Monday, May 08, 2023

  • Monday, May 08, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
In the middle of an excellent Sapir article by Jeffrey Herf - highly recommended - he notes that "Jamal Husseini, the representative of the Arab Higher Committee to the United Nations, reject[ed] a Jewish state in Palestine, because, he said, it would undermine the 'racial homogeneity' of the Arab world. "

I found the full quote here:
One other consideration of fundamental importance to the Arab world was that of racial homogeneity. The Arabs lived in a vast territory stretching from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean, spoke one language, had the same history, tradition and aspirations. Their unity was a solid foundation for peace in one of the most central and sensitive areas of the world. It was illogical, therefore, that the United Nations should associate itself with the introduction of an alien body into that established homogeneity, a course which could only produce new Balkans.
While the Arab speakers at the UN made sure that they appealed to the most liberal Western thinkers in their speeches, they often betrayed their racism and antisemitism anyway. Here is one example - Husseini is saying that Arabs are racists, who cannot countenance non-Arabs in their midst. 

This was a theme with Arab debaters at the UN in 1947. 

The highly articulate Fadel Jamali of Iraq - who would later become prime minister of that country - spoke eloquently at the UN at the July 23, 1947 Special Committee for Palestine meeting held in Lebanon. But his words were still suffused with racism and antisemitism:

The extremists today are not satisfied with Palestine alone. They want Trans-Jordan to be attached to Palestine to form one Jewish State immediately. This Jewish State might extend from the Nile to the Euphrates at a later stage and some pronouncements have appeared to the effect that Zionist ambitions do not fall short of the economic, if not political, penetration of the whole Middle East.

...Here are some of the powerful means used by the Zionists to make their ambitions and aggressive intentions appear in be right. First, economic pressure. Zionists use great economic pressure to make the Arab sell his land. They allure him and they weaken him by offering an exorbitant sum of money, for his land. The weak Arab succumbs and soon finds himself a landless, homeless fellow.

...Probably the most effective means which they have used to attain their goal is propaganda. The Zionists have a well-organized machinery of propaganda with which the Arabs cannot possibly compete today. They have access to the press in most of the Western countries, besides providing their own press. Through the press Zionists try to prove their wrong right, and the right of the Arabs wrong. 

... The Zionists have not come only for Palestine, which is mainly a barren, rocky and sandy country. Palestine is just a stepping-stone to the economic exploitation of the whole Middle-East. I

...  A new method used by extreme Zionists in post-war years has been a resort to force. Some Zionists in this War probably joined the Allied Forces with a double end in view — the defeat of Hitler and the conquest of Palestine by force. They certainly learned some of the deadliest and most treacherous Nazi methods of warfare. They are applying them in Palestine today.  ...

Some Zionists who want a Jewish State, no matter how small to begin with, and some non-Jews who are not familiar with the situation, speak of partition as a solution. I wish to make it clear that no partition in any form or guise will be acceptable to the Arabs. They will fight it and resist sooner or later for no Jewish State in any size or form will ever be tolerated by the Arab world. Moreover, partition cannot work for more than one reason for it can never separate the Arabs from the Jews completely, and the State derived therefrom can never stand on its own feet economically. But these are from the Arab point of view, secondary considerations compared with their firm determination to fight the idea of partition as well as the idea of the Jewish State. I hope the Committee will give due consideration to this point.  

That last part was a recurring theme, that is heard even today - if Jews get what they want, it will cause Arabs to be upset and they will launch a never ending war. That threat of violence, with the implication that the Arab leaders cannot do anything to stop their own wild mobs of people, has been a constant theme from the Arab world to bully the West into concessions and pressuring Israel. 

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  • Monday, May 08, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon

The Israel Defense and Security Forum released a poll of Israeli attitudes towards Judea and Samaria. It showed that a majority of Israelis feel a historic, emotional or religious connection to the territories.

70% of the Jews surveyed feel a historical connection to Judea and Samaria, 63% an emotional connection, and 48% a religious connection.

In comparison, only 37% of Israeli Arabs feel a historical connection to the West Bank, 33% an emotional connection and 32% a religious connection. 

Keep in mind that the Maarat HaMachpela in Hebron is considered to be the Ibrahimi Mosque by Muslims, and even Rachel's Tomb and Joseph's Tomb have been turned into Islamic shrines. And Jews are on the whole far less religious than Muslims are. Even so, Israeli Jews are twice as likely to say they feel a connection to the territories than Arabs are. 

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From Ian:

Setting the Record Straight on Israel-Palestinian Negotiations
From 1937 onward, Palestinian leaders have repeatedly rejected offers, brought to them by the British, the U.S., and Israel itself, to share the territory west of the Jordan River. Yet claims routinely surface suggesting that responsibility for the failures to reach a compromise lies elsewhere. Ben-Dror Yemini examines the evidence, and puts paid to such attempts at distortion:

For decades, many people, for good and bad, have been spreading the narrative that if only Israel would be a little more generous, and if only the Americans brokered a serious peace agreement, peace was within reach. For the bad, this stems from the desire to blame Israel for all world crimes. For the good, this is due to a sincere and genuine desire for peace, mixed with a lack of knowledge, or reluctance to know, or self-deception of those who struggle to reconcile the gap between beliefs and desires on the one hand and facts on the other.

