Monday, January 26, 2015

  • Monday, January 26, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
From IMRA:

Haaretz reporter Roi Arad revealed in an article in the Hebrew edition today that the foreign funded organization, “One Voice”, is bankrolling the V-2015 campaign to defeat Binyamin Netanyahu’s national camp in the March 2015 Knesset Elections.

One indication of the generous financing is that it has now flown in a team of five American campaign experts (including Jeremy Bird, the Obama campaign's national field director) who will run the campaign out of offices taking up the ground floor of a Tel Aviv office building.

V-2015 is careful not to support a specific party - rather “just not Bibi”. As such, the foreign funds pouring into the campaign are not subject to Israel’s campaign finance laws.
You mean, a foreign organization wants to interfere in Israeli politics? Isn't that the terrible kind of thing that all proper Americans are against?

I mean, even J-Street hates the idea of outsiders meddling in Israeli elections. They sent out this email:
Certainly, if Netanyahu making a speech in the US is considered meddling in Israeli elections, certainly a hand-picked team of Obama campaigners dedicated specifically to change Israel's leadership would be considered way beyond the pale.

Interestingly, Ha'aretz, which has published an average of five anti-government articles a day over the past month, didn't bother to translate this article into English.

The OneVoice movement that is behind this "anyone but Bibi" campaign headed by Daniel Lubetzky, describes itself this way:
OneVoice is an international grassroots movement that amplifies the voice of mainstream Israelis and Palestinians, empowering them to propel their elected representatives toward the two-state solution. The Movement works to forge consensus for conflict resolution and build a human infrastructure capable of mobilizing the people toward a negotiated, comprehensive, and permanent agreement between Israel and Palestine that ends the occupation, ensures security and peace for both sides, and solves all final-status issues in accordance with international law and previous bilateral agreements. The 1967 borders form the basis for the establishment of an independent, viable Palestinian state, with permanent borders and any modifications to be agreed upon by both parties. The Movement recognizes that violence by either side will never be a means to end the conflict.
Yet when you look through their website to see exactly how it tries to have Palestinian Arabs influence their leaders towards peace and compromise, you come up blank. No, instead, this award winning "peace" organization teaches both Israelis and Palestinian Arabs to pressure only one side: Israel.

Here is one of their major initiatives in the territories, to encourage "non-violent resistance" against Israel and Jews who live in Judea and Samaria:

Do they check whether the land that they are planting trees in belongs legally to any Jews? Of course not.

Do they encourage the Arab youth of the territories to demand that Abbas accept one of the many peace proposals that Israel has offered over the years to end the conflict? Of course not.

Do they have any compunction about interfering in Israeli elections? Of course not.

Do the people who pretend that they care so much about Bibi speaking in Congress have any problem with this explicit and intentional interference in Israel's elections? Of course not!

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