Insane, Completely Craven, Utterly Unconscionable Redemption of Al Sharpton
When, in 1948, Iraq went to war with the new State of Israel, Zionism was criminalized, leading to further state-sponsored persecution. Yet more Jews fled to Israel in great numbers, until, in 1952, Iraq banned emigration. In 1969, nine men were hanged as an alleged “spy ring”. Today, there are fewer than ten Jews in Iraq. That is the story of just one community. Similar stories unfolded in communities across the region, ruining lives and desecrating a unique culture. These were stories of thorough dispossession, usually sponsored and promoted by antisemitic states, hellbent on ridding themselves of the Jews.
This is the story of Yemen too, a story of a once vibrant Jewish community, smashed to pieces in the 20th Century. For millennia, perhaps as early as the time of King Solomon, Jews flourished in Yemen, despite prejudice and oppression. They developed a rich culture of their own. The 17th Century’s Rabbi Shalom Shabazi, for example, wrote a celebrated canon of 850 poems. He was revered by Jew and non-Jew alike.
As early as 1922, the flames of hatred were being fanned in Yemen: an old law was invoked, forcing all Jewish orphans under 12 to be converted to Islam. When the UN partition plan for a Jewish and Arab state in the British Mandate of Palestine was announced in 1947, a pogrom swept through the port of Aden. It killed an estimated 82 Jews, destroyed nearly all the Jewish shops and four synagogues.
From 1949-50, Israel airlifted the vast majority of the Yemeni community to safety. There, the Yemeni community remain a cultural powerhouse. Now, in the 21st Century, the minuscule remaining fragment of Yemen’s Jews is being crushed, using the same excuses as seventy years ago. Yet again, the same “anti-Zionist” antisemitism is fulfilling its evil role.
Yet again, Jews are being put to flight by hateful zealots and murderers in one of the cradles of Jewish civilization and history.
There is a vile irony to the Houthis’ actions, and those of their predecessors in the 40s and 50s: the same hatred which says that a Jew cannot be a loyal citizen in the countries of the Diaspora, and does not deserve to be an equal citizen, also claims that Jews have no place in Israel, the land of our indigenous roots and the birthplace of our nation. The handful of Jews who, if these terrifying reports are to be believed, are being hounded out of Yemen, are the latest victims of this murderous catch-22. They are the victims of the pernicious hatred which says that there can be no refuge, no rest, no human kindness for a Jew.
When the brothers and sisters of these Yemeni Jews were being expelled all those decades ago, the world did not care. This time, as the latest chapter in the persecution of Mizrahim is written in plain sight, it is time to end the erasure which says that Jewish suffering began and ended in Europe and forgets the Jews of the Middle East.
This past weekend, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, an umbrella group uniting 125 local Jewish communities and 17 national Jewish organizations, sent an email to its followers proudly announcing that it has signed on as a partner in the Virtual March on Washington this week, an event organized by Al Sharpton.What is Europe funding?
Because last week also marked the 29th anniversary of the Crown Heights riots, it’s worth it to stop and recall that among his many distinctions—MSNBC pundit, and an adviser who reportedly regularly speaks to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, collector of innumerable sateen suits—Al Sharpton is also currently America’s only living pogrom leader.
After a car driven by a Hasidic Jew accidentally swerved and struck a young African American boy, killing him, hundreds of the neighborhood’s Black residents rioted in the streets, chanting “death to the Jews!” as well as looting stores, attacking anyone who was visibly Jewish, and ripping mezuzot off of door posts. Sharpton was quick to arrive on the scene, leading a march in which participants burned an Israeli flag and called to kill all Jews. At the young boy’s funeral a few days later, Sharpton delivered a eulogy that borrowed heavily from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, saying that the Jewish residents of the neighborhood practiced “apartheid” and were there only to further the Jewish global grip on money and power. He ended by ominously shouting: “pay for your deeds.”
