Monday, June 28, 2021

  • Monday, June 28, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Earlier this month, when the nation briefly noticed the attacks on Jews that crested during the 11 day Gaza war, the Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer for the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators issued a statement condemning antisemitism:

The SCBWI unequivocally recognizes that the world’s 14.7 million Jewish people (less than 0.018% of the population) have the right to life, safety, and freedom from scapegoating and fear. No person should be at risk because of their heritage, religion, disability, or whom they love. In the last several years, antisemitism has been on the rise globally, and has fueled a 75% increase in hate speech and random violence against Jewish people in the last few weeks alone. Because antisemitism is one of the oldest forms of hatred, it has its own name. It is the example from which many forms of racism and violence are perpetrated. As writers, illustrators, and translators of children’s literature, we are responsible for promoting equity and humanizing people in our work-all children and all families.

Silence is often mistaken for acceptance and results in the perpetration of more hatred and violence against different types of people. As proof, it saddens us that for the 4th time this year we are compelled to invite you to join us in not looking away and in speaking out against all forms of hate, including antisemitism. 

#StopAntisemitism #StopJewishHate #NeverAgain #UniteAgainstAntisemitism #WeStandAgainstAntisemitism
For this, she was forced to resign.

You see, when one condemns antisemitism, one must "all lives matter" Jews. And one must mention Palestinians and Muslims. Those are the rules of the disgusting Left. 

Here is the apology issued by the SCBWI:

Our Apology
To our SCBWI community from Lin Oliver

I want to respond to the events of the last week. Thank you all for your patience. I have been away with my family after over a year’s absence and with no social media, so I apologize for this tardy response. On behalf of SCBWI, I would like to apologize to everyone in the Palestinian community who felt unrepresented, silenced, or marginalized. SCBWI acknowledges the pain our actions have caused to our Muslim and Palestinian members and hope that we can heal from this moment. I also want to offer my apologies to Razan Abdin-Adnani for making her feel unseen and unheard by blocking her. She has been unblocked from our feed.  

As a remedy to these events, we have taken some initial steps:

Effective immediately, we have accepted the resignation of April, our Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer. 
We are creating board seats and Equity and Inclusion Committee slots for Muslim members of the SCBWI.  
Our E&I committee will specifically review our policies regarding freedom of expression for all underrepresented members to make sure no one is silenced or unsafe.
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU. Please send us your suggestions as to what further actions we should take. We will give every suggestion serious consideration and will report back with more changes. Please send emails to

Finally, in resigning, April, our Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer, has asked that we share this message with you: 

“By posting an antisemitism statement, our intention was to stay out of politics. I removed both anti-Palestinian and anti-Israeli posts, which in hindsight was not the right thing to do. I neglected to address the rise in Islamophobia, and deeply regret that omission. As someone who is vehemently against Islamophobia and hate speech of any kind, I understand that intention is not impact and I am so sorry. 

While this doesn’t fix the pain and disappointment that you feel by my mishandling of this moment, I hope you will accept my sincerest apologies and resignation from the SCBWI. I wish all of you success in your work because the world’s children need your stories. All of them.  – April”

As executive director of the SCBWI, I can assure you that this painful week has been a crucial learning experience for SCBWI. As we approach our 50 year anniversary, we pledge to correct any harm we have done and to redouble our efforts to promote equity and inclusion in the children’s book field. 
What the hell is wrong with people?

If Muslims or Palestinians are complaining about a statement against antisemitism, it means they are antisemitic! 

Why does a statement against antisemitism have to mention Palestinians or Muslims? Why on Earth would it make them feel invisible? If they want a statement about Islamophobia, they can ask for one - I'm sure April would have accommodated them!

This is bigotry masquerading as inclusion. 

The only person who was truly hurt by this episode was April, who happens to be a Jew of color. She calls herself a "Jewbian Princess." Apparently she has been hounded so much she has closed her Twitter account. 

She did everything right. She checked all the boxes. She issued an excellent statement against the antisemitism that is responsible for, by far, the most hate crimes against a religion. But she made a mistake: she didn't realize that a high percentage of the "woke" are closet antisemites themselves.

