Wednesday, September 01, 2021
- Wednesday, September 01, 2021
- Elder of Ziyon
- Opinion, Vic Rosenthal
- Wednesday, September 01, 2021
- Elder of Ziyon
Anti-Black or African American |
2,755 |
Anti-White |
773 |
Anti-Jewish |
676 |
Anti-Gay (Male) |
649 |
Anti-Hispanic or Latino
507 |
Anti-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender
(Mixed Group) |
279 |
Anti-Asian |
274 |
Anti-Transgender |
196 |
Anti-Islamic (Muslim) |
104 |
Melanie Phillips: Biden's contemptible speech
The claim that the killing of bin Laden neutralised Afghanistan as a potential danger to the west is beyond ridiculous. What Biden has done is negate the gains made through investing blood and treasure in Afghanistan for two decades in order to protect the west — however muddled the implementation of that goal may have been — and he has thus dishonoured the sacrifice of all those who gave their lives in that process.Will the West Bank Become the New Afghanistan?
Whether this speech consisted of Biden’s own words, or whether someone else wrote them and he merely read them out, they are shocking. For the damage his administration has done is unforgivable and incalculable.
Consider how the Taliban have been galvanised by what’s happened. Anthony Lloyd of The Times reports from the Bagram airbase:
Maulawi Hafiz Mohibullah Muktaz, a religious leader and fighter from Kandahar aged 35, leaned back in his seat laughing, twiddled some dials on a control console, stared out across the multibillion-dollar base the size of a small city and picked up a phone to summon an imaginary jet.
“Never in our wildest dreams could we have believed we could beat a superpower like America with just our Kalashnikovs,” he beamed, staring across the two runways beneath him.
…“When you do jihad all doors open,” he added, unable to stop smiling. “Our lesson is that we defeated America with our faith and our guns and we hope now that Bagram can be a base for jihad for all Muslims.”
But the Taliban didn’t overwhelm a superpower. The reason it is now in control in Kabul is that the US cut and ran. The Afghan army was only able to function effectively with the assurance of American back-up. As soon as former president Donald Trump decided that this back-up would go, the Afghan army started to crumble; and when Biden set the inflexible August 31 pull-out deadline, the Afghan army collapsed and chaos ensued.
The Taliban did not defeat the United States. The United States defeated itself. That’s why the Afghan debacle is so shattering for the whole of the free world; and why Biden’s arrogant and obstinate remarks, showing that he has learned no lessons whatsoever from a calamity he caused but for which he takes no responsibility, are as ominous as they are contemptible.
The US spent many years training and equipping the Afghan National Army, and yet it folded like a house of cards before the forces of the Taliban, and its soldiers quickly changed their military fatigues for civilian dress.'If I can't have it, neither can you'
They didn’t have the “will to fight” for their country, President Joe Biden said in his August 16 address as thousands of desperate Afghans fled to Kabul’s Hamid Karzai International Airport.
What are the chances that the Afghan scenario will repeat itself in the West Bank, where the Palestinian Authority government is increasingly unpopular, economic conditions are dire and public discontent is burgeoning?
In June, a few weeks after the most recent war in Gaza ended, a public opinion poll conducted in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, led by Dr. Khalil Shikaki, found a sharp rise in the popularity of Hamas.
Fifty-three percent of the respondents said that “Hamas is most deserving of representing and leading the Palestinian people.” Only 14% prefer the rival Fatah party, led by PA President and Fatah Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.
Then came the June 24 killing of Nizar Banat, a political activist from Hebron, at the hands of PA security forces. Unprecedented demonstrations rocked Palestinian cities. Given the ongoing economic crisis, budget deficit and dwindling international aid, the situation on the ground seemed to be rapidly spiraling out of control.
The new Israeli government quickly understood the challenge. It increased the number of entry permits to Israel for Palestinian workers and resumed direct ties with Abbas, in order to prevent economic collapse and promote increased security cooperation.
It is still unclear whether these steps will prove effective and head off the crisis. The big question remains: What will happen to the PA if Israel chooses not to get involved when push comes to shove? Would the Palestinian security services be able to defend their leaders against their rivals – Hamas and other Palestinian factions – if Israel were to withdraw from the West Bank like the US did from Afghanistan?
