Anti-Semitism on California Campuses
The problem on campuses across the country is that pro-Palestinian activists, in their zeal to seek self-affirmation, statehood, and "social justice," have waged an extremely caustic cognitive war against Israel and Jews.
Being pro-Palestinian on campuses today does not necessarily mean that one is committed to helping Palestinians be productive, live well, build a free and open nation or create a civil society with transparent government, a free press, human rights, and a representative government.
What being pro-Palestinian seems to have come to mean is continually denigrating and attacking Israel with a false historical narrative and the grotesquely misused language of human rights. What is claimed to be anti-Israel sentiment often rises to the level of raw anti-Semitism.
It is enough to make Jewish students, whether or not they care about Israel at all, uncomfortable, unsafe, or even hated on their own campuses.
Police seek to charge activist who reported Palestinian land-sellers
Police said Sunday they recommend trying the left-wing activist Ezra Nawi, who was exposed in a television report saying he helped Palestinian officials track down and possibly execute Palestinians who were considering selling land to Jews.Reflections of a Lebanese woman in Israel
Several days ago Judea and Samaria District Police passed on Nawi’s file and that of another activist, Guy Butavia, to the state prosecution, which will decide whether to accept the police recommendation and press charges against the pair for contact with a foreign agent and conspiracy to commit a crime.
Nawi was arrested in January at Ben-Gurion Airport as he tried to leave the country, days after an investigative report in which he was recorded saying he helps Palestinian authorities track down Arabs who attempted to sell land to Jews. Butavia, like Nawi an Israeli activist from the Ta’ayush organization, was also arrested at the time.
Both men were later released despite police requests for them to be remanded in custody.
My black and white image of Israel has been shattered. My understanding has increased. I am truly glad I visited. I am proud to have Israeli friends and I am grateful to my colleagues for their generosity and talent. I will never view that the Occupation is good for anybody, not even in the long run, for the settlers insisting on building there. But I see that there is tremendous decency in Israeli society, that there are people who I really, deeply like, with whom I have common interests and ideas. People who want to live peacefully, do their art, their science, their jobs, raise their children and see them happy. People I can genuinely relate to.
Some Arabs may view me as a traitor and in fact, I have already been called one. But my loyalty is to decency and to people living the best lives they possibly can, rather than to being on one side or another of a fight. I am grateful for the experience I had and am a better informed person as a result.
I am very proud to have taken the culturally bold step of crossing the bridge and experiencing Israel. I was moved deeply when I realized how many Israeli hands reached out to support me during my stay. My attachment to the region and my love for my family there shine as bright as ever but now, when I think of peace, I also wholeheartedly dream for the peace and well-being of Israel and its people.
Howard Jacobson: It is hard being a columnist for eighteen years – here's how I got through it
In other circumstances, I might have written fewer articles on the subject. I didn’t come on to the paper a polemical Zionist. If I have sometimes sounded like one, that’s the paper’s fault. I’m not saying I cared nothing for Israel beforehand, but there was a new orthodoxy of anti-Zionism in the air and this paper inhaled its poisons freely. Had there been fewer anti-Zionists writing, and had their hostility to Israel been less a thing of myth and rhetoric, I might not have felt the call to buckle up as often as I did. But when I did buckle up, it was as a critic of their psychology, not their politics. The deep, self-deluding irrationality of hatred will always give itself away in language first.Israeli Military Ranks 9th Most Powerful Globally on Defense Site List
We all learn on the job, and writing is no exception. It is said of novels that if you know what you’re going to say before you say it, you won’t produce a good novel. The same, to my mind, is true of writing a column.
You need to snake your way to meaning, find out what’s true, or at least more true than false, in the course of saying it, allow the words to discover the passion, not the passion dictate the words. The reason ideology leads us astray is that it is the expression of made-up minds. The best novels surprise their authors and the best columns end up somewhere the columnist never expected to go.
Israel’s military is the 9th strongest in the world, according to the international defense site Global Firepower (GFP), which released its annual list on Friday.Canada asks UN to rethink anti-Israel law prof for key Mideast post
In its rankings, GFP said, it only took conventional military capabilities into account when compiling its list, which includes a total of 126 countries. It also factored in 50 other criteria, such as natural resources, geographical size and economic strength.