There are . . . official announcements, materials exposed [by Al Jazeera’s publication of thousands of leaked documents in 2011], and always denials trying, unsuccessfully, to create the impression that the Palestinians wanted peace. In 2012, I was invited to attend a meeting with [the former Palestinian chief negotiator] Nabil Shaath. A welcome initiative. It was a wonderful meeting—up to that moment when I presented to Shaath what he himself said on July 3, 2011: “We will never accept the ‘two states for two peoples’ formula to resolve the conflict.” I asked him if he had changed his mind. He was evasive. I was no longer invited to the next meeting. . . .

Why should anyone bother the enthusiasts of illusion? As long as the Israeli and global left wing insist on ignoring facts, they are not promoting peace. Doing so serves Palestinian rejectionism. It’s bad for the Palestinians and it’s bad for Israel.
MEMRI: Ahead Of 75th Anniversary Of The Nakba, Palestinian Leadership Stresses It Will Never Relinquish Refugees' Right To Return To Their Homes
On May 15, 2023, the UN General Assembly will for the first time hold an event to commemorate the Palestinian Nakba. The event, marking the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, will be attended by Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud 'Abbas, who is expected to use this platform to underscore the issue of the Palestinian people's right of return. The decision to hold event was one of the outcomes of a Palestinian diplomatic campaign that calls, inter alia, for recognizing the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes inside the state of Israel.

In the past year, PA, PLO and Fatah leaders have continued to stress their uncompromising insistence on the right of the Palestinian refugees and their descendants to return to their homes, a right they contend is guaranteed by UN Resolution 194.[1] This demand has in fact been part of the official Palestinian position for years. The meaning of this demand is that the refugees would be allowed to return to the territory of Israel on the 1948 borders, which contravenes the call for a two-state solution and is aimed at eliminating Israel in its current, Zionist, form.[2]

Statements by Palestinian officials on the right of return were especially conspicuous lately, amid the Palestinian preparations for the UN event marking the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, and also at the celebrations marking the 58th anniversary of Fatah's founding.

The issue of the right of return also came up in the context of a bill recently introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives, which calls to set conditions for U.S. contributions to UNRWA and to restrict the definition of Palestinian refugee. The bill drew furious responses from Palestinian officials, who reiterated that the refugees' right of return to their homes is sacred, non-negotiable and permanent, and that they will never relinquish it. A Palestinian columnist even called to sue the U.S. lawmakers who promoted the bill in international courts.

It should be noted that, on the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, a memorial to the Nakba will be unveiled in Ramallah. The memorial, whose construction was initiated by President 'Abbas, highlights the values of the Palestinian "dispersion, struggle and hope."
Lebanon terror groups directed bus bombing attempt in Israel - Shin Bet
Six members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) have been arrested on suspicion of involvement in the attempted Beitar Illit bus bombing on March 9, and for allegedly planning a series of future explosive attacks, Israel's Shin Bet announced on Monday morning.

According to the security agency, much of the terrorist cell was centered around the Bethlehem area, with members from the Dheisha Refugee Camp, Batir village and Beit Jaala. The cell and its members were uncovered and investigated over the past month.

Those arrested included: Bassam Avina, Ahmad Abu Naama, Mazen Abdullah, Muhammad al-Barak, Rami al-Ahmar and Nur Mahmoud.

The members of the cell planned the Beitar Illit attack, recruited the attacker, and rented safe houses for the attack process. They are also suspected of assembling explosives and purchasing an escape vehicle.

Some of those arrested also were also planning to carry out other terror attacks.

In addition, the Shin Bet arrested an Israeli who is suspected of helping smuggle some of the terror suspects into Israel and transporting them around the country.

According to the statement, the Israeli's interrogation showed that she did not realize they were terrorists, so she has been indicted for the lighter crime of merely assisting persons with illegal border crossing and traveling within Israel.

The IDF Prosecution will file indictments in the near future against various terror cell members for attempted murder, assembling explosives, participation in a terror group and other charges.
  • Monday, May 08, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
Wafa reports:
Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh called on the "UNESCO" organization to intervene to prevent the Israeli occupation authorities from establishing a settlement site adjacent to the village of Sebastia, whose establishment would cause severe damage to the historical site in the village.
I don't know if this is true, or specifically where such a settlement would be built. ("Sebastia" is a Roman renaming of Shomron - which is Samaria.)

However, Shtayyeh's appeal to UNESCO implies that any people moving to the area would cause great damage to the historic value of the area, which includes finds from the Israelite, Greek and Roman periods. 

Yet if you look at photos of the region, you see Palestinian villages and buildings built haphazardly all over the supposedly sacrosanct historic area. 

Zooming in on the area of the Roman amphitheater shows it is surrounded by newer buildings only meters away:

There must be a gene that Jews have that ensure that Jewish building destroys historic archaeological sites, while Palestinian Arabs don't cause any damage whatsoever. 

How else can we explain that Shtayyeh thinks that only Jewish settlement is a danger to archaeological sites? He couldn't be a bigot, could he?

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  • Monday, May 08, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Shin Bet announced the arrest of a terror cell that attempted to blow up a bus filled with Jews:

According to the Shin Bet, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine cell was behind the attempted attack on March 9, when a makeshift bomb was planted on a bus in the Beitar Illit settlement.