Let's be clear: If you say that a statement against antisemitism must automatically include a statement of support for Palestinians, you are a Jew-hater. You would never demand the same about a statement against any other kind of bigotry. Only Jew-hatred must be "balanced" with words of appeasement for the very people who, statistically, are the most antisemitic on the planet. 

This episode is outrageous and sickening. The SCBWI should remove their craven apology and apologize to the Jewish authors and illustrators that they represent - because they just made all of them feel victimized all over again. 

UPDATE: This article goes into details on what happened between the two statements, and the harassment and doxxing of April by antisemite and terrorist supporter Razan Abdin-Adnani.

From Ian:

Truth can conquer ignorance about Zionism, antisemitism
Young adults fresh out of school understand the anxiety associated with taking a test. The amount of preparation can be daunting. But when it comes to taking a test about antisemitism, Judaism or Israel, how much do young adults really know these days? I framed this question at the first B'nai B'rith Portugal European Young Leaders Program on June 21 at the new Oporto Holocaust Museum, the first such institution in the country.

The adults in the audience, young and older, certainly could relate to the universal pressures of taking an important test, whether their subjects were marketing, management or dentistry. But in a time when young adults generally are far less knowledgeable or savvy about such matters as Judaism and the Jewish state, one wonders more broadly how prepared the next generation is to handle the challenges facing them on college campuses or in the workplace, where Jews have felt pressures heaped on them recently by antagonizing and attacking anti-Israel/antisemitic forces.

Sadly, most students are woefully ill-prepared or ill-informed about such matters, leaving them vulnerable to believing whatever they are told by peers, and fearful as to what attacker may lurk around the corner. Perhaps students, armed with the truth, would be able to defend themselves.

Clearly, the Jewish people have been tested through time. They have survived adversity through great civilizations, tyrants, impossible circumstances, expulsions, pogroms and gas chambers. Amid all of their wondrous achievements and successes, they have faced inexorable pain. Portugal witnessed 20 percent of its population evaporate in 1497 from the Inquisition and expulsion of Jews, and Europe lost at least 33 percent of its Jews from 1933 to 1945.

For thousands of years, Jews have absorbed being demonized, persecuted and subjected to blood libels that stripped them of their humanity. The defense in common libel matters of American jurisprudence is the truth.

So, the young adults in Porto's Holocaust museum this day were advised that the truth is readily available, and that they must pursue it to counter – and hopefully reduce – damaging falsehoods. The test for which they must prepare will require time and commitment for study. They must have the mentorship and guidance of an older generation, thus making this process something that is delivered from generation to generation.

The Porto conference taught them about the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism from Ambassador Luis Barreiros, Portugal's delegation head to the IHRA committee. The definition has been adopted by more than 30 countries, universities, organizations, large businesses, even premier sports leagues.
American Scholars Feature Prominently in Palestinian Terrorist’s Conference
An recent online conference in Turkey featured anti-Israel scholars from prominent American universities. The fact that the conference was hosted by an organization led by a convicted leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) did not deter these American scholars from participating.

The week-long conference, “Challenging Apartheid in Palestine: Reclaiming the Narrative, Formulating a Vision,” was organized by Sami Al-Arian‘s Center for Islam and Global Affairs (CIGA). Al-Arian pleaded guilty in 2006 to conspiring to make or receive contributions of funds, goods, or services to or for the benefit of PIJ. Records show Al-Arian was a longtime member of the PIJ Shura, or governing council. He was deported to Turkey in 2015 as part of his plea agreement, and he now heads CIGA at Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University.

Al-Arian invoked a series of false claims and buzzwords in his opening remarks last Friday, claiming “the Zionist movement has been successful in establishing a settler-colonial state in the historical land of Palestine by implementing several strategies and employing varying tactics to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians.”

The man who shouted “death to Israel” during a pro-PIJ rally in the 1990s and solicited donations in the wake of a double suicide bombing “so that operations such as these can continue,” excoriated Israel’s “use of assassination as a tool to eliminate thousands of Palestinians and other supporters around the world for resisting the brutal occupation.”

At CIGA’s December conference on the Muslim Ummah (global Muslim community), Al-Arian reiterated his call for Israel’s destruction.