At least one Jew had already paid the ultimate price for Sharpton’s incitement: A few days earlier, 20 Black men surrounded Yankel Rosenbaum, a 29-year-old student, stabbing him in the back and beating him so badly they smashed in his skull. Rosenbaum succumbed to his wounds later that night. Sharpton showed up on the scene soon after, ensuring that the rioting continued for days.
As the years went by, Sharpton was given ample opportunity to apologize for his prominent role in this modern day anti-Semitic bloodletting. He never did.
Why, then, is this unrepentant hater being supported by a major Jewish organization? Why, barely a year after a spree in which visibly observant Jews were violently attacked in record numbers, are Jewish organizations sidling up to kiss Sharpton's ring?
According to a report by the research institute NGO Monitor, the EU and other European governments gave the Refugee Council, and through it to the local organizations, more than $20 million between 2016-2020. An official document of the British government claims that between 2013-2016 the British have transferred £1.4 million "directly for legal cases against house demolitions or evacuations. 2,541 evacuations or demolitions were delayed as a result."
European intervention is not limited to the funding of legal procedures. Official documents of various countries show an attempt to change Israeli policy and create facts on the ground in strategic areas, using the legal system. The program's goals include "litigation of cases that are of public interest and challenge Israeli policy, through Israeli courts and international bodies"; "change of policy and practices", and "a lobby in the EU and UN." The program is executed in coordination and tight cooperation with the Palestinian Authority, which directs the cases of illegal building to the organization and its partners.
The discussions in the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on the European-funded battle for land in Area C are the first and important attempt to deal with the issue, but it's only one example of many. Europe has for years funded radical groups disguised as humanitarian NGOs, involved in campaigns against Israel such as BDS and the campaign against it at the Hague.
The Europeans even fund organizations that are connected to the Popular Front terror group. Just recently it was revealed that a few senior officials from Palestinian "human rights" groups funded by Europe were charged with the murder of Rina Shnerb. The person accused of her murder and his commander in the terror cell acted as financial managers in the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC), which is largely funded by Europe, under the title of humanitarian aid, to execute agricultural takeovers in Area C.
No country in the world would be willing to accept the fact that against any diplomatic norms, friendly governments would transfer millions of dollars to organizations trying to hurt it under the guise of aid and humanitarian groups. It's time the government and lawmakers act directly against these funding governments and parliaments, in order to bring a fundamental change in the policy of how groups are funded by European governments.
Jonathan Tobin: Biden can't have it both ways on Sarsour and anti-Semitism
One of the major talking points for Democrats in 2020 has been their attempt to link US President Donald Trump to anti-Semitism. That effort intensified during the Democrat's virtual nominating convention when, at least during the primetime segments, the emphasis was on blasting Trump as an ally of extremists and putting forward Joe Biden as a model of decency. In order to make that charge stick, Democrats have made dubious claims about Trump's dog-whistling to right-wing anti-Semites while ignoring problems in their own party.It’s time to unfollow Farrakhan
But while the prime time schedule made the case for Biden as a centrist, the DNC's daytime events shown online were aimed at the party's grassroots activists. That meant a steady diet of political extremism designed to appease a left-wing base that is enthusiastic about defeating Trump, but not excited about Biden. And it is the aftermath of one such dose of radicalism – a speech given by former Women's March leader and BDS activist Linda Sarsour – that is calling into question the sincerity of the Biden campaign's rhetoric about Israel and anti-Semitism.
Sarsour spoke at the DNC's Muslim Delegate Assembly last week. When it was pointed out that her presence on the schedule contradicted the Democratic campaign's stance against anti-Semitism, a Biden spokesman denounced Sarsour and distanced the candidate from her.
Andrew Bates, the director of rapid response for the Biden campaign, told CNN that, "Joe Biden has been a strong supporter of Israel and a vehement opponent of anti-Semitism his entire life, and he obviously condemns her views and opposes BDS, as does the Democratic platform. She has no role in the Biden campaign whatsoever."
