Monday, May 20, 2024

  • Monday, May 20, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
I came across this video of a Black man, Jeffrey Mead,  who has been subject to intense racial abuse since he supports Israel.

He takes it with good humor but the hate is quite real.

A recent article in VeryWellMind describes the psychology behind racism. As you read it, you can see that much of the same mindset applies not only to classic antisemitism but also to today's modern antisemitism known as anti-Zionism:

As more attention is being given to the racism ingrained in our society, many more people are seeking explanations for it. Is it survival of the fittest, or a psychological defense mechanism to help people identify with a primary group and feel more secure? Below is a list of possible psychological explanations for why racism exists.

Personal Insecurity

It's true that those who lack an identity and struggle with insecurity may seek group membership.3 Consequently, after finding a group, members of the group may start to alienate non-group members. Sometimes, hostility arises toward those people who have been alienated.

While in a clique, people tend to think and behave more like the people they surround themselves with. It becomes much easier to attack others when you're among people who share the same viewpoint.

Racism comes in when groups are formed based on characteristics like race, bolstered by beliefs of superiority, and supported by systems of oppression.

Lack of Compassion

Alienation of others eventually leads to less compassion for those who have been ostracized. People begin to only show compassion and empathy for those they regularly associate with.

Consider, for example, television segments asking viewers to donate to causes that support food security for families in Africa. These messages may be easier for a person to dismiss if they don't identify with the group or culture in need. This dismissal may or may not be overt racism, but it begins with a lack of empathy.

Projection of Flaws

When people feel bad about themselves or recognize their shortcomings, instead of dealing with them and trying to fix them, they may project their self-loathing onto others. Alienated groups can easily become scapegoats for those who ignore their own personal flaws.

Poor Mental Health

Is racism a sign of poor mental health? Not necessarily, but it can be. For example, paranoid personality disorder and narcissism are both mental health disorders that are characterized in part by feelings of insecurity, which may make a person more likely to hold racist beliefs or engage in racist behaviors.

But it's important to recognize that racist beliefs and actions are certainly not limited to people with mental health disorders.

Hatred and Fear

Extreme hatred is almost always based on fear. People may feel threatened by people they view as "different" or "foreign." They may fear losing power. To combat this fear, some people may seek social support from others with similar fears, perpetuating the cycle.

Anti-Zionism is especially attractive because it not only has all these features (to a greater or lesser extent) but it adds another factor that doesn't exist for most cases of bigotry in the West today: it gives one the ability to gain the benefits of hating an "out-group" as mentioned here, but to feel smug about it instead of feeling ashamed. After all, the hate is being expressed in the name of human rights, the highest possible moral cause there is. Once you categorize Zionists as supporting genocide and apartheid, you are not only allowed to hate them - you are obligated to. 

The negative emotion turns into a seemingly righteous one. Hating Nazis is socially acceptable, and if enough people believe that Zionist Jews are today's Nazis, then that becomes a sacred mission as well. 

Anti-Zionism is a socially acceptable hate, so people who suffer from poor self-esteem or any of the other factors mentioned are ripe candidates to join the bandwagon of hate without the social consequences. 

The organizers of the campaigns go to great lengths to indoctrinate these people into what is essentially a cult. They ask them to make "pledges," they tell them not to speak to outsiders - all to encourage the sense of community and the fear/hate of outsiders. Effectively the BDSers and anti-Israel sponsors are trying to ensure that their recruits are reinforcing their own insecurities and other mental health deficiencies by having them mindlessly repeat rhyming slogans and discouraging them from listening to anyone else's opinions. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Monday, May 20, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last week, Israel gave a proposal to Egypt to coordinate the re-opening of the Rafah crossing. 

Egypt rejected it out of hand, insisting that Palestinians must be the only people to control the crossing on the Gaza side. 

Egypt does not deny any of this. They just say that the humanitarian crisis is Israel's fault, without elaborating on their refusal to open Rafah or to send aid trucks to Kerem Shalom. 

So Israel approached the PA to formally control the crossing but to allow the ctul operations be done by a more neutral group - like the Palestinian Red Crescent Society, which is hardly neutral.

Israel approached the EU asking if they can help operate the crossing. The EU has been paying an organization, EUBAM-Rafah, to oversee the Rafah crossing before Hamas took over Gaza. EUBAM employees are still in Israel, getting paid for doing literally nothing (outside issuing press releases on how they promote gender equality) - could they help coordinate aid?

The EU refused.

Hamas, which would collect taxes via the Rafah crossing as well as send its own injured terrorists through the crossingsend its own injured terrorists through the crossing while Gaza civilian casualties were refused entry, is in fulla alignment with Egypt in blaming Israel for the closing of Rafah. 

Israel is meanwhile coordinating more aid deliveries than ever. On Sunday, it delivered 422 truckfuls of aid through its own crossings and facilitated 17 more via the US floating pier. 

According to COGAT, last Wednesday, it transferred 248 trucks to UN agencies in Gaza - and not one of them was distributed.

Egypt's refusal to re-open Rafah does not only affect aid. Gaza patients who need to be treated in hospitals in Egypt and abroad cannot leave. 

The only country in the world actually trying to get large amounts of aid into Gaza is Israel, with the US contributing a small percentage via the floating pier and several countries contributing a minuscule amount via airdrops.

The only country in the world that has tried to re-open the Rafah crossing is Israel. 

Egypt receives $1.3 billion in aid from the US every year and has received $80 billion since 1978. As far as I can tell the US gets next to nothing back besides Egypt acting as a mediator in various Middle East disputes. 

But we have not heard a word from the State Department or the White House being upset over Egypt's refusal to help Gazans.  The "pro-Palestinian" protesters have nothing negative to say about Egypt - even though it received billions in aid from US taxpayers. The media is quite unwilling to find out exactly what happens to hundreds of trucks of aid that make it into Gaza but do not go anywhere. 

