For Palestinian leaders, everything has to be about them. They try to hijack every issue from the environment to feminism to water.
It is hard to hijack a worldwide crisis. But they are still trying, as this video shows.
NEW VIDEO| As countries worldwide focus on combating the #coronavirus pandemic, for Israel it's occupation as usual.— PLO Department of Public Diplomacy & Policy (@PalestinePDP) March 19, 2020
This video was made by the PLO Department of Public Diplomacy, headed by Hanan Ashrawi, the person responsible for lots of antisemitic propaganda through her Miftah NGO. (It seems funny to call it an NGO when it is headed by a PLO operative.)
There are two themes to this video:
1) Israel is still oppressing Palestinians even during the coronavirus crisis, by doing everything it has been doing for decades.
Yes, Israel is still defending itself from terror attacks. Here the Palestinians are trying to grab the spotlight from and hijack the coronavirus story, because, like children, they hate not being the center of attention.
2) Israel is actively stopping Palestinians from fighting the virus.
This was a cynical provocation by the Palestinian Authority. They sent their "medics" into Jerusalem to pretend that they were the official health authorities for the city, putting up notices and saying they were spraying disinfectant. Israel properly arrested them because there can only be one municipal authority and one unified plan of action, and the Palestinians were engaged in a political maneuver disguised as humanitarian - a game they have played before.
As the world combats Covid-19 -the PLO is making anti-Israel propaganda videos.
(h/t Teresa)