Monday, December 22, 2008

  • Monday, December 22, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here's a nice Chanukah game to play at home: match the date on the left with the statement listed on the right:




Barak: “A solution to the Qassams will be found faster than what most people believe”




Olmert: “Israel cannot accept the incessant rocket fire or ignore the plans to set up a military base along its border."




Olmert: “Israel is close to launching an operation in Gaza".




Olmert "warned that the truce may be short-lived... Israel has warned against such breaches and will now consider the counter measures at its disposal."




Livni: “"I don't care who fired. There must be an immediate military response to every violation.”




Olmert: "Nobody will shy away from the need to retaliate harshly" for Qassam attacks




Olmert: “The Israeli government sees the firing of missiles and attacks from Gaza as a basic violation ... and we will not tolerate it”




Olmert: “We shall not tolerate the price tag the terror organizations are attempting to set. “




Olmert to Sderot residents: “We know what needs to be done, we also know when and how to do it so that you won't live in fear, you won't have to run short of breath. We know what to do, how, and when and we will do it.”




Barak to Sderot: “No country can accept the constant bombardment of its citizens from a foreign authority.”




Livni: “The Israeli government will do everything to protect its citizens. “




Prime Minister Ehud Olmert promised a harsh response to the barrage of Qassam rockets that has hit the Negev city of Sderot over the past day.




Olmert: “"We will decide when, where, how and if we take action. It will not be dictated from outside.”




Olmert: “The continued attacks challenge Israel's patience. In the end, if the attacks continue, we will respond."




Olmert: Israel "cannot continue to ignore the Qassam launching and infiltration attempts of terrorist cells."




Israel's Foreign Ministry: "Israel is demonstrating restraint and has avoided retaliating at this stage, but warns the Security Council that this restraint cannot continue for much longer."




Defense Minister Amir Peretz: “Any attempt to fire into Israeli territories would be considered a breach of the cease-fire and treated with severity. Israel is interested in quiet, but would not accept attacks on its citizens.

Not so easy, is it? The Kadima government statements about Qassam attacks has been eerily the same for the past two years; lots of talk about "action" and "not tolerating the threat" but nothing that has discouraged the rocket attacks.

Oh, and today Olmert said "Israel cannot refrain from responding to the criminal fire on its citizens."

If you are morbidly curious, the answer key is here:

(based on an idea by EBoZ)
  • Monday, December 22, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
We all know that women are not allowed to travel alone, and must be accompanied by a mahram, who is usually a relative (like a brother) who can ensure that they arrive to their destination unmolested by the general Islamic public. This is, of course, for their own good.

The fact that this makes it impossible for women to live lives as if they are normal, functioning adults. Which is pretty much the point.

Now, you may have noticed that eight year old children in the West sometimes travel on airplanes unaccompanied by an adult. Does this mean that eight-year olds have more maturity than the average Muslim 30 year old single woman?

Of course not, you Islamophobe! reports on a new Saudi fatwa that allows an adult woman to travel by herself in closed, safe environments like airplanes, as long as a mahram accompanies her to the plane and another one is with her when she gets off. The logic is that the crew members are trained to stop the good Muslim passengers from harassing or raping the defenseless woman, so therefore she is as safe as if she had her brother with her.

(Of course, this is not yet normative law in Saudi Arabia, but a brand new innovation that will take decades or centuries to take root.)

So it is clearly insulting to even imply that eight year old American or European boys have more maturity than adult Muslim women. As this fatwa shows, progressive Islamic clerics hold that their level of maturity is exactly the same!
  • Monday, December 22, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Meryl claims initial use of the term "Jew Cooties," and chances are it creeped into my subconscious from reading her excellent blog.

However, I can say that the term was used earlier than her stated coining in February of 2005.

It was used in 2001 in a posting in an Atlanta newsgroup (in reference to a church that would not allow a rabbi to address the congregation.) It was also used in 2003 in another newsgroup article insulting an anti-semite who was railing against the "kosher tax" we are all horribly forced to pay when we buy our Oreos.

So, I'm sorry, Meryl, but chances are you will not get rich from copyrighting the term.
  • Monday, December 22, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Almost completely unreported by anyone:
Convoys carrying food and medical aid worth six million pounds ($1 million) sent by the Egyptian Red Crescent to the Hamas-run Gaza Strip on Monday await inspection at the Israeli controlled Karam Abu-Salem [Kerem Shalom] border crossing.

Mohamed Orabi, the head of the organization in North Sinai, told that five trucks were loaded with 40 tons of flour, 20 tons of rice and some medical supplies and sent to Gaza Strip.

An Egyptian official at the Rafah border crossing said Egyptian authorities had agreed with Israel to allow the trucks in on Monday however through the Karam Abu-Salem border so that Israel could ascertain that no weapons were being smuggled into the Strip.
Remember that some 34 Qassams and 30 mortars were fired into Israel from Gaza over the past three days, including three rockets today.

Egypt was originally going to ship these goods through Rafah but appears to have decided that going through Israel would strengthen Egypt's claim that Israel is still legally occupying Gaza.

CORRECTION: The goods are still waiting at Kerem Shalom as of Tuesday morning.
  • Monday, December 22, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Arabiya:
A Saudi court has rejected a plea to divorce an eight-year-old girl married off by her father to a man who is 58, saying the case should wait until the girl reaches puberty, a lawyer involved told AFP.

"The judge has dismissed the plea—filed by the mother—because she does not have the right to file such a case, and ordered that the plea should be filed by the girl herself when she reaches puberty," lawyer Abdullah Jtili told AFP in a telephone interview after Saturday's court decision.

The divorce plea was filed in August by the girl's divorced mother with a court at Unayzah, 220 kilometers (135 miles) north Riyadh just after the marriage contract was signed by the father and the groom.

"She doesn't know yet that she has been married," Jtili said then of the girl who was about to begin her fourth year at primary school.

Relatives who did not wish to be named told AFP that the marriage had not yet been consummated, and that the girl continued to live with her mother. They said that the father had set a verbal condition by which the marriage is not consummated for another 10 years, when the girl turns 18.

The father had agreed to marry off his daughter for an advance dowry of 30,000 riyals ($8,000), as he was apparently facing financial problems, they said.

The father was in court and he remained adamant in favor of the marriage, they added.

In Yemen in April, another girl aged eight was granted a divorce after her unemployed father forced her to marry a man of 28, who forced the child to have sex with him.
A mother is not even allowed to protect her own daughter from being abused, thanks to the all-wise sharia law of Saudi Arabia.

Sick, sick, sick.
  • Monday, December 22, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From WaPo:
Iranian authorities on Sunday closed the office of the country's main human rights organization, headed by Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi.

Dozens of plainclothes detectives and local police officers entered the Center for the Defense of Human Rights in Tehran and shut it down hours before a ceremony was to take place commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

An Interior Ministry commission that issues permits for political organizations said the center was carrying out illegal activities, such as publishing statements, writing letters to international organizations and holding news conferences, the semiofficial Mehr News Agency reported.

The commission, according to the news agency, accused Ebadi's center of distributing propaganda against the state. The report also cited repeated warnings delivered to the center and said the building had been sealed on the order of Tehran's top prosecutor.

