Friday, November 23, 2012

  • Friday, November 23, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

LATMA: The BBC lies and Israel defends itself

A Ceasefire Has Not Been Enacted on Israel’s Other Battlefield
"Anonymous bloggers like Elder of Ziyon, who from behind a computer screen, armed with nothing more than a sharp eye for falsehood and an abundance of common sense, forced retractions and corrections (albeit some half-heartedly) from such media giants as London’s Telegraph newspaper and CNN. The outlets had falsely reported as fact, Hamas’ claims that four year old Mahmoud Sadallah, who was famously pictured cradled in the hands of Egypt’s Prime Minister, was killed in an Israeli airstrike. In truth, as Elder proved, he was killed by a Hamas rocket that fell short, landing in Gaza.
Others include Challah Hu Akbar, who meticulously surveys reports of civilian casualties in Gaza for discrepancies and falsehoods, BBC watch, who embarrassed the British network’s Gaza correspondent, Jon Donnison, after he posted one of the false Syria images on Twitter. Other such troopers go by the names of Brian of London, Missing Peace, Emet, Carl in Jerusalem, Aussie Dave, Huff Watcher and Daled Amos. There are a number of increasingly tech savvy larger Jewish groups that are becoming more digitally active as well."

Media should use ceasefire to reflect on double standards By Richard Kemp
"Predictably enough, the media has been full of shrill accusations of indiscriminate Israeli air strikes and deliberate targeting of civilians. Nothing could be further from the truth."

Why Israel can't win this propaganda war
'Moral superiority', that’s the key to understanding the left’s support for Hamas
"Western Leftists don’t have to live with the consequences of their support for aggression in the Middle East. But the sad truth is that the Palestinians are paying a heavy price for their failure to face up to realpolitik."

Russia Today Continues its Anti-Israel Propaganda, Going Even Further Than Arab TV
“A notable example is Abby Martin, a presenter on RT, who has a long history of making incendiary anti-Israel comments on her program “Breaking the Set”. Her statements range from wild exaggerations to outright falsehoods. Some of these comments are so blatantly and almost embarrassingly false, with presenters making allegations that even Arab TV channels don’t make.

BBC Watch Not enough Israelis killed by “home-made contraptions” for BBC’s Mishal Husain

Huffington Post Deletes Hamas Comment Praising Tel Aviv Bus Bomb From AP Story

Agence France-Presse perpetuates a Hamas lie
"AFP alone did not respond to direct calls to correct or otherwise address the egregious misinformation. AFP Jerusalem bureau chief Philippe Agret and photo editor Marco Longari did not lift a finger to correct the record even when they were informed that the Telegraph reported that “experts from the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights who visited the site on Saturday said they believed that the explosion was caused by a Palestinian rocket.”

Israeli Reservist Injured in Wednesday Attack Dies From his Wounds
The reservist who was injured Wednesday by rocket fire in the Eshkol Regional Council area has died.
28-year-old Lieutenant Boris Yarmolnik died Thursday from his wounds at Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba.

Tel Aviv terror attack victims speak
For first time since 2002, Tel Aviv rocked by bus bombing which injured 28; driver: 'I was sure it was a rocket hit'
Blast, smoke and anxiety – 28 people were injured in a terror attack in Tel Aviv on Wednesday when a massive blast ripped through a bus near the Kirya army compound. As three of the injured went into surgery, others recounted the moments of horror as they witnessed the first explosion on a Tel Aviv bus since 2002.

Israel Vs. Hamas Is Civilization Vs. Savagery
"Hamas' al-Aqsa TV, run by a Palestinian parliament member, is already notorious, encouraging children to become terrorists, as when it depicted a 4-year-old girl holding an explosive, singing of killing Israeli soldiers as a suicide bomber. On Wednesday, the channel's news reader prayed "to Allah the exalted that we see body bags in a short while" and joyfully reported that "the morale of Gaza residents is in the sky right now."
As Chaim Weizmann, Israel's first president, wrote over 60 years ago, "The real opponents of Zionism can never be placated by any diplomatic formula: Their objection to the Jews is that the Jews exist, and in this particular case, that they exist in Palestine."

FM: Israel will eventually need to overthrow Hamas
Liberman tells Channel 2 that launching IDF ground operation to occupy Gaza and overthrow Hamas regime would take 4 months.

In CNN interview professing a desire for peace, Mashaal asks, ‘How can I accept Israel? They have occupied my land’
After 8-day conflict that saw hundreds of rockets fired into Israel, Hamas leader claims his group does not target civilians

Hamas: We do not support Abbas's statehood bid By Khaled Abu Toameh
Denial comes shortly after Abbas's office says Haniyeh expressed support for effort to upgrade to non-member state.

Gaza leader Haniyeh thanks Iran for helping make Israel ‘scream with pain’
Hamas PM tells delirious crowds ‘the idea of attacking Gaza is gone,’ a day after ceasefire is agreed

PMW: Hamas song - death to Israel
A day after Hamas-Israel ceasefire following Hamas-Israel conflict

For third time, Lebanese army disarms rocket aimed at Israel
Soldiers defuse missile a day after two were fired but failed to reach Israeli territory

Gaza ceasefire: Hamas's celebrations mask major defeat
"Hamas has lost key generals, international support, used up a huge quantity of its weapons, lost key infrastructure, and helped give Israel the international support it needs for a ground operation in Gaza if Hamas misbehaves.
In addition, Israel's Iron Dome has proven very successful, and the US has agreed to supply more, making Hamas's weapons of choice increasingly less effective as the days go by. Hamas has also probably not delighted its Iranian masters either, as this conflict has brought Israel and the US closer than it has been since Obama took office – good news for Israel, but bad news for Iran as the US-Israeli divide was primarily over Iran in the first place.
In fact, other than a possible improvement in support from Palestinians and some bragging rights in questionable circles, it is hard to see what, if anything, Hamas got out of the past week."

The (real) new Middle East By Danny Danon
Only by staying true to our principles and meeting the terrorist aggression with decisive action can we hope to assure true safety and security for the citizens of Israel.

Venezuela: Dozens attack synagogue over Gaza conflict
Demonstrators hurl fireworks into building, shout anti-Israel slogan

Argentine govt. slams violence at anti-Israel rally in Buenos Aires

Jewish pupils attacked outside school in Paris suburb
Faculty report two attacks and one break-in in space of 48 hours

Italians hold speech rally for Israel
Italian MP Fiamma Nirenstein organizes a “speaking marathon” to support Israel in front of parliament in Rome.

‘Where’s my wife?’ Electronic SMS tracker notifies Saudi husbands
"Denied the right to travel without consent from their male guardians and banned from driving, women in Saudi Arabia are now monitored by an electronic system that tracks any cross-border movements.
Since last week, Saudi women’s male guardians began receiving text messages on their phones informing them when women under their custody leave the country, even if they are travelling together."

The eye in the sky, invented by the Israel Police
700 people work for the department’s Technology Administration, and they have developed some innovative tech — which is shared, for free, with departments around the world

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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

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