Because there is a probability of coercion and abject fear behind the Iranian Jewish community leaders' statements, I will take them off the nominee list.
Some of these fit in better with Jihad Watch definition (the person "who behaved in the most pusillanimous, abject, and/or suicidally stupid way in the face of Islamic supremacist bullying and intimidation, peaceful or violent") or with LGF's Idiotarian definition ("the most moonbattish, obtuse, deranged, or duplicitous person or group of the year") so if possible I would like to try to stick with the official EoZ definition:
The nominees should be prominent non-Muslims who have accepted and embraced their second-class status in a Muslim-dominated world.This means that being merely anti-Israel or anti-semitic is not necessarily enough to be the Dhimmi of the Year, but actually doing things to boost political Islam at the expense of the Western world. I would prefer people who did something dhimmi-like specifically during 2007.
At the moment, the nominees are (with links to appropriate dhimmi-like statements made in 2007 when available, please help me fill in those I do not have.) The people who may not qualify are in parentheses; if you can show a quote that boosts their Dhimmi bona-fides it will be taken into consideration.
Rev. Manuel Musallem
Bishop Tiny Muskens
Jimmy Carter
(Walt and Mearsheimer)
Nancy Pelosi (just for putting on the scarf)
Robert Fisk
(The EU) (h/t Jeff)
(Noam Chomsky)
James Petras
Ken Livingstone
(Ron Paul)
(Condoleeza Rice)
US Congress (not that I'm really against that resolution, but look at the California congress members) h/t Jeff
James Abourezk
Hanan Ashrawi
Dr Rowan Williams, The Archbishop of Canterbury
Christiane Amanpour
Juan Cole (excellent choice, Yitzchak!)
Nominations will end on Sunday, December 30, and I'll hopefully start the voting soon afterwards.