The EU should not be complicit in Abbas's mistake
The Palestinians are about to compound their 1947 UN blunder with yet another misstep at the world body. No EU country should be complicit in this mistake
"And how will violating past agreements encourage Israelis to trust Palestinians to abide by future agreements? The just-ended Hamas conflict underlined Israel’s dilemma, which in any future peace deal will have to give up territory and thus security."
Officials: PA Will 'Regret' Latest Statehood Ploy
Recognition by the UN will boomerang on the PA, Israeli officials said
“If the Palestinian Authority wishes to be regarded like a state, it must act as one,” he said. “That includes fulfilling all agreements. We will demand international guarantees from now on for any commitment the PA makes in any negotiations,” Ayalon said, considering the poor record the PA has had fulfilling previous agreements."
Defeat Hamas. There, I Said It.
We must drop the assumption that there is no way to vanquish Hamas. Terrorists have been defeated before.
"What cannot be allowed to continue is this defeatist assumption that vicious terrorism needs to be bought off, that there is no way militarily and politically to defeat our enemies, and that in even attempting to do so we are committing crimes as bad as they. The ghastly doctrine of moral equivalence that lurks in those assumptions is far more dangerous than any missile that Hamas can fire at Tel Aviv, or bus-bomb it can let off."
Nobel Peace Laureates Call for 'Military Embargo Against Israel'
A group of Nobel peace-prize winners, prominent artists and activists issued a call for a “comprehensive military embargo against Israel.”
Providing a Platform for Terror
“If we really want to take an effective stand against extremism, we should not obsess over the extremists; rather, we should tackle those who facilitate, empower and legitimize extremism. The worst culprits are particular British Members of Parliament – elected officials whom we employ to safeguard our liberties and democratic rights but who betray these duties in favor of promoting the work of terror advocates. We have given terror and its apologists a platform, while we deny truth, reason and accountability a voice.”
PA Arab Road Terror Attacks Foiled by IDF
Palestinian Authority Arab terrorists are continuing road terror attacks on Israelis, although rocket fire is now banned.
Americans’ support for Israel grows in wake of Arab Spring, poll reveals
As regional convulsions paint Israel as ‘our most reliable ally,’ support for US ‘military defense’ of Israel in the event of a conflict with Iran jumps to 71%
Egyptian president now rambling about “Planet of the Apes” in foreign-policy interviews
"He does seem to think that the remake of “Planet of the Apes” was terrible, which means he hasn’t lost touch with reality entirely"
Egypt court sentences 8 to death over prophet film
With defendents absent, trial over ‘Innocence of Muslims’ is largely seen as symbolic
Erdogan said to consider accompanying Khaled Mashaal to Gaza
Turkish prime minister says he could pull off a ‘surprise’ visit in December alongside Qatar-based Hamas leader
CAMERA: Ha'aretz Lost in Translation: Whitewashing a Stabbing
Ha'aretz translators are at it again: downplaying Palestinian violence for the benefit of its English readers by wrongly translating the original Hebrew article, and even inserting false information that doesn't appear in the Hebrew.
Hamas' Smuggling Tunnels and What National Geographic Does Not Want You to Know
"That the editors chose to run a partisan article indicting Israel and glorifying Palestinian smugglers while ignoring the malignant role played by smugglers in Iran/Hamas' war against Israel is disturbing because it indicates that accepted journalistic standards of accuracy and balance have no place at National Geographic."
Why any Israeli can be murdered by Palestinian terrorists, as explained by Chris McGreal
"Sickeningly, McGreal allows Nizar and Jindal the space in his piece to excuse themselves as mere victims, the implication being that the real criminals were Smadga, Amselam, Scharf and Scharf’s unborn child who weren’t “civilians”.
BBC Watch: BBC employee: “What was done by the Jews is a shame for the entire Umma”
"It is implausible that the BBC – having filmed and broadcast Ahmed Masharawi at his funeral wrapped in a Hamas flag – is unaware of the Masharawi family’s connections to Hamas – a terror organization proscribed by the British government and many others."
BBC promotes the false concept of ’1967 borders’
PMW: Niqab-Only Egyptian TV Channel Airs Sketch about Discrimination against Niqab-Clad Women
Stevie Wonder to reportedly pull out of Friends of IDF gig
Soul singer had come under pressure from pro-Palestinian groups not to play for annual fundraiser
Malaysian Muslims Want to Ban Elton John Concert, Decry Singer's 'Values'
Iran blasts Canada as ‘racist’ and ‘self-centred’ for moving UN resolution condemning Islamic Republic’s abuses
"In a strongly worded statement to the committee, Canada’s ambassador to the UN, Guillermo Rishchynski, condemned Iran’s discrimination against Christians, Jews and other religious minorities, but also noted the regime’s release of 130 political prisoners and its recent engagement with the UN Human Rights Committee."
Jewish woman brutally murdered in Iran over property dispute
Neighboring mosque expropriated part of Tuba N.’s house in Isfahan, and she was killed for taking the case to court, Times of Israel told
"A 57-year-old Jewish woman was brutally stabbed to death and her body mutilated on Monday by Muslim attackers in the Iranian city of Isfahan, in what her family says was a religiously motivated crime related to a property dispute, Menashe Amir, an expert on Iranian Jewry who spoke with the victim’s family, has told The Times of Israel."
Israel’s solar ‘revolutionaries’ aim to bring light — and peace — to Africa
Entrepreneur Yosef Abramowitz wants to bring more power to a billion people in the developing world — with all its attendant benefits
Togo’s president plants a tree in Israel
Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé says he’s proud to be a friend of the Jewish state
Israel's friends in Gaza
Head of Jewish NGO Banned From United Nations