The only country actually doing things to bring aid into Gaza - and being stymied at every turn - is the only one being blamed for their not receiving aid.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Monday, May 20, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Harvard Jewish Alumni Alliance (HJAA) issued a report listing many, many incidents that Jewish students at Harvard experienced since October 7 and even beforehand. 

It is horrific.

Here are some examples:

“I am taking a class with Professor Penslar, Modern Jewish History. Penslar signed the letter … [that] calls Israel an apartheid state …. What I have been surprised by in the class is one of the TFs is vehemently anti-Israel, showing only one side.” (“TFs” or teaching fellows are often called “teaching assistants” at other universities)” 

“I took a class in the Spring of '23 called Religion, Nationalism and Settler Colonialism [at Harvard Divinity School].…The class was just a 12-week hate fest…. One of the classes was titled ‘The Holocaust and Ongoing Nakba.’ It was just a way to compare the treatment of Palestinians to the way Jews were treated during the Holocaust.” 

“[T]here's a big class on the Holocaust that's like a general education class, so it's not just for people in a major. My friend took this class, and there was a teaching fellow who … was saying things like it really wasn't that bad. And look at all the ways that Jews contributed to the Holocaust happening.” 

“[In March 2023] I joined one of my best friends for her Middle Eastern class because she was presenting and invited me to watch her presentation. [There were about] 30 students [in the class], and there were other people in the class who were [also] coming to see their friends present. In the middle of the class, the professor stopped the lecture …. He asked me if I was a student [in his class], and I said, ‘No, my friend invited me to watch her present.’ Then he said, ‘Where are you from?’ I said, ‘Israel.’ He looked at me and said . . . ‘I need to ask you to leave the class’…. People are uncomfortable because I am from Israel. This means that he had to ask [only] me to leave a class where others were also … there to listen to their friends….” 

“In terms of our education, that is the most important thing. People don't understand what Zionism is. They think it’s white settler colonialism. People need to understand the history, not just the Holocaust, but of the Jewish people and why it's so important for there to be a Jewish state.”

 “Israelis are not in these Middle Eastern studies classes. There were lots of times I felt weird and uncomfortable saying I was from Israel in my section when I took a Middle Eastern Studies class. That is the only reason why I'm not pursuing [Middle Eastern studies] as my concentration.” 

 “[I am] dropping my NELC [Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations] department class because it's a hostile environment for me.” 

“I haven't challenged my TF, I don't feel comfortable. I'm not going to change my TF’s opinion. It's not worth it. The section is a small class. The way the grading in the classes works, it is so heavily dependent on participation that it leaves room for interpretation…. 

"I don't make arguments that the TFs disagree with because they don't seem to grade based on the validity of the argument.”

“I attempted to attend the History department’s Palestine event but was turned away by an organizer who recognized me, despite my having registered, with him giving the excuse of a lack of space.” [The organizer continued allowing other students to enter.]

“Last year, the PSC invited Mohammed el-Kurd to speak. I decided that I was going to listen to him because we have free speech and I wanted to hear what he had to say. I decided to ask a question of him: ‘Mr el-Kurd, do you condemn the killing of innocent Israeli, Jews, American civilians across the world as a form of resistance and liberation?’ He said, ‘I'm not going to dignify that racist question with a response.’ 200 of my fellow peers were clapping for him.”  

“Convocation freshman year is the first week. My entire convocation was corrupted—hijacked by the PSC [Palestine Solidarity Committee]…. At convocation, I felt like these people really, really don't want me here. They want me to feel unwelcome. My being a Zionist and a Jew is contrary to their values, and they will use inflammatory rhetoric and tactics that are intentionally designed to hurt me.”

 ‘From day one at the First Year International Program, people heard that I was from Israel, and some people stopped talking to me, including some of the leaders [of the orientation program]. There is an ice breaker event where you divide up by country, and it's known among the Israelis to stay in your room or go [join the] Europe [group]. That is from Day 1 [at Harvard].” 

“I remember that [at the] First Year International Program during pre-orientation … one specific student turned around and left after I answered that I was from Israel. I see her a lot. That was an unforgettable moment.” 

“Last year during apartheid week, I had to walk by a wall with an image comparing Israel to the Nazis with an image of cattle cars going into a gate. I was appalled that there would be Nazi comparisons; no other groups get compared to the Nazis. I ended up switching my walk to class so I could avoid walking by the wall.”

“Last year I had a mezuzah outside my dorm, and that was taken down.”

“What I find most distressing, and what influences my happiness most, is that when I walk into the house dining hall, and I say, ‘hi,’ people won't say hi back just because I was born in Israel and served in the Israeli military. That goes a long way with [affecting] your feeling of belonging.” 

“You can't eat in Adams, literally. I ate there once and I was like, ‘I am never going back there.’ They all know what Israelis look like. They actively stare at us…. [They] know I'm Israeli and hate me for it. Some of them stop talking when I walk near them. Someone from my NELC [Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations] department class looks away when she sees me.” 

“This one girl who wasn't in our blocking group but also was invited [to the Dominican Republic] wouldn't come because I was going. I am Israeli, and she didn't want to be pictured with someone who is Israeli. She wasn't shy [about it], she was public about it….” 

“Two days after I came back to campus [from being home in Israel], I saw a protest [being] led by the PSC in Harvard Yard. There was a huge sign that said, ‘Stop the Genocide in Gaza.’ I was just back to campus [having gone] to the funeral of my best friend who was brutally murdered by Hamas terrorists at the Nova music festival. And I just got emotional seeing such provocative and hateful signs.”

“I'm engaged and my fiancé [who wears a kippah] was walking on campus on October 9 th , and someone who [my fiancé] believed to be another student came up to him and spit in his face, oh my God, just on campus… I'll tell you that he and pretty much all the other [orthodox] guys on campus have started wearing baseball caps.” 

