Monday, December 10, 2018

  • Monday, December 10, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today is Human Rights Day. And it is also a day that shows how hypocritical most human rights organizations are.

Issam Aqel holds American citizenship. He bought a share in a property in Jerusalem and later sold it to the Jewish organization Ateret Cohanim. As a result he was arrested by the Palestinian Authority and reportedly tortured.

Amnesty International advocates freeing political prisoners, and what else is someone whose crime was to sell land to Jews? But they have not said a word about his arrest.

Human Rights Watch had a large report on torture and arbitrary arrests by the Palestinian Authority published well after Aqel was arrested. But they do not mention anything negative about him, or about any Palestinian law that prohibits selling land to Jews.

Aqel is only representative of one type of person that human rights organizations do not consider truly human, based on their literature and tweets. Jews who live in Judea and Samaria have no human rights either, because when they are killed or attacked - as happened yesterday where a pregnant woman and others were shot for being Jewish - these supposed human rights NGOs are utterly silent (or in this case, an ex-HRW official seemed to blame the victims more than the terrorist.)  They might utter a condemnation for a bus bomb within the Green Line, but they don't say a word when Jews are slaughtered or attacked in land that these hypocrites believe shoudld be Judenrein.

HRW and Amnesty and the others love showing how much they support the human rights of terrorists. But that is because they consider terrorists human - but anyone who is Jewish, or who supports Jews, in the "West Bank" or Jerusalem is not truly considered human, and therefore they have no rights.

That's the only explanation I can see for the complete silence that these major organizations have when Jews, or people who help Jews, are attacked.

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