The colors are a little muted so it is hard to see the borders:
But with a little color editing, we see something interesting:
There is no border between Israel, Jordan and the territories, even including Gaza.
Now, it is possible that RyanAir is mimicking the maps of Eretz Yisrael that the Irgun used to circulate before 1948, that included the entire original area of "Palestine" that was envisioned in the Balfour Declaration before the first partition:
Somehow, I doubt it. But it might be fun to start that rumor that the airline supports a very expansive vision of Greater Israel. After all, why should the Zionists be the only ones paranoid about maps on websites?
My guess is that RyanAir just didn't want to worry about upsetting people which would happen no matter what borders they drew, so they just decided to purposefully not draw a border altogether.
They cannot be accused of being anti-Israel; their CEO stated last August that he intends not only to add a Tel Aviv route but to make Israel a regional hub.
(h/t Johnny)