There are Palestinians, obviously not all of them, whose hearts soared at the sight of last week's fires, which wiped out thousands of acres of land surround Jerusalem. There are too many Palestinians who rejoiced at the sight of the flames burning their "stolen land," turning it into blackened fields.
While so many peoples' hearts were wrung at the sight of the embers and the destruction and the burned homes and the smoke – theirs swelled with joy. I know this because in the past few days, I've been talking to a few of them. They are smart enough not to be interviewed on the record, but too happy at the suffering of others to hide it.
I found them after encountering a few social media posts from Palestinians and Arab Israelis. One was the well-known Haifa historian Dr. Johnny Mansour, a lecturer at Beit Berl College. Mansour and his colleagues aren't dancing with joy, but they choose to stress what, in their eyes, the fires exposed: the "geographic, historical truth" of what the "Zionist colonial project" was hiding – "sights that no one expected," Mansour said.
He cited "agricultural terraces that Palestinians worked for decades, the result of the Palestinian peasant's hard work, sweat, and blood to preserve his land and make a living off it, landscapes that the 'project of occupation and Zionist uprooting,' with its 'colonial institutions' planted with trees to destroy what the peasants created and to hide the land and the characteristics of the region."
Mansour, who sees Palestinianism and its agricultural expressions as natural, and Zionist forestation as a foreign weed, is not alone in his views. The discourse in Arab Israeli society, much like among the Palestinians, is redefining the green landscapes of the land and sees the forestation planted as a method of hiding the Palestinian past and the remains of the villages that existed around Jerusalem until 1948.
Back during the wildfires of 2016, the Fatah movement adopted a similar stance, underscoring "The Palestinian identity of all Palestinian rocks and trees being burned now, which are part of our historic Palestine…." There would be no point in bringing up the "diagnosis" of Mansour and people like him, whose views of the Zionist enterprise and the return of the Jewish people are well-known, if it weren't for the nationalist pyromanaics whose discourse repeats the same perception: that the fire is a blow to the enemy and the "occupied land" at the same time. Or in other words, "If I can't have it, neither can you."
- Wednesday, September 01, 2021
- Elder of Ziyon
The Sassoon Family Continuation Trust, established in 1485 during the Spanish Inquisition, has recently announced that it will commit $50 billion across three funds to “fulfill a mandate to ensure the economic growth and market impact for Israel.”“There’s a vacuum here, and someone needs to fill it,” David Sassoon told CTech. As a direct descendant of Sassoon trust and its sole beneficiary, he is now the executive chairman of J. Sassoon Group, a Washington, DC-based private equity and investment banking firm and oversees its ventures across the world. Ahead of making ‘Aliyah’ (moving to Israel) later this year, he shared the plans for the trust and its hopes for investment that can help support the longevity of the country.Over the next 15 years, the Trust will invest $50 billion dollars into three funds. The first, The Israel Hellenic Fund, will focus on the relationship between Israel and Greece, ensuring it goes beyond a military and security collaboration to an economic, tech, life science, and real estate partnership between the nations. The second fund, called The Patriot Fund, will be joint between the U.S and Israel and concentrate on technology pertaining to the national security sector. The final fund is called the Zion Fund and will focus on Israel’s startup scene, with an emphasis on renewable energy, telecommunication, transportation, and infrastructure.
- Wednesday, September 01, 2021
- Elder of Ziyon
- Expanding the Gaza Strip’s fishing zone to 15 nautical miles — the most since 2007.
- Additional goods and construction materials imported into Gaza via the Kerem Shalom Crossing.
- An additional 5 million cubic meters (1.3 billion gallons) of water allowed into Gaza.
- 5000 more workers will also be allowed into Israel from Gaza
- Wednesday, September 01, 2021
- Elder of Ziyon
"Baitulmaal" supports an organization called UFA (Unlimited Friends Association for Social Development) based in Gaza. This association has close ties to senior Hamas figures and supports the families of so-called “martyrs." This association publicly declares that it helps “Baitulmaal” distribute its donations to the families of the "martyrs" and the Palestinian people.
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Survey: Nearly All Jewish Students and Alumni Cite Campus Antisemitism as a ‘Problem,’ With Half Saying It’s ‘Getting Worse’
Virtually all Jewish university students and alumni now feel that antisemitism on college campuses is a problem, according to a survey released on Monday by Alums for Campus Fairness (ACF), with nearly half of respondents saying that the issue is worsening.
