One of their favorite sources in Veteran's Today. Today El Badil published an article from VT about how Jews control all the major media in the US that came from that site. The article ends with a quote from a "Rabbi Reichhorn" in Prague in 1869, where he supposedly gave a proto-Protocols address at a funeral describing the Jewish strategy to control the world.
I haven't looked at Veteran's Today in a while, and besides its crazed antisemitic articles, it also continues to expand 9/11 "truther" rhetoric:
It is now known beyond any reasonable question that the 9-11-01 nuclear attack on America was an “Inside-job”, a Gladio-style false-Flag attack on America.Not only that, but VT reports that the moon landings were fake!
What this means is that this attack was no surprise attack at all and was done with the help of some high ranking US Officials in the Administration, JCS, USAF, NORAD, the FAA and the local NYC government officials.
false-flag1 (2)It is also known that the individuals responsible for planning and executing this attack included PNACers, Top NeoCons, the President and the Vice-President and the Secretary of the Department of Defense, Several top JCS, USAF, NORAD and FAA, some Top Directors of AIPAC, and numerous American-Israeli ‘Israeli-first” Dual Citizens and Israeli Intel.
So it is a natural fit for Arab media to quote fringe Western media (something Iran's PressTV has been doing for years.)
One more interesting fact about El Badil: Human Rights Watch quotes them uncritically. Maybe the report that HRW quoted from El Badil was accurate and maybe not, but there is no indication that HRW did any independent fact checking as they quoted a newspaper that consistently reports on antisemitic conspiracy theories.