The United States topped the list, followed by Russia and China in second and third place, respectively. While Israel was outranked by countries such as India (4th) and South Korea (8th), its conventional military strength exceeded that of other countries in the region, including Iran, Egypt, Syria and Jordan. The Jewish state also ranked higher than some European countries, including Germany (14th) and Italy (16th).
Canada’s foreign affairs minister has called on the United Nations to review its appointment of a Canadian law professor with a history of anti-Israel bias to a key Middle East post.Boycotts will disappear when Israel advances peace, EU envoy says
Stéphane Dion is questioning the naming of Michael Lynk of Western University in Ontario as the UN Human Rights Council’s special rapporteur on human rights in Palestine.
On Friday, the day after the council tapped Lynk, Dion tweeted: “We call on UNHRC President to review this appointment & ensure Special Rapporteur has track record that can advance peace in region.”
Canada’s opposition Conservative Party also called for Lynk to be disqualified from the position based on his past statements on Israel.
Without the Israeli-Palestinian conflict there would be no Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, the European Union’s envoy to Israel said Monday, arguing that the best way to fight BDS is to take steps to advance a two-state solution.Former settler leader Dayan named consul to NY after Brazil scuttles ambassador appointment
“The most effective antidote against the BDS movement is to solve the Palestinian issue. If there were no Palestinian issue, there would be no BDS movement,” Ambassador Lars Faaborg-Andersen said at a conference in Jerusalem.
At the very least, the boycott movement “would swing into virtually nothing” if there was no Israeli-Palestinian conflict “to tag unto,” he argued.
The EU does not expect Israel to be able to solve the conflict unilaterally, the ambassador stressed. “It takes two to tango. It takes the Palestinians also.” But it is important for Israel not to be seen as undermining a two-state solution, he said. “If more effort is put into showing a will to move forward and to obtain progress in this process, it would greatly weaken the BDS movement.”
The long saga over the appointment of former settlement leader Dani Dayan as Israel's ambassador to Brazil apparently ended on Monday when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced he will name him consul-general to New York.Ryan Bellerose: Ryan At AIPAC
Dayan will replace Ido Aharoni.
The appointment of Dayan, a former head of the Council of Jewish Communities in Judea and Samaria and a resident of Ma’aleh Shomron in Samaria, was never approved by Brasilia, which came under heavy pressure from Palestinians, left-wing NGOs and left-wing Israelis to reject him on the grounds that to accept him as envoy would be seen as legitimizing the settlements.
The announcement comes less than two weeks after the Foreign Ministry issued a new internal tender for those interested in filling the ambassadorial post in Brazil, an indication that Dayan was no longer the candidate for that job. Shortly after the news of this tender was made public, however, the Foreign Ministry reversed course and said Dayan was still in line for the job.
The decision to name Dayan to New York, where any significant opposition to his appointment is unlikely, now paves the way for naming a new ambassador to Brasilia.
I just got back from Washington DC, where I went to attend AIPAC’s policy conference – and it was interesting to say the least. I have actually spent more time among Israelis than among American Jews and it was an eye-opener.Fact Checking the Candidate Speeches at AIPAC
I saw some things that really made me think. I think there are a lot of American Jews who get it, who understand that if they do not fight back, things will only get worse. I would like to believe that’s why so many attended the AIPAC conference. But what I saw from the Israelis there, made me proud to be friends with them. They understand that if you ignore the bully, he doesn’t go away, he feels empowered. When a bully tries to bully you, you don’t ignore and avoid, you punch that SOB in the face.
But speaking as someone who has experience with racism and bigotry as well as experience with the other side of the fence, it really bothered me that there were protesters outside who largely went unchallenged. I honestly believe that by not confronting them, the people who stayed inside at AIPAC did themselves no favors. I personally made it a point to walk right through their crowds on the sidewalk when we walked to the Verizon Centre, and when one mouthed off to me, I told him off, and when he stepped up to my chest, I stepped towards him, not away. Would you like to guess what happened then?
Four of the leading candidates for president presented their Middle East policy views at the 2016 AIPAC Policy Conference on March 21, while the fifth, Senator Bernie Sanders, declined to attend, preferring to continue campaigning. Sanders, however, presented his Middle East views at an event in Utah, and sent a transcript to AIPAC Chairman Robert Cohen.U.S. Embassy: Next Year in Jerusalem?