Iran has a history of arresting and pressuring dissidents who question the country's record on human rights and democracy.
Nothing says "human rights" more than arresting people for "publishing statements, writing letters to international organizations and holding news conferences."

Iran will often claim to be in the vanguard of human rights, never failing to accuse the US and Israel of violating human rights. Of course, its own human rights record is horrible; violently breaking up peaceful demonstrations for women's rights, for example, and employing religious police to enforce "morality" laws.
An Al Jazeera reporter who was covering the latest Free Gaza publicity stunt accidentally shook hands with the far-left Israeli Channel Ten reporter who was on the same boat, and then said that had she known that the reporter was Israeli she would never have done so.

There are reports that Egypt asked Hamas to stop any rocket attacks for 24 hours so that Israel would continue to ship humanitarian aid to Gaza. This is plausible; there were no Qassams this morning although one landed in the afternoon so far. This means that Israel can expect huge rocket attacks one day and much fewer rockets the next, as Israel's policy has been to close the crossings for one day no matter how large or small the barrages are.

Gaza's electric company claims that they are down to 30% of their needs. Not that Israel is stopping sending electricity to Gaza, but the transformers have been burning out because of increased demand.

It appears that the technical hurdles to pumping natural gas from Egypt to Gaza through Rafah tunnels are being overcome; lead pipes from the UAE are being used to build these pipelines.

Refrigerators and washing machines are now being smuggled as well into Rafah.

Hamas is threatening to resume suicide attacks against Israel.

It appears that a Hamas-backed sheikh, during a Friday sermon, called Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh a "caliph", which upset the worshippers so much that they threw shoes at him.

PA security forces arrested a Hamas leader who had been thought to have been dead for years.

Another tunnel death. The 2008 PalArab self-death count is now 221.
  • Monday, December 22, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
This weekend's interview with Mohamed El Baradei seems to only have been part 1. Part 2, published in Al Hayat (Arabic only), concentrates on nuclear issues. While it is infused with his usual wishful thinking, there are some parts that have some value. I cannot believe that I cannot find this interview in English anywhere - when the head of the IAEA talks about Iranian nuclear ambitions, it is important. Here is some of what he said:
Iran says its nuclear program is only for economic purposes, an that after 20 years of being under siege, and that it would achieve self-sufficiency. But I have no doubt that this is part of its desire to buy an insurance policy, after you hear a lot about the [US] desire for regime change as being part of the axis of evil. It is therefore not surprising that Iran is trying to obtain an insurance policy.

I always say that, whatever the nature of the regime, it is always looking for continuity and survival. Consequently, the draft Iran in large part insurance policy, it considers that the same actors in the region, that were not the largest. It wants to be recognized [as a regional power] with the West, especially the United States, this role. Therefore, another part of its determination to have the capacity to manufacture nuclear weapons is their desire to obtain recognition of this regional role it wants.

Iran's essentially competing for territorial control, and the role that both parties would like to play in the region. Therefore, I always say that the solution to this will only be through dialogue and negotiation. Two parties must sit down at the negotiating table and put forward their concerns and their red lines, to reach a compromise that everyone can live with in peace.

...As far as Obama is concerned, I am optimistic. He will negotiate directly with Iran without conditions, while the Bush administration and the six countries so far require Tehran to suspend enrichment before sitting with them to the negotiating table. But we must wait and see his policy and, if it is true [that Obama requires no preconditions], it would be a very positive step, because there will be no solution without building confidence. In the past six years since we began inspections in Iran, the process of building confidence between Iran and the international community had failed. We have not one inch forward in this regard. We inspect, but there are still outstanding issues. A key part of how to build confidence between Iran and the international community, especially the United States, we have not moved forward.

Also, Obama said he would like to work hard for a world free of nuclear weapons. This is a complete change in the policy of the current administration, in general, the policies of nuclear powers continue to rely on nuclear weapons, and a complete change in the concept of international security and foreign policy will have implications throughout the world, including in the Middle East.

I think [the West] reached this conclusion, not because of ideals, but because of fear, that the continued proliferation of nuclear weapons at the current rate contains the risk that some of these weapons will fall in the hands of extremist groups. Thus, the so-called nuclear deterrence will cease to exist, because the extremist groups if they had the nuclear weapons [would not hesitate to use them.] We are not talking about the States, whether Iran or North Korea, I can not imagine that any country would nuclear weapons because it knows that it will be destroyed completely. This raises the fear that appeared recently, and to make people like Henry Kissinger and George Shultz, who were poles in the Cold War and advocates of nuclear deterrence, calling for a world free of nuclear weapons. If that is what Obama said, there would be a radical change in the subject. The course will have an impact on our region.

Q: What is the price which we believe is required to pay for Iran to stop en route to nuclear weapons?
A: A lot. Regional role, and guarantees of the system and technological assistance, aid and trade. Political and economic security. A system of regional security in the region and assisting Iran in all advanced technologies, including nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, in addition to the international trade agreement. The West made a very generous offer.

Q: Why was this offer not accepted by Iran?

A: Because it requested the suspension of enrichment before negotiations begin. This issue is most important to them. Therefore, we do not want to abandon them at the beginning of negotiations, but may do so in the end. The obstacle in the negotiations is the insistence of the West to suspend enrichment before negotiations on the one hand, and Iran's insistence on refusing to negotiate with these conditions on the other.

What worries me is that there will be a solution to the Iranian problem, and it would be an integral part of it linked to regional security and Iran's role in the region. Therefore, Arab countries must be part of the process of negotiating with Iran, as any solution to the situation will be a regional solution at the expense of Arab States affected. I do not understand how they are absent from the problem like it deems vital to it, and how can a solution without the Arab part of it.

Q; However, any regional security solution will include Israel as well.
A: Yes, of course. It will involve Israel and the Palestinian problem and Israeli nuclear arms. I am convinced that all this would be raised during negotiations. Therefore, I do not understand that the Arabs are not part of it.

Neighboring countries are sitting with North Korea. With the issue of Iran, the Arab countries are absent, just as we were not in Iraq, as well as in Darfur, in Somalia and member of the Arab League, the Arabs deal with it as if it were in Central America.

[Later, in a non-sequitor answer that had nothing to do with the question, El Baradei has to say] Even on the Palestinian issue which is the core of all problems in the Middle East. Finally I saw Zbigniew Brzezinski and Brent Scowcroft, both former advisor to the national security of the heads of Democrats and Republicans, wrote to Obama in a letter not to waste time in the Middle East and to begin the solution to the Palestinian cause as the basis of the Arab sense of injustice, injustice and humiliation.

Q: Based on estimates, how long it would take for Iran if the situation continues as it is to produce a nuclear bomb?
A: I do not want to go into talking about numbers. But Iran can not have a nuclear bomb as long as it is subject to IAEA inspection regime, as the degree of uranium enrichment will remain low in the range of 5 percent enrichment. Nuclear weapons requires a rate of 90 percent enrichment, this will not happen as long as they are subject to the Agency inspections.

Therefore, to get Iran to a nuclear bomb, it must opt out of the first inspection regime and non-proliferation. This of course would be a signal to the world that Iran is moving in another way, and there will be time to deal with it. This is first.