The explosive malfunctioned at the time and did not cause any injuries. The settlement went into lockdown for several hours as troops searched for the suspects. A day later, the military arrested a Palestinian accused of planting the bomb, along with four others in the West Bank town of Battir.

The Shin Bet on Monday said the PFLP cell planned to carry out additional attacks.

The investigation of the terror cell also revealed the involvement of the PFLP leadership in the Gaza Strip and in Lebanon, which allegedly directed the cell to carry out the attempted bombing, as well as attacks by other terror cells, the Shin Bet said.
Today, in the US, Israel and Europe, we are seeing high levels of partisanship where many people care more about countering their political opponents than about finding common ground.

Palestinians have no such problems. 

The PFLP is an avowedly socialist, secular party. Their Leftist philosophy is the polar opposite of the far-right ideas behind Islamist groups like Hamas or Islamic Jihad. The two sides have nothing in common on fundamental issues like women's rights or the role of religion in politics. They couldn't possibly build a functional state together.

But if you look at the PFLP and other Leftist Palestinian websites, you won't find any public disagreements with Hamas, and Islamist websites won't say a negative word about the Leftists groups like the PFLP and DFLP.  In fact, there is cross-pollination in rhetoric between the sides- the Islamist sites have adopted the Leftist terminology of "resistance" and "liberation" while the Leftist sites regularly use decidedly religious terms like "martyrdom."  Both Hamas and the PFLP sent speakers to a conference in Algeria this past weekend.

The only thing they have in common is their shared hate of Jews. 

And no, it isn't anti-Zionism. It is Jew-hatred.

The PFLP website, today, defends Mahmoud Abbas for saying that historic persecution of Jews including the Holocaust is because of their "social behavior," such as usury. 

The PFLP website, today, contains sentences like "Since ancient times, the Jews have been active in exaggerating their history, and repeating lies claiming that they are the only superior race, the intelligent race, and the chosen people" - and this is in an article that attempts to distinguish between good anti-Zionist Jews and the 95% who are bad.

The PFLP website, today, espouses the classic blood libel, claiming that Jews historically killed Christian and Muslim children to use their blood for religious practices. 

Both the Islamists and the socialists insist that they aren't antisemitic at all - but scratch the surface and their Jew-hatred shines through. It is clear that even the avowedly socialist PFLP's supposed "anti-Zionism" is  just a front for their hatred of Jews - if they were truly against antisemitism, their blood-libel article would have caused an outrage and been taken down immediately. 

And that Jew-hatred is the only thing that keeps them allied. 

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  • Monday, May 08, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon

Palestinian and Egyptian media are reporting:

The President of the Palestinian National Council, Ruhi Fattouh, said that the organization of extremist Talmudic Jewish groups organizing biblical lessons and vigils near the Bab al-Rahma chapel, at the eastern entrance to the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, comes in the context of the occupation’s plans to control it and turn it into a Jewish temple, which is a prelude to changing the features of Al-Aqsa Mosque and its Islamic identity in favor of a false narrative, in flagrant violation of all international resolutions that protect the city of Jerusalem with its historical and cultural heritage.

In a statement issued today, Sunday, Fattouh called on the international community and its organizations to intervene to stop these extremist actions, which will plunge the region into a religious conflict that will ignite it.

He warned the fascist government of extremists against continuing Judaizing policies and aggressive measures against the Holy City and its mosque, stressing that the Palestinian people will not allow its desecration or division, and will remain an exclusively Palestinian Arab Islamic site forever.
The people giving tours on the Temple Mount speak about the Temple through the entire tour, which naturally includes the area of Shaar Harachamim which the Muslims call Bab al-Rahma. This entire charge is made up to make it sound like Jews have broken the status quo - and to attempt to say that not only is Jewish prayer illegal, but any Jewish presence whatsoever.

Denying that the Temples existed there is antisemitism, plain and simple. 

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Sunday, May 07, 2023

  • Sunday, May 07, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
Starting May 4 through Tuesday, Tunisia is hosting the annual pilgrimage of Tunisian Jews to the island of Djerba for Lag B'Omer.

Some 7000 Jews, mostly of from the Tunisian Jewish diaspora, are expected to come, joining the 1300 Jews who live in Djerba.

There are lots of articles in the Arabic press describing how this proves Islamic tolerance.

The Tunisian Minister of the Interior, Kamal El-Feki, visited Djerba on Saturday to review the security there. He said that their welcoming Jews "reflects how our country is a land of coexistence and peace and that it welcomes everyone, providing all with safe conditions for the presence of its visitors on its soil."

The head of the French Imams Forum, Hassan Chalghoumi, who will participate in celebration,  said visiting the Ghriba Synagogue is evidence that freedom of religion and belief exists in Islamic culture and religion."

What is not being said is that Jews in Djerba have been subjected to many antisemitic attacks. One merchant was stabbed by a group of Jew-haters in 2014, students in Djerba have flown swastika flags and posters honoring Hitler,  and there have been reports of police harassment of Jewish merchants this year. A policeman shot and killed several during Simchat Torah in 1985 and a truck bomb killed 21 in 2002.

It is admirable that Tunisia is publicly making statements of tolerance for Jews. But imagine if the world treated Tunisia the way it treats Israel. 

