PMW YouTube account "terminated" for exposing PA hate speech
Dear PMW subscribers,Confronting Bassem Tamimi at UC Berkeley
Following Palestinian Media Watch's release of a video on Thursday in which a Palestinian girl read a poem on official PA TV calling for "war that will smash the oppressor and destroy the Zionist's soul," YouTube "terminated" PMW's account for violating their "terms of service," which includes hate speech. The terminated account,, contains nearly all of PMW's videos.
We urge anyone with contacts at Google or YouTube to contact them and request that PMW's account be reinstated. Others can send a message to YouTube by clicking the "Send feedback" link at the bottom of YouTube's homepage.
It is outrageous that YouTube closed PMW's account, which is a blow to the war on terror. This is particularly dangerous now while Israel is fighting a war against Palestinian terror. PMW documentation on PMW's YouTube account shows the PA and Fatah leaders' support and promotion of the terror.
PMW's exposure of Palestinian incitement and hate speech is recognized and used by parliaments and governments around the world. On Friday, a 25-minute debate took place in Swedish Parliament in which the PA's support for the current terror was discussed, and the proof was based entirely on PMW documentation - most of which is no longer accessible on PMW's YouTube account.
PMW is urging YouTube to immediately reinstate PMW's account and all PMW videos, and is calling to our subscribers to help put pressure on Google.
Some Jews, apparently are tired of being a "model minority".
Bassem Tamini, an anti-Israel activist from Nabi Saleh may be best known as the man who takes his young children to anti-Israel riots, in hopes of creating a viral photo op. He's the dad of the notorious pre-pubescent "Shirley Temper", budding star of ubiquitous Pallywood productions.
Tamimi took his dog and pony show on the road last autumn, promoted widely by the usual suspects. He had several Bay area appearances, soliciting donations. (only cash- no checks)
On Oct 2 Tamimi spoke in small classroom in UC Berkeley's Wheeler Hall, sparsely attended by several dozen people.
Showing astonishing bravery, a young man entered the classroom and confronted Tamini about his history of terror, antisemitism and even murder. It was a move straight from the playbook of the Israel haters. (h/t Bob Knot)
How Israel will win the public diplomacy war
It is rare for a newspaper column to read as a “how to” manual. But in this case, I have no choice – frustration has reached an all-time high.
We know that if Israel laid down its arms it would be destroyed, while if Hamas would drop its arms, and the Palestinian Authority would stop the incitement, there would be peace in Israel. We know that Israel is the only true democracy in the Middle East, and the only country in the region that provides equal rights for all people regardless of gender, race, religion or sexual orientation.
And yet, despite this, data presented to me at a recent meeting with one of the top polling companies in the United States shows that we are failing to convey this reality.
In the poll conducted just two weeks ago, only 39 percent of US college students said that they believe that Israel is a civilized, Western country; only 31% of them believe Israel is a democratic country; and as a result of not telling our story properly, a mere 28% of college students believe that the United States should side with Israel in the current conflict.
This is an all-time low.
But it gets worse: 21% believe that the US should side with the Palestinians! Furthermore, among a category of people labeled as “opinion elite” in the US, 38% believe that Israel is a racist country, 48% say that Israel is responsible for human rights abuses, and 45% believe Israel is practicing apartheid on Palestinian land.
Only 67% of those “opinion elite” in the US believe that Israel wants peace with its neighbors. (In Canada that number drops to 43% and in the United Kingdom it’s 36%); 46% believe that Israeli “occupation” results in more terrorism in the US; and 19% believe that boycotts against Israel are justified.
And finally, given all of the above, it is not surprising to learn that 17% of Jewish college students refuse to advocate for Israel.
Palestinian with knife arrested outside Hebron holy site
A Palestinian man was arrested Saturday near Hebron’s Tomb of the Patriarchs in possession of a knife.PA Mufti openly incites at the Al-Aqsa Mosque
Border Police officers stationed at the religious site were alerted by the 19-year-old and found a blade on his person.
The suspect was taken in for questioning, Channel 10 reported.
No injuries were reported.
The Tomb of the Patriarchs, located in the heart of the West Bank’s most populous Palestinian city, is the site a Jewish and Muslim holy site, with a mosque situated atop the traditional burial site of the Biblical patriarchs.
The area near the tomb is heavily protected by Israeli security and has been the site of numerous Palestinian attacks since violence flared up in October.