While the candidates all expressed strong support for Israel's right to exist and denounced terrorism against Israelis and genocidal Iranian threats, there were also distinct differences in their approach to achieving peace between Israelis and Palestinians, and how to address the problems of the wider Middle East.
While there were some errors in the candidates' assertions, Senator Sanders stood alone in repeating a number of allegations that can only be called anti-Israel propaganda. What follows is a basic fact check of the candidates' remarks.
The Republican candidates made a lot of pledges to the record-breaking pro-Israel crowd at last week’s American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) policy conference in Washington, D.C.Trump: Palestinians must stop terror for peace deal
Among them was the promise that they’ll move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
So, if he becomes President, will Donald Trump, Ted Cruz or John Kasich move the American Embassy to Israel’s capital city?
Don’t count on it.
Promises, promises
Moving the embassy would break with over two decades of bipartisan White House policy to circumvent the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, a law which mandates its relocation.
Congress passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act on October 23, 1995 by wide margins (93-5 in the Senate and 374-37 in the House). It called for Jerusalem to remain an “undivided city” and for the U.S. to recognize it as Israel’s capital. It also required that the embassy be moved no later than May 31, 1999.
Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump outlined his views of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in an interview published Sunday, saying he is under the impression that the overwhelming majority of Israelis really do want to make peace, but that he has doubts the Palestinians feel the same way.Lawyers ask Clinton, Trump to back extraditing terrorist leader
He also stressed that until the Palestinians give up terror and recognize Israel as a Jewish state, a peace agreement will never be reached.
Trump was coming fresh from a controversial appearance at the confab of pro-Israel lobby AIPAC, where he drew surprising cheers, including for open criticism of President Barack Obama’s treatment of Israel, despite being pilloried by other candidates for statements that he will be “neutral” on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
In a lengthy New York Times interview published Saturday, he described his foreign policy as an “America first” approach that will stop the US from being systematically “ripped off.”
There are still nearly 300 days until US President Barack Obama leaves office, but his potential successors are already receiving requests to take action against terrorists that his administration declined to take.Why Anti-Israel Becomes Anti-Jew
The legal organization Shurat Hadin-Israel Law Center submitted a formal request in August 2014 to then-American attorney-general Eric Holder asking the Department of Justice to take all necessary steps to compel the government of Turkey to extradite Hamas leader Saleh al-Arouri to face justice in the US for his role in the kidnapping and murder two months earlier of American-Israeli Naftali Fraenkel and Israelis Eyal Yifrah and Gil-Ad Shaer. More than a year and a half later, the lawyers did not receive a response, so they turned to the front-running candidates for president.
In a letter to Democratic favorite Hillary Clinton and Republican front-runner Donald Trump, Shurat Hadin lawyers Nitsana Darshan-Leitner and Robert J. Tolchin, asked for their public support for their request that the US government seek the extradition and prosecution of terrorists who have been involved in the murder of American citizens abroad. In the letter, the lawyers informed the candidates about the circumstances of the abduction and murder of the three teens.
In an era where the preservation of “safe space” for students against anything they might find objectionable, including subtle slights labeled “micro-aggressions,” political advocacy, or actual hate speech, there is one group that hasn’t gotten much protection: Jews. The reason for this isn’t much of a mystery. In the context of academia, Jews are treated as the 21st century moral equivalent of WASPS and are therefore too secure and/or powerful to merit any concern for their rights, let alone their sensibilities. To some extent, such complacency is justified. Unlike in Europe or most other parts of the world, the rising global tide of anti-Semitism hasn’t made much of an impact in the United States. American exceptionalism and the lack of a history of state-sanctioned anti-Semitism in this country has left Jews free to rise on their own merits finding acceptance in virtually every sphere of American society. Jew hatred has largely been confined to the fever swamps of the far right and left. But there is one glaring exception to this rule: college campuses.BDS is the modern form of anti-Semitism
Anti-Semitism in academia has become an issue because the BDS movement against Israel has made it one. The efforts of pro-Palestinian students to delegitimize Israel have effortlessly slipped into a campaign to stigmatize and intimidate Jewish students and organizations. As the numbers of incidents of hate speech and intimidation grow, some Jewish groups and other fair-minded people are pushing back.