Secondly, not only must Iran have the capacity to enrich uranium by 90 percent, but also to convert it into a bomb. And that they have the means to weaponize enriched uranium, a complicated process that takes some time. There are many assumptions and possibilities talking about a scenario evolution of a sudden, is that Iran out of the agreement and expel the inspectors and has become the enriched uranium necessary and the capacity to manufacture. We are talking at least several years. Even the uranium found in Iran is now not enough for one bomb.

Q: The source of this uranium?
A: The enrichment facility in Natanz were imported after uranium ore. All this was done under the supervision of the IAEA. But there is a lot of worry, as if we will wake to a nuclear Iran. As I said we are not talking about months, but a year or two at least. These estimates are difficult because we do not see the whole picture, we do not know the extent of Iran's progress in the manufacture of enriched uranium. Even U.S. intelligence agencies reported that Iran has itself conducted some studies, only studies in this area, but stopped in 2003. We have not seen otherwise.

There is no evidence of any state that Iran was able to (see) the manufacture of a nuclear bomb in a military sense, or evidence of the possession of low-enriched uranium, enough to make even one bomb at the present time, and are subject to inspection. What I would like to say that there is still time to reach a peaceful solution.

Q: Is it possible that there will be Iranian nuclear facilities that you are not aware of?

A: - Of course, this is possible in any country. But there is no evidence of any State or intelligence on the existence of undeclared facilities to them. The inspection system can not guarantee that we know everything one hundred percent of the nuclear activities of any State. We are always in a conflict between demand for greater transparency and the attempt to say that it can not open fully because it has the sovereignty and military installations and military secrets. What distinguishes Iran of course, is that it concealed some of its activities in the past, so we say that it must take the initiative and show greater transparency so that it is our understanding that all nuclear activities are for peaceful purposes.
El Baradei's confidence in the IAEA's ability to know exactly what is happening in Iran, even as he admits that he cannot possibly know if Iran has a secret nuclear program, should scare the hell out of anyone who relies on the IAEA for any assurances. He is clearly an intelligent man and has thought about these issues a great deal, but his blind spot is that his very position depends on peaceful negotiations and the IAEA has no real ability to look beyond the places it is allowed to go. It is not a spy agency and it generates a great deal of data from the information it is allowed to gather, so the IAEA fools itself by burying its collective head in the information it can verify and it all but ignores everything else.

This also explains his single-minded insistence on "peaceful negotiations" and on rewarding Iran for its obstinacy. The IAEA needs legitimate data and it can only get it with the inspected nation's approval. The blind spot is the inability - even in the face of known deception in the past - to imagine that a large amount of information is being purposefully hidden from IAEA inspectors.

And yet he even admits explicitly that Iran wants to build nuclear weapons! The entire interview is an object lesson in how easy it is for even a smart man to fool himself.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

  • Sunday, December 21, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
I'm stuck in an airport waiting for a delayed flight, and I couldn't find any Chanukah clip-art that impressed me.

So, I made this:

  • Sunday, December 21, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Sometime over the past week or so I passed 400,000 visitors as well as 500,000 pageviews.

Here's a neat graph of my blog readership growth by quarter since Q1 2005:

Thanks to all my readers!
  • Sunday, December 21, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Daily News Egypt:
AL-ARISH: An Egyptian security official says a booby trapped suitcase carrying 25 kilograms of explosives was defused near the Egyptian border with Israel and Gaza.

Police often find weapons caches destined for the Gaza Strip, but the official said finding an "advanced" bomb is rare.

The official said the bomb is being inspected to determine who was behind it and whether it was heading to Israel.

Al Arish is where yesterday's fuel truck explosion was as well.

25 kilos is quite a large bomb, and it indicates that Hamas is trying hard to come up with new and innovative ways to murder Jews.
  • Sunday, December 21, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestine Today, the Islamic Jihad mouthpiece in Gaza, publishes a "cartoon" that looks more like a movie poster:
Apparently, Giant Abdul is aiming his rifle at the Mediterranean, Mohammed is shooting his RPG at Egypt and Ahmed is firing his submachine gun at the Negev.

Even funnier is the caption:

"Factions are preparing for calm"

Any better ideas for captions?

  • Sunday, December 21, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Al Azhar's Sheikh Tantawi, still smarting over the withering criticism for his handshake with Shimon Peres, decided it is best not to visit a meeting of imams and rabbis in France. He also refuses to go to Iran, which is probably a very smart move.

Hamas leaders have decided to stay out of sight, fearing Israeli assassination attempts.

Islamic Jihad declared that Israeli "settlers" must not be allowed to sleep as long as Gazan children are "without electricity or medicine." His definition of "settler," obviously, includes all citizens of Israel within the Green Line.

Speaking of Islamic Jihad, here's a nice picture from their unofficial newspaper showing five terrorists praying before shooting rockets meant to kill Zionist women and children.
From The Carter Center, Jimmy breathlessly tries to make Hamas leaders seem to be just like Western leaders:
In the afternoon Bob, Hrair, and I met with Khaled Mashaal and his fellow Hamas politburo members, all of whom are scientists, medical doctors, or engineers – none trained in religion. It was the anniversary of Hamas' founding, and they were watching Prime Minister Haniya's speech in Gaza to an enormous crowd.
They're professionals! They wear suits! They don't talk about religion all day! How can you not love these guys?

And, as Israel Matzav points out, Carter was not above giving his terrorist pals some friendly advice on how high a price to demand for the release of Gilad Shalit:
We discussed items on my agenda that included ... formulas for prisoner exchange to obtain the release of Corporal Shalit.
Why would that great humanitarian Jimmy Carter demand an unconditional release of Gilad Shalit when he can agree with Hamas that kidnapping soldiers can help them gain more terrorists from Israeli prisons?

There's more in this "trip report" that shows exactly where Carter's even-handedness lies:
We spent one day visiting the UNIFIL area south of the Litani River. We flew by helicopter along the coast past Tyre and Sidon, then landed at Naqoura just north of the Israeli border. We then traveled along the "blue line" between Israel and Lebanon and viewed the distant Sea of Galilee from the helicopter while proceeding eastward toward Mount Hermon. ... Israelis are also occupying the northern (Lebanese) 2/3 of a small village named Garjaa. The general showed us a graph of the many flights of Israeli planes over all parts of Lebanon, averaging about a dozen each day. Neither Hezbollah nor the Lebanese Armed Forces have any anti-aircraft weapons for defense.
Notice Jimmy the Dhimmi's thinking: IDF planes that are passively monitoring Hezbollah terror activity and weapons smuggling are terribly offensive, and he would advocate that Hezbollah or the Lebanese Army have anti-aircraft missiles to shoot them down - and that would be considered "defense."
  • Sunday, December 21, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Once again, the Arab News has an article about how Saudi Arabia is liberalizing itself, while the article itself shows instead how impossibly far it has to go:
At the immigration check at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport, Ghadeer Al-Swailim got her first taste of how things are done in the West. As he always does, Al-Swailim’s brother handed the immigration officer his passport as well as his sister’s. The immigration officer initially refused to take the booklets, telling the brother that his sister must hold her own passport when she goes through the immigration and customs process at the airport.

“I felt independent!” said Ghadeer, a 20-year-old Saudi postgraduate student on her way to Maastricht under Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah’s foreign scholarship program.

