Douglas Murray: Terror is the new normal for Germany and France
At such moments one can feel the political axis of Europe wobble. Too many fixed narratives are at risk. For some people Sonboly is obviously an Islamist. For others he is obviously a white nationalist. Others will claim that he only did what he did because of failed housing systems in the Munich area, insufficient welfare payments or bullying at school. I say we wait. Especially now a 16-year old Afghan friend of the Munich shooter has been taken into custody.MEMRI: Following ISIS Attacks, Arab Journalists Call To Acknowledge Existence Of Muslim Extremism; Reexamine Religious Texts
But the coverage of the attack was revealing. Was it a surprise that the BBC and other broadcasters stopped broadcasting the Munich gunman’s middle name? Perhaps. It certainly seems at one with the audible sigh of relief when the name of Breivik emerged. Hurrah – went the barely-disguised speech-bubble over everyone’s heads – now we can blame racist European society. Though you won’t find many people in Europe who thinks Breivik’s actions should dictate Europe’s foreign or domestic policies. Whereas you can find many ‘moderate’ Muslims and left-wingers in our media and politics who find Islamist terrorists to be a helpful advance wing of their own political agenda.
Nevertheless, this is going to require caution. When an Iranian born in Germany can be portrayed as a white nationalist but a set of ‘Allahu Akbar’-shouting Mohammeds are symptomatic of nothing in particular, you know our continent is engaged in a piece of cognitive dissonance from which we will be wrestled only very reluctantly.
The large number of terrorist attacks carried out by ISIS in Western countries over the past year – including the July 14 truck attack in Nice, France (84 dead, some 100 wounded), the June 12 shooting at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida (49 dead, over 50 wounded), the March 22, 2016 combined attacks in Brussels, Belgium (32 dead, over 300 wounded), and the combined attacks in Paris, France in November 2015 (129 dead, 350 wounded) – has sparked a wave of harsh criticism in the Arab and Islamic world, both due to the fear of Western responses and the increase of Islamophobia, and due to the torrent of youths who flock to the extremist organization.
Alongside the many articles that stressed that terrorist attackers do not represent Islam and operate out of outside interests, there have been an increasing number of articles in the Arab media calling to acknowledge that Islam, and the obsolete interpretations of it that are still applied today, are indeed related to the wave of global terrorism. Writers called on Muslims to be honest and admit the existence of Muslim religious extremism instead of blaming others, and to uproot it. The writers argued that the source of ISIS's extremist ideology is the Muslim social and cultural structure and that Muslims must therefore declare a war on this "cultural affliction" in their midst. According to them, this war requires fundamental reforms in Islamic interpretations alongside reforms in cultural, governmental and education patterns in Arab countries, which, they say, cause many Muslims to harbor covert sympathy for ISIS.
Many writers argued that most of ISIS's religious practices are drawn from the most important Islamic law books, while stressing that these laws do not reflect explicit Koranic dictates, but rather the opinion of jurisprudents that lived in a certain reality that is no longer relevant today. Therefore, they explained that in order to rescue the universal values of Islam from the culture of ignorance, backwardness, and violence, the Islamic jurisprudents of today must critically and rationally review the history of Islam and its religious texts, and adapt Islamic interpretations and laws to the spirit of the times, while taking into account the current circumstances and the greater good. In their opinion, some Islamic dictates should even be cancelled altogether to conform with universal progressive values such as liberties and human rights.
Germany: Suicide bomber 'refugee' had ISIS material on phone
German authorities announced Monday that they found a video on the mobile phone of a Syrian suicide bomber who blew himself up in Germany in which he "pledged allegiance" to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.ISIS claims Germany suicide bombing
Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann said the man, who has not been named, also "announced an act of revenge against Germans because they were standing in the way of Islam."
Other jihadist propaganda was found on his phone, as well as his laptop, police say.
"Some Salafist content was found," Hermann added.
A total of two phones, several SIM cards and a laptop were discovered on the bomber's body and at his apartment, the minister added.
The Syrian failed asylum seeker who blew himself up outside a music festival in Germany was a "soldier" of the Islamic State terrorist group (ISIS), the jihadist group's Amaq propaganda arm said on Monday.Ex-congresswoman claims Israel behind European massacres
It quoted an "insider source" as saying Sunday's attacker in the southern city of Ansbach who wounded 15 people "was a soldier of the Islamic State" who had acted "in response to calls to target nations in the coalition fighting" ISIS.