A preacher who gave a sermon on Friday at the Al-Aqsa Mosque openly incited against Israel, accusing the Jewish state of executing Palestinian Arabs.IsraellyCool: The Huffington Post’s Antisemitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada
The sermon came at Friday prayers attended by tens of thousands of worshipers, including Muslim residents of Judea, Samaria and Gaza, as well as Israeli Arabs.
The sermon was delivered by the Mufti of “Palestine”, Sheikh Mohammed Hussein, who called on the worshipers to strengthen their ties with the Al-Aqsa Mosque in order to remove the "settlers and Jewish organizations," who in his words are trying to impose a new reality on the ground.
According to the Palestine newspaper, Hussein further said that "the occupation continues to kill Palestinians and execute them without trial, on the pretext that they were trying to carry out operations against the soldiers of the occupation or against settlers.”
The sermon is an example of the continued incitement against Israel by Palestinian Arab officials, which has directly led to the current terror wave in which dozens of Israelis have been murdered.
PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas has also been at the forefront of the constant incitement against Israel, the most famous recent instance being his call on Palestinian Arabs to "liberate" the Al-Aqsa Mosque from Jews and their “filthy feet”.
This documentary by a new group called Save The West, represents excellent research.“The Huffington Post’s Anti-Semitic Bias and Incitement During the Third Intifada”
Interestingly enough, I had two Hollywood celebrities forward this to me! (Roseanne Barr & Mark Pellegrino)
Swedish Minister confronted on funding Palestinian terror
A delegation of the World Zionist Organization (WZO) on January 19 led a visit to the Swedish Parliament, which last Friday led to a governmental minister being confronted over Sweden's funding to the Palestinian Authority (PA) in light of its rampant incitement.Erekat: Kerry vowed to veto UNSC resolutions on Israeli settlements, Palestinian statehood
The January delegation was comprised of WZO Vice Chairman Dr. David Breakstone and former MK Dov Lipman, who brought Itamar Marcus of Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) to the Swedish Parliament to reveal the PA's incitement to terrorism. The session came after Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom condemned Israel's "extra-judicial killings" of Palestinian terrorists.
Swedish MP Mikael Oscarsson (Christian Democrats) hosted the event, and expressed his shock over the incitement. He requested that Wallstrom be invited to the parliament to address the issue, but in the end Minister for International Development Cooperation Isabella Lovin was asked to come instead, in a session held last Friday.
Oscarsson asked Lovin to have conditions placed on the governmental funding to the PA, which she oversees.
Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat revealed details about the recent meeting between US Secretary of State John Kerry and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, arguing that Kerry threatened to veto any Security Council resolution on Israeli settlements or Palestinian statehood.Khaled Abu Toameh: Israeli officials dismiss reported PA threat to end security coordination
The document written by Erekat, which summarized the meeting that took place on February 21 in Amman, was published on Sunday by the London-based newspaper Asharq al-Awsat. According to Erekat, Kerry's comments during the meeting were more sympathetic towards Israel, including condemning Palestinian violence toward Israelis without mention of "Israeli crimes against Palestinians."
Erekat also claimed that Kerry opposed Palestinian efforts to join international institutions and treaties, stating that US secretary of state vowed to veto any UN Security Council resolution on Israeli settlements, Palestinian statehood or special international defense of the Palestinian people.
Palestinian officials on Sunday made contradictory statements regarding security coordination between the Palestinian Authority and Israel.IsraellyCool: Comparing Trump And Hitler Is An Abomination
The statements came in response to reports that the PA had once again threatened to suspend security coordination with Israel.
According to the reports, PA security officials who recently met with their Israeli counterparts notified them of the decision to suspend the security coordination. The officials reportedly said that the PA leadership has taken a final decision to halt security coordination with Israel in light of the Israeli government’s refusal to honor previous agreements signed between the two sides.
The PA officials - Majed Faraj, Ziad Hab Al-Reeh and Hussein Al-Sheikh - are also reported to have told their Israeli counterparts that the suspension of security coordination would be implemented in phases.
This post isn’t about supporting Trump. I’m largely ambivalent and I don’t get a vote anyway. He doesn’t fill me with joy or terror, much as most of the Republican field. This is completely about who he’s being compared to.Saban: Trump’s a ‘clown,’ and would be ‘dangerous’ for Israel
Let’s get one thing straight. I’m not doing this lightly. It seems a bit early to go full Godwin here but perhaps I have to. Have you read Mein Kampf lately? Probably not. There are just a few too many people on social media dangerously throwing around the “Trump is Hitler” comparisons. It all starts with a few hands raised and it ends with gas chambers and genocide, apparently.
