- We had two exposes of Amnesty International. In one we showed how they praised an NGO that we showed was antisemitic and supported violence; in the other we showed how Amnesty's annual report spent more time criticizing Israel than any other nation except for Syria.
- I documented how a few anti-Israel ideologues easily put together an NGO that is already receiving funding even though it has no website, no reports, no social media presence. The entire purpose of the NGO is to convince the EU to be more anti-Israel.
- I exclusively reported on a McGraw-Hill textbook that published the infamous "Map The Lies" anti-Israel propaganda graphic; in only one day McGraw-Hill suspended sales of the book pending review.
- Another exclusive story showing how the FBI added a tiny Jewish group to its list of terror groups to teach teens how to be on the lookout for being recruited. This politically correct decision is also a de facto antisemitic decision.
- I posted a potentially momentous story (from Israeli media) about Israeli officials visiting Saudi Arabia that went under the radar of the mainstream media.
- I wrote about the imaginative counter-protest at Columbia U featuring Pinocchio, and demolished the claims of the anti-Israel crowd that the Zionists were pushing hate speech. Incidentally, I exposed Electronic Intifada and Professor Joseph Massad as likely liars by seemingly knowingly misrepresenting a placard that supports Palestinians as being racist.
- I wrote about how a UNRWA-USA spokesperson posted anti-Israel material against UNRWA's mandate, which cause a flurry of excitement at UNRWA as the American staff rushed to hide their social media accounts from similar exposure. It didn't work and I showed how two more of them routinely and publicly supported explicitly anti-Israel causes. At the same time UNRWA's head mentioned me in a Q&A saying that they take all of these allegations seriously. Well, seriously enough to try to hide them.

- And many of the other EoZ articles (as well as those from the columnists) were pretty good too.
- My most popular post this week wasn't exactly an exclusive, it was just a reproduction of an article that no one noticed about how the Palestinian ambassador to North Korea praised its leaders. That post was shared over 1500 times on Facebook!
I apologize that I didn't get to resume the Hasby awards or the EoZTV webcasts, hopefully next week those will get back on track.
Most of the scoops came from tips from you, my readers. Thanks so much for sending them in!
If you appreciate this unique brand of journalism, please consider making a donation. Not all weeks will be as productive as this one but I want to make sure that every article will teach you something you didn't know.
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