Holland, one of the most liberal countries in the world, has 138 Saudi students currently on scholarships; 36 of them are women. In 2007 the country was added to the list of authorized Saudi scholarship destinations; students are able to choose from three fields there: Medicine, dentistry and engineering.

Twenty-year-old Kawthar Al-Marhoon, from Qatif, shares an apartment with her women colleagues in Groningen, located in northern Holland. There are 56 Saudi students studying there. She began studying medicine in May after receiving the Saudi study-abroad scholarship.

Kawthar’s brother stayed with her the first three months.

One of the requirements for Saudi women to obtain government study-abroad scholarships is that a legal guardian must accompany them during the entire duration of their studies. In many cases, however, the guardian will go and then return to Saudi Arabia later. The requirement to send a guardian to accompany an unmarried Saudi woman (which is usually a brother, though mothers are also allowed to be guardians in this case) for the entire study-abroad period places an additional burden on women scholarship-seekers, especially if they are unmarried.

In Kawthar’s case, her brother left and she had to learn to deal with a lot of responsibilities that she used to ascribe to men.

“It wasn’t easy for me to adjust with load of household tasks, such as fixing the Internet in my apartment or going to the electricity company to pay my bill,” said Kawthar, who had never been in any European country before winning her scholarship.

Now Kawthar travels to Amsterdam to process her own immigration documents. In Saudi Arabia, a woman would typically need permission to travel to another city and the presence of her male guardian to engage in bureaucratic procedures.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

  • Saturday, December 20, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
I cannot find this interview of Egyptian-born International Atomic Energy Agency director Mohammed El Baradei in English anywhere. El Baradei plans on leaving his position next year, so he feels much freer to speak openly. Too bad the Arab interviewer didn't go into any questions on Iran and Syria's nuclear programs.
Q: Are you afraid for the future of the Arab and Islamic world?

A: Yes, I am very afraid for the future of the Arab world, as well as the future Muslim world. Indeed, the problems are known. The solutions are known as well: Science. Freedom. Equality. Social solidarity.

Q: Meaning education?

A: Exactly. We can not compete with underdeveloped education curriculum available to us in the Arab world. We in the Arab world do not learn. We do not learn. We have no education and we do not have scientific research.

Q: Do I understand that there is no future for the Arabs if this continues?

A: They have no future at all, if it continues. I say this after forty years of service within the Arab world and beyond. When comparing the Arab world today in other parts of the world say we have no future unless we had frank with ourselves first and we recognized that we have reached the bottom in all areas and must begin again. And focus first and foremost the rights and needs of education, freedom and hope. Give him these things and we will start as any other human being.

Q: Do I understand you consider that the Arab capitals were at their best fifty years ago, for example?

A: Speaking about Lebanon that I know of, Beirut and Mount Lebanon. And Cairo. The situation was much better, we lived as part of the world. There were Greek and Italian communities and people from all communities. Our strength lies in the plurality. Now we are trying to be a single pattern, which means a return to backwardness. The world today is a source of strength in multi-civilizations and cultures and languages. We stoop to the most serious rejection of the other. Others refuse to reject the same in the end. We must be part of the human family.

Q: Are these the worst times for Arabs?

A: I've never seen in my life, at least, the Arab world in a worse position than we are today. It is the worst, at least in the past fifty years, both in our internal or external relations. At home we suffer a lot of problems, and Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz opened the Arab summit in Riyadh saying that the fundamental problem in the lack of credibility of the system of government.

There is a crisis of credibility to regimes in the Arab world. Half of the Arab world is illiterate, more than in the sub-Saharan Africa. How I will be able to compete and be my role in human civilization if half of the Arab world does not read or write? We are issuing to the world, including oil, 4 percent of world trade, with imports 3 percent.

When we talk about education, we believe that the number of books translated into Spanish in one year is equivalent to the number translated to Arabic in a thousand years. Translations into Arabic is one third those translated into Greek. Greek is spoken by more than 15 million people. We are 300 million Arabs. We have no education or a system of good governance, the rights of the Arabs today feel that subjugated by the government, and he is being treated unfairly by the outside world.If we look at these indicators together, I believe that you have a ticking bomb. What I see every day is the continuation of the process of radicalization of the Arab and Islamic worlds, as we see in the London Underground and in Mumbai.
  • Saturday, December 20, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
In the wake of the Yom Kippur War, the UN held the Geneva Peace Conference on December 21, 1973, exactly 35 years ago.

Here is a portion of Abba Eban's speech:
Mr. Secretary-General, distinguished Prime Minister, Foreign Ministers, Gentlemen. There has never been an Arab-Israel peace conference before. Instead there have been many wars, for which the price has been paid in thousands of lives and in a region's long agony. Today at last a new opportunity is born. No wonder that this Conference opens under the burden of an immense expectation. Millions of people across the world are hoping that we shall somehow succeed to break the cycle of violence, to give a new purpose and direction to Middle East history, and to bring a halt to the spreading contagion of force.

We have no way of knowing whether this opportunity will be fulfilled or wasted. The answer lies in the intentions of many governments and peoples in the Middle East -- and beyond. Israel for its part is resolved to seize the chance.

Now, the agreed purpose of this Conference is to negotiate peace between States whose relations until now have been scarred by a fierce enmity which has exploded again and again into war. The assault launched against us by Egyptian and Syrian armies on 6 October was only the most recent link in a chain of violence extending with tragic results across the entire life of Israel as a modem State. To achieve its aim, therefore, this Conference must reverse the whole tide of recent history. It is not going to be an easy task, nor at best can its fulfilment be rapid. We shall have to reconcile a sense of urgency with a capacity for patience. And yet, when all the calculations of prudence and caution and realism are duly made, our heart and imagination inspire a positive hope. We cannot ignore experience but nor are we committed to its endless reiteration. So Israel comes to Geneva in the conviction that there is room for innovation, initiative and choice.

We must be well aware of the particular complexity of our task. There is nothing in any degree similar to the Arab-Israel conflict. The crisis of the Middle East has many consequences, but only one cause. Israel's right to peace, security, sovereignty, commerce, international friendship, economic development, maritime freedom, indeed its very right to live, has been forcibly denied and constantly attacked. All the other elements of the conflict are consequences of this single cause. In no other dispute has there ever been such a total denial, not only of the sovereign rights of a State but even of its legitimate personality. And the emotional assault on Israel has gone much beyond the political context. It sweeps all human solidarities aside. It is nourished by a copious literature with official endorsement that gives support to Nazi anti-Jewish myths. It nourishes a conspiratorial theory of Jewish history. It explodes into the mutilation of Israeli soldiers in the field, the murder and torture of Israeli prisoners, and it has culminated most recently in Syria's sadistic refusal to carry out the Geneva Convention on the treatment of prisoners of war. Out of this kind of ferocious hatred springs the kind of assault on humane values that was enacted in Munich last year, in Rome airport five days ago and with weary regularity in other places between, before and since. When sportsmen in the shelter of the Olympic flag are bound hand and foot and calmly shot in the head, one by one, when passengers in a civil aircraft are methodically blown up and burned, to fragments, do we not come face to face with the mentality and ideology which produced the gas chambers and the gallows of Auschwitz?