“I am scared to be a Jew here right now.”

"It's pretty scary to walk around campus knowing someone who is comfortable physically assaulting a religious Jew is potentially still on campus…. And I'll tell you that he and pretty much all the other [orthodox] guys on campus have started wearing baseball caps. 

“I felt very afraid even walking to Annenberg because, outside the science center, there would be protests or people asking me a question you can't say no to - like, ‘Did you condemn the murder of Palestinian children?’”

“Because of my Jewish and Zionist identity, people think I am a monster. I have heard people say, ‘Zionists should be slain.’ I have heard people say, ‘You can’t possibly believe an Israeli, they are all settlers.’” 

“It's very clear at HDS [Harvard Divinity School] that Zionism is a very dirty, insulting word. To be called one is an insult. [It is] certainly not something you self-identify [as] publicly.” 

 “What's disappointing is that they are smarter, and Zionist is a code word for Jew. You can't say Judaism is wrong, or the Jews control the media, but you can say Zionists control the media. And that's what is so hard [because they use the word Zionist so they can say that they’re] not antisemites….” 

Here are some posts seen on an internal Harvard chat after October 7:

This is all just part of what was in the student's testimony section. The report also goes into the topics of lectures sponsored by student groups, guest lecturers who are pro-terror, and curricula that are themselves extraordinarily biased against Israel.  Also, for the most part, the Center for Jewish Studies avoids any mention of Israel in its own courses, tackling more obscure (and woke) topics. 

It is a very frightening report. No one should be subject to what Zionist Jews and Israelis experience at Harvard. 


Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Monday, May 20, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

60 Minutes describes a huge, decades-long espionage operation by Cuba against the US:

Last month a career American ambassador pleaded guilty to spying for the intelligence service of Cuba. Victor Manuel Rocha served his country in positions that required the highest levels of security clearance. For 40 years, he was a covert agent. Before Ambassador Rocha was exposed, there was another prolific Cuban spy named Ana Montes, a Pentagon official, who was the lead analyst on Cuba policy. She spied for 17 years. But, Cuban spy craft isn't just a relic of the Cold War. It's a real and present danger to U.S. national security. It turns out, Cuba's main export isn't cigars or rum, it's American secrets—which they barter and sell to America's enemies around the world. 
As bad as that is, here's the part that should concern every American:

[Peter] Lapp wrote a book on the FBI investigation into Montes. He told us Havana doesn't pay its spies, so Americans who spy for Cuba don't do it for money, but rather are driven by ideology. Ambassador Rocha was recruited  in the late 1970s, influenced, he now says, by the radical politics of the day. Montes was a student at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in the 1980s and was outspoken about her anger toward U.S. policy in Latin America when she was recruited by a Cuban intelligence officer.
How many students now graduating from Ivy League schools are being actively recruited by the State Department and the Pentagon? The protests this spring gave Israel's enemies  a huge database of potential recruits who would be willing to do whatever is necessary to destroy Israel - for what they believe are solid ideological reasons.

For that matter, there have been campus radicals who have been passionately anti-Israel for decades. The State Department has been pro-Arab for well over a century. There is no doubt that plenty of Israel haters work for the White House, the Pentagon, the CIA and the State Department. But now we have students who are saying publicly that terrorism against Jews is justified, who are easy pickings for recruiters, ready to steal US intelligence secrets and ultimately provide them to Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas. 

Beyond that, the existing Cuban spy network has been a money making operation for Cuba. According to the report, Cuba would gather information for any number of clients, who would apparently pay plenty for that information. The story mentions  Russia, China, Iran and North Korea as possible clients, and Iran would relay its findings to Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis. 

We saw thousands of students chanting "intifada revolution" and "from the river to the sea." Any one of them who ends up working for the US government is a potential spy against US interests. And at any time, there are some 500 jobs in intelligence alone that US government agencies are recruiting for. 

Within twenty years, we'll be hearing about the spies providing intel to Iran and Hezbollah from within the US government, because of their intense hate of Israel that they absorbed during their days in college.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Sunday, May 19, 2024

Still running behind, but here are eight....

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



From Ian:

‘Palestinianism’ – An Ideology of Genocide
Emrah Erken finally elaborated the connection between ‘National Socialism‘, ‘Palestianism‘, and ‘Wokism‘ in the fabrication of the fake-nation “Palestinian”:

“”Palestinian” inventors
- Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, member of the Muslim Brotherhood and the SS, here with Heinrich Himmler. He is considered the inventor of the fake nation of the so-called “Palestinians”. The PLO charter adopted his ideas. He was the doyen and sponsor of the Egyptian terrorist Yasser Arafat
- Yasser Arafat, an Egyptian terrorist described himself as a “Palestinian.” Here with Khomeini. He was instrumental in the founding of the mullahs’ regime’s Revolutionary Guards. Arafat is the inventor of international terrorism.
- Edward W. Said. One of the main inventors of the woke left’s pseudo-scientific, racist, and anti-Western Postcolonial Theory ideology. Edward W. Said was also a supporter of the mullahs’ regime and an advisor to Arafat and is considered an ideologist of Palestinian terror.” (translation Naftali Hirschl)

In reality, we have to deal with Arab Muslims who started under the lead of the PLO to identify themselves as “Palestinians”. The “Palestinians” happen to be – according to the design given by Arafat, Soviet Communism, Nazis, and the Muslim Brotherhood – an antidemocratic antisemitic terrorist against Jews and the State of Israel. But not only: The ‘Palestinian‘ become the fabricated global enemy of freedom, democracy, and capitalism in the name of Allah: The Jihadist and his big business of drugs, slavery, and terrorism.