The latter statement appears to indicate that the bomber acted on his own, or with limited guidance from the terror group itself, but was "inspired" to act by ISIS propaganda, which has repeatedly called upon Muslims in Western countries to carry out lone wolf-style attacks. It is a pattern also seen in the aftermath of an ax and knife attack by another recent Muslim immigrant to Germany - whose attack ISIS took credit for soon after.
A former US congresswoman claimed on Twitter that an Israeli photographer had been on hand for massacres in Nice and Munich, proving that Israel had a hand in both attacks.Vic Rosenthal: The shape of things to come (with apologies to H. G. Wells)
Cynthia McKinney, a Democrat and former member of the US House of Representatives from Georgia, posted a video on Twitter with the message: “Same Israeli photographer captures Nice and Munich tragedies. How likely is that? Remember the Dancing Israelis?…”
The video claimed that Richard Gutjahr, a German journalist married to former Israeli Knesset member Einat Wilf, had been present for both a rampage by a truck driver in Nice, France, earlier this month that left 84 dead, and a shooting at a mall in Munich in which nine teenagers were killed.
Gutjahr’s Twitter profile shows he posted pictures from Nice but not from Munich. He is not known to have taken Israeli citizenship.
Things are getting worse and they will probably get much worse before getting better. It isn’t going to be easy for Israel to survive in the coming chaotic world. So here are some of my suggestions:Israel Deserves Better
- PM Netanyahu’s efforts to improve relationships with India, Russia, China, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and several smaller African nations (did I leave anything out?) are a good thing. Chad won’t replace Germany, but in a wild melee, every friend counts.
- We need to keep maximum strategic depth. It would be very stupid to open up an eastern door to Iran or Da’esh in return for Western guarantees. The West can’t guarantee its own borders, never mind ours. Just say no to two-state stupidity.
- We need to maintain our military strength, even in scenarios in which we can’t depend on the US. The F-35 that the US is selling Israel is very expensive, has numerous problems, is not a match for the latest Russian fighters, and doesn’t meet our needs for a long-range attack aircraft capable of hitting Iran. The US would not agree to provide a new F-15 stealth variant instead of additional F-35s. It may be too late to develop our own, but there are other countries that manufacture capable aircraft, including Russia and China.
- We should take steps to reduce the ability of other countries, especially the US, to intervene in our politics and our military operations. Get rid of the European-paid NGOs and the American radar installations. Stock up on ammunition and equipment that is hard to replace.
- We should encourage European Jews to make aliyah. This might be a short-term burden for Israel, but it could save their lives. In the long term it will benefit our economy and society.
The German intelligence service recently reported many clandestine Iranian attempts to obtain dual-use chemical, biological and nuclear technology.Palestinians call for UNSC action over new Israeli building plans in east Jerusalem
In the Iran nuclear deal, the parties decided to engage "in different areas of civil nuclear co-operation," including construction and modernization of Iranian light water reactors, provision of technical assistance and on-the-job training. Meanwhile, Israel has been denied a bilateral nuclear cooperation agreement with the US.
Israel's reported MOU requests on security assistance, missile defense, and regional qualitative military advantage are justified.
The terms of any U.S.-Israel agreement must withstand comparison to the concessions offered Iran in the JCPOA and show unequivocally that Israel, a trusted ally and major strategic partner, fared better in negotiations than an unconstrained enemy.
The Palestinian Authority has called on the United Nations Security Council to act against Israeli settlement building, in the wake of the Jerusalem Municipality’s decision to advance 770 new Jewish homes in its Gilo neighborhood, which is located over the Green Line.Netanyahu says he’ll quit soon… as foreign minister
“This is yet another opportunity for the international community to show its real commitment for the two-state solution and to take all needed action in order to have Israel fully cease settlement construction in the occupied state of Palestine,” PLO Secretary-General Saeb Erekat said.
“We have asked the State of Egypt and the leaders of Arab countries during our recent visit to call for an urgent meeting of the Arab Quartet in order to submit a draft resolution to the United Nations Security Council to halt settlement expansion,” Erekat said.
Israel holds that Jerusalem would remain its united capital in any final status agreement with the Palestinians for a two-state solution. As such, it has said, that it has a right to build homes for its residents in all areas of the city.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that he intended to give up some of the four additional ministerial posts he currently holds, including that of foreign minister. But he didn’t say when.Knesset Members to Visit Saudi Arabia, Recognized Relations with Israel Come to Light
At a stormy session of the Knesset’s State Control Committee, Netanyahu faced two hours of critical questions by opposition lawmakers on his foreign policy, including over the fact that he has held the Foreign Ministry portfolio since the 2015 elections. He also fills the roles of economy minister, communications minister and regional affairs minister.
