When presidential candidates say that they will tilt US policy more towards Palestinians, part of the reason this resonates with some voters is that they are sick and tired of being hated. They tell themselves that this hate is a result of American policies under Trump, not because Palestinians are anti-American.
People's memories are short.
Here are Palestinians burning President Obama in effigy in 2013:
Palestinians have rioted against UNRWA, the UN and the International Committee of the Red Cross. They have burned effigies of President Clinton in solidarity with Saddam Hussein.
The desire to be loved by people who really hate you is a strange one indeed. I can't pretend to explain the psyche that keeps trying to gain approval from people who think that the world owes them a state, free health care, free schooling and free housing, forever - no to mention a people who have consistently shown support for the world's worst dictators and human rights violators.
Coddling Palestinians keep them in a state of eternal childishness. They should be treated like adults who are responsible for their own situation - with leaders who consistently reject peace plan after peace plan, who teach their people that they will "return" to Israel to destroy it, who blame literally every problem in their control including domestic abuse on Israel alone.
They'll hate you anyway, but when they are held responsible for their actions, they will start acting responsibly.