That didn't explain how or why Sarsour was placed on a speakers' schedule that was minutely choreographed by the top levels of the Biden campaign. But it reassured centrist Democrats that she would be persona non grata at a Biden White House. Or at least that's what top Democrats wanted us to think.
In 2007, Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan gave what was billed as his final bow before an audience of thousands in Detroit’s Ford Field. Recovering from complications of cancer, he called for worldwide religious unity, lamented the strife that divided Muslims and Christians, and distanced himself from anti-Semitic screeds of his past.
But he appeared the next year to endorse then-presidential candidate Barack Obama and showed up again shortly after Obama’s victory to urge followers to rebuild communities as “Brother Barack” tried to rebuild the nation.
“Brother Barack” soon drew Farrakhan’s scorn for falling under the influence of American Jews, who the Nation of Islam leader has continued to disparage for the last 13 years. “I’m not anti-Semitic, I’m just telling the truth,” Farrakhan said after unleashing a torrent of vitriol in front of thousands in 2012. “In 100 years, they control movies, television, recording, publishing, commerce, radio; they own it all.”
As the United States faces a nationwide reckoning over racial justice, messages of social reform and black economic empowerment have a receptive audience. Those messages touted by the Nation of Islam (NOI)—a religious institution that combines black nationalism with traditional teachings of Islam—appeal to some African-American celebrities who are not Muslim.
While blacks and Jews are uniting, as they did in the civil-rights era, to combat gun violence, police brutality, food shortages and health disparities in poor neighborhoods—important work advanced by NOI—Farrakhan’s vile anti-Semitism keeps getting in the way. At every live and live-streamed event, acolytes peddle The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, a series of books authored by Farrakhan that blame Jews for the slave trade and its repercussions. Rhetoric about Satanic Jews peppers every speech, including his three-hour July 4 diatribe.
But in an age of synagogue shootings, conspiracy theories and other indications of rising anti-Semitism, Farrakhan’s weapon has been backfiring—not on him, but on his followers, the people he purports to empower.
Last year, Facebook permanently banned Farrakhan from its platforms, including Instagram, for his anti-Semitic and homophobic language. Last month, Twitter insisted Farrakhan delete a pinned tweet, comparing the Jewish people to termites. After Fox Soul canceled its broadcast of Farrakhan’s Independence Day speech, Sean Combs (aka P. Diddy) broadcast the speech on his YouTube channel RevoltTV. It has since been removed for violating YouTube’s hate-speech policy, though it had already been viewed more than 1.2 million times.
Efforts to combat anti-Semitism online seem to fire up Farrakhan’s base. Some celebrities and community leaders heap praise upon Farrakhan and spew his poison. But it’s their careers, reputations and pursuits of justice that suffer when they defend Farrakhan.
Anti-Semitism goes Viral!
— Ami Horowitz (@AmiHorowitz) August 24, 2020
Residents of Ilhan Omar's district think Jews started the Coronavirus pic.twitter.com/6t4MBHSr9F
Jeremy Corbyn couldn’t empathise with ‘prosperous’ Jewish community and declined to visit Auschwitz or make other gestures of reconciliation, according to new book
A new book quotes a union official and former senior advisor to Jeremy Corbyn who claimed that Mr Corbyn struggled to empathise with the Jewish community because it is “relatively prosperous”.College Activism: Pro-Israel Students Fight Anti-Israel Activities Online
Andrew Murray is quoted in a new behind-the-scenes book by journalists Gabriel Pogrund and Patrick McGuire saying about the former Labour leader: “He is very empathetic, Jeremy, but he’s empathetic with the poor, the disadvantaged, the migrant, the marginalised, the people at the bottom of the heap. Happily, that is not the Jewish community in Britain today. He would have had massive empathy with the Jewish community in Britain in the 1930s and he would have been there at Cable Street, there’s no question. But, of course, the Jewish community today is relatively prosperous.”