Even leading “Palestinian” leaders confessed quite frankly: “Palestinian spokesperson Ahmad Shuqeiri told the UN Security Council in 1956 that Palestine was nothing more than southern Syria. The head of the Military Operations Department of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Zuheir Muhsein, declared on March 31, 1977, “Only for political reasons do we carefully underline our Palestinian identity. …the existence of a separate Palestinian identity is there for tactical reasons.” The PLO, in its own Charter or amended Basic Law (article 1), states that Palestine is part of the Arab nation.”

For Arafat, the “Palestinians” were first descendants of the Jeobites, then the Philistines, and finally a special Arab culture that no one had ever heard of before. Other representatives of anti-democratic Islamism see the “Palestinians” as the direct descendants of the Canaanites. There is no scientific evidence for any of these PLO/Fatah claims.

After all, the fact is that neither the Koran nor the Torah speaks of a “Palestinian” people. The “Palestinian” people happen to be unknown in about 4.000 years of history. It is safe to say, they never existed.

From this, we can derive that the “Palestinian” is neither a people, a nation nor a religion. The “Palestinian” is a fabricated ideology whose sole purpose and aim is to destroy Israel and annihilate the Jewish people.

Now, let us come back to my introductory argument which now falls into place:

An ideology finally can be forbidden on legal grounds such as for example ‘National Socialism’ is forbidden in Germany. The carrier of the ideology is the ‘Palestinian’. The ‘Palestinian’ does not represent a people, a nation, or a religion, but simply is a carrier of an ideology: The antisemitic and antidemocratic ideology of ‘Palestinianism’.

Like, to give an example, the ‘Socialist’. He is the carrier of the ideology of ‘Socialism’, but the ‘Socialist’ is neither a people, a nation nor a religion. The same holds true for the ‘Communist’ etc. I am sure you caught the idea.

Conclusion: ‘Palestinianism’ must be forbidden as an ideology of genocide where the main genocidal ideologies of the world found a synthesis: Communism, National Socialism, and Jihad/Muslim Brotherhood. If we speak of ‘Palestinians‘ we are not speaking about a people, a nation, or religion. We speak about the representative of a deadly, genocidal ideology.
Salman Rushdie: If there was a Palestinian state it’d ‘Taliban-like,’ ruled by Hamas
Salman Rushdie, the British-American author who narrowly survived an attempt on his life in 2022 by a suspected Islamist radical, said Sunday that if a Palestinian state were established today, it would be “a Taliban-like state” governed by Hamas.

The Indian-born novelist criticized anti-Israel student protests, saying in an interview with German tabloid Bild that it was “strange” that progressive youth would support a “fascist terrorist group” like Hamas.

Noting the protesters’ demand “to liberate Palestine,” Rushdie says he’s long supported a Palestinian state but warned it would become an authoritarian Islamist regime like Afghanistan.

“But if there were a Palestinian state now, it would be run by Hamas and we would have a Taliban-like state. A satellite state of Iran. Is this what the progressive movements of the Western Left want to create?” he said.

Rushdie said he understood the protests as an emotional reaction to Palestinian deaths, and that “any normal person can only be shocked by what is happening in Gaza right now.”

“That’s okay. But when it slides into antisemitism and sometimes even support for Hamas, then it becomes problematic,” he said, adding that he thought protesters should at least hold the terror group responsible for the war too.

“It all started with them,” he said, in an apparent reference to Hamas’s October 7 massacre that started the war, when terrorists rampaged through southern communities, slaughtering some 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and taking 252 hostages to Gaza.
Dave Rich: The 7 October Hamas attack opened a space – and antisemitism filled it. British Jews are living with the consequences
This is not where Jews want to be, with this ancient hatred that ought to reside only in history books making headlines every week. A UK home secretary – who accused the police of handling pro-Palestinian protests too leniently - and mealy mouthed university presidents in the US – who seemed unable to unreservedly condemn those on campus who call for the genocide of Jews - lost their jobs in the throes of it. Political and media rows rage for days because of it. Past generations of British Jews have traditionally stayed well below the parapet, getting on with life in a very British way. Now it feels like we are permanently under the microscope.

This is not only a problem on the left, or just about Israel. Last month, a teenage neo-Nazi was convicted of planning to bomb a synagogue in Brighton. Elon Musk described as “the actual truth” the far-right conspiracy theory that Jews incite hatred against white people. Activists with huge online followings get millions of views for social media posts that would not be out of place in the Nazi propaganda rag Der Stürmer. When this much antisemitism is in the air, it’s hard not to breathe it in.

Why this happens demands a much broader answer. Many of the most common anti-Jewish myths and stereotypes – the association with money and power, of inhumane cruelty and blood lust, the belief that Jews kill children for fun or religion – are centuries old. Together, they offer a way of interpreting our world that depicts Jews as the antithesis, and the main threat, to whatever society deems to be good, moral and humane.

Given this history, it should not surprise us that a protest movement that treats the world’s only Jewish state as a transgressor of all moral and human norms attracts some people who do not like Jews. All those placards alleging a “Palestinian Holocaust”, the “Gaza” graffiti on a sign attached to the railings of the Wiener Holocaust Library in London, “SS IDF” daubed in red paint on my late parents’ synagogue: this particular slander is the latest version of the same old charge that frames Jews as a demonic presence that pollutes our world. Those who were once condemned as Christ-killers are now cursed as genocidal Nazis.

Jews know all of this, but it seems that everyone else has forgotten it. Like hikers following a well-trodden trail across unfamiliar terrain, most people who fall for these ideas are not cranks or fools: they are just part of our world where these assumptions and myths about Jews are woven into the fabric. Nor do you need to wander to the wildest fringes to find them: they reside in Shakespeare, Chaucer and Voltaire. There is the writings of Henry Ford. Or, for that matter, the comments of Kanye West (who talked of “going death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE” and praised Hitler, before later offering an apology). Antisemitism is the product of some of history’s finest minds and most talented creators. No wonder it proves so popular and enduring.