I haven’t yet read Trump’s magnum opus, “The Art of the Deal”. I actually will now. I’m pretty certain, based on the reviews and publicly available material that I won’t find an instruction manual on how to take over and rule first America and then the world in order to prevent the “triumph of international Judaism”.
For those of you not intimately familiar with Mein Kampf, I’m not even going to quote it directly because it’s actually a real struggle to read. I don’t speak German so I’ve only ever looked at English versions. I’ll spare you the trouble but I’ll give you the best summary of the book that anyone has ever written. Then at the end I’ll tell you who wrote the summary. The only thing changed is the formatting. There’s a long, long paragraph in the original that has been split into bullet points to make it easier to read.
Israeli-American billionaire Haim Saban on Saturday called Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump a “clown” who would be dangerous to Israel and the world as a whole should he take the White House.PreOccupiedTerritory: Trump Dangerous For World, Say Europeans Importing Jihad (satire)
Saban, an entertainment magnate best known for producing the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, is one of the biggest backers of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. He told Channel 2 in an interview aired Saturday night that the GOP candidate was “dangerous for the world, and since Israel is part of the world, therefore he’s dangerous to Israel.”
“He’s unpredictable,” Saban said of Trump. “It’s very hard to know what he’s really thinking. One day he gives an interview to an Israeli paper and says you’ll never have had such a friend in the White House from the moment I’m president. A day later they ask him about the situation in the Middle East and he says, no, I’ll be neutral, I’m from the UN. I won’t intervene.”
Saban was alluding to Trump’s remarks last month ahead of the South Carolina primaries in which he said he would be “sort of a neutral guy” in trying to broker a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians. At the same time he has repeatedly said he is “totally pro-Israel.”
European political and public figures responsible for the influx of countless radical Islamists onto the Continent warned today that Donald Trump presents a serious threat to the economy and stability of the world, new organizations are reporting.Hillary Emails: Lovefest with Soros-Backed Left Wing Think Tank
High-ranking officials in Germany, Britain, France, and elsewhere across Europe told reporters over the last several weeks that the real estate magnate’s incoherence and ignorance of crucial international issues – as well as his apparent willingness to disregard the law and human rights – calls into question his ability to govern the United States properly and to maintain healthy diplomatic relations with the rest of the world. They made their statements amid European governmental and societal efforts to ignore, minimize, dismiss, or deny the danger posed by tens of thousands of migrants from Muslim countries who will not be required or even actively encouraged to moderate they misogyny, antisemitism, triumphalism, or sympathy for religiously driven violence.
“Trump is a danger to democracy and to Western values in general,” declared Rhineland regional official Sue Iss-Heid, who has personally traveled to the country’s border with Austria to welcome trainloads of migrants unwilling to adopt Western values of tolerance, the State’s monopoly on force, or equality. “He echoes for us shades of a much darker past we would much rather not have to revisit,” she added as she signed a public notice urging women and girls not to show their uncovered faces in certain parts of town where the immigrants gather, lest they provoke sexual violence.
The last batch of Hillary Clinton’s private emails, released on Monday and reviewed in full by this reporter, evidences a close personal and professional relationship with the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress, or CAP.Pinocchio’s lies spark dispute at Columbia University’s anti-Israel week
The organization was so influential in the formation of the Obama administration in 2008 that it prompted Time Magazine to dub the CAP “Obama’s Idea Factory in Washington.” The CAP went on to produce extensive recommendation papers that formed the basis of many of President Obama’s policies from healthcare to gun control to military spending.
If the latest email releases serve as any clue, the CAP’s singular influence is set to continue and perhaps even expand during any future Hillary Clinton administration.
The deep Clinton ties to CAP are not surprising. The group was co-founded by John Podesta, who served as Bill Clinton’s chief of staff and was co-director of Obama’s White House transition team in 2009. Podesta is currently chairman of Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.
The current CAP President is Neera Tanden, who exchanged numerous emails with Clinton on a host of policy issues, the latest batch of email correspondence shows.
Tanden served as Clinton’s domestic policy aide when she became the first First Lady to have her own office in the White House. She also was an issues advisor to Clinton’s 2000 Senate bid.