No matter what they say or do, it would be called "Jew-washing." Anything they do good for Jews would be treated as if they are only pretending to like Jews because they want to distract the world from their human rights violations (which are significant and have been getting worse.

Tourism is an important revenue stream for Tunisia, and it would be hurt badly if there were any incidents during these celebrations. 

But here's the thing. A country should be judged on its actions, not on some theory about the reason it is doing something. No one is a mind reader. If Tunisia's Jews and Jewish visitors are safe and have civil rights, then all credit should go to Tunisian leaders. There may be reasons behind their actions are don't perfectly fit the idea of acting according to a perfectly moral code, but that is irrelevant - the actions are all that matters, no matter the intent. And with Tunisia, everyone instinctively knows this, and treats Tunisia's government accordingly.

How the world treats Israel is the exception to this common-sense rule. The entire concept of "pinkwashing" or "greenwashing" is fundamentally bigoted - it assumes that Israeli Jews are inherently evil and any actions that contradict that are a smokescreen.

The difference in how the "progressive" world treats Tunisia and Israel show that the real antisemites aren't the Tunisians, but the critics of Israel. 

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From Ian:

Examining The ‘Crime’ That Was Mahmoud Abbas’ Rejection of Peace
Would an affirmative response by Abbas have led to a final end-of-conflict agreement?

There were certainly major concerns, such as Olmert’s weak position as prime minister and evidence that in the later stages, Livni attempted to undermine the process.

Despite these flaws, the Americans believed that if the two leaders came to an agreement, momentum would prevail and that no subsequent leader would reverse course and say no to the deal.

Rice makes this exact argument, writing in her conclusion on this topic: “Had Abbas expressed a willingness to accept the extraordinary terms he’d been offered, it might have been a turning point in the long history of the intractable conflict.”

There is no way to know of course, but the Palestinian rejection ensured certain failure. What is beyond doubt is that a sitting Israeli prime minister was ready to agree to a definitive peace agreement that would establish a Palestinian state on territory equal to 100 percent of the West Bank and Gaza, but Abbas said no by refusing to show up to a follow-up meeting and never offering another response or counteroffer.

The real reason for the rejection was not Olmert’s weak standing; it was Abbas’ unwillingness to budge from maximalist Palestinian demands, even if it meant losing out on the chance for Palestinian statehood. The notion of Israel seeking to permanently “dominate” Palestinians or “perpetually occupy” is completely shattered by the Olmert offer and the Barak offer several years earlier.

Anti-Israel discourse deliberately omits or falsifies these events to promote their fabricated narrative of an intransigent Israel unwilling to make peace and end its control of the West Bank.
The Nakba Narrative: A History of Deception
The Nakba Narrative: From 1948 to 1998
The term “al-Nakba” first entered the political lexicon of the Arab world in the late 1930s as a reference to the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire and the creation of the modern Middle East in 1920.

The term first became associated with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in August 1948 (as the Israeli War of Independence still raged on) when Constantine Zurayk, a Syrian academic and diplomat based in Beirut, published a slim volume entitled Maana al-Nakba (The Meaning of the Catastrophe).

In this work, Zurayk blamed Arab leaders for the Nakba (due to their military failures and urging of Arab civilians to flee until after the fighting) rather than an alleged grand premeditated Zionist plan to displace the local Arab population (which later became a standard component of the Nakba narrative).

As well, Zurayk’s Pan-Arab ideology meant that he did not consider the Nakba to be an exclusive Palestinian catastrophe but one that primarily affected the larger Arab world.

In the 1950s, some Palestinian writers such as Aref al-Aref began using the term “Nakba” in their writings while others preferred to use different terms. In a 1956 work, Haj Amin al-Husseini, the former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, used the term “al-Karitha” (meaning catastrophe/disaster) since “al-Nakba” had a connotation of the fate of Palestinian Arab society in 1948 being self-inflicted.

In the decades following Constantine Zurayk’s introduction of “al-Nakba” to the Palestinian political lexicon, the term evolved to refer to a narrative that focused exclusively on the Palestinian Arabs (instead of the greater Arab nation) and gradually began to ascribe all blame for the dissolution of Palestinian Arab society to Israeli actions.

NGO Monitor: NGO “Who Profits” Declares Negev Off-limits to Israel
While claiming to scrutinize corporations involved “in the ongoing Israeli occupation of Palestinian and Syrian lands,” — seemingly referring to the West Bank and Golan — the NGO known as “Who Profits” is increasingly targeting business activity taking place within the 1949 Armistice lines. This suggests that Who Profits, like many other NGOs, considers all of Israel as Palestinian – or Syrian – land, and the NGO advances a false narrative of “apartheid,” treating Israel as inherently illegitimate.

Who Profits maintains an interactive map and accompanying report titled “Tools of Dispossession in the Naqab: Development and Military Projects” – launched in December 2021 – to illustrate “how Israel’s long-standing policies to Judaize and industrialize serve to dispossess the Naqab’s Palestinian Bedouin inhabitants.” The interactive map highlights “several ongoing developmental and military projects in their various stages of implementation.”