The survey of 312 enrolled students and 194 alumni of varying Jewish affiliations revealed a “shocking growth of antisemitism,” ACF claimed. 95% of respondents said that antisemitism was a problem on their current or former campus, with three-fourths characterizing it as a “very serious” problem.
Nearly 80% of survey respondents reported experiencing or hearing first-hand accounts of antisemitic hate speech; 69% avoided certain places, situations, and events for fear of being outed as a Jew, and 47% believe antisemitism on college campuses is getting worse.
ACF Executive Director Avi D. Gordon called on universities to support Jewish students and “rid their alma maters of hate.”
“These finding illuminate the troubling reality on U.S. campuses — antisemitism is increasingly a pernicious threat, with Jewish students under siege,” he said.
“Today’s universities take great pains to embrace and protect students from all races, religions, and backgrounds,” Gordon continued. “But Jewish students are often left to fend for themselves against discrimination. Administrators must take immediate steps to remedy this situation, and alumni should work with administrators, students, and allies.”
Dubbed “A Growing Threat: Antisemitism on College Campuses,” the ACF survey also included written accounts of anti-Jewish harassment, intimidation, and assault.
Said one state university student in the Midwest, “I was having a conversation with a guy with a guy in my dorm and when I mentioned I was Jewish he made a joke about gassing me and when I explained that it was hurtful and not funny he spit on me.”
“Professors often made out of hand comments that supported antisemitic conspiracy theories against Israel,” said a 25-year-old, who graduated from a private college in the southeast. “[They said] that Israelis harvest Palestinian organs or use Palestinian children as target practice.”
Canary Mission: Report on SJP University of Illinois, Chicago (August 2021)
Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at the University of Illinois, Chicago (UIC) has a long history of anti-Semitism.
Canary Mission's 2021 investigation of SJP UIC has revealed disturbing levels of anti-Semitic activity as far back as 2015 in the following three categories:
1. A campaign to attack and malign Chicago’s largest Jewish charity
2. An effort to bully “Zionists”
3. Spreading anti-Semitism, support for terror and hatred of Israel on social media
This report exposes the actions of 32 SJP UIC activists whose individual profile links can be found below.
SJP's Attack on Chicago’s Largest Jewish Charity
In February 2021, SJP UIC embarked on a two-month-long campaign to malign and isolate Chicago's largest philanthropic Jewish organization, the Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago (JUF), Chicago’s Jewish Federation.
JUF provides food, refuge, health care, education and emergency assistance to 500,000 Chicago residents of all faiths, funding a network of over 100 agencies, schools and initiatives.
The pretext for SJP UIC’s campaign was the JUF-funded Israeli Visiting Scholars program at the School of Public Health (SPH) that featured professors from Israel's Ben Gurion University. In the course of their attacks, SJP UIC maligned the JUF, branding them as Islamophobic, racist, transphobic and homophobic.
On February 2, the SJP chapter slammed the event scheduled for February 17 featuring Israeli Professor Gabi Bin Nun. Their Instagram post urged followers to email SPH with template text [slide 3] protesting Bin Nun’s talk.
Radical Professor Uses Moderate Islam to Attack Israel
Hamas is “represented in a hysterical way,” stated Fordham University associate professor of modern Islam Sarah Eltantawi, during an August 20 webinar on “The Nexus of Anti-Palestine Campaigns and Islamophobia.” Her apologetics for Hamas were just one of several disturbing aspects in her discussion with Salam al-Marayati, the radical president of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), an Islamist organization.
Eltantawi, who noted that she became MPAC communications director on September 1, 2001, spoke as part of MPAC’s online lecture series “The Palestinian Struggle: A New Approach.” Marayati recalled that Al Qaeda’s 9/11 attacks occurred little over a week later, after which the federal government shut down several Islamic “charity” organizations for terrorism financing, often to MPAC protests. “Most of the charities had to do with Palestine, even though Palestine had nothing to do with 9/11,” he said, although Israel’s destruction is a longstanding Al Qaeda objective.
Hamas’ 2017 public relations ploy of supposedly abandoning its genocidal charter symbolized for Eltantawi the moderation of this terrorist group, which she said served “to distract us from the bigger picture” of Israeli actions. Thereby she claimed that “moral outrage about what was happening to the Palestinians” should be “natural.” While discussing “political Islam,” she wondered absurdly “how is Hamas different in terms of some kind of idea of religion and politics” than non-terrorist Christian Zionists, who defend Israel’s right to exist.
