An article in Ammon News by Bassam Al-Amoush, a law professor, former member of Jordan's parliament and former head of Jordan's Muslim Brotherhood:
Those who follow the history of the children of Israel find that it is a troubled history: they were humiliated under the rule of the Pharaohs, and the mission of the Prophet Moses, peace be upon him, was to free this people from shackles. They said to him when seeing the sea in front of them and Pharaoh behind them: We were hurt by what we came from and we'll be hurt now! And when God drowned their enemy before them, their faith did not increase. Rather they said to Moses "make us a god" as the other peoples have gods !! They killed the prophets and took the head of the Prophet Yahya [John the Baptist]!! They plotted against their brother the Prophet Joseph and lied to their prophet Jacob and used crocodile tears !!
A disgraceful black history made the world hate them and I will not talk about the Nazis criminals against the Germans and the world, but I am talking about Henry Ford, the American Ford Motor Company owner who wrote a book entitled "The International Jew" in which he describes the greed and deception of the Jews....
A country was established for them but it is a country of torment where there is no security or stability but rather fear, because thieves live in fear and they have been thieves since 1948 , and even today. ...
He certainly makes no distinction between Jews and Israelis.
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No One Actually Objects to Resettling Gaza
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To Save Western Civilization
[image: Dry Bones cartoon, Bibi, Netanyahu, America, Trump, Jordan, Egypt,
Can they do it?
* * * Please support DRY BONES (through PayPal or your C...
One Choice: Fight to Win
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Closing Jews Down Under Website
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‘Test & Trace’ is a mirage
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