This campaign targets civilian infrastructure projects, such as the construction of rail lines and highways, as well as the establishment of military bases in the region. Shockingly, the organization also opposes incentives geared toward Israeli hi-tech workers to encourage them to move to the southern city of Be’ersheva.
US lawmaker touts terror-linked orgs' support to condition Israel aid
US Rep. Betty McCollum touted the support of two organizations designated by Israel as terrorist groups for a new bill seeking to condition US aid to Israel.

Israel's Defense Ministry banned Addameer and Defense for Children International – Palestine (DCI-P) last year, due to their demonstrated extensive ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), which the US also designates as a terrorist group. McCollum cites data collected by DCI-P in her proposal.

“The organizations operate under the guise of performing humanitarian activities to further the goals of the PFLP terrorist organization…They also assist in raising funds for the terrorist organization via a variety of methods that include forgery and fraud…[and] are controlled by the PFLP [and] employ PFLP operatives in management,” the Defense Ministry stated at the time.

Including terror-linked groups on a list of civil society organizations
McCollum included the organizations on a list of civil society groups that support her legislation, which also includes J Street, Americans for Peace Now, Jewish Voice for Peace, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the Council on American-Isralmic Relations (CAIR) and others.

The bill seeks to prohibit Israel from using US aid “for the military detention, abuse or ill treatment of Palestinian children in Israeli military detention; the seizure and destruction of Palestinian property and homes…[or] unilateral annexation of Palestinian lands in violation of international humanitarian law.”
  • Sunday, May 07, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
JPost reports:
The IDF killed two terrorists in a raid in the West Bank town of Tulkarm on Saturday morning when an attempt to arrest them led to an exchange of gunfire, the IDF Spokesperson's Unit announced.

The terrorists were identified as 22-year-olds Samar Salah al-Shafei and Hamza Jamil Haroush who had carried out the shooting terror attack in Avnei Hefetz on Tuesday. The IDF said the two terrorists were planning further attacks.
The terrorists shot at three vehicles on Tuesday. One was hit and the driver was moderately injured from glass shards.

Now Fatah is claiming that Hamza Haroush wasn't a failure at his attempt to murder Jews, but in fact he participated in several successful attacks, and on Tuesday he killed two - and this is being hushed up by the Israelis:
Our martyrs carried out a qualitative operation on the Avnei Hefetz road when the lion of the battalion dismounted and fired at three cars that were carrying settlers. He made sure at that time that there were at least two dead, and the occupation concealed this, as usual.
This is Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah trying not only to claim credit for an attack, but to make things up to appear more successful at murdering Jews than they were. 

This is Israel's '"peace partner."

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  • Sunday, May 07, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
While tales of alleged Israeli mistreatment of prisoners are widely reported, similar stories about Palestinian security forces' abuse of detainees - even children - are much more difficult to find, especially in English.

To see allegations of abuse against detainees by the PA, you have to read Hamas media. To read about abuse by Hamas, you have to read pro-PA media. And for both of them, you have to look for it in Arabic.

Last week, according to Hamas media, a 15 year old child named Qassam Ali was arrested by the PA security forces. His crime, they say, was raising the Hamas flag to greet his brother Obeida, a Hamas terrorist who was released from Israeli prison after a 30 month sentence.

The Ali family immediately began a social media campaign to get Qassam released

The PA released Qassam from custody today, and he spoke to Hamas media, saying, "The arresting force of the authority came to the house and they were masked and wreaked havoc in our house. They tried to attack my sister, who was documenting the moment they stormed our house, and they tried to arrest my brother Obeida, who was recently released from the occupation prisons....While I was in prison, they hit me on the head, and I was subjected to shabeh for many hours as well, and they shackled my hands behind me to a chair."

While he was detained, Qassam did not have the right to communicate with his family or a lawyer, and his family was not told where he was being held. 

There is no mention of this incident in any NGO site. The Felesteen article mentions that the Independent Committee of Human Rights confirms that Qassam was released today, but this incident isn't mentioned on their webpage.

The ICHR did issue a report last year where they mention:
In 2016-2021, a total of 505 claims of torture and other forms of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment were filed by children, representing 12 percent of all claims made to the ICHR in this regard. These claims were distributed by year as follows: 113 in in 2016, 120 in 2017, 60 in 2018, 98 in 2019, 26 in 2020, and 88 in 2021. 

Children subjected to torture or maltreatment were detained against multiple backgrounds, mainly, theft, letting off fireworks, drug abuse, hacking of Facebook accounts, and murder. Claims of torture involved all security agencies, particularly the Preventive Security, Police, General Intelligence, Military Police, Internal Security, and juvenile welfare institutions. Patterns of torture inflicted on children included physical and psychological abuse, torture, threats during detention, and other forms of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. 
Human Rights Watch issued a report on torture by Palestinian security forces last year - and did not mention a word about abuses of children.  

Such claims against Israel, no matter how far-fetched, are amplified by so-called "pro-Palestinian" NGOs. But no Western NGO shows any interest in the torture and mistreatment of children detained by Palestinian security. 

No one is interested in the human rights of Palestinian children  unless somehow Jews can be blamed.

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  • Sunday, May 07, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon

There has been some media attention paid to the coronation oil that King Charles was anointed with on Saturday. It was prepared in Jerusalem according to a centuries-old recipe.

