Yesterday, UNWRA was embarrassed by UN Watch when they noticed an UNRWA tweet complimenting a terrorist as a "famed Palestinian writer."
UNRWA then claimed that it was all a mistake:
But this isn't the only time UNRWA has mentioned Ghassan Kanafani.
On multiple occasions since 2010, UNRWA has partnered with the Ghassan Kanafani Cultural Center in Lebanon. In 2015 and 2016 it called the Kanafani Center a local partner,
While the Ghassan Kanafani Cultural Center indeed works with disabled people, it makes it very clear that it is anti-Israel and antisemitic, in violation of UNRWA's rules.
On its webpage, it says:
There is nothing wrong with reiterating that Ghassan was assassinated because he was committed to the ideas of the original Palestinian movement, which believes in the final belief that the destruction of the Zionist ghetto [Israel] and its removal from existence is a historical inevitability that must be done. Even if it takes a thousand years. ...The stalemate of the Palestinian leadership, especially those who engineered the infamous Oslo Treaty, will only further humiliate the Palestinian people.This explicitly antisemitic organization is who UNRWA partners with.
Therefore, the idea of coexistence with the Jews is an absolutely heretical idea, and it is certainly flawed. In truth, Shylock takes and does not give, nor does he coexist with anyone, and the Palestinian would rather be dead than kneeling.
Put this ingrained idea into the rubbish bins and alert those who kneel to the Jews.