From the Action Group of Palestinians in Syria:
As the novel coronavirus COVID-19 continues to grip the Middle East and the world, AGPS has called on the Syrian government to free all Palestinians and Syrians held behind prison bars.And:
AGPS is deeply concerned over an unabated outbreak of coronavirus in Syrian prisons, at a time when the deadly virus continues to claim the lives of thousands of people across the globe.
Though the Syrian government reported only one case of coronavirus infection throughout the war-ravaged country, there are growing fears that a large outbreak in Palestinian refugee camps in Syria could be particularly catastrophic.
Over recent weeks, AGPS has warned of a projected outbreak of COVID-19 in Palestinian refugee camps in Syria. Though campaigns to help spread awareness among the camps’ residents have recently seen the day, limited access to running water, pharmacies and medical facilities mean displacement camps are more susceptible to the spread of the highly infectious virus.
Displacement camps set up in northern Syria are especially vulnerable as most hospitals and medical facilities have been bombed, rendering them out of order.
Over 4000 Palestinians have been killed in Syria. More than 1700 are missing. The ones who are still in Syria have very limited access to medical facilities; those in refugee camps are in great danger of a massive epidemic in those camps.
Perhaps the motivation of these "activists" has nothing to do with helping Palestinians and everything to do with blaming Jews.
It is the only explanation that is consistent with their actions.