As the royal website quoted the Archbishop of Canterbury:(archived):

Since beginning the planning for the Coronation, my desire has been for a new Coronation Oil to be produced using olive oil from the Mount of Olives. This demonstrates the deep historic link between the Coronation, the Bible and the Holy Land. From ancient kings through to the present day, monarchs have been anointed with oil from this sacred place. As we prepare to anoint The King and The Queen Consort, I pray that they would be guided and strengthened by the Holy Spirit.

As he indicates, the idea of anointing kings with holy oil comes from the Hebrew Scriptures as the kings of Israel were anointed with consecrated olive oil. This custom was taken up by the Holy Roman Emperors and the monarchs of France and England.

Of course, the Palestinians want the world to think that this is "Palestinian" olive oil.

Palestinian-British academic Dr. Makram Khoury-Machool writes in the Palestinian Raya site about the "secret of the Palestinian olive oil."  Khoury-Machool then makes a fairly startling admission for a supposedly impartial academic:

Whether we are supporters or opponents of the monarchy in principle, or supporters of Britain's foreign policy policies, or critics, we must look at the media picture in its larger and broader framework, and not out of factional personal interest. We, as Arabs and Palestinians, must link our Palestinian cause on every occasion in order to pressure in favor of our cause and deepen awareness in order to win over the broad masses among all peoples to form a public opinion that pressures political decision-makers.

He is saying out loud what Palestinians have been doing for years - hijacking any and every cause in order to place themselves at the center and to demonize Israel.

We've documented this many times. The only reason Palestinians join international forums is to bash Israel. We've seen it with UNESCO,  refugee conferences, conferences on children, Human Rights Day, and conferences on women, climate conferences and conferences dedicated to saving the world's oceans. 

The Palestinian Authority has signed many international conventions with no intention to adhere to them - they only joined so they could join the International Criminal Court and then use that against Israel. 

Palestinians try to hijack American "progressive" causes like Black Lives Matter, native American issues and the Women's March, even though they couldn't care less about those causes. 

Thanks to Dr. Khoury-Machoul, we see that not only admit that they do this intentionally - they urge each other to hijack every possible issue.

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Saturday, May 06, 2023

From Ian:

Jonathan Tobin: Islamist antisemitism is flying under the Jewish radar
Using the language of intersectionality they have positioned themselves as the representatives of a group that is under attack. Part of this is a campaign to raise awareness of what they consider a rising tide of Islamophobia. That’s something that is guaranteed to appeal to the sensibilities of liberal Jews, who are keen to ally themselves with another faith that suffers discrimination.

But while prejudice against Muslims can be real, most of what is usually characterized as Islamophobia is actually merely accurate reporting about Muslim support for extremists and prejudice against Jews. Talk of Islamophobia is, for the most part, merely a scam intended to divert attention from Islamist hate, as well as their groups’ willingness to rationalize terrorism as long as the victims are Israeli Jews.

This was made clear in May 2021 when Israeli efforts to fend off attacks from Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists based in the Gaza Strip led to Muslim violence against Jews in the streets of American and international cities.

The INSS report notes that research shows that while American Muslims are more likely to show antisemitic attitudes than other Americans, they also don’t believe groups like CAIR or the similarly toxic US Council of Muslim Organizations represent them.

Those groups dominate the public discourse about Islam in the United States. At the same time, the most prominent Muslims in politics are also the most extreme, like “Squad” members Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), both of whom have engaged in prejudicial rhetoric about Jews and support the antisemitic BDS movement (and therefore aligned with Islamists rather than moderates within that community).

As the INSS report concludes, American Jews ought to be more careful about the identity of Muslim groups with whom they seek interfaith dialogue. Jewish community-relations councils throughout the United States still treat CAIR and other BDS supporters as legitimate partners, despite their complicity in terrorism (CAIR was founded as a political front for Hamas fundraisers and still treats those convicted of aiding terrorists as “political prisoners”) and antisemitism. So long as they ignore the way Muslim extremists are joining forces with the intersectional progressive left, they are failing to understand the source of some of the most potent threats to their communities.

No discussion of antisemitism in America should ignore the hate that Islamist groups are spreading. Yet despite the fact that most Jews say they are deeply worried about antisemitism, few seem to take the threat from home-grown Islamists seriously.
The ITIC has documented ‘Incitement and encouragement for terrorist attacks in Hamas TV shows during Ramadan’. (pdf)
“Hamas’ media department series for Ramadan 2023, called “The path of sacrifice,” was devoted to Palestinian terrorist operatives who carried out attacks. Their objective was to ramp up anti-Israeli incitement and encourage terrorist attacks in Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem and inside Israel. Following Hamas policy, the incitement was aimed not only at its own operatives but at the operatives of all the armed terrorist organizations, as well as Palestinians who have no organizational affiliation and on their own initiative attack with simple, easily available weapons, such as knives and vehicles. The series’ emphasis was on terrorist attacks in Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem and inside Israel without reference to terrorism from the Gaza Strip.”

Friday, May 05, 2023

From Ian:

Melanie Phillips: The coronation of King Charles will be more than an amazing spectacle
On Saturday, Britain’s King Charles III will be crowned in London’s Westminster Abbey.

The coronation, which will be viewed by millions around the world, promises to be a spectacle of ceremony and magnificence for which the British have no rivals.

