Wednesday, November 28, 2012

  • Wednesday, November 28, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon

Following are excerpts from a show featuring Egyptian cleric Abd Al-Fattah Abu Zayd, which aired on Tahrir TV on November 23, 2012.

Abu Zeid: Our enemies conspire against us. Conspire or you shall be conspired against. When our enemies used armed force against us, they failed ignominiously. They realized that the use of armed force against Muslims is futile, because Muslims have the element of confrontation, the element of resistance, the element of Jihad for the sake of Allah. They realized: Armed force would be futile against those Muslims, because they love death as much as we love life. So they replaced the armed force with soft power.

Do you know what "soft power" is? It is urges, sex, women and 4.2 million porn websites on the Internet. Just imagine – 4.2 million porn websites, the number one purpose of which is to corrupt the nation of Muhammad. Brothers, who finances those 4.2 million websites? This is just the number of websites. The number of internet porn pages is 420 million, the purpose of which is to corrupt the nation of Muhammad, to corrupt you. When the use of armed force failed them, they decided to use soft power, to invade the hearts and minds of the nation of Muhammad.

It was said in The Protocols of the abominable elders of Zion that alcohol and prostitutes would be capable of destroying Muslim youths more than a thousand cannons. They will drown them in urges and desires. That is their plan.
I have a feeling that this preacher is familiar with more than a few of the 4.2 million websites.

I'm still getting dozens of hits a day from people searching for "Arab six video" .Here are a few recent ones:

The plot is working!

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