Some sites are getting tens thousands of dollars a month. I see one idiotic anti-Israel blogger manages to get $1200 a month!
If you are a fan of EoZ, you know that I work hard to bring you news that you wont see elsewhere. I also want to give more to the columnists and others who contribute to the blog.
More than that, I would love to do this full-time and build EoZ (or an offshoot, probably with a different name) into an entire organization that goes way beyond the blog to actual newsletters to distribute to pro-Israel churches and synagogues, lesson plans to help teach students about the issues before they go to college, more formalized review of textbooks for anti-Israel bias, and many more initiatives. Some of the ideas I have are listed on my Patreon page.
Why should you become a patron? Well, let me show you:
Become a patron of EoZ and help us defend Israel with facts.