Some have interpreted Mr Murray’s suggestion that Jews are “relatively prosperous” as reminiscent of the antisemitic trope that Jews are rich, and apparently some Labour MPs have called for him to be disciplined.
Left Out: The Inside Story of Labour under Corbyn also describes how Karie Murphy, Mr Corbyn’s Chief of Staff, suggested some gesture of goodwill by the then-leader towards the Jewish community, including a trip to Auschwitz, a visit to the Jewish Free School in London, an interview with the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, or perhaps a mingle at a Progressive synagogue or Jewish old age home. According to The Times, in which the book is being serialised, “all but one of them came to nothing”, the exception being an amendment to Labour’s code of conduct.
#Holohoax: Researchers Say Facebook and Twitter Have a ‘Conceptual Blindspot’ Around Holocaust Denial
While antisemitism has been prevalent on social media for many years, a new study by the Institute of Strategic Dialogue (ISD) has found cases where platforms like Facebook are “actively promoting” Holocaust denial in their recommendation algorithms.BBC’s ‘Outside Source’ gives unchallenged platform to known propagandist
Its study “Hosting the Holohoax: A Snapshot of Holocaust Denial Across Social Media” addresses how certain words and phrases are used across major social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and YouTube.
“We’re probably only seeing the tip of the iceberg here,” says the study’s co-author, Jakob Guhl. “It’s one form of antisemitism, obviously, but it’s possibly not even the most common one.”
The ISD is an independent non-profit that aims to safeguard human rights and reverse the trend of hate, polarization, and extremism online though its team of researchers and analysts.
Researchers Jakob Guhl and Jacob Davey found at least 36 Facebook groups that actively promote Holocaust denial, often referred to as a “Holohoax,” with audiences totaling more than 366,000 followers and engagers. The most prevalent ideologies are those that support conspiracy theorists, followed by far-right, far-left, and anti-Zionist beliefs.
According to Guhl, 65% of people who join extremist groups on Facebook have done so through its recommendations algorithm.
Guhl and Davey examined two years of history and found 2,300 instances of the use of the term “Holohoax” on Reddit; 9,500 instances on YouTube; and a shocking 19,000 instances of the term on Twitter.
When the announcement concerning the normalisation of relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates was made on August 13th the BBC News channel programme ‘Outside Source’ – which describes itself as “the programme that gathers the latest information as it arrives from news wires, video feeds and social media on the biggest stories of the day” – found it appropriate to explain that story to audiences by means of an interview with just one outside contributor.Sderot Home, Hit in Palestinian Rocket Attack, Erased by Reuters
Notably, the programme’s producers chose to interview a person who is not from either of those countries and had no involvement in the announcement. Given that Diana Buttu is a fairly frequent contributor to BBC content despite her history of promoting falsehoods in the media, her talking points could not have come as much of a surprise to whoever solicited the interview and yet they went completely unchallenged by presenter Philippa Thomas.
Thomas: “White House officials say that as part of the agreement Israel has agreed to suspend applying sovereignty to parts of the occupied West Bank that it had considered annexing. Diana Buttu is a lawyer and she’s a former legal advisor to the Palestine Liberation Organisation. We asked her about this.”
Buttu: “Look, I think it’s important to keep in mind that there have been two processes of annexation; the formal one and the informal process. The informal process has gone on for 53 years and that has included the confiscation of Palestinian land – the theft of Palestinian land – building of Israeli-only infrastructure on that land, creation of an apartheid system and denial of freedom to Palestinians. The formal annexation was the part that was supposed to happen in July and that’s the only part that’s going to be stopped. But I can guarantee you that tomorrow there will be more settlements that will be built, there will remain an apartheid system in place. Palestinians will be denied freedom and we will forever be living under a system of…in which we are denied our basic human rights.”
In other words, Buttu was given a BBC platform from which to promote – unquestioned and unchallenged – notions such as “the theft of Palestinian land” and the gratuitous “apartheid” smear which is used by anti-Israel propagandists such as herself as part of their delegitimisation campaign.