The vehemently anti-Israel Eltantawi took a dismissive attitude to threats to Israel while discussing the late California Democratic Congressman Tom Lantos’ views on Islam’s prophet Muhammad. Lantos created in August 2001 a “big scandal because he cited the Treaty of Hudaybiya from the Prophet’s time” wherein “Muslims went back on a treaty that was signed with a Jewish tribe,” she said. Lantos correctly worried that this treaty signed with pagan Arabs could serve as a canonical Islamic precedent for betraying Israel, as Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) leader Yasser Arafat himself had argued. Yet she was shocked that Lantos had “argued in the U.S. Congress” that “it is impossible for Muslims to negotiate fairly with Jews” and “you can’t really trust what they say,” despite a long record of Palestinian duplicity demonstrated by Arafat.
- Tuesday, August 31, 2021
- Varda Meyers Epstein (Judean Rose)
- Judean Rose, Opinion, Varda
Ed Asner
died this week, aged 91, and while our politics were miles apart, his passing
was not without impact on this writer. Ed’s father, you see, was from Eisiskes,
Lithuania, some thirty miles away from Vasilishki, the shtetl where my maternal
grandfather was born. Back then, Vashilishok, as the Jews called it, was part
of Lithuania, and now it is not.
It’s funny to think that Eishyshok (as the Jews called it)
and Vashilishok are no longer in the same country. But the latter changed hands 7 times between
the two world wars with the result that Vashilishok is now in Belarus. The fact that both towns were once in
the same district of Lida meant that there was a great deal of interaction between the
residents. So much so that when I began to
research my mother’s maiden name, KOPELMAN, I was directed to a big fat coffee table
book called There
Once Was a World: A 900-Year Chronicle of the Shtetl of Eishyshok, by
Yaffa Eliach. I was told that therein I would find stories and references to
the Kopelman family, and I hastened to procure a copy (I really need to replace it—the book went missing during a move between apartments, to my great distress).
This comprehensive history of the town of Eisiskes and its environs gave me a profound shock. Growing up, my late
father had made sure to educate me on the Holocaust and the cruelty of the
German people. But somehow I connected this only to my people, and never to my personal
family. Eliach’s book once and for all disabused me of that notion.
Within the pages of There
Once Was a World was the story of a Koppelman (variation of the same name) family that met a terrible
end. The family of seven begged a non-Jewish farmer, a neighbor, to take them
in during their attempts to escape the Nazi slaughter. The farmer hid the
Koppelmans with their five children in his barn and in the middle of the night,
when they were sound asleep, hacked them to death with his ax, and then fed their
remains to his pigs.
A page from Eliach's book. The Koppelman children as in the story above, posing with some of their/my cousins. |
In telling this story, I’m actually getting a little ahead
of myself. Because the slaughter that came to Vashilishok came to Eishyshok,
first. Yaffa was a little girl at the time, just 6 years old. Her family fled
to Vashilishok, and took refuge with the same Koppelman family, my cousins, the
ones who were later hacked to death and fed to pigs by a non-Jewish farmer.
There was so much about the Kopelman family and Vashilishok
in Eliach’s book that I felt compelled to reach out to her. I found the author’s
contact information and sent her a letter (snail mail!). I figured she might be
too important or too busy to write back, but I had to try.
One month later, the phone rang and it was Yaffa. My letter
had arrived on the eve of her current trip to Israel, and she took it as a sign
that she should call me. Yaffa knew MY Kopelmans. She knew my great
grandparents. She knew my grandfather and his siblings, and even my cousin
Jimmy, the last male Kopelman of our line, who lives in New Kensington,
We had a warm phone call, and later, continued to correspond
and talk about Eishyshok, Vashilishok and the Vashilishker Kopelman clan. I
liked to hear Yaffa’s voice and imagined I could hear my late grandfather in
her slightly accented English. The historian, writer, and teacher was able to
tell me many things about my ancestral shtetl. I attended a fundraiser for the
shtetl museum Eliach hoped to create in Israel, where I briefly met her in
When Yaffa died some years back, I learned that she was to
be brought to Israel for burial. My husband and I paid her the final honor of
attending her funeral. Eliach left all her papers to Yad
Vashem where we later attended the ceremony marking the opening of this collection.