He told Knesset members at the meeting that he intended to give up “a few portfolios soon.” He added that, “I don’t want to hold on to the Foreign Ministry forever,” but did not say when he would appoint someone to that post or any of the others he holds. (The prime minister has kept the multiple portfolios under his control to make them available to possible coalition partners, but has also been criticized for the influence he has consequently been able to exert in the multiple fields.)
“I didn’t say there is no need for a full-time foreign minister,” he said at the end of the two-hour session. “I am the full-time foreign minister.”
Arab-Israeli member of the Knesset Issawi Frej told Israeli state media on Sunday that preparations are ongoing for a visit of opposition members in the Israeli parliament to Saudi Arabia—a first of its kind.Proposed Knesset Bill Seeks One-for-One Prisoner Swaps; No Dead Israelis in Exchange for Live Terrorists
Frej, 52, member of the left-leaning Meretz party told the state broadcasting service Voice of Israel that a Saudi delegation that visited Israel last week and met with opposition MPs expressed willingness to enhance relations with Israel.
The Saudi delegation was headed by retired general Anwar Eshki and included academics and businessmen but, according to Israeli media, did not include officials. However, the delegation met with Israeli officials including director general of the Israeli foreign ministry Dore Gold.
The meeting of the Saudi delegation with opposition members in the Knesset was attended by member of the central committee in the Palestinian Fattah movement Jibril Rajoub.
Both the Saudi visit and the planned Israeli one serve as an example of the rapidly developing bilateral relations between the two countries that have been officially unrecognised since the two close-in-age countries were established. Saudi authorities deny visas for citizens of Israel or foreigners who have visas for Israel in their passports.
According to a new Israeli bill, prisoner swaps will now involve a one-to-one equation, with no more than a single terrorist released in exchange for an abducted, missing or dead IDF soldier, Israel Radio reported on Sunday.Australia moves to indefinite detention of terrorists
The proposed bill also states that no live terrorists will be exchanged for dead Israelis. In addition, it says, in the event of a kidnapping of an Israeli, the conditions of prisoners in Israeli jails who belong to the terrorist organization that committed the abduction will be made harsher.
In the explanatory section of the bill – initiated by MK Elazar Stern of the centrist Yesh Atid party – a reference is made to the fact that in all the prisoner exchanges thus far, a total of some 7,500 terrorists have been released in exchange for 14 live Israeli civilians and IDF soldiers, and for the bodies of six soldiers.
High-risk terror offenders may be kept in jail after their sentences finish, Australian officials said Monday as they move to tighten security laws following attacks in the United States and Europe.Lecturer at Ben Gurion University: The Jews are stealing answers
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the proposed changes were prompted by an increase in the frequency and severity of terrorist attacks around the world as he noted the recent mass shooting in Orlando and a lorry attack in Nice, France.
"In the wake of Orlando, Nice, and other terrorist incidents, as well as our own experience... we cannot afford for a moment to be complacent," Turnbull said.
In response to the evolving threat, he said Australia, which has already ramped up security laws since 2014, would move to keep high-risk terrorists in detention beyond the completion of their sentences.
"This legislation will enable additional periods of imprisonment for terrorist offenders who have served their sentences but are still judged to present an unacceptable risk to the community," he said in a statement.
Racism at Ben Gurion University? Channel 10 reported that one of the lecturers in a course on biological sciences sent an email intended for his Arab students - but which the Jewish students received, as well - in which he asserted that the Jews are "stealing answers" on tests.Palestinian Authority Fears Hamas Will Win October's Municipal Elections
In the letter, the lecturer wrote: "After checking the grades, I realized the Arab students had a problem. You don't have to be shy during the test. Raise your hand and ask about what is unclear. Your Jewish friends ask questions to verify, or "steal," answers from the lecturer. That's one of the reasons they can get higher grades."
The lecturer quickly realized his mistake, however, later sending another email in which he clarified that " the goal of the previous email was to encourage Arab students to ask questions because they are shy - and therefore make extraneous mistakes. In order to encourage them, I compared them to Jewish students who aren't embarrassed to ask questions on every topic, something which I view very positively. I apologize if somebody interpreted it differently and was hurt by it."