An inflatable 15-foottall Pinocchio doll placed by pro-Israel groups in front of a mock replica of the country’s security barrier displayed by the group Students for Justice in Palestine sparked major controversy during the annual Israel Apartheid Week at Columbia University last week.Report Shows ‘Growing Internal Divisions’ Among Anti-Israel Activists on Campus and Other Good News
The Pinocchio, which was designed by Artists 4 Israel to “draw attention to the lies of Israel Apartheid Week” and displayed by the organizations Students Supporting Israel and StandWithUs, was removed from College Walk on campus after just a few days. SSI's display also included posters and literature provided by StandWithUs.
The reasons for the removal, however, remain unclear and sparked a debate at the university.
According to Columbia University administrators, some students complained that the cartoon character is “offensive” because Pinocchio’s long nose could be considered anti-Semitic.
But SSI has a different explanation, claiming that even though they received approval for a “large display” from the Columbia student government, which regulates displays and demonstrations on campus, pro-Palestinian groups pressured the body into silencing pro-Israel voices. This, SSI said, is because the student government is led by pro-Palestinian students.
As a result of these internal disputes, according to a section called “Emerging Anti-Israel Trends,” anti-Israel activists are starting to diversify their strategies. For example, SJP and its allies are actively making alliances with other popular campus protest movements and advocacy groups, such as Black Lives Matter, LGBQ and women’s rights groups.Israel activists declare war on 'hijacked' anti-poverty charity
“Having enjoyed relatively limited success in securing passage of BDS resolutions …” the report notes, “a frustrated and opportunistic SJP has inserted anti-Israel language into the public demonstrations and grievance platforms of these campus agitators.”
The anti-Israel groups are also now investing energy into holding large public rallies and demonstrations; interrupting pro-Israel events; and engaging with surrounding communities to turn them against Israel.
While Israel supporters must still keep a close eye on these changing strategies, overall this appears to be quite good news for the pro-Israel community, as it shows the anti-Israel campus movement is perhaps declining from its honeymoon phase.
One other piece of good news in the report, and somewhat surprising, is that despite what the media perhaps suggest, pro-Israel activity on campus actually outruns anti-Israel activity, and by a significant margin.
A leading anti-poverty charity has been hijacked by anti-Israel activists, and is channeling millions in donations to causes not remotely connected to fighting poverty, according to campaigners.The BBC, ‘Cage’ and the dinner guest
A new initiative by the UK-based Israel Advocacy Movement seeks to raise awareness about how, over the past three decades, War on Want has morphed into little more than a front for some of the virulent anti-Israel activists, including the BDS boycott movement.
Founded in 1951, War on Want's initial mandate was to tackle global poverty and inequality. But following a disastrous period in the 1980s, when the charity was forced into insolvency under the management of anti-Israel campaigner George Galloway and then bailed out, it has taken on a far more radical political hue.
In fact, after being relaunched following its collapse in 1991, War on Want appears to have morphed into little more than a franchise of the far-left Socialist Workers Party (the "Donate" option on War on Want's homepage is even the same red, clenched fist as the SWP's logo).
Today, the majority of the charity's activities - funded by more than £2 million in annual donations - appear to have little to do with fighting poverty - and are disproportionately aimed at attacking the State of Israel.
Just over a year ago the BBC came under criticism following its decision to promote a press conference concerning the ISIS terrorist known as ‘Jihadi John’ which was held by the organization ‘Cage’. The day after its extensive coverage of that event, the BBC News website published an additional article titled “Cage: Important human rights group or apologists for terror?“. The article of course did not answer the question posed in its title but it did steer readers towards the former view.Jordanian diplomat caught smuggling into Israel
Since then – and despite that question having been asked – representatives of ‘Cage’ have continued to appear on BBC programmes (for example here, here and here) but still without adequate presentation of the organisation’s agenda and ideology as editorial guidelines on impartiality demand. That of course is significant because it means that audiences are deprived of the ability to put the commentary coming from ‘Cage’ – including, for example, on the topic of the UK’s counter terrorism strategies – into its appropriate context through understanding of the “particular viewpoint” behind it.
The CST recently published an article which includes some insight into those ideologies and is well worth the read – not only in order to find out who ‘Cage’ promoted at its 2015 Iftar dinner.