Groups like the AMCHA initiative and the Zionist Organization of America have documented many of the anti-Semitic incidents and cases of incitement against Jews associated with anti-Israel agitation. Jews have subjected to every kind of insult and threat by those whose goal it is to wipe out Israel, often by promoting egregious lies about atrocity stories.
But we don’t really have to dig too deep into the files of incidents because we already know why it is so easy for BDS and pro-Palestinian advocates to slip into overt anti-Semitism. That is because, contrary to the University of California statement that was hoping to mollify some of the Israel-haters, there is no such thing as an anti-Semitic form of anti-Zionism. All forms of anti-Zionism are anti-Semitic, no matter the identity of the speaker because to single out the one Jewish state and to deny its people the right to self-determination and self-defense in their ancient homeland is, in principle, anti-Semitic. Put simply, denying Jews these rights that no one would think of challenging for any other people, is an act of bias. Acts of bias against Jews are called anti-Semitic.
What is BDS? BDS is nothing more than a dangerous new strain of an age-old disease.Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists hosts Ken O'Keefe for a talk on Jewish Power
And that disease is anti-Semitism.
And, in this fight, we must never forget that the ultimate goal is peace.
Like you, I desperately want peace. I yearn for the day when the children of Israel know war no more. And I know that we are not alone. We are joined in this effort by all the lovers of peace, be they Israeli, Palestinian, Arab, European, or American. I have faith that even in the darkest corners of the globe, where anti-Semitism flourishes, there are millions of people ready to stand with Israel.
Israel will continue to be a light onto the nations. Israel will succeed. Israel will succeed because we are united. Israel will succeed because we are proud. Israel will succeed because we are strong. We will take on the anti-Semites. And we will win.
On March 20 this "beacon of social justice" proudly sponsored notorious anti-Semite Ken O'Keefe .Kansas Mosque Invites Hamas-Linked Speaker to Address Congregation, Cancels Only After Protests Threatened
The BFUU was not simply renting out a space- they took an active prole promoting O'Keefe on their mailing list, their
O'Keefe is current touring the US on what he calls his "F**k the TSA/Homeland Security tour". He was introduced by Vic Sadot of the BFUU Social Justice committee. His talk at the BFUU was laced with unfiltered profanity
The Unitarian Universalists in Berkeley have jumped feet-first into the anti-Semitic swimming hole with this action, and are now find themselves complicit in the promotion of abhorrent blood libels, conspiracy theories, and pure unadulterated hate.
At the event, Ken O'Keefe proudly declared "I'm honored to be labeled a terrorist by Israel. I'm honored to be labeled an anti-Semitic by the ADL.",and expressed his disappointment that no one came to protest his event.
In the wake of recent terror attacks across the West, there is much debate over whether Muslim communities in the U.S. warrant increased surveillance. The argument posed by the Left is that America's Muslim communities are peaceful, assimilated, and far from the radical hotbeds you'd find in say, Molenbeek, Belgium. Sure, there are peaceful, pro-Western Muslim communities throughout the U.S., but that does not negate the fact that there communities that are not.Scuffle on North Carolina Campus Ensues When Pro-Israel Activist Distributes Flyers Disputing Palestinian Speaker’s Claims
An example that illustrates this point concerns the Islamic Society of Wichita and its decision to invite a Hamas supporter to address its 10,000 congregates.
The Islamic Society invited Hamas-linked Shiekh Monzer Taleb to speak at an upcoming fundraiser, but ultimately rescinded the invitation after Congressman Mike Pompeo pushed back. KWCH provides a brief overview:
A scuffle erupted at a North Carolina college on Thursday when a pro-Israel activist was confronted by the sponsors of an event featuring a Palestinian “peace activist,” The Algemeiner has learned.Fighting BDS with caricatures
Naomi Friedman, who administers the Facebook group “Stop BDS on Campus,” told The Algemeiner she was distributing flyers contesting claims made by Iyad Burnat (featured in the controversial award-winning documentary film, “5 Broken Cameras”) — who had been invited to Swannanoa’s Warren Wilson College to discuss his new book — when event organizer and retired professor Ken Jones forcibly tried to confiscate them.
