Sunday, July 03, 2016

  • Sunday, July 03, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here is a tweet from Matthias Schmale, UNRWA director in Lebanon, where quotes and adds onto a tweet by someone else - which is pretty much an endorsement of what they wrote:

To cite a Holocaust survivor in order to accuse Israel of being just like the Nazis - which is what taygogo did - is textbook antisemitism. And a top UNRWA official agrees with it so much that he amplifies it.

In the hours since Wiesel died we have seen lots of filth come out of the woodwork to excoriate him for his support of the only Jewish state in the world, and to call him a hypocrite for not applying the lessons of the Holocaust to Israel. In fact, Wiesel did exactly that. He had a clear moral vision where he could see the direct line between Jew-hatred in Nazi Germany and Jew-hatred today from the Arab world, a hatred that so-called humanitarians are silent about. He could see how today's antisemites are using Israel as a proxy for Jews - and using humanitarian language to hide their hate.

Put it this way: No one is saying today that Wiesel's lessons should apply to Syria or Sudan or Somalia.

Somehow, Israel is always the one state in the world that must compared to the Nazis, and the death of a Holocaust survivor is a wonderful opportunity for these sick people to publicly express this modern, acceptable form of Jew-hatred.

It's always nice to be around when the mask comes off and we see how UNRWA's leaders really think.

Make no mistake - to use Elie Wiesel's memory as a bludgeon to attack Israel, a nation that he supported, is sickening.  And for people who work for a supposedly humanitarian agency to publicly espouse such an opinion shows the moral bankruptcy that is at the heart of UNRWA.

UPDATE: Schmale denies any such intent:

But even if he had no such intent, the fact is that Schmale did not find the accusation of Israel engaging in genocide to be out of bounds speaks volumes. It is in fact part and parcel of the language and thinking that permeates the UN and UNRWA and untold number of NGOs, and calling Israel an apartheid state or genocidal or whatever is simply acceptable discourse in the circles that Schmale frequents.

The same people that are ultra-sensitive not to offend women or people of color or gays or any other minorities have no such sensitivities towards Jews when they wantonly throw around Nazi comparisons to Israel. On the contrary, they condone such language  - until they are called out on it.

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