Wednesday, January 28, 2015

  • Wednesday, January 28, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Jihad el-Khazen is a writers whose op-eds appear in many major Arab media outlets.

In 2006, he wrote something amazing:
About a month has passed since I made my suggestion to popularize the term 'Nazi Zionist' and the derivative 'ZioNazi', and readers are still discussing the matter....

What I say about myself is what I said when I put the term forward on September 5, 2006. I said at the time that the objective of the term was to exasperate the Zionists, because nothing vexes them as much as associating them with the Nazis. I do see the term as an exaggeration, since the crimes of the Nazis against the Jews are greater that the crimes of the Israeli government against the Palestinians and the rest of the Arabs. There is nothing between the Arabs and the Jews that is the equivalent of using gas chambers.
In other words, he is advocating calling Israelis "ZioNazis" not because there is any truth to the term, but because there is inherent value in upsetting the Jews.

Of course, using that logic it could be argued that cartoons making fun of Mohammed are important because it causes Muslims to get angry.

Khazen at least knew in 2006 the difference between the truth and his rhetoric. Nowadays, not so much:

On TV today (writing on Tuesday afternoon) at 8:20 in the morning I saw two young women in front of me talking about Auschwitz and the seventieth anniversary of its liberation.

Auschwitz was 70 years ago, yet there are daily holocaust of Palestinians in the country committed by Israeli government among whose members claim that their families perished in the Holocaust. Their Holocaust that lasted six years or so, and the Palestinian Holocaust has been going on continuously for 66 years.

Every day there is a Palestinian people ruled by the Israeli occupation, and if the subject is the extermination of entire families, there are Palestinian families destroyed in Israel's war on the Gaza Strip last summer.

...In the Christian West there was anti-Semitism against Jews over the centuries, and this culminated with the Holocaust, which pushed the Palestinians from their land and their lives paid the price of other crimes.

There is a museum, or museums, for Auschwitz. Why do not I see a museum for 517 children killed by the government of Benjamin Netanyahu in the Gaza Strip over only ten days? [This is a lie - EoZ] Fifty children were killed every day but no one mentions the names of the child victims.

The memory of Auschwitz is being exploited to divert attention from the crimes of the Israeli government.

Today I read calls from the heads of Jewish associations that require the enactment of laws against anti-Semitism... There are campaigns of anti-Semitism against Muslims in Europe, but the news about that is limited; the focus on solely on anti-Semitism against the Jews.

The uproar after terrorism in France diverted attention from the crimes of the Netanyahu government....
See other gems from el-Khazen here and a 2006 essay I wrote here.

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