There is a well-worn metaphor that Jews are the canary in the coalmine, with antisemitism an early indicator of invisible problems in society. I’m not a fan of this metaphor because it presumes the canary is expendable. Nevertheless, it reflects a deeper truth. Antisemitism has a fluid quality, filling whatever space is opened to it, seeping into the cracks and widening them further. It has dominated conversation among British Jews since 7 October to an unprecedented extent – but really, it is everyone else who needs to think about what it means.
Admitting Gazan refugees would be proof that Britain has a death wish
These MPs are advocating a scheme for Palestinians similar to the Homes for Ukraine Sponsorship programme introduced in 2022. But it’s not a fair comparison. We took in Ukrainians in part because we have a security agreement with Ukraine and can be fairly certain that none of those fleeing the Russian invasion are terrorists.

Sadly the same cannot be said for occupants of a country run by Hamas. Regardless of their medical – or other – qualifications, we have no idea how many Gazans support their murdering, raping masters, or how many have been further radicalised by war.

It would surely be better if these Labour MPs focused on our own problems, without burdening Britain yet further with someone else’s. They could also be lobbying other countries in the Middle East to give Palestinians the help they need. The likes of Egypt have been reticent to open their borders.

It is also worth noting that a Palestinian student has already had her visa revoked after saying she was “full of joy” after the October 7 attacks. Dana Abuqamar, 19, a law student at the University of Manchester, said that she was “proud that Palestinian resistance has come to this point” after the atrocities. It would be naive to believe that the average Palestinian wishing to come to the UK thinks much differently.
  • Sunday, May 19, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
Salo Aizenberg, of Honest Reporting, has gone even deeper into the Gaza health ministry statistics - and found even the lower numbers of "verified" deaths from their database (compared to Hamas' media office)  includes many obviously faked entries.

As he writes, "On May 5 Hamas 'Ministry of Health' released 498 page PDF with 24,682 names (not 24,686) supposedly each person rigorously identified with valid IDs based on actual bodies as opposed to “unidentified” deaths which actually means bodies are missing too. "

Yet many of these "verified" deaths include details that are impossible or clearly incomplete, violating their own stated criteria for who they count.

1693  are missing an ID number altogether. 

836 have the wrong number of digits in their IDs, and some of them are absurdly using consecutive numbers, which is impossible.

Moreover, real Gaza IDs have a built in checksum mechanism where the ninth digit can be derived from the other eight. If you know the first 8, you can figure out the ninth with a formula. Clearly the people  adding this data didn't know that because 1522 of the names have the incorrect last digit, meaning they are faked. And some of them are also sequential, which is impossible - if the first eight digits are the same, the last one would be as well.

Aizenberg also identified duplicates, as well as people who were killed in 2014, 

This means that over 4,000 of the "verified" 24,000 deaths are not verified at all - and most of them appear to be deliberately faked. 

This is the only war in history where the number of fatalities keeps going down.

A 16^ error rate is not innocent mistakes. Thousands of deaths were added to the MoH statistics to inflate the total death count. 

But the Hamas media office is still claiming not 20,000 or 24,000 ut over 35,000 deaths. The ministry of health has been reporting the Hamas GMO numbers but has apparently stopped publishing its own detailed statistics that proved Hamas was lying with its claim that over 70% of those killed were women and children. It has now been over two weeks since the last detailed MoH update; my guess is that Hamas was embarrassed at the contradictions and instructed them to stop. 

Everyone's lying. And they are doing it because Western media dutifully parrots whatever they say. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Sunday, May 19, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
Muslim preachers in America have been publicly spreading antisemitic vitriol comparable to the worst things that you can see from neo-Nazis - but they are Muslim, so they are given a pass by the very "progressives" who claim to condemn antisemitism.

Here are several examples from only this past month, documented by MEMRI.

On April 26,  Imam Dr. Fadi Kablawi of North Miami invoked a modern blood libel by accusing the Israeli military of stealing the organs of Palestinians (and Haitians) and selling them. .

They steal the skin of the Palestinians. It is not enough that they stole their land, now they steal their skin. Organs missing, from children, from adults, organs are missing. Go and find who is behind organ trading in this country or this world. Go ask the Haitians, when they had the earthquake, what happened there with these Israeli organizations going under [the guise] of medical help. Go ask them, those who know. The guy will come limping into their tents for treatment, he will be carried out dead, organs missing. All that is because there is no God for these people. All that because these people look at you as nothing but a mistake, or at best, you were created for their service. That is what they believe. That is what they say. That is what they believe, and we don't spread propaganda.

He ended off praying for Allah to destroy the Jews: "Oh Allah, annihilate the tyrannical Jews. Oh Allah, annihilate them, for they are no match for You. Oh Allah, annihilate the brothers of apes and pigs. Oh Allah, demonstrate upon them the wonders of Your might. Oh Allah, cut off their seed. Oh Allah, break up their fellowship. Oh Allah, disperse them and rend them asunder.

At the Islamic Center of Fort Lauderdale, a series of speakers within the past month pushed Nazi-era invective against Jews. 

One compared Jews to a virus:

 What does a virus do to the cells of the body? It will come very calmly, next to the body... next to the cell, and it will come to the cell and inject the poison inside the cell....The virus is not even seen in the whole scene, and these are the Jews. So who are the Jews? You will not find them in clear battles like the Christians. They are always injecting the poison inside the communities to affect them.
Another said that the goal of "Zionists" is to subjugate all the Gentiles of the world:

Why do they want this social unrest? In order to push their agenda. And their agenda is about what? It is about totalitarianism. It is about control, it is about subjugating every human being on the surface of this Earth to one group, led by the Zionists of this world. That is pretty much it.