I was glad to have a chance to speak to her children and tell them how much it
meant to me to correspond with and get to know their mother.
As a result of reading Yaffa’s book and getting to know her; Eishyshok, and the descendants of that town, became as dear to me as my own landsleit. My husband, knowing this, took note that the US Holocaust Museum was to present a live lecture about Eishyshok on August 19th. I saw Dov’s text just in time and tuned in as the lecture was starting.
When Ed Asner died just ten days later—possibly the most famous son of Eishyshok in popular culture—it just seemed like an amazing coincidence. I had just refreshed my memory of all things Eishyshok in that live Facebook video. I had followed the links to an interview with Yaffa Eliach, and to interviews of other Eishyshkers including a member of the Asner clan. There was something so odd about the timing of the USHMM event and the death of Ed Asner that I’m still trying to process what, if anything, it meant.
I loved watching Ed Asner on TV once upon a time. Even more
so once I knew that our personal histories were connected. I even imagined I
saw something of my family in his face, heard them in his voice. Why not? There
were Kopelmans in Eishyshok as well as in Vashilishok. There were marriages
between Eisyshkers and Vashilshkers. We may well have been related.
But then I was saddened to learn that Asner was a liberal who served on the advisory committee of the virulently anti-Israel Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), a group with the mission of boycotting and destroying Israel. The knowledge of this ruined everything for me. No one could have been more pro-Israel than my great grandfather Kopelman, who attended the First Zionist Congress in Vienna, and was an early member of the Zionist organization, Mizrachi. He would have been livid to hear of Asner’s support for the destruction of the State of Israel, having worked so hard—and successfully so—toward its ultimate establishment.
My great grandfather Kopelman—Yaffa wanted this photo for her exhibition, but needed a higher resolution than I could provide. |
In spite of any other
political differences we might have had, for Ed Asner’s disavowal of BDS,
at least, I commend him. The name “Ed Asner” is no longer on the advisory board of the JVP,
even in memoriam. As someone with roots in the same small corner of Eastern Europe,
with both our ancestors from Lida Uezd, I can only hope that Ed Asner’s change
of heart regarding BDS made a difference as he stood before the judgment of the
heavenly throne.
- Tuesday, August 31, 2021
- Elder of Ziyon
Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Joe Biden is deaf, dumb and blind to the chaos the US has unleashed
In the eyes of the Taliban, the Afghans who worked with the Nato-backed Afghan government and those who worked in any capacity with US armed forces are traitors. The Taliban have already begun the work of retribution. Other jihadi and tribal groups in Afghanistan will be glad to lend a hand.David Singer: Bennett kowtows to Biden and jettisons Trump
We’ve seen this throughout history. Think back to the French-Algerian war in the mid-20th century. There was a group of French citizens living in Algeria, the pieds-noirs, who supported the French in the war. There was another group of Algerian Muslims who supported the French too, known as the harkis. When war broke out, both groups were viewed as enemy collaborators by the Algerian Front de Libération nationale. When the French withdrew, thousands of pieds-noirs and harkis managed to escape to France, but those left behind were hunted down and forced to face the Algerian nationals alone. In 2012, then French president Nicolas Sarkozy acknowledged that “France should have protected the harkis from history, it did not do so.”
The US has, itself, been in parallel situations. The Montagnards, a mountainous ethnic group from Vietnam, faced brutal reprisals for working with US Special Forces during the Vietnam War. After the war, many Montagnards fled to Cambodia, as the victorious North Vietnamese targeted them for working with the enemy. Several American Green Berets and veterans fought to evacuate their Montagnards allies to the US. Some got out, but many were captured, tortured, imprisoned or killed.
In Afghanistan, too, ethnic divisions will play a part in the conflicts that will follow the US exit. After the failure of the Soviet occupation, the USSR signed the Geneva accords in 1988, along with the US, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan, leaving tribal animosity to fester. The Taliban, consisting mostly of Pashtuns, rose to power in the 1990s and systematically targeted non-Pashtuns. As Amy Chua writes in her book Political Tribes, in 1998, “the Taliban massacred 2,000 Uzbeks and Hazaras (who for their part had massacred Taliban Pashtuns in 1997)”. Following the US invasion of 2001, the Americans allied with the Uzbek warlords of the Northern Alliance, which in turn took revenge on the Taliban soldiers by “mercilessly” killing thousands.
