The photos from the latest Gaza Moonbat Publicity Tour are
now available. They prove, as if it still needs proving, how clueless these self-proclaimed "human rights activists" are.
Here are some of the pictures, the clueless FGM captions, and the captions that they should have used:

"These strawberries should be on sale in Europe"
There is a surplus of fruit and vegetables in Gaza, ensuring that no one is starving.
"A former setelment" [sic]There are still fences around former Israeli settlements, ensuring that ordinary residents of Gaza don't benefot from them at all. Many are now terrorist training camps.
"Settlements had the best land"
There is nothing stopping Gazans from building farms that are just as productive as those the Israelis built up in Gaza. But even after the Israelis abandoned the land that they worked so hard on, the Palestinian Arab leaders keep their population living in crowded cities and do not allow them to build new communities.
"Our constant police escort"Even though we tell the world how peaceful and wonderful Gazans are, and how much we respect the leaders of Hamas, we had no freedom of movement nor the ability to find out anything on our own about how ordinary Gazans feel. We were used for propaganda purposes by terrorist groups during our entire trip who used force to make sure that we don't do anything they wouldn't like.
"Lubna and Prime Minister Ismail Haniya"Our brainwashing is so complete that we regard the leader of a terrorist organization, responsible for the deaths and injuries of hundreds of Israelis, as a respectible human being. After all, he is wearing a suit and tie and he treats us, his useful idiots, with seeming respect while he laughs at us behind our backs. The explicit anti-semitism in the Hamas charter does not bother us in the least, and even if it did, we wouldn't dare mention it to Haniyeh because, deep down, we are afraid of him too. We'd rather stay on his side.
"There was a building boom after Oslo"When Palestinian Arabs stop their terror attacks, there is an immediate benefit to them economically, and there always has been. The Intifada was the worst thing to happen to our friends the Palestinian Arabs as it destroyed their economy and their livelihoods, which were dependent on trade with and jobs from Israel and from Israeli settlers in Gaza. Now they are again led by thugs and murderers, whom they continue to cheer. But we will not criticize the terror attacks to our gracious hosts or to the world. We pretend to be against all forms of violence but in fact we wholeheartedly support what terrorists euphemistically call the "resistance." I have yet to find a single statement on the Free Gaza website condemning Qassam rocket attacks that was actually made by Free Gaza members (they will repeoduce B'Tselem documents that mention the Qassams negatively, but our "peace activist" friends are only for certain kinds of peace.