However, the student cited in the article said that "the email was written in a racist fashion, in which the lecturer represents the 'Jews' as those that know how to ask questions and 'steal' answers, while the Arab population is embarrassed to ask. After the email was posted on social media, the lecturer sent a 'letter of apology,' in which he basically threatened us by saying that posting private emails on social media is a criminal offense which is punishable."
Hamas is likely to win the Palestinian municipal elections scheduled for October, Fatah and Palestinian Authority officials fear.PreOccupiedTerritory: Teacher No Longer Accepting ‘The Occupation’ As Homework Excuse (satire)
The Hamas movement, which has ruled Gaza since 2007, has recently agreed to hold elections in the Strip, and announced it would take part in the elections in the West Bank as well.
Hamas Spokesperson Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri said that his movement would put forth lists of politically unaffiliated “technocrats who would be at the best service of the people.”
Hamas sees the municipal elections as an opportunity to regain a foothold in the West Bank in the wake of severe repression against its terrorist as well as civilian infrastructures by the Israel Defense Forces and the PA’s security services.
Elements within Hamas are pushing to form coalitions with local movements so that the IDF will be unable to prevent their participation.
Parents and students at the Yasser Arafat Primary School expressed outrage today that a fourth-grade teacher at the institution now refuses to excuse missed assignments attributed to Israeli military occupation.Assassination plot reported against Egypt’s President Sissi
Students came home from school yesterday and related that their teacher had issued an ultimatum regarding homework, which reportedly is done infrequently and inadequately, with the poor performance usually blamed on the Occupation. According to the students, as of next week the class, which is in session over the summer to make up for time during the school year lost to violent demonstrations against Israel, must submit its homework in better order.
The parents of all thirty children in the class of Yusuf Ahmad were kept out of school Monday in protest over the teacher’s policy change, which they say undermines the national ethos and promotes normalization with the enemy. A spokesman for the parents told reporters they had sent a letter to the principal of the school and to the Ministry of Education, demanding that Mr. Ahmad either revert to the previous homework policy or resign.
“We cannot allow this man to continue to poison the minds of our children,” warned Jabber Mustaki, whose son is in the class. “We spend years inculcating certain values into our children, and now we face the prospect of them not seeing the Occupation as the root of all evil. It goes against everything we’ve been working for, and against the explicit policies of the Ministry of Education.”
Egypt’s President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi reportedly canceled a visit to Mauritania, where an Arab League summit starts Monday, due to “credible information” of a plot to assassinate him in Nouakchott, the nation’s capital.Hamas — and Erdogan’s Funny Definition of Democracy
Egypt’s delegation at the summit is instead being headed by Prime Minister Ismail Sherif.
A presidential statement gave no reason for Sissi’s cancellation but the Egyptian press carried unconfirmed reports of a possible planned attempt on Sissi’s life during the gathering in the Mauritanian capital.
In a statement, presidential spokesperson Alaa Youssef denied that Sissi canceled the trip out of security fears but did not give a reason for the cancellation.
The private-owned Al-Masry al-Youm daily reported that the president’s office received “credible information” about the plot and based on it, the president decided not to go.
Hamas was one of the many entities rushing to congratulate Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on his successful quashing of the attempted coup against his government last weekend. Like leaders of other countries worldwide, the heads of the terrorist organization ruling the Gaza Strip hailed Erdogan’s success as a “victory for democracy.”Turkey and Erdogan: Here comes the (real) caliphate
Unlike those who waited for the military takeover to fail before applauding the autocrat in Ankara, Hamas was genuinely relieved. After all, the Islamist Palestinian group has no greater friend than Erdogan.
Thus, Hamas has been able to proceed with its summer activities in a particularly festive manner. Two of these activities are particularly worthy of note.
The first is a special exhibit marking the second anniversary of Operation Protective Edge, Israel’s 2014 incursion into Gaza to destroy the terrorist infrastructure — tunnels and missile-launchers — used by Hamas to kidnap and kill innocent Israelis.
Though Israel managed to decimate much of the infrastructure, leaving swaths of Gaza in ruins, Hamas did not feel defeated; nor should it have. No military match for the mighty Israeli army, it nevertheless succeeded in sending the Israeli populace into bomb shelters several times a day, while retaining political power and several tunnels and subsequently buckets of money and materials with which to keep its terror mill running.