It is from this tradition that we must seek to break away. The prospects for this Conference to succeed depends in the last analysis on whether the Arab nations and Israel want to reach an objective understanding of each other. Now, we have no trouble or reluctance in understanding what Arab nationalism is all about. It is the moving story of a people's liberation from external servitudes. It is an effort to build a bridge between past glories and future hopes. The success of the Arab nationalist enterprise is reflected in the existence of 19 States, occupying 12 million square kilometres, in which 100 million Arabs live under their sovereign flags, in command of vast resources. The world, including Israel, has come to terms with Arab nationalism. The unsolved question is whether Arab nationalism will frankly come to terms with the modest rights of another Middle Eastern nation to live securely in its original, and only, home.

For this to happen it will, I suggest, be necessary for political and intellectual leaders in the Arab world to reject the fallacy that Israel is alien to the Middle East. Israel is not alien to the Middle East: it is an organic part of its texture and memory. Take Israel and all that has flowed from Israel out of Middle Eastern history and you evacuate that history of its central experiences. Israel's historic, religious, national roots in the Land of Israel are a primary element of mankind's cultural history. Nothing - not even dispersion, exile, martyrdom, long separation - has ever disrupted this connexion. Modern Israel is the resumption of a primary current in the flow of universal history. We ask our neighbours to believe that it is an authentic reality from which most of the other elements in Middle Eastern history take their birth. Israel is no more or less than the Jewish people's resolve to be itself and to live, renewed, within its own frame of values, and thus to contribute its particular shape of mind to the universal human legacy.

That is what Israel is all about, and all this is much too deep and old and strong to be swept away. I ask Arab leaders and thinkers when they reflect on Israel, to ponder a French historian's definition of nationhood: "A nation is a soul, a spiritual principle. To share a common glory in the past, a common will in the present; to have done great things together; to want to do them again - these are the essential conditions of being a nation."

When to all this memory you add the special tragedy of Jewish homelessness, you will understand why Israel faces the other Middle Eastern nations in the perfect consciousness of its own legitimacy. It will neither disappear nor apologize for itself, nor compromise its sovereign destiny nor surrender its name and image, nor be swallowed up in something else. Within the framework of its own legitimate existence it seeks reconciliation and peace.

It seems to me that the effort to resist the existential truth about Israel as inseparable from Middle Eastern destiny lies at the root of every other discord. We ought to remember that the war against Israel is a little older than the State of Israel itself. If we want to know the authentic answer to the question "How did it all begin?", we could go to the library downstairs and look up the documents and find the report of the United Nations Partition Commission of 20 April 1948. I quote:

"Arab opposition to the plan of the General Assembly has taken the form of organized efforts by strong Arab elements both inside and outside Palestine, to prevent its implementation and thwart its objectives by threats and acts of violence.... Powerful Arab interests, both inside and outside Palestine, are defying the resolution of the General Assembly, and are engaged in a deliberate effort to alter by force the settlement envisaged therein."

That is the report.

How little has changed since then. Can we not describe today's condition in these sentences without changing many words? The pendulum of military advantage swings this way and that. The tide of political struggle ebbs and flows. One thing alone has been constant - the volcanic atmosphere in which the Middle East lives, with only a few years between each eruption and each succeeding lull. And so in the twenty-sixth year, as in the first, we woke up one morning to find the Arab forces moving against us from south and north. Nobody believes that if those massive armoured thrusts had gone forward as their commanders wished, they would have come to a voluntary halt, at any particular line. The distinguished Egyptian writer, Muhammad Hasainein Heikal, has put it very clearly in "Al-Ahram" of 19 October:

"If the Arabs succeeded by force of arms in liberating the lands conquered in June 1967, what is to prevent them in the next stage from liberating the whole of Palestine itself by force of arms?"

What indeed? And so in October 1973, as in May 1948, the issue for Israel became no less than the survival of life and home, of national future, of personal destiny, of all that had been built and cherished and defended, in common action, for 25 years.

Let us all atone for 25 years of separation by working towards a co-operative relationship similar to that which European States created after centuries of conflict and war. It may take time to achieve that full objective. But does not every serious architect design a vision of the finished structure before anybody begins to face the prosaic difficulties of construction? At any rate, our vision must be one of sovereign States, the Arab States and Israel, each pursuing its national life within its own particularity while co-operating with its neighbours in a broader regional devotion.

The peace treaties that we want to negotiate and conclude should provide for the permanent elimination of all forms of hostility, boycott and blockade. The peace settlement must be the product of mutual agreement and not of external pressure, or of intimidation of one party by the other. It is only by freely accepting national and international responsibility for the peace that the signatory Governments can ensure its stability. Our peace agreements should of course provide for the renunciation of the use of force in our relations with each other. They should contain specific and unequivocal recognition of each other's political independence, integrity and sovereignty.

They should prohibit any hostile action, including terrorist action, conducted from the territory of one of the signatories against the territory and population of the other. They should formally proclaim the permanent end of the conflict and the renunciation of all claims or acts arising from belligerency. They should ensure that all international conventions which each of the signatories has signed should be applicable to the other signatory without any of the reservations entered by Arab Governments in the past into such international obligations. Nations at peace with each other do not seek to impede the movement of each other's ships or aircraft, or forbid them the normal civilities of air transit and maritime passage. Governments establishing peaceful relations after long years of conflict invariably define their intentions with respect to formal relations with each other in the economic, commercial, cultural and political domains. With the establishment of peace it would become normal for Israel and the Arab States to take their places jointly in regional development organizations.

There is also need for attitudinal change. Bertrand Russell wrote that "all wars originate in classrooms". Long years of conflict have given successive generations of our people a distorted vision of each other. The transition to peace should have its effects in educational systems, expelling all the images and stereotypes which nations at war invoke both as causes and consequences of their hostility. A peace settlement should unlock the arteries of our region's communications.

Now, these aims may seem very remote and visionary today, but they do not go beyond what Governments have usually accomplished in their transition from hostility to peace. In fact, I have never come across any peace agreement which does not include everything that I have listed here. The three Governments represented at this Conference all accepted these aims when they endorsed Security Council resolution 242, of which the main provisions are the establishment of a just and lasting peace, the mutual acknowledgement by all States in the area of each other's sovereignty, integrity, independence and right to security. Another provision of that resolution is the elimination of all forms of belligerency, agreement on secure and recognized boundaries to which forces would be withdrawn in the context of a peace settlement. Israel adheres to what it said on this subject in its communications to you, Mr. Secretary-General, in August 1970.

We shall seek to know from the Arab participants in this Conference whether they share our understanding of the obligations, rights and prohibitions involved in a peace agreement. If we can reach a harmonious understanding on this point, we shall still face many complexities but there will be a stronger probability, than otherwise, of agreement and compromise.

Of course, the peace treaty to be negotiated with each neighbouring State should contain an agreement on boundaries. The decisive test for Israel will be the defensibility of its new boundaries against the contingency of attacks and blockades, such as those threatened and carried out in 1967 and 1973. The experience of October 1973 confirmed our view that the permanent boundaries must be negotiated with the utmost precision and care. If those armoured thrusts had begun from EI Arish or northern Gaza, or from the Golan Heights itself, then the first assault might well have been the last. Peace-makers do not reconstruct vulnerable, inflammatory situations. They try to correct them. Therefore there cannot be a return to the former armistice lines of 1949-1967, which proved to be inherently fragile and which served as a temptation to an aggressive design of encirclement and blockade, from which Israel broke out in 1967 after weeks of solitude and peril.

