This is the 51st anniversary of Denis Michael Rohan burning the Al Aqsa mosque, and as usual, most Arabs and specifically Palestinians are falsely saying that Rohan was Jewish.
Why? Because as surveys show, most Arabs hate Jews. Not Zionists, Jews.
It is something that many, especially progressives, want to ignore or deny. But it remains there despite peace agreements with Israel and despite Arab insistence that they have no problem with Jews.
They do.
Today there is a story in an Egyptian site saying that a newspaper editor has accused Al Jazeera of being run by Jews, and implying that the entire nation of Qatar is also run by Jewish puppetmasters, although he doesn’t say that the rulers themselves are Jews.
We often see accusations that the Muslim Brotherhood is a Jewish front.
It cannot be denied – the worst insult an Arab can give another is that they are secretly Jewish, and that is all the proof you need of Arab antisemitism.