In substantive omission in Reuters’ Aug. 21 article “Gaza-Israel violence prompts stepped-up mediation efforts,” correspondents Nidal Al-Mugrabi and Rami Ayyub fail to note that a home in Sderot was hit and severely damaged during the Aug. 21 over-night rocket attacks (ie Thursday night into Friday morning).Goyim Defense League chief responsible for anti-Semitic LA highway banner
Omitting that a home in Sderot was hit, the article states:
Buildings and vehicles in the southern Israeli city of Sderot were damaged, police said, and some Gaza commercial buildings and homes near the sites of Israeli air strikes on Hamas facilities were damaged.
If the reported damaging of homes in Gaza was newsworthy, why the damaging of a home in Sderot not mentioned? In the case of Palestinian rockets towards Israel, the Palestinian launchers were not aiming at Israeli army facilities, but at civilian areas.
About the damaged home belonging to the Malka family in Sderot, Times of Israel reported (“‘It’s a miracle we’re ok,’ says Sderot man after rocket ‘cut the house in two’It’s a miracle we’re ok,’ says Sderot man after rocket ‘cut the house in two’“):
“Honk if you know the Jews want a race war.”‘Jews are the virus’ posters show up in Argentina
That was the message scrawled on two signs hanging on a Los Angeles overpass, on Saturday, in view of hundreds of passing cars on I-405.
The incident alarmed the Los Angeles Jewish community and spurred media coverage.
Now it appears that Jon Minadeo Jr. of Petaluma, a city in Northern California about 40 miles from San Francisco, and a handful of others who make up what is known as the Goyim Defense League were behind the hateful display. Last year, Minadeo was linked to anti-Semitic flyers posted in the San Francisco Bay Area.
In a roughly two-minute cellphone video shared with J. by the group StopAntiSemitism.org, Minadeo and the others can be seen standing behind the banners on top of the overpass cheering as cars and trucks stream through.
“I just wave at them and smile, even when they’re flipping you off,” one man said.
“Think about the thousands of people …” another said wistfully before trailing off.
The signs included an advertisement for the group’s video-sharing site Goyim TV, which generates revenue via paid monthly subscriptions.
Known as a “banner drop,” the act was just one of many that Minadeo and his crew undertook while driving around Los Angeles in a white van over the weekend, recording their activities during what they called a “Name the Nose Tour.”
The group published much of it on Goyim TV, a YouTube “clone” site, on which Minadeo — under the moniker Handsome Truth — has hundreds of followers and thousands of video views.
Anti-Semitic posters blaming Jews for the COVID-19 pandemic appeared over the weekend in the southern Argentine city of Neuquen, nearly 700 miles south of Buenos Aires.Weekly anti-Israel protests by Michigan synagogue allowed by constitution
The posters contained phrases such as “The Jews are the virus” and “Argentines Awake to the World Jewish Dictatorship.”
Neuquen has a population of 230,000, some 300 of whom — or 0.13 percent — are Jewish. Argentina has instituted one of the world’s stricter coronavirus lockdowns since March.
“They are criminals, antisocial, who only spread hate in a time when Argentine society is affected by the coronavirus pandemic,” the president of the Jewish organization DAIA’s branch in Neuquen, Carlos Maravankin, told the media. “This does not help our mental health situation and only helps people get sicker.
Ariel Gelblung, the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s director for Latin America, said “They are spreading a message of hate clearly punishable by law. It is not surprising that it happens in the same location where the extreme right obtained 30,000 votes in the preliminary elections of 2019.”
Anti-Israel protests outside of a synagogue in Ann Arbor, Michigan, are protected by the First Amendment and may continue, a federal judge ruled.
“Peaceful protest speech such as this – on sidewalks and streets – is entitled to the highest level of constitutional protection, even if it disturbs, is offensive, and causes emotional distress,” US District Judge Victoria Roberts of the Eastern Michigan District Court wrote last week in dismissing a lawsuit that sought to stop the protesters, the Ann Arbor News reported.