In another lecture at the same mosque,, the imam complained that "you cannot deny the Holocaust, and you cannot say that it is a genocide [in Gaza]." When someone in the audience yelled, "Yes, I can! Yes, I can!" he responded, "We all do, we all do."

In a May 3, Ayman Aishat, Council on American-Islamic Affairs (CAIR) director of mosque engagement, claimed that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion were true. He said that the "devils are united" in a "big conspiracy" to prevent the Islamic creed from being implemented in Muslim lands. He claimed that Theodor Herzl presented his Protocol and strategy in the Zionist Congress in Basel, where he urged Jews to ensure that Muslims would fight each other: "We will appoint the worst of their own people on top of them, we will let them fight one another." 

He ended off by praying for Hamas. "Oh Allah, annihilate the plundering Zionist aggressors. Oh Allah, annihilate them and drive them out of Gaza defeated. Oh Allah, support our brothers in Gaza, stand by them and accept their martyrs."

In his May 10 sermon at the Islamic Center of Passaic County in Clifton, New Jersey, Imam Sheikh Osamah Salhia said that Israell controls the United States, a favorite theme of the far-Right: "These lobbies, funded by billions of dollars and powerful corporations, changed American politics in decades. .... Congress is more occupied than Palestine, exponentially more occupied than Palestine. That is how Congress is today, that is how our government is today. It is run by Israel. Israel annexed the United States of America by hijacking our entire political system."

All of these are identical to the invective seen in Stormfront or by the Goyim Defense League. Yet the same people who insist that they are only against real antisemitism and not anti-Zionism are silent when these Muslim American leaders in English, spout antisemitic conspiracy theories and Holocaust denial.

Which just is more proof that they really aren't against antisemitism - by anyone's definition. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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  • Sunday, May 19, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
We've discussed "The Franklin Prophecy" before, where "President" Benjamin Franklin supposedly gave a speech to the Continental Congress warning that the new United States must expel all Jews or else they will take over the country.

This lie was first published in 1934 by an American fascist publication and quickly reproduced in Nazi Germany. Here's a Nazi poster with the lie, complete with a picture of someone who is definitely not Franklin

The supposed speech was debunked fairly quickly - there is no record of any such speech, it uses language that was not used in the 18th century, and Franklin was a philosemite.

But that hasn't stopped this supposed "Franklin prophecy" from being resurrected every couple of years in Arab media. 

The latest iteration comes from popular Egyptian newspaper Al Masry Al Youm. After describing the speech, the author goes on to say that Jews call it a forgery, but it is obviously true:

The lines taken from Franklin's speech have ended, and this speech was called the "Franklin Prophecy," which its Jewish opponents naturally call the "Franklin Forgery," citing the fact that there is no evidence of its existence in any source issued before 1934 when it appeared on the pages of William Dudley Bailey's book in his pro-Nazi magazine, the Silver Legion. Despite their rejection of the truth of the existence of the speech, the global reality and the Jewish presence in the decision-making centers and the lobby in the White House after that confirm that this speech was real, first because of their historical lies that stuck with them and remained with them and which the world is currently following daily regarding the events in Gaza, and second because all its warnings and predictions appeared on the Internet. The course of those years following it and the issuance of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion after their conference in Basel 1897 AD, that is, 111 years after this speech .

The way they know it is true is because the Jews really are evil, as proven by the Protocols and confirmed by the Internet.

That's the pretzel logic that passes for analysis in major Arab media. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Saturday, May 18, 2024

From Ian:

Who benefits from the destabilization of the US?
No organization has done more to dismantle America as it is presently constituted than BLM. And to the surprise of no one paying attention, BLM chapters were an early and enthusiastic supporter of Hamas’s terroristic and orgiastic attack on Israel on Oct. 7.

Nor should it be surprising that the fiscal sponsors of the groups organizing today’s campus protests, such as Students for Justice in Palestine and Samidoun, are also philosophical and even fiscal backers of the different BLM entities.

But U.S. enemies supporting and benefiting from the street mayhem are not all domestic. China, America’s rising 21st-century adversary, and Cuba, whose sclerotic revolutionary rulers have been consumed with anti-American resentment for more than six decades, are two communist outposts implicated in the protests.

A new report by the Network Contagion Research Institute analyzed “the activities and foreign connections” of the Shut It Down for Palestine movement, “an anti-capitalist, anti-police, and anti-government protest movement that emerged after October 7,” the day of the Hamas massacre in Israel. Organizations “operating under the SID4P umbrella are members of the ‘Singham Network’ donor portfolio.”

That network is tied to Neville Roy Singham, a half Cuban, half Sri Lankan tech entrepreneur who was born in the U.S. and resides in Shanghai. A former member of radical Marxist groups, he sold his software company for $785 million in 2017 and now donates generously to Marxist causes.

Various publications, from the New York Times to the Free Press, say he has close connections to the Chinese Communist Party — something Singham denies.

But the NCRI report says that three of the Singham Network’s affiliates — the People’s Forum, the International People’s Assembly, and the ANSWER coalition — “serve as the conduit through which CCP-affiliated entities have effectively co-opted pro-Palestinian activism in the U.S., advancing a broader anti-American, anti-democratic, and anti-capitalist agenda.”

One of the leaders of the People’s Forum, the Dominican Republic-born Manolo De Los Santos, has received training in Cuba and meets regularly with the regime’s nominal president, Miguel Diaz-Canel, writes Mary O’Grady at the Wall Street Journal.

De Los Santos gave a rousing speech to more than 100 “masked and keffiyeh-clad activists” at the People’s Forum Manhattan office hours before they headed to Columbia to take over Hamilton Hall, according to Washington Free Beacon reporter Joseph Simonson, who attended via Zoom. De Los Santos urged the demonstrators to “give Joe Biden a hot summer” and “make it untenable for the politics of usual to take place in this country.”