In this matter as in others there must be a basic readiness on all sides to make such concessions as do not threaten vital security interests. Israel does not seek acceptance of any of its positions as a prior condition of the negotiation, just as we should not be asked to seek acceptance of any prior condition as a condition of negotiation. Having heard Arab positions and stated our own, we should at an appropriate stage seek to bring our policies into compromise. Security arrangements and demilitarized areas can supplement the negotiated boundary agreement, without, of course, replacing it.

But for Israel the overriding element in the peace discussion is that of security. It is true that we have again come out successfully from a military assault, this time with every conceivable advantage on the other side - advantage in numbers, in quantity of weapons, in initiative and total surprise. But despite this success the mood in Israel is sombre, for we come up again and again against the predicament of human vulnerability. The losses sustained in 1973 compound the sacrifices of 1948 and 1956 and 1967 and all the attritions and infiltrations in between. And Israelis always contemplate these losses against the cruel background of the European holocaust, which took millions of our kinsmen away to their deaths. Now there is no other national experience even remotely similar to this. Too much of Jewish history is occupied by the simple ambition of being Jewish and yet staying alive, and usually this reconciliation has not been achieved. The only people to suffer such massive annihilation of its human resources and the only sovereign State to live for 25 years without a single month of peace - how does anyone expect such a people and such a State not to claim respect for a particularly intense concern for individual and collective survival.

The attainment of peace will make it possible to resolve the problem of refugees by co-operative regional action with international aid. We find it astonishing that States whose revenues from oil exports surpass 15,000 million dollars a year were not able to solve this problem in a spirit of kinship and human solidarity. In the very years when the Arab refugee problem was created by the assault on Israel in 1947 and 1948, 700,000 Jewish refugees from Arab and Moslem lands and from the debris of Hitler's Europe were received by Israel and integrated in full citizenship and economic dignity. There have been other such solutions in Europe, in the Indian sub-continent, in Africa. The Arab refugee problem is not basically intractable: it has been perpetuated by a conscious decision to perpetuate it. But surely a peace settlement will remove any political incentive which has prevented a solution in the past. At the appropriate stage Israel will define its contribution to an international and regional effort for refugees resettlement. We shall propose compensation for abandoned lands in the context of a general discussion on property abandoned by those who have left countries in the Middle East to seek a new life.

We declare our opposition to any explosive fragmentation of the area between three States in the region between the desert and the sea, where there are after all two nations, two languages, two cultures, and not three.

Israel's inability to state its case as clearly, boldly and unapologetically as Abba Eban did is one if its main deficiencies.
  • Saturday, December 20, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
A tanker containing an astonishing 50,000 liters of fuel, meant to be smuggled into Gaza from Egypt, exploded in El Arish. The explosion destroyed four homes.

I'm sure it is Israel's fault, somehow.

Friday, December 19, 2008

  • Friday, December 19, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an:
Four Israeli soldiers were reported injured along with eight protesters and two journalists at an anti-wall demonstration in the West Bank village of Bil’in, near Ramallah.

A statement from the protest group claimed that demonstrators marched after Friday prayers, carrying Palestinian flags and banners calling for an end to the Israeli occupation. During the event, two journalists were injured by rubber-coated bullets along with six others, the group claimed.

Meanwhile, Israeli sources were reporting on Friday afternoon that four soldiers had been injured during the same event, although the reports were non-specific.

When soldiers fired teargas canisters toward the crowd, participants reportedly began throwing shoes toward the Israeli army stationed behind cement blocks.
It's nice to see this shoe thing catch on. (It appears doubtful that the shoes are what caused the Israeli soldiers to be injured; usually that comes much faster projectiles.)

Let's make a deal: let the PalArabs change the payload of Qassams, mortars and Grad rockets to be shoes instead of explosives, and Israelis will pretend to be highly humiliated.
  • Friday, December 19, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
A telling interview:
[Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Husam Zaki,] responding to the recent calls from Lebanon and Egypt to open the Rafah crossing, said that the decision was not one under Israeli control, but rather an Egyptian decision that took into account the best interests of Gazans.

Zaki defended Egypt’s policy saying that by opening the Gaza Strip crossing Egypt would allow Israel to wash their hand of Gaza, and the burden of the occupation would fall on Egypt.

Foisting the consequences of the Israeli occupation and siege of Gaza onto Egypt would put the issue of Palestinian autonomy in Gaza at an impasse. The only result of opening Rafah would be an end to the Palestinian cause, Zaki said.
You see? Gazans would want to fan out and live throughout the Arab world if they are given half a chance (40% said so in a recent poll.) If Egypt would open the border, they would inundate Egypt and want to become citizens, just like any other Arabs can become citizens. Gaza would no longer be an Israeli problem but rather an Arab problem, one that Arabs are extraordinarily capable of solving - and completely unwilling to.

Even after decades of indoctrination and forced nationalism, a large percentage of Gazans would not want to stay to live in "Palestine." They are Arabs, they are Muslims, they are members of their tribes and families - but they still do not identify strongly as "Palestinians," and the rest of the Arab world knows it.

So the Arab world has been telling themselves this twisted idea that their systematic discrimination against Palestinian Arabs is really for their own good - to keep them "united"and to keep the cause alive. Because the only thing that keeps it alive is keeping it a problem and forcing Palestinian Arabs to live as second-class citizens in the Arab world, often still in so-called "refugee camps."

The subtext from the Arabs is that they know what is better for "Palestinians" than the PalArabs know themselves. This is astonishingly insulting, but no one complains about it because the leadership of the Palestinian Arabs subscribe to the same twisted mentality themselves. The losers, as always, are the actual Palestinian Arabs who have been forced to stay in their situation by their "helpful" Arab brethren.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

  • Thursday, December 18, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the NYT:
The governments of Saudi Arabia and Norway, the Dubai Foundation and the business moguls Bill Gates, Stephen Bing, Haim Saban and Robert L. Johnson are among the biggest financial backers of former President Bill Clinton’s foundation over the last decade, according to a complete donor list published for the first time Thursday morning.
Here are the names of nations that have given money to the foundation, with the amounts they gave:
$10,000,001 to $25,000,000
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

$5,000,001 to $10,000,000
Government of Norway

$1,000,001 to $5,000,000
Dubai Foundation
Friends of Saudi Arabia
State of Kuwait
State of Qatar
The Sultanate of Oman

There are many other donors, of course, but in terms of donors that specifically represent countries, Arab states are heavily over-represented.

It will be remembered that a significant portion of The Carter Center donors also represent specifically Arab interests.
  • Thursday, December 18, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Daily Telegraph:
Britain's Muslim schools have been sharply criticised in a controversial draft report commissioned by a leading think tank which suggests that over 60 per cent of them are linked to potentially dangerous Islamic fundamentalists.

