From The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (Sydney), 23 September 1854, a description of a speech given by Sir Charles Nicholson at a meeting to raise funds for impoverished Jews in the Holy Land.
[The Jews of Palestine’s] position was one which must excite the strongest interest in all civilized countries. For the last 2000 years it had been the constant and almost sole object of these people to revisit Palestine, and re-establish their nationality. It was the land of their fathers, the land of promise consecrated by so many historical reminiscences of a character to impress us with the purest and holiest sentiments, the land of many heroic achievements, the land oi science and of art.
To this land the Jews in all ages and under all circumstances have manifested a strong disposition to return.
Whether trampled down by the Roman, the Syrian, the Greek, or the Mahomedan, the same desire, the same firm resolution, to visit the land of their fathers, had always actuated this peculiar and interesting people. Although subjected to the greatest contumely, and the most intense afflictions and sufferings in all ages and countries, they had never lost sight of the grand object of their existence.
He is describing Jews. He is describing Zionism. Throughout history, they were one and the same.