Customs inspectors caught a Jordanian diplomat red handed trying to sneak dozens of kilograms of gold and hundreds of smartphones into Israel, in a near identical incident to a smuggling attempt in the car of a European Union (EU) representative just a month ago.Hamas-linked operative 'who recruited terrorists in Egypt' nabbed
In the thwarted smuggling on Sunday, Israeli inspectors at the Allenby Bridge Crossing on the Jordan border near Jericho found the illegal goods in the private car of a Jordanian diplomat who serves at the Jordanian embassy, as he crossed in to Israel.
The inspectors had their suspicions tipped off when they found dozens of smartphones of various types in the car of the Jordanian embassy staffer.
In a more thorough inspection, they found another 300 or so smartphones, and dozens of kilograms of gold bars and jewelry thought to be made from real gold.
At the end of the search, the diplomat was allowed to return to Jordan.
Security forces on Sunday announced the arrest of a suspected terror operative who allegedly belonged to a Hamas-linked group and was active in terror financing and recruitment of West Bank Palestinians in Egypt.Egypt accuses Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas of assassinating prosecutor
The Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) intelligence agency, together with the Israel Police, arrested 33-year-old Muhammad Nazal, from Kabatiya in the West Bank, as he crossed from Jordan to Israel via the Allenby land crossing at the end of January. In 2007, security force said, Nazal moved to Cairo, Egypt, to study.
In Egypt, he joined the Holy Warriors Battalion (Khatib Al-Mujahadin) terror group, the Shin Bet said, a Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade splinter organization that adopted radical Islamic tendencies.
The group's members have in recent years plotted a number of attacks against Israeli targets, including rocket fire, and attempts to set up attacks within Israel, the Shin Bet added.
Egypt has accused exiled Muslim Brotherhood officials of conspiring with Gaza-based Hamas militants to assassinate Public Prosecutor Hisham Barakat last year and arrested 14 people in connection with the attack.Under Egypt’s nose, Hamas boosts cooperation with IS in Sinai
Barakat, 64, was killed by a car bomb in Cairo in June 2015. He was the most senior state official assassinated since the toppling in mid-2013 of elected president Mohamed Mursi of the Muslim Brotherhood. There was no claim of responsibility for the attack at the time.
Interior Ministry Magdi Abdel Ghaffar told a news conference that the attack was ordered by Turkey-based leaders of Egypt's oldest Islamist movement and coordinated with Hamas. He accused Hamas of helping to provide training and explosives.
He said the authorities had arrested 48 members of a Muslim Brotherhood cell aimed at undermining security through a series of attacks. Fourteen of them had confessed to killing Barakat.
"This is a very big conspiracy that started a long time ago and continued," he said.
The Egyptian soldiers stationed on the border of the Gaza Strip have encountered this sight more than once in the past few weeks: Hamas-owned bulldozers and tractors appear and begin excavations on the border with the Sinai Peninsula.Nasrallah: Arab regimes have never done anything for the Palestinians
Despite promises to Cairo that Hamas is not engaged in the smuggling trade with the Islamic State’s Sinai affiliate, the bulldozers are digging tunnels in broad daylight, to the astonishment of the Egyptians, to boost the smuggling from and to Sinai that has recently been compromised.
These bulldozers approach the border, and then abruptly disappear underground, according to sources in the Gaza Strip. Several seconds later, they exit the tunnels, loaded with dirt, and unload it not far from the excavation site.
Even if Cairo gave the workers the benefit of the doubt and thought they could be working without the knowledge of Hamas, the sight of them taking “coffee breaks” at Hamas security positions, right in front of the Egyptian soldiers’ eyes, dispels any notion that the Strip’s rulers aren’t behind what’s going on.
All this is taking place, despite the repeated denials by Hamas officials in the past few months that they are cooperating with or have secret ties with the Islamic State in Sinai.
Hezbollah's Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah vehemently attacked Arab regimes for their decision to label Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, claiming that "the Lebanese resistance is the only one that regains Arab dignity and fights for the Palestinian people."Iran commander: Israel coerced Arab states into labeling Hezbollah terror group
Last week, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) voted to designate Hezbollah as a terrorist organization amid the Lebanese Shi’ite group’s involvement in various regional conflicts alongside Iran and the regime of Syiran President Bashar Assad.
