This week, the FBI arrested Richard Holzer, a neo-Nazi who planned to bomb a synagogue in Pueblo, Colorado.
For the past decade the FBI has been doing a great job catching jihadists before they could kill people in the US. Before the Pittsburgh massacre, the FBI foiled several potential synagogue attacks by Muslims.
It seems that, after the Tree of Life shootings, the FBI has beefed up its searching for white supremacists who are looking to do something similar.
The FBI affadavit for neo-Nazi Richard Holzer and the one for jihadist Damon Joseph, who wanted to bomb a synagogue in Toledo, shows some striking similarities.
Holzer claimed that he hired a Mexican, someone he would normally hate, to poison the water supply of the same synagogue a year ago:
HOLZER explained that the man he paid was nicknamed “Mexican Hitler,” and that he agreed to poison the synagogue “for cheap” because he and HOLZER both do not like Jews. HOLZER stated to the OCE that he had gotten backlash from the “white movement” because he hired a Mexican to do the job, but said “What do they expect? You guys really want the Jews gone then sometimes you gotta improvise.”
On October 30, 2018, UC-1 and JOSEPH had communications online regardingbthe mass shooting of a Jewish synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. JOSEPH told UC-1,“The kufr doing our work for us haha.”
“. . . I’m just going to get dead by suicide by cop, so literally if I’m going to cause a shootout just die in it.”
“For srarters [sic], we would pick a synagogue or place jews gather, scope it out, find all exits and entrances, times people will be there, police presence of the area, i have a police scanner so i would be able to hear when they would be responding, we would coordinate it by splitting up to ensure the most casualties possible. Then escape in a vehicle before police arrive. And if they got there fast, then fight it out and whatever happens may Allah swt grant us victory and Jannah if it comes to that. I am no coward. I wouldnt want to die any other way except a martyr inshallah. Alhamdulilah. Thats just my thoughts as of now.”
On September 3, 2019, HOLZER told another Facebook user, “I wish the Holocaust really did happen...they need to die."Joseph:
" My opinion is the Jews are evil and they get what's coming to them. I don't feel bad at all considering what they're doing in Palestine. They're the same as the shia in my eyes. All dogs.”Interestingly, usually the white supremacists prefer shootings and the jihadists prefer bombings. There seems to have been enough cross-pollination so that in these two cases, the jihadist wanted to massacre Jews with guns and Holzer wanted to bomb the synagogue.