It included a part where Abu Ras called the Jews "the vilest and most despicable nation in history."
OK, that's pretty antisemitic.
But the PLO may be worse.
Because the PLO denies that Jews are a nation or a people, claiming merely that Judaism is a religion. They deny the very idea of Jewish peoplehood. In their words:
Recognizing the Jewish state implies recognition of a Jewish people and recognition of its right to self-determination. Those who assert this right also assert that the territory historically associated with this right of self-determination (i.e., the self-determination unit) is all of Historic Palestine. Therefore, recognition of the Jewish people and their right of self-determination may lend credence to the Jewish people’s claim to all of Historic Palestine.The PLO ambassador to Chile accepted these talking points:
About the hatred we have against the Jewish people. As Palestinians, first, we don’t have hatred. Second we don’t recognize the existence of the Jewish people-there is no Jewish people.Hamas admits that the Jewish nation exists, and merely says that it is "despicable." The PLO, on the other hand, doesn't even accept that the Jews are a people.
Which is worse?
I would argue that the PLO's denial of Jewish nationhood is even worse than Hamas' explicit antisemitism.
You can argue about the matter.. But both Hamas and the PLO are undoubtedly antisemitic by their own words.