“He grabbed my arm,” Friedman told The Algemeiner, “and said, ‘Give me those!’ Fortunately I was able to wrench my arm away and hold on to the flyers.”
The fight against BDS has now extended to the artistic arena. A significant number of key figures and politicians have joined forces for the good of hasbara (Israeli public relations) in its struggle against the propaganda of organizations calling for a boycott of Israel.IsraellyCool: Sarah Schulman Is #JewWashing Her Antisemitism
They have recruited to the struggle leading artists from Israel and abroad who will present their "hasbara caricatures" at an exhibition to be presented at Ynet and Yedioth Ahronoth's Conference dedicated to the fight against BDS on Monday, March 28, in Jerusalem.
This unique hasbara initiative is led by the artists Uri Fink, Shai Charka, Yossi Klar and Asaf Finkelstein, who are acting through their Facebook page, "The Israeli Cartoon Project." Finkelstein, who understands the power of caricatures in the digital world, explained, "The project was founded because of the hurt and frustration that many Israelis and Jews all over the world were experiencing because of the anti-Israeli campaign."
Sarah Schulman, the professor at the College of Staten Island who popularized the idea that the Israeli government protects the rights of Israeli Jewish and non-Jewish LGBTQ people only to “pinkwash” its treatment of Palestinians, now claims that she can’t be antisemitic because she is Jewish.BBC fails to tell the whole story of UNHRC anti-Israel resolution
Sarah SchulmanThe Zionist Organization of America recently sent a letter to NY State Senator Jack Martins, which described anti-Semitic comments that Schulman has made. In response, Schulman reportedly said to the NY Daily News,
“How can I be anti-Semitic? I’m Jewish.”
As I’ve written before, internalized antisemitism is a growing problem plaguing the Jewish community. It is similar to the way that internalized homophobia plagues the LGBTQ community. Schulman is one of the most-high profile examples of Jewish antisemitism.
Knell does not however inform BBC audiences that the resolution was initiated by the Palestinians and promoted by various Arab and Muslim countries. Despite her use of the term “Palestinian lands” and the fact that the report opens by telling readers that “Israel has criticised the UN Human Rights Council for voting to establish a database of firms doing business in settlements in the occupied West Bank”, Knell does not tell readers that the resolution also includes the Golan Heights.Florida synagogue vandalized
Readers are not told that at the same session – which took place during the week in which five years of civil war in Syria were marked – the UNHRC also passed a resolution calling on Israel to relinquish the Golan Heights to Syria along with condemnation of alleged ‘human rights abuses’ against the Druze population of the Golan.
Neither does Knell tell BBC audiences of the response to the UNHRC blacklist from the organisers of the anti-Israel BDS campaign.
North Miami Beach police are searching for the man responsible for vandalizing a synagogue.‘Kill the Jews’ painted on Ukrainian synagogue
Surveillance video from the Sephardic Jewish Center shows a male riding up on a bicycle and hurling a rock several times at the front door.
The rock eventually shattered the door but the man, content with the damage, never walked inside, and rode off on his bike.
According to CBSMiami, members at the Jewish center said that they hold no grudges against the man.
The incident reportedly took place early on the morning of March 23.
Anti-Semitic graffiti was discovered scrawled across a synagogue in the central Ukrainian city of Cherkasy.Brian Wilson gets out of his room
Vandals spray-painted “kill the Jews” and “Jews annexed Ukraine” on an external wall of the synagogue.
The unknown inciters used the word “zhyd,” which is considered a derogatory term by many Ukrainian Jews.
There have been Jews in Cherkassy since the 16th century CE, but many fled due to Cossack massacres.
After the city was annexed by Russia in the 18th century CE, Jewish community life developed, and the Jewish population rose rapidly.
The focus was more diffused when Wilson later reunited with surviving Beach Boys Al Jardine, Bruce Johnston and longtime foil and general villain in The Beach Boys story Mike Love for a well-received 50th anniversary tour in 2012.Rave band Die Antwoord books Israel gig
“I loved it – it was my favorite tour I’ve ever been on,” said Wilson, who didn’t rule out regrouping in the future with Love et al.
Guitarist Jardine is still collaborating with Wilson as part of his touring band that is performing The Beach Boys’ landmark 1966 album Pet Sounds on a world tour this year that will bring them to Israel on June 8 at the Ra’anana Amphitheater.