Even this week’s dress rehearsal, which was carried out in the middle of the night, was attended by crowds of spectators and produced awe-struck responses to the mile-long military procession taking the gold state coach to the abbey from Buckingham Palace.

The significance of the event, however, goes far deeper and wider than all the pomp and circumstance. The coronation makes two statements of great importance for today’s world about the place of religion in public life and the importance and meaning of the nation.

Both religion and nation are currently opposed, scorned and vilified by the dominant progressive elites of Western culture. Many such people also oppose the monarchy, viewing it as an anachronism redolent of hereditary privilege that has no place in a modern democracy.

Throughout the West, there is now an all-out assault on the very idea of the nation along with its inherited culture. This is fueled by a determination to impose supposedly universal values that will usher in the unity of all mankind.

This onslaught involves an attempt to dismember the traditional nuclear family; vilify white society, normative sexuality and men; and hijack education and replace knowledge and rationality with propaganda and the suppression of dissent.

At the core of this agenda—whose echoes can also be heard in the anti-government protests that have been rocking Israel—lies the aim of exiling religion from the public square.

The monarchy in Britain embodies both religion and nation. The core of the coronation is a religious dedication. Dressed in a simple shirt, the King will be anointed with holy oil and in this private ritual will take his monarchical oath of service to God.

Few realize that the British monarchy is patterned on Jewish history. Early English kings even believed they were descended from King David. They appreciated the revolutionary aspect of ancient Israel: Its monarch was not the supreme ruler, a status which invites tyranny and despotism, but was himself answerable to God, the one true king over all.

The British coronation rite is modeled on the accession of King Solomon as described in the Book of Kings. Solomon was escorted to the throne by both religious and military leaders, as will happen to Charles, and was anointed by Zadok the high priest, represented this weekend by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

The choir in the abbey will raise the roof with Handel’s sublime “Zadok the Priest,” and the holy oil will have been brought from Jordan, part of the original Land of Israel.

Jews know better than anyone that what keeps a nation together is continuity—the adherence to principles, traditions and rites that shape a people and are handed down through the generations.
Howard Jacobson: From Saul to David, Jews always did a good coronation
Whatever further thoughts God has about the heavenly right of kings to rule, it’s this transformative moment — when He mightily passes on His spirit to Saul and turns him into “another man”, not a god, but a man unlike all other men and, indeed, unlike himself as he was before Samuel anointed him — that explains the religious significance of coronations and why the English always sound like Jews when they invest a sovereign.

I haven’t yet seen the order of service for Charles’s investiture but if it’s like his mother’s, it will begin with a reading of Psalm 122, which was written by King David himself, and which prays for the peace of Jerusalem.

Think of that! We’re in the middle of London and we’re praying for the peace of Jerusalem. Soon, the Archbishop will call on God to bless and sanctify His chosen servant Charles, as He had once consecrated kings and prophets to teach and govern “thy people Israel”.

And it isn’t long now before the magnificent musical introduction of Zadok the Priest. “And as Solomon was anointed King / by Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet / So be thou anointed, blessed, and consecrated King.”

How much more proof of the Coronation’s root and branch ceremonial Jewishness do we need? As Solomon was anointed King . . . so be thou anointed King.

I have felt a kind of kinship with Charles ever since I saw newsreels of him looking lonely as a boy. Something of that sadness still attaches to him in my eye, happier as he appears to be now, sitting in the Royal Box with Camilla watching The Marriage of Figaro rather than Little Mix.

So I hope he enjoys his big day as I, all things considered, enjoyed mine — if you will allow that a bar mitzvah is a coronation on a more intimate scale. I emerged from mine, anyway, no longer a boy; Charles will emerge, as did King Saul, no longer the man he was. It’s a grand and solemn thought. All Hail the King. Baruch haba.
The Jewish details of King Charles’ coronation: Shabbat arrangements, Jerusalem oil
At a reception of faith leaders at Buckingham Palace the day after Queen Elizabeth’s death in September, King Charles pulled Britain’s chief rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis, aside for a word.

The reception was pushed earlier in the day than originally planned to accommodate Mirvis, since it fell on a Friday. But it ran long and Shabbat was approaching. According to Rabbi Nicky Liss, head of the Highgate Synagogue, Charles asked Mirvis what the rabbi was doing sticking around — didn’t he have to get home by Shabbat?

The protocol is that no one is allowed to leave the room before the king does, Mirvis responded. Charles then promptly told him to get home.

Both men are expected to bring that spirit of mutual respect to Charles’ coronation day on Saturday, as the new king will include a range of faith leaders who have never before been featured in a royal ceremony of this magnitude.

While much of the ceremony is still rooted in Christian rituals, representatives of Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist, Hindu, Jain, Bahai and Zoroastrian communities will be incorporated into the proceedings.

In fact, non-Jewish faith representatives will enter Westminster Abbey before Anglican clerics. Jewish, Muslim, Hindu and Sikh members of the House of Lords will hand Charles objects of the royal regalia. And in a notable cross-cultural mash-up, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who is Hindu, will read a passage from St. Paul’s letter to the Colossians, which includes language on the “loving rule of Christ over all people and all things.”