Earlier this week, US secretary of state Antony Blinken stated that the Taliban “have made public and private commitments to provide and permit safe passage for Americans, for third-country nationals, and Afghans at risk going forward past August 31.” But we’ve already heard many reports to the contrary. Some wishful thinkers would like us to believe that this is a newer, modern version of the Taliban. However, this is not the Taliban 2.0. They are showing us who they are before we’ve even left. Soon after the collapse of the Afghan government, reports stated that they were “going door-to-door and screening names at Kabul checkpoints as they hunt for people who worked with US-led forces or the previous Afghan government”.
The recklessness of the Biden team continues to astound me. It really is as if they are deaf, dumb, and blind – ignoring not only what is happening on the ground in Afghanistan but also what has happened in multiple similar situations throughout history.
Bennett articulated Israel’s national interests in Area C when presenting his comprehensive Israel Stability Initiative in February 2012:Amb. Alan Baker: To Secretary of State Blinken: Repatriating Israeli Captives Is a Basic Humanitarian Right under International Conventions
1. Israel unilaterally extending sovereignty over Area C:
“Through this initiative, Israel will secure vital interests: providing security to Jerusalem and the Gush Dan Region, protecting Israeli communities, and maintaining sovereignty over our National Heritage Sites. The world will not recognize our claim to sovereignty, as it does not recognize our sovereignty over the Western Wall, the Ramot and Gilo neighborhoods of Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. Yet eventually the world will adjust to the de facto reality.
"Further, the areas coming under Israel’s sovereignty will create territorial contiguity and will include the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, Ariel, Maale Adumim, the mountains above Ben Gurion Airport, and all of the Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria. As a result, residents of Tel Aviv, the Gush Dan Region, Jerusalem, and Israel will live in full security, protected against threats from the east.”
2. Full naturalization of the 50,000 Arabs living in Area C:
“This will counter any claims of apartheid. Currently there are 350,000 Jewish residents, and only 50,000 Arab residents of Area C. Irrespective of religion, all residents of the area will receive full citizenship. Based on this outline, no Arabs or Jews will be evicted or expelled from their properties.”
3. A full Israeli security umbrella for all of Judea and Samaria:
“The success of the initiative is conditional on keeping the territories peaceful and quiet. Peace can only be achieved with the IDF [Israel Defense Forces] maintaining a strong presence in, and complete security control over, Judea and Samaria. If the IDF leaves, Hamas will rapidly infiltrate the area. This is how Hamas took control of Gaza, and how Hizballah took control of southern Lebanon”
Abandonment of these objectives by Israel’s present Government for the next four years can only be regarded as:
- an attempt to curry favour with Biden, the Democrat Party and his administration
- a missed opportunity to advance President Trump’s detailed peace plan to extend Israeli sovereignty into approximately 50% of Area C (see diagram following)
The mutual backslapping and expressions of self-admiration by Bennett and Biden for each other at their White House meeting on 27 August took place as the US was reeling from the deaths of 13 US military personnel, 18 more wounded and at least 169 Afghani citizens killed in two suicide-bombing attacks following Biden’s disastrous decision to unilaterally withdraw from Afghanistan.
Forgotten was Bennett’s own assessment of Trump in May 2020:
“Israel has never had a friend like Donald Trump. But it cannot guarantee that of his successors. His bold peace vision creates new possibilities that we believe should be pursued—but not at any price.”
Taking flight from – rather than fighting for – Bennett’s own and Trump’s carefully crafted proposals to provide Israel with secure, defensible and recognized borders – is not in Israel’s national interests.
Kowtowing to Biden and jettisoning Trump does not augur well for Bennett’s coalition Government or Israel.
UN Security Council Resolution 2474, unanimously adopted in 2019, called upon parties to armed conflict to take all appropriate measures to actively search for persons reported missing, to enable the return of their remains and to account for persons reported missing “without adverse distinction.”3
This landmark call for the return of missing persons and the remains of those killed “without adverse distinction” clearly emphasizes the importance for all involved parties to refrain from making such return conditional on other negotiating items, including obviously the passage of fuel and electricity.