An early version of the report, entitled When Worlds Collide, alleges that of the 133 Muslim primary and secondary schools it surveyed, 82 (61.6 per cent) have connections or direct affiliations to fundamentalists. The 133 schools are in the private sector but supposedly subject to Ofsted inspection.

The report also claims that some of these schools teach "repugnant" beliefs about the wickedness of Western society and Jews.

Perhaps the most alarming finding of the draft I've seen is that so many of these schools (including ones with no connections to political extremism) are bricking up their pupils behind a wall of Koranic injunctions and Sharia law.

The schools known as Darul Ulooms, which base their curriculum on a seventeenth-century Indian teaching system, include very few secular subjects, claims the report. It says: "Their aim is not to prepare pupils for life in the wider world, but to give them the tools for a more limited existence inside the Muslim enclaves."

The consequences for bright Muslim British girls are absolutely dire. Lively intellects are being destroyed and brilliant careers cut off before they can begin. To quote the report again: “Every year, an incalculable number of Muslim teenagers and young women are lost to the wider world that informs their citizenship.”

Multiculturalism is a one-way street.

  • Thursday, December 18, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
The JMCC took some recent polls of the Palestinian Arab territories. While most of the raw results are not available on their site, there were some interesting results reported:

A plurality in both the West Bank and Gaza did not want the "truce" renewed, saying that it did not serve their "national interests."

Fatah is trusted more than Hamas in both the West Bank and Gaza, by a wide margin. This is perhaps the best refutation for those who claim that Israel's actions are radicalizing Gazans.

On the other hand, Haniyeh is slightly trusted more than Abbas by Gazans. Even so, even in Gaza more would would vote for Abbas than Haniyeh in elections.

"Only" 6.9% of Palestinian Arabs feel that husbands have the right to beat their wives. Keep in mind that half of those polled were women, so the percentage of men who feel this way is probably closer to 13-14%.

Similarly, 41% say that a husband is not obligated to tell his wife that he is marrying another. Almost certainly a great majority of men feel this way.

A majority of PalArabs feel that women wearing the hijab should be mandatory. In Gaza 65% answered that way while in the West Bank it was 47.6%.

55.1% of respondents said that Islamic Sharia law must be the sole source for legislation, while 40.1% said it should be a source of legislation. Only 2.4% felt that sharia law should have nothing to do with civil law.

Yet only a bare majority regularly pray in mosques.
  • Thursday, December 18, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
All of the terror groups in Gaza rejected Jimmy Carter's suggestion to continue the fake "calm." Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the PFLP and the DFLP met on Tuesday night to coordinate their terror activities with each other, and to annex other armed forces, including Fatah.

Which means that when the next Free Gaza boat, due on Saturday, arrives, when they meet Hamas leaders it is the same as if they are meeting the leaders of every terror group in Gaza. They'll be smiling, though, during the photo-ops.

Rafah's smugglers have doubled and tripled the price of disposable diapers, bringing accusations of price gouging and market manipulation.
  • Thursday, December 18, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
I just went back and noted on my November "cease fire" calendar the days during November and the end of October that Israel allowed goods to enter Gaza.

The world has a short memory and seems to think that Israel has been starving Gazans for months. Israel's Foreign Ministry, however, keeps track (usually on a weekly basis) of the goods that were sent into Gaza. For example:
The week of September 7-12, 2008

299 trucks unloaded goods at Sufa crossing.
390 trucks unloaded goods at Karni crossing.
Over 19,655 tons of goods were delivered to the Gaza Strip, including about 2442 tons of cement, and the rest humanitarian aid such as food, medicines, agricultural equipment, and school supplies.
Erez crossing: 97 patients and escorts crossed into Israel for medical treatment.

Fuel (Nahal Oz):
121,000 liters of gasoline
1,199,920 liters of diesel fuel for transportation
2,509,610 liters of heavy diesel fuel for the power station
1,228 tons of cooking gas

In the early days of the truce, when there was still sporadic rocket fire, Israel would routinely close the crossings for a day after every rocket and reopen the crossings the next day. During September and October, when rocket fire virtually ceased, Israel shipped goods almost every weekday except for Jewish holidays. The aid that was shipped was of a much greater variety and quantity than was shipped before the "truce." Looking at the numbers, one can see that each truck from Israel contains between 10 and 20 tons of aid. (Compare the one ton of aid that the Free Gaza freaks say they brought on their last ship to the 5000 tons of aid Israel sent through in December, even in the midst of the rocket barrages.)

In other words, Israel kept to its terms of the truce; increasing the amount of goods to Gaza and only stopping them when rocket fire resumed. Hamas and their useful idiot Western friends are pretending that the current limits on aid are something new, when in fact this has been Israeli policy throughout the six months of the so-called cease-fire.

The cause and effect is clear and consistent: when rockets aren't being shot, Gazans get aid. It is as simple as that, and these facts are documented. Those "peace activists" who pretend to care about Gazans and yet stay silent about the rockets care neither about Gazan lives nor about peace.

The tattered, fake "cease fire" officially ends on Friday.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

  • Wednesday, December 17, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today, a Qassam missile injured three people in Sderot, among a barrage of at least 24 missiles today.

The PA-based Firas Press identified the victims as....soldiers.

Since the Israeli press didn't say that the injured were soldiers, one wonders what made Firas come to that conclusion. They must have embedded reporters in Sderot.

Or maybe they are simply a tiny bit embarrassed that their people purposefully target civilians, and would rather pretend that this is an honorable wartime battle rather than a terror attack whose targets are women and children.
Filmgoers Walk Out on Film that is "Too Favorable to the Jews"

Tunisian filmgoers walked out 30 minutes into the film "A Secret," which deals with a Jewish family in Nazi-occupied France, claiming that it was "too favorable to the Jews." Filmgoers told, the website of the Al-Jazeera satellite TV station, that they wondered why Europe was so favorable to the Jews, and France in particular, whose president they described as the "pro-Jewish Sarkozy."

The Tunisian organizer of the festival, Ibrahim Al-Latif, blamed the European delegation, which was responsible for the choice of films. One young filmgoer told that the decision to screen "A Secret" led some people "to feel that the European delegation, which oversees the festival, is under Jewish control."(1)

Al-Sabah: Opening with the Film Was Not Appropriate Given the Criminal Siege on Gaza

An article by Muhsin Al-Zaghlawi in the mainstream Tunisian Al-Sabah daily opined that "not only was the timing of the opening of the festival wrong, as it came together with the tightening of the criminal Israeli siege on Gaza and the unprecedented worsening of Palestinian suffering, but also the opening film chosen by the organizers… was not appropriate in the view of many observers…

"A large number of the Tunisian public present at the opening were surprised by the events [related in] the film, and its melodramatic narrative, which emphasized the tragic aspect of these events. The film tried to show the Jews as though they were the only people in history who have been subjected to injustice and against whom were committed crimes and massacres. Thus some of them decided to walk out of the film and leave the area, in plain view of the guests and the organizers…

"[This was an act of] protest… against the Tunisian and European panel who organized the festival, who did not make a good choice – if we are to assume that their intentions were good – and shocked the festival's public, right at the opening, with a politicized film that, regardless of its content, does damage to the festival's orientation, and comes close to removing it from its general cultural-artistic framework and brings it into a maze of [political] instrumentalism that is far from innocent.