In a speech he delivered Sunday afternoon to commemorate the martyrdom of a senior Hezbollah commander, Ali Fayyad, Nasrallah mocked the contribution of Arab regimes to the struggle against Israel saying that "If we had waited for the Arabs and their armies, Israel would still be in our lands (south Lebanon)."
Responding to the GCC’s decision to label Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, Nasrallah delivered a belligerent message to Arab regimes saying: "We do not need your weapons, leave us alone."
"Arab regimes led by Saudi Arabia side with Israel against our struggle. They do so because the defense of Israel is the guarantee to their survival," Hezbollah's chief further stated.
A top commander in Iran's military on Sunday said the recent decision by Gulf Arab states to label Hezbollah as a terrorist organization was made at Israel's order, the Islamic State's Press TV reported.Report: Egypt imposes entrance ban on Hezbollah's leaders following Gulf's declaration
Iranian Armed Forces Chief of Staff Major General Hassan Firouzabadi blasted the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) for making what he said was a strategic mistake that counters the interest of Muslim nations.
On Wednesday, the Gulf bloc designated Iran's proxy based in Lebanon as a terrorist organization.
Iran's state-run Press TV cited Firouzabadi as claiming that the move was lead by Saudi Arabia as part of preparations in its "proxy war" to make way for future possible actions by the US and "Zionists" in the region.
Egypt has allegedly put Hezbollah's leaders on the list of people banned from entering the state, as a part of its commitment to the security of Gulf States.Russia halts S-300 delivery to Iran on back of Israeli intelligence: report
According to Arab media reports, an Egyptian security official said that Egypt decided to ban Hezbollah leaders from entering the state following the latest decision of the Gulf Cooperation Council to label Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. Egypt's decision also states that people affiliated with Hezbollah would also be banned from holding stocks in Egyptian banks.
The official added that Egypt also decided to ban entry from Palestinians in Gaza who hold contacts with the Lebanese terror organization, after it had already warned Hezbollah to stop supporting armed organizations in Gaza Strip, which poses a threat to Egypt's national security.
Egypt's decision is quite surprising since two weeks ago it hosted an official Hezbollah delegation for discussions on security coordination. However, in light of the upcoming visit of Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz al Saud to Cairo in April amid a growing rift in the Arab world between the pro-Hezbollah camp lead by Iran and the anti-Hezbollah camp lead by Saudi Arabia, Egypt seems keen to align with the Saudi kingdom.
Iran allegedly breached an agreement with Moscow by transferring Russian-made weapons to HezbollahMossad: We Sabotaged Iran’s Missile Guidance Systems by Giving them Waze (satire)
Moscow has frozen plans to transfer S-300 air defense missile systems to Iran on the strength of Israeli intelligence showing that Tehran had transferred other Russian weapons to Hezbollah, the Jerusalem Post reports, citing Kuwaiti daily Al Jarida.
Iran had previously agreed not to provide the Lebanese militant group with Russian arms, but breached this agreement — according to Israeli intelligence — when it provided Hezbollah with SA-22 surface-to-air missiles.
Proof of the transfer was handed over to the Russians by Israel, leading President Vladimir Putin to nix the current plans to deliver the S-300 systems to Iran, Al Jarida reported Saturday.
The S300 deal has been under discussion for more than six years. Russia says it cancelled a contract to deliver the advanced missile system to Iran in 2010 under pressure from the West. But Putin lifted that self-imposed ban in April following the interim nuclear deal between Iran and world powers.
In February, Russia denied media reports of an imminent delivery of missiles to Iran, saying that Tehran had not yet paid for the weapons.
According to the Al Jarida report, which took its information from a senior Russian source, Moscow has additionally insisted that Iran desist from militarily supporting the Assad regime in Syria.
World leaders woke up this morning to the shocking revelation that Israel’s famed Secret Service had crippled Iran’s guided missile program by giving the Iranians the popular and sometimes also accurate navigation App “Waze”. Waze, an Israeli start-up success story that was in 2013 was sold to Google for $1 Billion, was secretly uploaded into the Iranian missile guidance database through an unknown Third Party working in coordination with the Mossad. The Daily Freier was able to speak to a shadowy guy named “Tzvi” outside Google’s Herzliya campus.London Uber Driver Convicted of Road Rage, Shouting ‘Kill All the Jews’ at Orthodox Bus Driver
“This was a difficult assignment. We wanted a program that would spoof the Iranian missile software into calculating the supposedly shortest route, but in reality it sends the projectile on a boondoggle. So I talked to a friend, who talked to a friend, who copied Waze onto their server. Now the navigation system directs the missiles aimed at Tel Aviv to first swing by a Tim Horton’s Doughnut Shop just north of Saskatoon.”