These rights and obligations exist beneath and beyond specific tactical or strategic issues arising during negotiations for any political or military deal or settlement between conflicting parties. They cannot and should not be conditioned on such mundane issues as provision of fuel and electricity.
Clearly, trading the return of missing soldiers and civilians for other less humanitarian negotiating items is tantamount to ignoring or downgrading the basic humanitarian obligations to unconditionally return missing soldiers and civilians.
The return of Israel’s missing civilians and the remains of its soldiers should override all other matters in contacts between Israel, the UN, Egypt, Qatar and Hamas. It should not be relegated, conditioned or linked to negotiating issues such as civil economic and humanitarian development projects in the Gaza Strip or transfer of funds to Hamas.
Since the obligation to repatriate the missing is fully accepted by the international community, and is an inherent element in the world’s great religions, it is incumbent upon all countries and organizations to do everything in their power to bring the missing soldiers and civilians back to their families, without any condition or adverse distinction, and without any political connection.
One might hope that Secretary Blinken will be correctly briefed by his advisors as to the genuine, internationally accepted humanitarian priorities, and will refrain from sanctioning a false and dual standard regarding Israel’s missing civilians and remains of its soldiers.
- Tuesday, August 31, 2021
- Elder of Ziyon
- Tuesday, August 31, 2021
- Elder of Ziyon
A public library system in Philadelphia is promising to make operational changes after drawing criticism for what some community members are considering an effort to indoctrinate children and parents against Israel through books, videos and resource links that show a biased pro-Palestinian agenda.The 55 branches of the library system had individual Facebook pages where librarians would often post book suggestions and readings for children and their caretakers.The concerning posts first began during the 11-day conflict between Israel and the Hamas terror group that runs the Gaza Strip in May, when a children’s librarian at the FLP’s Lillian Marrero branch posted a video on its official Facebook page of her reading the illustrated children’s book, Baba, What Does My Name Mean? A Journey to Palestine by Rifk Ebeid, as an act of solidarity with the Palestinian people.The librarian, Kayla Hoskinson, in a series of videos she calls “Storytime with Kayla,” introduces the books she is about to read. Hoskinson tells viewers of a video posted on May 18 that that week’s program is going to be more of a discussion and review, as well as a sharing of additional resources on the subject.Hoskinson says that it is important to bring attention to the book because “we all see that the children in our lives do see and hear what is happening in the world, including the violence committed by Israel.”“I’m sharing it because the struggle for liberation and total freedom is interconnected across cultures and communities. So when children, young people, see and hear about what’s happening to Palestinian people today, and for many decades, they will probably see and notice that Zionism looks a lot like racism,” she said. “And it’s important as the adults in their lives to name it and say it out loud. We should be highlighting and showing that support for the Palestinian struggle is global and rooted especially with support among black and brown people. And as we’re seeing right now, people across the world are rising up to reject Israel’s attempt to erase Palestinian people.”In the book, a girl asks her father what her name means and then goes on an imaginary adventure through the various cities of Israel, which in the book are given Arabic names.Hoskinson shows a picture from the book that omits the current nation of Israel, making the whole territory—not just the Gaza Strip and West Bank—Palestinian territory and calls Jerusalem by its Arab name, Al-Quds, which Hoskinson said is what she will call the city for the video.After the library received complaints, the video was removed from the branch’s Facebook page.The book’s official Instagram page calls Israel an apartheid state and accuses it of committing genocide and ethnic cleansing.
- Tuesday, August 31, 2021
- Elder of Ziyon
The media discourse focused on antisemitism within the Black community at two main points during 2020: in January, following the violent attacks in New Jersey and New York, which were carried out by African Americans, and in May and June, following the murder of George Floyd, which resulted in demonstrations throughout the country (see Figure 7). The Israeli media in Hebrew and English and the Jewish media (see, for example, Oster, 2020b) reported extensively on vandalism of synagogues in some of these demonstrations; in contrast, the national media did not report on the antisemitic incidents related to the demonstrations at all.
Monday, August 30, 2021
Palestinians seek to erase Jewish history
Jerusalem has and continues to be the main flashpoint in the fight to erase history. Senior Palestinian leaders summarily dismiss Judaism’s holiest site, The Temple Mount, as an "alleged Temple." Ze’ev Orenstein, director of International Affairs for the City of David, an archeological site for ancient Jerusalem, told Fox News, "There is no place in the world which holds more significance for more people than Jerusalem. Yet, today, both the U.N. and Palestinian leadership are seeking to erase the Jewish and Christian heritage of Jerusalem."