"The oppressive Israeli siege underway these days against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, which is an [ominous] herald of a humanitarian disaster, is an event that must necessarily cast a shadow on any festival – cultural, intellectual, or other – taking place anywhere. The festival's organizers… should have taken this into account, and not given a film dealing with the Jews' historical tragedy in the Holocaust the honor of opening the festival… especially since the criminal Israeli siege against the Gaza Strip is now at its ugliest and most inhumane."(2)

Opposition Paper: The Zionist Entity Exploits Any Occasion to Remind the World of the Holocaust

A similar article appeared on November 28, 2008, in Al-Watan, the official organ of the opposition Unionist Democratic Union party.

"In these days, when voices have risen to break the siege on Gaza, the 15th annual European film festival in Tunis opens with a film that 'deals with… the tragic situation of the Jews in the Second World War, through [the lives of] Jewish families in France, and [deals with] the victims of the Holocaust at the hands of the Nazis…'

"It is well known that the Zionist entity and the Jewish lobbies, which are spread throughout the entire world, always try to exploit any occasion and any stage, no matter how trivial, to 'remind' [the world] of the oppression suffered by the Jews, especially during the Second World War at the hands of the Nazis, in an attempt to cover up the crimes that the Zionist entity is perpetrating in the occupied Palestinian lands. These are crimes that destroy everything: forests of olive trees, houses, the tyrannical siege [whose victims reach] the point of death, the air raids, the assassinations, and so on.

"What is being perpetrated in Gaza is a true crime by any measure or standard, but nonetheless the world looks on and 'monitors' [the situation]. And in Tunisia, with the [full] knowledge of the Ministry of Culture, a film is being shown about the oppression of the Jews told through 'the story of a child in search of his identity' – whereas the children of Gaza, because of the siege, can't find milk or anything to allay their hunger…"(3)

Even though Arabs will strenuously argue that they are not anti-semitic, and that they can distinguish between Jews and Zionists, a film that has nothing to do with Israel is decried as a Zionist plot to distract the world from Gaza. To their minds, any sympathy for Jews is forbidden, ostensibly because of "Gaza" (this week's excuse for naked Jew-hatred.)

  • Wednesday, December 17, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
I just found out about someone else (besides me) who started their own blog on the domain,

Check it out!
  • Wednesday, December 17, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Los Angeles Times has an article about how much most Egyptians hate Israel:
It has been a tough peace for Ali Salem. His plays don't have a stage. Intellectuals shun him; the writers union refuses to pay his pension. He sits in a cafe window, typing on his laptop and defending his choice long ago to cross the border into Israel and make friends.

Egypt and Israel made peace in 1979, but that treaty remains as agitating to Egyptian artists and intellectuals as a sliver of glass beneath the skin. Most of them don't accept it, and those who do are often vilified, their artistic voices muffled by condemnation.

"Producers are afraid to come near me," said Salem, who in 1994 drove his car across Israel and wrote what critics considered a sympathetic book about the journey. "I anticipated there would be a strong reaction, but I didn't expect it would be so mean. It's hard and this is the wound."

Salem, a columnist for Al Hayat newspaper and a co-founder of the Cairo Peace Movement, added: "Peace is the right idea. But Egyptian intellectuals are afraid and can't get rid of their ancient fears. They still think Israel and the U.S. will inflict something bad upon us."

Occasionally, an artist unwittingly becomes the target of screeds and opinion page vitriol. Filmmaker Nadia Kamel’s recent documentary about her mother's Jewish roots was attacked as a call to "normalize" relations with Israel. Opera singer Gaber Beltagui had his membership in the musicians union suspended in 2007 when he sang at the 100th anniversary of a Cairo synagogue.

"How can he go sing at a synagogue while they [Israelis] are killing our sons?" Mounir Wasseemy, the head of the Musical Artists' Syndicate, said, denouncing Beltagui. "What glory was he seeking?"
The handshake between Al Azhar Sheikh Tantawi and Shimon Peres is still reverberating, and Egyptian officials are trying to make sure that no one ever sees any similar photo-ops:
Egyptian security officials are reported to have prevented a top Israeli defence official from meeting the Secretary-General of the Arab League, Amr Moussa, in Cairo. The local daily, al-Misr al-Youm, said that Amos Gilad, advisor to Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, had sought to meet Moussa (photo) while both were passing through the airport.

Security officials were apparently trying to avoid a repeat of the recent controversy when Egyptian cleric Sheikh Mohammad Sayyid Tantawi shook hands with Israeli President Shimon Peres.
Which makes this cartoon even more amazing, not only for its truth but because it was printed in an Egyptian newspaper:

The bald man is an ultra-conservative Muslim character in this daily comic strip (who does not know that "Brother Levy" is Jewish.)
The photos from the latest Gaza Moonbat Publicity Tour are now available. They prove, as if it still needs proving, how clueless these self-proclaimed "human rights activists" are.

Here are some of the pictures, the clueless FGM captions, and the captions that they should have used:

"These strawberries should be on sale in Europe"
There is a surplus of fruit and vegetables in Gaza, ensuring that no one is starving.

"A former setelment" [sic]
There are still fences around former Israeli settlements, ensuring that ordinary residents of Gaza don't benefot from them at all. Many are now terrorist training camps.
"Settlements had the best land"
There is nothing stopping Gazans from building farms that are just as productive as those the Israelis built up in Gaza. But even after the Israelis abandoned the land that they worked so hard on, the Palestinian Arab leaders keep their population living in crowded cities and do not allow them to build new communities.
"Our constant police escort"
Even though we tell the world how peaceful and wonderful Gazans are, and how much we respect the leaders of Hamas, we had no freedom of movement nor the ability to find out anything on our own about how ordinary Gazans feel. We were used for propaganda purposes by terrorist groups during our entire trip who used force to make sure that we don't do anything they wouldn't like.
"Lubna and Prime Minister Ismail Haniya"
Our brainwashing is so complete that we regard the leader of a terrorist organization, responsible for the deaths and injuries of hundreds of Israelis, as a respectible human being. After all, he is wearing a suit and tie and he treats us, his useful idiots, with seeming respect while he laughs at us behind our backs. The explicit anti-semitism in the Hamas charter does not bother us in the least, and even if it did, we wouldn't dare mention it to Haniyeh because, deep down, we are afraid of him too. We'd rather stay on his side.

"There was a building boom after Oslo"
When Palestinian Arabs stop their terror attacks, there is an immediate benefit to them economically, and there always has been. The Intifada was the worst thing to happen to our friends the Palestinian Arabs as it destroyed their economy and their livelihoods, which were dependent on trade with and jobs from Israel and from Israeli settlers in Gaza. Now they are again led by thugs and murderers, whom they continue to cheer. But we will not criticize the terror attacks to our gracious hosts or to the world. We pretend to be against all forms of violence but in fact we wholeheartedly support what terrorists euphemistically call the "resistance."

I have yet to find a single statement on the Free Gaza website condemning Qassam rocket attacks that was actually made by Free Gaza members (they will repeoduce B'Tselem documents that mention the Qassams negatively, but our "peace activist" friends are only for certain kinds of peace.


EoZ Book:"Protocols: Exposing Modern Antisemitism"


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