The activists were then trained on “new methods of resistance” in a breakout session. “A few hours later, activists smashed the windows of Columbia’s Hamilton Hall and barricaded themselves inside,” noted Simonson.

We are constantly reminded that peaceful protests are constitutionally protected speech. But we should be equally reminded to ask of those subverting our peace and undermining our institutions: “Cui bono?” It’s not people who wish us well.
How Hamas became radical chic
Dostoevsky maintained that the suffering of Russian peasants before the elimination of serfdom exceeded any misery the Jews had ever experienced. His elevation of the Russians and demotion of the Jews reflects the zero-sum logic of the victimisation sweepstakes, in which every winner entails a loser, every plus a minus. Identity politics involves a similar logic. The theory of intersectionality recycles Marx’s idea that all forms of injustice are systemically interconnected. This means that no single category of oppression can be eliminated unless all are. And as with capitalists and the proletariat, opposed groups epitomise both injustice and its antithesis, sacrificial suffering in the cause of human liberation. A popular diagram explaining intersectionality contrasts categories of “Privilege” with those of “Oppression/Resistance” — a phrase that suggests noble opposition to tyrannical injustice. The diagram lists among the privileged those who are “white”, “European”, “credentialed”, “upper and upper-middle class”, “anglophones”, and “light, pale”. Most Jews in the West, where intersectionality originated, are all of these things, while almost all Palestinians are none of them.

This analytical framework binds the people of Israel with the Palestinians in a fateful struggle. Other Western groups (e.g. Episcopalians) are by the measures of intersectionality also highly privileged. But none threaten the Palestinians’ attempt to be seen by Westerners as the new proletariat — the Chosen People of cultural Marxism — as do the Jews, whose ancient claim to divine election has subjected them to endless persecution. This is why Hamas finds it necessary to deny both the Holocaust and the Jews’ historical connection to the land of Israel — a denial echoed in the charge of “settler-colonialism” that is falsely and uniquely level against the Israelis.

With calls to “globalise the intifada” echoing on the campuses of the West, it’s become clear that today’s cultural Marxists are playacting in the only drama they’ve been taught by their radicalised professors. Unburdened by knowledge of the past, unfamiliar with the sacrifices laid by so many on the altar of freedom and ordered liberty, unacquainted with any but anti-heroes, these anarchists, schooled in the likes of Herbert Marcuse, Edward Said, and Frantz Fanon, have learned to regard civilisation as little more than a set of unreasonable constraints on their appetites. Their feverish imaginations transform perpetrators of unspeakable evil, washed not in the blood of the lamb but that of slaughtered Jews, into innocent martyrs in the cause of human liberation.

And it’s not just Hamas that benefits from this demonic alchemy. Marx’s knowledge that he belonged to the “small section of the ruling class [that] cuts itself adrift and joins the revolutionary class”, and that he effectively called the proletariat into being as a revolutionary agent by endowing it with class consciousness, must have considerably assuaged his bourgeois guilt. Hamas’s supporters, including many students and faculty at expensive, elite universities, are buoyed by a similar knowledge as they attempt to launch the “intifada revolution”. (Perhaps some of them, having embraced antisemitic conspiracy theories, figure that if any cabal controls society, it should be them.) Glamping undergraduates who complain that “finger painting for Palestine is cancelled; these people are animals!” — a remark recently overheard at the University of Texas, as police broke up a demonstration — have taken the torch from jihadis and are trying to set the world aflame with it. In doing so, they confirm the truth of Marx’s observation that “history repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce”.
Shani Louk’s parents describe seeing daughter’s body 7 months after she was murdered and paraded through Gaza
The parents of Shani Louk, the 23-year-old tattoo artist killed by Hamas and paraded half-naked through Gaza like a trophy, described identifying their daughter’s body seven months after she was murdered by terrorists — hours after her remains were recovered in Rafah by Israeli soldiers.

“The body that we have now is complete and beautiful and looks like she’s alive actually,” said Shani’s father, Nissim Louk, telling The Post Friday that the condition of her body was “a miracle.”

“I think she’d been in one of the tunnels which was very, very cold…that’s why the body is complete and beautiful and the skin is still the same color, you still see the tattoos, it’s amazing,” he told The Post as part of a conversation with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach.

Shani’s parents expressed relief that their daughter’s remains are back in Israel following the horrific Oct. 7 attack on southern Israel — which included a massacre at the Super Nova music festival Shani was attending.

“The army came and told us that the body of Shani was found and brought back to Israel…we’re happy that she’s back and can bury her properly,” said Shani’s mother Ricarda Louk.

“The body is back, we can bury her. It’s a little bit of relief we know where her body is and that she will be here in Israel buried,” she said, noting that they had been in the process of building a memorial statue in their honor when they learned she was coming home.

“So we feel she is always with us. We feel her. She is happy to come back to Israel and close the circle. I’m happy to have her close by.”

Friday, May 17, 2024

From Ian:

Seth Mandel: Only Israel Wants To End the ‘Forever War’
In 2000, Ehud Barak offered to Yasser Arafat a Palestinian state that included the Gaza Strip. Arafat turned down the offer of statehood. Five years after that, Israel left Gaza unilaterally, after decades of trying to walk away from the Strip. Hamas’s takeover of the Strip soon followed, and it was turned into a large military installation the entire of point of which was to keep Israel from walking away completely.

Attacks from Gaza did not begin in 1967, just as they did not stop after Israel’s disengagement in 2005. Hamas’s attacks have nothing to do with a supposed occupation. Whether or not there are Israeli boots on the ground in the Gaza Strip, there has been and will be war.

Which brings us to the second point: This is already a forever war. And that forever war was declared by Israel’s enemies and is re-declared each time Israel offers to end it. Hamas’s raison d’etre, in fact, is forever war. You can find this out by doing such things as: asking them; reading their statements; reading their essential documents; watching their interviews; opening your eyes; etc.

