Dubai - a. P. B - The group "Fatah al- Islam," associated with Al-Qaida, said that it fired a missile Sunday at Sderot in southern Israel, according to a statement by the Palestinian branch reported yesterday on an Islamist website.Somehow, I don't think that it was in retaliation for a computer crash in Lebanon so the auto-translation is unclear there, but it is apparently a reaction to the Lebanese army siege on the Nahr el-Bared "refugee" camp ("Cold River.") But in that unparalleled Arab terrorist logic, if Arabs attack Arabs the blame must be laid on the Jews and the residents of Sderot must pay.
According to the statement, "The Fatah movement in the land of Islam Rabat (Palestine) that the Sheikh Osama bin Laden battalion launched Sunday at 00 pm local time 15 shells of the type Zarqawi. The statement said that" your brothers in the battalion Sheikh Osama bin Laden managed to December 23 when 00 t 15 hours of launching missiles of the type of manufacturing a local Zarqawi, on the settlement of Sderot. "and added that the perpetrators of the attacks" were able to withdraw safely "after the attack, without specifying where it was launched missile.
The statement could not immediately ascertain the validity of the independent source confirms that the attack on Sderot, which will broadcast a video tape on it "as soon as possible" falls within the "chain operations aimed at revenge for our computer in the Cold River" in northern Lebanon.
Notice also how the terrorist groups love to refer to mortars as "missiles" and they name them after other terrorists, showing their huge pride in violence and terror. And although Hamas and the other terror groups in Gaza strenuously deny any ties to al-Qaeda, I don't think we are going to see any Hamas actions against this group in Gaza - if it even exists (hyperbolic press releases may be Gaza's greatest export.)