The Paris City Council adopted two nonbinding resolutions condemning attempts to boycott Israel, which are illegal in France.So the PLO trotted out Saeb Erekat to issue his denunciation of the move:
The two resolutions, one submitted by the Socialist-led coalition of Mayor Anne Hidalgo and the other by center-right members of the City Council, were adopted Tuesday, according to the French-language Muslim news website
One of the resolutions said the City of Paris “opposes publicly all attempts to isolate Israel from the collective of nations,” and also reaffirmed the city’s “commitment to the promotion of a peaceful solution to the Palestinian-Israel conflict.”
Both resolutions named the BDS movement specifically, stating that the city objects to its goals.
The Palestinians accuse the Paris municipality of attacking freedom of expression and promoting Israel’s settlement policy after the assembly recently adopted two resolutions condemning attempts to boycott Israel.I found this mentioned in a couple of French articles...and that was it.
“Condemning a legitimate and non-violent movement against apartheid racist policies… actively supports the ongoing colonization enterprise,” writes senior PLO official Saeb Erekat to Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo.
Western media is starting to get as sick of Palestinian whining as Arab governments are.
However, there is something newsworthy about Erekat's pathetic complaints.
As recently as 2014, the Palestinian Authority was against BDS and Abbas said this explicitly in 2013, saying he supported boycotts of products made by Jews in the territories but not boycotts of Israel within the 1949 lines. BDS activists said that the PA should be put on trial for opposing BDS!
Since then, the PLO has changed its strategy to be even more hawkish - yet no Western media report on this.
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