Hamas does not deny this. Since October 7, Hamas officials have been saying this with even more regularity than they did before. Just one example of about a million: “Hamas’s goal is not to run Gaza and to bring it water and electricity and such,” Khalil al-Hayya, one of Hamas’s top leaders, said in November. “Hamas, the Qassam [brigades] and the resistance woke the world up from its deep sleep and showed that this issue must remain on the table. This battle was not because we wanted fuel or laborers. It did not seek to improve the situation in Gaza. This battle is to completely overthrow the situation.”

Israel is not “walking into a forever war.” It has spent its 76 years as a state trying to get out of a forever war imposed on it by the enemies of its existence, some of whom, such as the Hamas leaders and soldiers involved in the October 7 attacks, are barbarian war zombies who have no other setting.

If you want to end the forever war against Hamas, you must destroy Hamas. President Biden’s opposition to that is, in essence, opposition to ending the forever war launched against Israel the day of its rebirth as a state. There isn’t another option. The twist here is that Israel is the only actor involved in this drama that wants to end the forever war. No one else seems to be in much of a rush.
One-third of journalists killed in Gaza were affiliated with terrorist groups
One-third of the Palestinian journalists listed by the Committee to Protect Journalists as being killed in the war in Gaza were employed by terrorist groups, Jewish Insider has learned.

The high number of journalists reported by NGOs killed in Gaza has made headlines in the Washington Post, The New York Times and elsewhere, without any mention of their affiliations with Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Out of 100 Palestinian journalists on the list on May 17, 33 worked for “Hamas-affiliated” media, such as Al-Aqsa Voice Radio, Al-Quds Al-Youm, Quds News Network and others. Another two worked for Palestinian Islamic Jihad outlets Kan’an and Mithaq Media Foundation.

Hamas-run Al-Aqsa TV was named a Specially Designated Global Terrorist by the U.S. Treasury Department in 2010; the outlet employed 13 of those listed by CPJ.

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) claims that 105 journalists were killed in Gaza, but only lists 23 of them. Several worked for terrorist organizations’ media outlets, but those affiliations are not listed on the RSF website.

These include Hassouna Salim, the director of the Hamas propaganda arm Quds News; Mohamed Khalifeh, director at Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV; Abdallah Iyad Breis, the lead photographer for the Hamas Education Ministry’s TV channel; and others.

RSF reported that Yasser Mamdouh El-Fady was killed while “reporting on the presence of Israeli tanks near the Al-Nasser hospital in Khan Younis.” It does not mention that he worked for Islamic Jihad through its Kan’an news agency, which CPJ reported on its list.

CPJ says Ibrahim Mohammad Lafi was shot and killed at the Erez crossing, while RSF said that he was “one of the first reporters to venture out in Gaza on the morning of 7 October.” Other Gazan news photographers who documented Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israeli civilians have been accused of having foreknowledge of the attack.

Both organizations say that they only included journalists “killed in connection with their work or where there is still some doubt that their death was work-related,” according to CPJ. RSF also noted in a statement to JI that they list journalists “killed in the line of duty or for reasons related to work.”
Alleged Paul Kessler Killer Will Stand Trial
A judge ruled on May 15 that Moorpark resident Loay Alnaji, who faces charges of involuntary manslaughter and battery with serious bodily injury in the death of Jewish man Paul Kessler, will stand trial on the matter.

Alnaji, 51, was present at a pro-Palestinian rally in Thousand Oaks on Nov. 5 in which an altercation occurred, resulting in the 69-year-old Kessler, a pro-Israel counterprotester and Thousand Oaks resident, fell and hit the back of his head; Kessler later succumbed to his injuries. Alnaji, who was arrested nearly two weeks later, is accused of hitting Kessler in the head with a megaphone, which allegedly caused Kessler to fall. Special allegations of greater bodily injuries were added onto the manslaughter and battery charges. Alnaji has plead not guilty to all the charges and is currently out on $50,000 bail.

According to reports from the Thousand Oaks Acorn and Ventura County Star, the ruling came after preliminary hearings were held on May 14 and 15. Ventura County Sheriff’s Office Forensic Scientist Jeannine Aguirre testified that she found Kessler’s blood on the rim of the megaphone in question. Ventura County Assistant Chief Medical Examiner Othon Mena testified on May 15 that, in his opinion, abrasions on Kessler’s face were consistent with being struck with the megaphone’s rim and he believes that is ultimately what caused Kessler to fall. Mena is quoted in both the Acorn and the Star as saying that “being struck on the face caused him to fall” and that “there’s an event that occurs where he is struck in the head, and shortly after he falls. I cannot disconnect that event from having at minimum contributed to his falling.”

Alnaji’s attorney, Ron Bamieh, argued in court that Alnaji swung the megaphone at Kessler in self-defense, claiming that Kessler shoved a phone in Alnaji’s face and was recording him, and that Alnaji swung the megaphone in an attempt to keep the phone away from him; a sheriff’s deputy testified that Alnaji had also told her that he swung the megaphone toward Kessler’s phone and that it’s possible he hit Kessler’s hand. Bamieh further claimed that Kessler fell as a result of a medical condition; Mena did acknowledge that Kessler did have a benign brain tumor that might have affected his balance, but was steadfast in his belief that it was being hit in the face with a megaphone that caused Kessler to fall. Police officers testified that they spoke with a couple of witnesses who claimed they saw Alnaji swing at Kessler before Kessler fell. By contrast, Bamieh contended that video evidence shows that Alnaji was far enough away from Kessler at the time of his fall to show that he did not cause the fall and it was more likely a medical condition did. He also claimed that most witnesses were “confused” as to what they saw take place, per the Star.


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