Erdogan wants power for himself, but he also, sincerely, wants it for his faith. He’s a true believer and a megalomaniac. His ambitions will ultimately lead Turkey, its neighbors and, quite possibly, its blind, bewildered allies into a succession of bloody tragedies, but for now he has real support among half of the population, those for whom the fever of faith is the ultimate intoxicant. He polls better than Hitler did. “Mein Kampf” is no match for the Holy Koran.Like Stalin, Erdogan Likely to Be Left With No Personnel to Run, Defend Country, Israeli Expert Says
In recent years, the term “Islamo-fascism” has been thrown around a good bit, usually by those who understand neither Islam nor fascism. But “Islamist fascism” genuinely fits Erdogan’s program: populist intolerance justified by faith and harnessed by a leader who explains any failure in terms of victimhood. Erdogan offers exaltation and revenge, the tastiest dish in politics.
And, as in Nazi Germany, those confident citizens who deluded themselves that the new leader could be managed find themselves in prison cells or desperate for visa stamps in their passports (if their documents haven’t already been confiscated).
The double-speak language, the naked propaganda, is present, too — as in Erdogan’s claim that his purge of the opposition will strengthen Turkish democracy. His version of democracy is less convincing than Putin’s.
From Reichskanzler to Fuehrer, or from president to sultan-and-caliph, to Erdogan the step appears inevitable. It’s only a matter of timing.
Among the would-be sultan-and-caliph’s cynical initiatives this week has been floating the revival of the death penalty for treason — in order to finish off key opponents permanently and intimidate those permitted to survive. But the real execution warrant has been issued: Erdogan killed the secular Turkey of Ataturk, the dream that a Muslim nation could take its place in the front rank of civilization.
Like infamous Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in the wake of massive purges of perceived opponents, Turkey’s leader is liable to find himself in a predicament of the double-edged-sword variety — in the form of a severe shortage of professional manpower to run the country, an expert told the Hebrew news site Walla on Sunday.'Possible that Erdogan engineered coup,' former Pentagon official tells ‘Post’
Referring to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s ousting – so far — of more than 60,000 members of the government, the military, the police, academia, the media, the judiciary, the religious establishment and even the sports world, a Turkish-studies professor at Israel’s Ben-Gurion University said that Ankara’s greatest problem in the coming months will be rebuilding the country’s mechanisms practically from scratch.
Prof. Dror Ze’evi explained: “The public sector will crash. The education system, the judicial system, and [others] will be dealt a heavy blow… And the people Erdogan instates will be far less familiar with the areas they will be charged with handling and have no experience.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is a “megalomaniac” and could have manufactured the July 15 coup d’état attempt to rehabilitate his domestic image, Harold Rhode, a former longtime Pentagon official and Turkey specialist, told The Jerusalem Post.Israel and Cyprus downplay crisis in ties over Turkey reconciliation
“Giving into the Russians and Israelis in order to repair relations with them was humiliating” for him in the eyes of many Turks and people in the Middle East, said Rhode in an interview on Sunday.
Thus, Erdogan’s contrived victory over the supposed coup attempt shows the world that he is still powerful, said Rhode.
“It is quite possible that Erdogan engineered and then defeated the supposed coup so that he could redeem his honor,” he argued. According to this scenario, Turks and other Middle Easterners would understand this as a great victory.
“Turks have a tendency to see themselves as either the most important force in the world or the weakest, and this can fluctuate,” he explained, regarding the Turkish mentality.
Jerusalem and Nicosia downplayed any crisis in ties as Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades flew to Israel Sunday evening for a hastily arranged meeting expected to focus on developments in Turkey and energy issues.Turkey issues warrants for 42 journalists after coup
The meeting, planned late last week, fueled speculation of sudden difficulties in the relationship as a result of the rapprochement agreement Israel and Turkey signed last month.
Israel’s relationship with both Cyprus and Greece has flowered in recent years, both as a result of the discovery of natural gas in the eastern Mediterranean and because of the steady deterioration of Israeli-Turkish ties since Recep Tayyip Erdogan first came to power in 2002.
One diplomatic source in Jerusalem said Israel had kept Nicosia abreast of its negotiations to reconcile with Turkey, and that there was nothing dramatic about Anastasiades’s trip. The source said a face-toface meeting was warranted as a result of the developments in Turkey following the failed coup there two weeks ago.
Anastasiades, in comments before meeting Netanyahu, said he and the premier both meet and speak on the phone regularly.
Turkish authorities on Monday issued arrest warrants for over 40 journalists in a new phase of the controversial legal crackdown after the failed coup, as President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was to host opposition party chiefs for an unprecedented meeting.Thousands of Turkey coup prisoners 'raped, starved and hogtied'
Over 13,000 people have been detained so far in a vast sweep in the wake of the July 15 coup bid, which the authorities blame on the reclusive US-based Islamic cleric Fethullah Gulen.