The tour will mark the first time Pet Sounds – featuring hits like “God Only Knows” and “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” – will be played in its entirety on stage in 17 years. When it was released, it was regarded as a pop masterpiece and the decades have only reinforced that thought.
South African rave band Die Antwoord is the latest to join the roster of summer performers, with confirmed plans for a concert on June 8 in the Rishon Lezion ampitheater.Comic Hannibal Buress to Tel Aviv
The offbeat, alternative group, which includes singers Ninja, Yolanda Visser and DJ Hi-Tek, is based on the South African “zef” countercultural movement, and was founded in 2008 in Cape Town, South Africa. Die Antwoord is Afrikaans for “the answer.”
The band has a cult following, first developed on social media platforms with the release of its first songs.
This will be Die Antwoord’s first appearance in Israel.
Popular American comedian Hannibal Buress will be tickling the collective Israeli funny bone when he makes his local debut on June 29 at the Tel Aviv Opera House.Israel and China to sign 10-year multiple entry visa deal
Lauded by The New York Times as a "supremely gifted and respected" comic, the 33-year-old Buress has become a national figure in the US since launching his standup career in 2010, thanks to three Netflix specials and a regular stint on the Comedy Central hit series Broad City which is available in Israel on HOT VOD.
Buress is the co-host of Adult Swim’s The Eric Andre Show, and was on the writing team for the Emmy-winning series 30 Rock. He recently appeared in Daddy’s Home, with Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg, and he will be lending his voice to the animated films The Secret Life of Pets and Angry Birds.
Israel and China are set to sign a 10-year multiple entry visa agreement this week, making the Jewish state only the third country, after the United States and Canada, to have such an arrangement with Beijing.'Chinese see Israel as a partner who can help in innovation'
The visa agreement will be signed in the framework of the second meeting of the China-Israel Joint Committee on Innovation Cooperation, which is taking place Tuesday in Jerusalem. Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong is due in Israel for the event and for meetings with senior Israeli officials.
“So far, China has 10-year multiple entry visa agreements only with the US and with Canada, so the agreement to be signed this week is a tremendous achievement for Israeli diplomacy,” said Hagai Shagrir, the director of the Foreign Ministry’s Northeast Asia department.
The deal, which will be signed by Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely and her Chinese counterpart, will allow Israeli businesspeople and tourists to enter China multiple times with the same visa, which will be valid for a decade. The same will apply for Chinese citizens visiting Israel, an arrangement which Jerusalem hopes will help increase tourism.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will sign the agreement with Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong, who is heading an 80-member delegation taking part in the second annual Israel-China Committee for Cooperation in Innovation.Roseanne in the Holy Land: No holds ‘Barr’-ed
The previous meeting, which is the annual equivalent of the government- to-government confabs Israel holds with countries such as Germany, Italy, Greece, Cyprus and Bulgaria, was held in Beijing in January 2015.
The annual meetings underline the growth in ties between Israel and China.
Trade in 2015 reached more than $9 billion, double the amount in 2007. In addition, about 25% of foreign investment in Israel’s high tech sector now comes from China or Hong Kong.
Explaining her seemingly sudden 180-degree turn on the issue, she explained that her original protests against Israel stemmed from the same moral obligation which prompted her dissent against the American involvement in Vietnam. In both situations, the actress appreciated the country and its sovereignty, but objected to its military actions.
She was appalled though, by the BDS movement, which illustrated its concerted effort to delegitimize the entire country as a whole.
“I didn’t know – when I was harshly critical of Israel as I was before 2010 – I didn’t know what you were doing. I thought it was like being harshly critical of the United States during Vietnam, when we said ‘this is wrong.’ But I didn’t know this was part of a creeping campaign of de-legitimization of the entire state of Israel looking to its destruction. I didn’t know that,” she confessed during a short Q&A after her speech.
After denouncing the hypocrisy of the far-left in America and Europe as they turn a blind eye to Hamas resuming their tunnel building in earnest, the comedian bluntly commented, “You can’t make this sh*t up, folks.”
“Israel is a state full of millions of good people who want peace,” and claimed that peace won’t “happen until pressure is brought to bear by all intelligent and moral people everywhere who will no longer tolerate war at the cost of the few and expense of the many anymore.”