"Every single day, archaeological excavations in the City of David – the place where Jerusalem began…are affirming not simply as a matter of faith, but as a matter of fact, the millennia-old connection of Jews and Christians to Jerusalem," Orenstein added. "This includes the discovery of millennia-old inscriptions affirming biblical events; ancient seals with the names – in Hebrew – of figures straight out of the pages of the Bible, including that of the biblical King Hezekiah – direct descendant of King David from 2,700 years ago."
Orenstein says that by visiting the City of David, people can witness this history "with their own eyes, touch with their own hands, and walk upon with their own feet."
Yet, while the erasure campaign is especially charged around Jerusalem, Regavim, an Israeli nongovernmental organization, warns that the cradle of Jewish history has been under constant attack for years.
"The Palestinian Authority has undertaken a very carefully and purposefully orchestrated program of historical revisionism, in an attempt to blur and eventually erase the Jewish connection to the Land of Israel," Naomi Kahn, Regavim’s international spokesperson, told Fox News. "Because Judea and Samaria are the cradle of Jewish history, these areas are quite naturally the focal points of this insidious campaign."
She said, "The Palestinian Authority and its supporters have proven willing, even eager, to destroy the physical remains of thousands of years of Judeo-Christian culture in an attempt to make way for a fictitious quasi-historical narrative that supports their political agenda."
30 European MPs call on states to drop UN conference tainted by antisemitism
A coalition of more than 30 members of parliament from across Europe and the UK today launched a global appeal, spearheaded by the Geneva-based non-governmental human rights group UN Watch, urging countries to pull out of the UN’s upcoming commemoration of a 2001 conference on racism that was plagued by virulent displays of antisemitism. (See text of appeal and list of signatories below.)
The September 22nd follow-up meeting of the Durban Conference, named after the South African city where the first edition was held in 2001, is scheduled to bring together world leaders on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York.
Citing concerns over antisemitism, numerous countries have already announced they are boycotting what has become known as “Durban IV,” including Austria, Australia, Canada, the Czech Republic. France, Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and the US.
“We welcome these announcements and hereby call on all other countries to follow,” said the lawmakers. “We recall that the Durban process, since its inception at the 2001 World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa, has included ugly displays of intolerance and antisemitism.”
The 33 parliamentarians — from Austria, Croatia, Finland, France, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK — called attention to “a worldwide surge of anti-Jewish violence and inflammatory language that demonizes the Jewish state as uniquely evil,” which they said echoes accusations of “genocide” and “apartheid” leveled in 2001 in advance of the Durban conference at a UN preparatory meeting in Tehran.
“We urge all UN member states not to legitimize this event,” said the MPs. They voiced firm support for combating racism “outside of the tainted Durban process,” where nations “must continue to work to combat racism, bigotry, and racial discrimination in all forms and all places.”
In tandem with the parliamentary appeal, UN Watch has launched a new petition and website calling on Brazil, Denmark, Italy, New Zealand and other countries to pull out of Durban IV.
U.N. decides to hold Durban IV on the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, ensuring observant Jews cannot participate.
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) August 30, 2021
Largest Belgian party calls on gov’t to boycott Durban conference
Belgium’s opposition New Flemish Alliance Party (N-VA) has called on the country to boycott the UN event marking 20 years since the World Conference against Racism in Durban, South Africa, which was stained with antisemitic and anti-Israel expressions.
Bart De Wever, chairman of the Flemish nationalist, conservative political party, the country’s largest, and N-VA MP Michael Freilich said Belgium should join its neighbors Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and France, as well as its allies the US, Canada and Australia, in boycotting Durban IV next month.
Those countries and more “have already indicated that they will not participate in this conference, which is for racism rather than against it,” Freilich said. “Belgium has thus become an island in our region in the midst of our neighboring countries.... What is this government waiting for?”
“Staying away is the only right decision,” de Wever said. “[We] must send a strong signal that we will not take it when the UN is being hijacked by extremist ideologies to propagate Jew-hatred.”
Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and Foreign Minister Sophie Wilmes plan to attend the UN General Assembly in September, Freilich said. Durban IV will take place on the sidelines of the GA.