Istanbul anti-terror prosecutors issued arrest warrants for 42 journalists as part of the investigation into the failed coup, the state-run Anadolu news agency said.
Among those targeted by the warrants were prominent journalist Nazli Ilicak, who was fired from the pro-government Sabah daily in 2013 for criticizing ministers caught up in a corruption scandal, it added.
There was no indication any of the journalists had been detained so far.
Turkish troops imprisoned after the failed military coup are being raped, starved and left without water for days, it is claimed.American Jew among those killed fighting ISIS alongside Kurds in Syria
Many of the 10,000 detainees are locked up in horses’ stables and sports halls - some hogtied in horrific stress positions, according to human rights campaigners.
Amnesty International has called for immediate access to prisoners after the coup a week ago which sparked a brutal crackdown and a three-month state of emergency.
More than 200 died in the uprising which aimed to topple dictatorial President Recep Erdogan - and 1,500 were injured.
Amnesty says it has ‘credible evidence’ Turkish police are holding detainees in stress positions for up to 48 hours, denying them food, water and medical treatment and in the worst cases some have been subjected to severe beatings and torture, including rape.
Levi Jonathan Shirley was killed on Thursday in the battle for Manbij, a city in northern Syria, 30 kilometers west of the Euphrates River.Iran complains to IAEA over leaked document on nuclear deal
Kurdish and Arab forces from the Syrian Democratic Forces have been fighting to take Manbij from Islamic State for the last month in a major offensive.
Shirley is the second American to be killed in Syria fighting ISIS as a member of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG).
Shirley joined the YPG in February 2015, according to reports, and after returning to the US he went back in January 2016 to fight ISIS. He participated in the battle for Kobani, which became a symbol of resistance to ISIS. His mother, Susan Shirley, told reporters that he wanted to fight ISIS which he saw as evil because it was persecuting the defenseless.
“He had a very big heart...
He was so brave to go back the second time, knowing what he was in for. He just really cared about the underdog,” she said.
Iran announced Sunday it will lodge a protest with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) over recent media leaks of confidential information about the country's long-term nuclear program, PressTV reports.Iran destroys 100,000 satellite dishes in crackdown
Last week, The Associated Press news agency exposed a classified document which revealed that key restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program imposed under an internationally negotiated deal will start to ease years before the 15-year accord expires.
In response, the spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Behrouz Kamalvandi said Sunday that “the parts [of the document] published were confidential and were supposed to remain so.”
“Our assumption is that it has been leaked by the (IAEA) Agency,” the Iranian official added, according to PressTV.
AEOI head Ali Akbar Salehi said on Saturday that Iran had asked the IAEA to keep the data on Tehran’s long-term nuclear program confidential as there is no reason to make the information public.
Tehran also agreed that a joint commission, which oversees the implementation of the nuclear agreement, will be notified of the plans in a confidential manner, Salehi was quoted as having said.
Iran destroyed 100,000 satellite dishes and receivers on Sunday as part of a widespread crackdown against the illegal devices that authorities say are morally damaging, a news website reported.IsraellyCool: Zionist Jellyfish Of Deathᵀᴹ
The destruction ceremony took place in Tehran in the presence of General Mohammad Reza Naghdi, head of Iran’s Basij militia, who warned of the impact that satellite television was having in the conservative country.
“The truth is that most satellite channels… deviate the society’s morality and culture,” he said at the event according to Basij News.
“What these televisions really achieve is increased divorce, addiction and insecurity in society.”
Naghdi added that a total of one million Iranians had already voluntarily handed over their satellite apparatuses to authorities.
The Iran Project reported yesterday that,
Israel behind extinction of Caspian Sea caviar
An introduced or non-indigenous species, or simply an introduction, is a species living outside its native distributional range, which has arrived there by human activity, either deliberate or accidental. Non-native species can have various effects on the local ecosystem.
“Introduced species can disturb the ecosystem of an area,” Seyyed Jafar Mousavian, the Deputy Head of Intelligence and Operation Department at the Biological Headquarters of Civil Defence Organization, said in an interview with Mehr News Agency, as translated by IFP.
Some species can do more harm than good to an ecosystem, he noted.
He noted that Caspian seal, Kilka and Sevruga fish belong to the Caspian Sea; however, comb jellies are alien species that have come from the Atlantic Ocean.
“We firmly believe that the Zionist regime [Israel] is behind the conspiracy of nuisance species as they had sworn to do so,” Mousavi added.