There is one large obstacle for observant Jewish participants and onlookers: The ceremony falls on Shabbat. But Charles has invited Mirvis to sleep in his home on Friday night — Clarence House, located a 15-minute walk from Westminster Abbey, the site of the coronation — so he can easily get to the event without using electricity (he will attend an early morning Shabbat service on his way).

And when religious leaders recite a “spoken greeting in unison” to Charles at the end of the ceremony, Mirvis will not use a microphone.
Call the (Jewish) midwife: Kindertransport nurse was the first to hold the King when he was born
On 5 July 1939 Ingelore Czarlinski, 15, and her sister Marion, 11, two Jewish girls from Berlin arrived in Harwich, a port town in Essex, on the Kindertransport. Just nine years later, Ingelore (now Susan) was the first person in the world to hold the future King Charles in her arms.

Susan, who had coincidentally changed her surname to Charles, had followed in the footsteps of two of her aunts and trained to become a nurse. She got a job working for obstetrician Sir William Gilliatt, who was chosen by the young Princess Elizabeth to attend the birth of her first baby, by caesarean.

Marion wrote in the Association of Jewish Refugees magazine in September 2005: “On 14 November 1948 I invited my sister to tea at my flat in Clapham. The phone rang and an official voice asked her to ring a Whitehall number immediately. Soon after a car came for her. When she arrived at Buckingham Palace she prepared the princess for delivery. The senior nurse assisted Sir William with the operation and Susan waited in an ante room with Prince Philip, who told her she reminded him of the beautiful Greek girls he had known when he was young. Eventually she was called into the delivery room and given Prince Charles to hold until his grandmother, the Queen Mother, took him from her.”

Charles was born at 9.14 pm in the music room at the palace, which had been converted into an operating theatre. He weighed 7lb 6oz. Obstetrician Sir John Peel and midwife Helen Rowe were also in attendance.

Marion explained that Susan was chosen for this role because not only was she a dedicated nurse, she was also incredibly discreet. So discreet in fact that her two daughters, Rebecca and Debra, didn’t know anything about their mother’s important role in the future king’s life until she and their father were invited to Princess Anne’s wedding in 1973. “We were naturally surprised and very curious as to why our parents were invited to a royal wedding, so our mother sat us down and explained,” says Debra.
  • Friday, May 05, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon

If Israel would declare that puppies are cute:

BDS would start a campaign saying Israel is "puppy-washing" and criticizing Israel for politicizing puppies. 

Palestinian NGOs and then JVP would make AI-generated posters showing puppies tearing apart the bodies of Palestinians. 

The New York Times  would call liking puppies "controversial"  and feature 25 paragraphs of anti-puppy propaganda before adding, "Some still like puppies."

The SPCA would issue a statement saying that its pro-puppy stance should not be interpreted as supporting war crimes and begging people to not firebomb them.

Nickelodeon would pre-emptively cancel Paw Patrol after TikTok videos of kids chanting "Palestinian kids must grow up! Say no to Paw Patrol Pups!"

Signs that say "No Puppies or Zionists Allowed" would start to dot trendy progressive shops.

Teachers who read stories about puppies to their classes would get fired for being insensitive to Palestinians.

Dog owners would be too frightened to walk their dogs in dog parks. Houses with fenced-in yards would go up in value as the owners flee to the suburbs.

IfNotNow would "out" pro-Israel politicians as "Ziopups."

J-Street would issue a carefully crafted press release saying that they do not support the anti-puppy campaign but they are cognizant of how painful puppy ownership is to Palestinians and affirm that everyone has the right to hate puppies.

A poster saying "Send the puppies back to Auschwitz" would be defended by anti-Zionists as only being anti-puppy, not antisemitic.

(expanded from a Twitter thread today)

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From Ian:

US envoy nominee: I’ll do everything to extradite Ahlam Tamimi
The nominee for the post of America’s Ambassador to Jordan Yael Lempert promised that if confirmed she would push to ensure the extradition of terrorist Ahlam Tamimi to the United States for her role in the 2001 Jerusalem bombing that killed 15, including seven children.

“I will do everything in my power to ensure that Ahlam Tamimi faces justice in the US for her horrific crimes,” Lempert said during a Senate confirmation hearing in Washington on Thursday.

Tamimi, 43, was originally from the West Bank town of Nabi Saleh and is on the Foreign Bureau of Investigation’s list of most wanted terrorists. She moved to Jordan after she was freed from an Israeli jail in the 2011 prisoner swap for the release of captive Gilad Schalit.

The US has pushed for her extradition given that two of the victims of the attack which took place at the Sbarro pizza restaurant were American citizens; Malka Roth, 15, and Shoshana Yehudit Greenbaum, 31.

Lempert was quizzed on the issue of Tamimi by US Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, who said he was determined “to get this terrorist who murdered Americans to face justice.” He explained that he had “personally raised this issue face to face, multiple times with the King of Jordan. We need to get this resolved.”

Cruz pressed Lempert, who is now the Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, on whether she would support withholding military and economic assistance to Jordan over Tamimi’s extradition. He noted outgoing Ambassador to Jordan Henry Wooster had put in writing his support for that option as one possible pressure lever.

“Our relationship with Jordan is multifaceted and extremely important,” Lempert said, adding that there are some issues that the two countries would not agree on.

“I am willing to explore a variety of ways to continue this discussion with the Jordanians,” Lempert said.


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