The protests outside of Beth Israel Congregation have been held weekly at the same time as Saturday morning services for nearly two decades, since 2003. The handful of protesters who show up plant signs on the grass that read “Resist Jewish Power,” “Jewish Power Corrupts,” “No More Holocaust Movies,” “Boycott Israel,” “Stop U.S. Aid to Israel” and “End the Palestinian holocaust.”
“They fill our sidewalks with hate speech to harass our worshippers, and then claim it’s just a good public location,” Rabbi Nadav Caine said in a statement following the ruling, according to the Ann Arbor News. Caine told the Detroit Jewish News earlier this year that the protests made it impossible for his Conservative congregation to take on activities such as hosting the homeless or helping refugees; he also said he thought the city had not tried to help the synagogue.
The groups named in the lawsuit as leading the protests are Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends and Deir Yassin Remembered, which the Southern Poverty Law Center in 2017 identified as a Holocaust-denying hate group. (The Palestinian village of Deir Yassin was the site of a massacre by Israeli troops in 1948.)
A federal court in Michigan just ruled that bullying Jews with anti-Semitic protests outside a synagogue every Saturday morning is freedom of speech and therefore lawful, constitutionally protected speech @lackboys3 https://t.co/kwWCzKK5CP
— Odi F. (@odifass) August 24, 2020
Ukraine says it will ‘significantly limit’ Rosh Hashanah Uman pilgrimage
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Tuesday that Kyiv would “significantly limit” the entry of Jewish pilgrims for the holiday of Rosh Hashanah next month.Israeli firm develops groundbreaking method to plant seeds in saline soil
“At the request of the Prime Minister of Israel, a decision was made to significantly limit the pilgrimage of Hasids to the town of Uman for Rosh Hashanah celebrations,” a statement from Zelensky’s office read.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office swiftly denied that the premier had made such a request, in what may have been an effort so assuage his ultra-Orthodox coalition partners.
“As made clear in a joint statement of Israel and Ukraine published last week, the prime minister and president advised not going to Uman because of the virus situation, but noted and emphasized that it is [the responsibility of] those who decide to go to Uman to keep to health guidelines,” the statement from Netanyahu’s office said.
The Tuesday statement from Zelensky’s office did not specify the degree to which the pilgrimage will be limited. Uman normally sees some 30,000 visitors, most of them from Israel, visit the gravesite of Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav for the Rosh Hashanah holiday.
Ukraine is one of the few countries that are currently allowing in Israeli nationals, despite the high coronavirus infection rate in the Jewish state.
Prof. Ronni Gamzu, the top official tasked with Israel’s coronavirus response, said Tuesday that he would “do everything” to prevent tens of thousands of Hasidic Jews from flying to Uman.
“I respect the worshipers, and the harsh messages they are sending me pain me,” said Gamzu, who has vociferously opposed approving the flights. “But I’m not considering [abandoning this] position. If I see I’m not given the tools to bring down morbidity, I [will] have [no reason to stay] in the post.”
Israel is already famous worldwide for growing peppers and tomatoes in the arid, salty conditions of the desert.UK’s Barts Health to use Israeli tech to flag patients at risk for colon cancer
Now, an Israeli company has come up with an innovative way of enabling a wide range of crops, including rice, wheat and cotton, to grow in saline soils on a large, commercial scale.
On Sunday, Dotan Borenstein was out with his team from SaliCrop, based in central Israel’s Kfar Vitkin, to sow carrot seeds in trial beds in saline soil close to the Gaza border.
Carrots are particularly sensitive to salt, and in that area, the land has become saltier over time because recycled sewage water is used for irrigation.
Unless naturally adapted to cope with salt, most plants suffer and even die if the soil is too salty.
Salinity is caused by many factors, some human in origin.
Salts are deposited in the soil by chemicals added to drinking water, by fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides and even by recycled sewage water, which is widely used in Israeli agriculture.