Iran reacted in undisguised panic this morning at the revelation. A Revolutionary Guard Corps Spokesperson, speaking on condition of anonymity, described the chaos. “This is worse than Stuxnet. We’ve lost at least six months. To add insult to injury, we just found out that our Al Quds Force homepage works off of Wix.”
For its part, Waze strongly denied any part in the current crisis. “I must stress that Waze is a useful community-based application that seeks to improve the common good regardless of politics.” explained Waze spokesperson Arielle C. “I got to get back to work. Please excuse me while I direct an IDF patrol to take a shortcut through Nablus.”
An Uber driver in the UK was sentenced to 15 days of anger management sessions, one hundred hours of community service and a 26-week suspended sentence for shouting he would “kill all the Jews” during a road-rage incident, Britain’s ITV reported on Friday.40% of European Jews list anti-Semitism as key threat
The incident took place in September 2014, when the driver, Rashal Miah, was stuck in traffic. He allegedly got out of his car and hurled the antisemitic epithet at an Orthodox Jewish school-bus driver in the north London district of Stamford Hill, a predominately Orthodox neighborhood.
Miah also reportedly called the bus driver “Yehudi,” the word for “Jew” in Hebrew and similarly in Arabic.
During Miah’s sentencing, Judge Murray Shanks called the driver’s behavior “horrible.”
In a poll among leaders of Jewish communities in Europe, it was revealed that 40% of respondents believe that anti-Semitism is one of the biggest threats to the future of Jewish life in their country.Israeli water purifier on way to thirsty Papua New Guinea
The survey further exposed that other pressing issues included weakness of Jewish organizations (55%), alienation of Jews from Jewish life (61%) and demographic decline (51%).
The figures appeared last Monday in the Third Survey of European Jewish Leaders and Opinion Formers, a study published every four years by the International Center for Community Development for the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC).
The 2016 results are the highest number recorded by the JDC since it launched its first survey in 2008. That year, only 10% of respondents ranked anti-Semitism as the most serious threat facing Jewish communities.
The results comply with other such surveys which show that the increasing concern is the result of increased hate crimes in Western Europe. In 2013, around one-third of European Jews responded to an EU survey saying they “seriously considered emigrating” because of anti-Semitism.
Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs is donating a GalMobile water purification vehicle to drought-stricken Papua New Guinea, an independent island nation north of Australia, in which about 85 percent of the six million citizens lack access to electricity and tap water.Israeli women — and tech — connect African villages to water, electricity
The Caesarea-based G.A.L. Water Technologies and the Foreign Ministry have teamed up to provide water-treatment products on a humanitarian basis to African nations for more than 20 years. Last March, they sent a GalMobile to the Marshall Islands in the Pacific, where drinking water is in seriously short supply.
The GalMobile is a mobile potable water-treatment, storage and distribution system that connects to any possible water source and produces drinking water at World Health Organization standards in less than 30 minutes, yielding approximately 8,000 cups of water per hour.
Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced its purchase of the vehicle at an event at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jerusalem on February 29 led by Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely and Raphael Morav, director of the Pacific Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
A charity led by Israeli women and employing Israeli technologies has connected 104 villages across Africa to water and electricity.
Innovation Africa, the Israeli organization founded by Sivan Ya’ari, has sought to better the lives of rural villagers in Malawi, Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa and elsewhere by mining Israeli technological innovation for solutions that fit the needs of hard-to-reach places across the vast continent. Its work was highlighted in a report on Israel’s Channel 2 on Saturday night.
In places with no electrical power, and thus no means for refrigerating medicine or food, or for turning on the lights in schools, Ya’ari’s organization turned to the solar panels that are a ubiquitous feature of Israeli rooftops. These new sources of power also allow villagers to recharge cellular phones without traveling outside their villages to find a working plug, expanding their access to communications and the Internet, the TV report showed. Computers designed to be powered by solar power are being used as educational tools.
Israeli-made locks also help cut down on theft. Israeli drip irrigation systems are dramatically increasing the efficiency of agricultural water use, leading to cheaper and larger crop yields. And a manual pump that can purify water – even sewage – to make it drinkable without the use of electricity is making water safer.
We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.