Medial EarlySign, a maker of AI-based software that can flag high-risk patients for a number of conditions, said that Barts Health, one of the largest healthcare National Health Service providers in Britain, will use the software to identify members at high risk for developing colon cancer.First Israel-UAE commercial flight to take off next Monday
EarlySign’s machine learning model called ColonFlag, does not directly diagnose colon cancer, but analyzes existing routine clinical data to predict and prioritize individuals at high risk of developing colon cancer, to help physicians deliver targeted and proactive interventions for optimal care. The firm’s software is currently being used by doctors at Israel’s healthcare provider Maccabi, and is also used by US healthcare providers, such as Geisinger and Kaiser Permanente Northwest.
The “ColonFlag” product is the first EarlySign solution to be used by Barts Health, and the plan is to expand the use of EarlySign solutions with other diseases in the near future, the Israeli company said in a statement.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has created a challenging situation in which many patients are still awaiting routine treatments and screenings, including for colon cancer, which is the fourth most common cancer in the UK,” said Professor Finbarr Cotter, Lead for Molecular Pathology and Consultant Haemato-Oncologist at Barts Health in the statement. “Integrating EarlySign’s platform into our workstream has helped us to successfully identify patients who would most benefit from screening and intervention, supporting our goal of delivering timely and personalized care to our patients. We are now exploring opportunities to extend our use of EarlySign’s technology to other health areas.”
The Barts Health group operates five hospitals in East London serving a population of 2.5 million people. Its cancer center, at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, is the second largest in London and provides specialist services across the capital and South East England.
US officials announced Tuesday that the first commercial flight between Israel and the United Arab Emirates is scheduled for next week, carrying American and Israeli delegations to Abu Dhabi after the two countries agreed to normalize relations."ISResilience: What Israelis Can Teach The World" To Be Published October 28
The flight, likely on an Israeli El Al airliner, would carry a US delegation headed by US President Donald Trump’s senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner and National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien, the officials said.
They added that the Israeli delegation would be made up of experts in the fields of aviation, space, health and banking.
The officials were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.
The Prime Minister’s Office said the flight would depart next Monday and that the Israeli delegation would be led by National Security Adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat. Also taking part would be the head of the Civil Aviation Authority and the directors of the PMO, the Foreign Ministry and the Defense Ministry.
The Israeli statement didn’t include a reference to the flight being direct or to an El Al airliner being used.
"ISResilience: What Israelis can Teach The World," a collection of riveting true stories about people who survived against all odds and the lessons for us all, will be available on October 28.
Written by Michael Dickson, executive director of StandWithUs Israel and Dr. Naomi L. Baum, a pioneering psychologist in the field of resilience research and treatment, the book profiles a diverse group of compelling Israeli personalities and traces the characteristic of resilience that unites them all. From well-known leaders making life-and-death decisions to ordinary people who have overcome incredible loss to do inspirational things, meet the Israelis who thrive against all odds and learn how you can too.
Published by Gefen Publishing House, LTD, advance copies will be available on October 15.
Pre-orders can be placed on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/9657023467/
For more information and to order copies, visit: https://www.isresilience.com/
Six years in the making, Michael Dickson explains that "ISResilienceis a study of a nation that has had to collectively and individually hang tough like no other country on earth. Imbued in Israel’s DNA is the understanding that survival isn’t optional – it’s a necessity. Any Israeli could have given testimony for this book. Israelis routinely carry on with their day-to-day lives not just when things are calm and peaceful but when rockets are launched at them, during official conflicts and wars and unofficial waves of gruesome terrorism. And they don’t just survive – they thrive."
When I am asked which word best describes #Israel and the story of the modern Jewish nation, I cannot think of a better one than resilience! Mazal Tov to my dear friend @michaeldickson & Dr. Noami Blum for shining a light on this inspiring story. Can't wait to read his book! 💪🇮🇱 https://t.co/DhwXOUfVLE
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) August 24, 2020