That kind of rhetoric from the conference organizer, calling for a country’s elimination, did not dissuade UCLA’s Loubna Qutami from participating in the meeting. Qutami applauded Palestinian youth who “have amplified global Boycott Divestment and Sanctions [BDS] campaigns, and are working to end normalization agreements between their host states and Zionists and the Zionist settler-colonial regime.”
Oh no, an Article on Israeli ‘apartheid’ - opinion
Now how about Israel itself, where it’s common knowledge that Arab citizens suffer under the yoke of the oppressive Jewish regime? Not.

For the first time, there’s an Arab party in the coalition government. There have been Arab ministers in the government before as members of predominantly Jewish parties, but this is a big deal: the representatives of an entirely Arab, Islamic party have a direct say in policy – and more importantly, are taking responsibility for it.

Meanwhile the society has moved far past the government when it comes to opportunities for Arab Israelis.

I recently had the chance to spend quite of bit of time at Sheba Medical Center near Tel Aviv. It prides itself on being named among the top 10 on Newsweek’s “World’s Best Hospitals 2021” list.

At some point, I wondered if anybody there spoke Hebrew. Many of the nurses and orderlies were from the Arab Israeli community or were immigrants from Russia or Ethiopia. Also among the Arab Israelis on staff: many doctors, including one of the three surgeons I dealt with. Yes, folks, there are Arab doctors in Israeli hospitals. And at my local pharmacy, almost all the pharmacists are Arabs. Overall, about 17% of Israel’s doctors are Arabs, as are 25% of the nurses and about 40% of the pharmacists.

That’s not to say there are no problems. The Arab community suffers from income and education gaps, inadequate infrastructure and housing issues.

But one thing there isn’t: apartheid. Just as no one notices who’s Arab and who’s Jewish at my favorite open-air market, no one pays much attention to ethnicity at the hospital, either. We’re so far past that. So I went and wrote about Israel and apartheid. I just couldn’t help it.

Human Rights Watch and Amnesty have literally no one with any serious military experience yet they confidently talk about "war crimes" without knowing what kinds of decisions military commanders have to make with limited information. 

International law takes these things into account, but "human rights" organizations do not - and therefore make flawed analyses all the time.

The New York Times' report on Israel's bombing of Wehda Street, which relied on an Israel-hating Amnesty "expert," is what prompted me to make this. 

  • Monday, June 28, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
This morning, former member of Congress Cynthia McKinney tweeted this:

Despite the word "Zionists," this is so obviously antisemitic that it shouldn't require any explanation. It is a classic trope, with the word "Zionists" pasted in to replace "Jews." 

Also this morning, I made this poster, after reading this article in Newsweek by Gil Troy:

As I pointed out last week, there are only two "supremacies" that Amnesty refers to in its site: white and Jewish.

This is antisemitism.

It is up to the Left to fight Leftist antisemitism, but they are so frightened of being canceled or labeled Islamophobes or whatever that they only reluctantly point out the most egregious examples and sweep the rest under the rug. 

Where are those that truly will speak truth to power?

From Ian:

New York Times Video Whitewashing Hamas Is Condemned as ‘Shocking’ ‘Hatchet Job’
The New York Times is being condemned for publishing a nearly-15-minute long propaganda video criticizing Israel for an attack that “could be a war crime.”

The video, headlined, “Gaza’s Deadly Night: How Israeli Airstrikes Killed 44 People,” carries the bylines of a staggering ten people: “Evan Hill, Ainara Tiefenthäler, John Ismay, Christiaan Triebert, Soliman Hijjy, Phil Robibero, Drew Jordan, Yousur Al-Hlou, Christoph Koettl and Patrick Kingsley.”

The video, in typical Times style, is full of self-congratulatory and self-referential hype.

“The Times spent more than a month investigating these attacks to find out what went wrong,” a narrator solemnly intones. “It was a complicated and intense month-long team effort.”

But, also in typical Times style, all this work by all these people ultimately delivers not much. “Experts say that the type of Israeli strikes we documented can easily lead to catastrophe and could be a war crime,” the script for the documentary speculates. “Could be?” After all that effort the Times can’t even find an expert to say it “is,” a war crime, just that it “could” be? And the expert turns out to be from the notoriously anti-Israel group Amnesty International: “Saleh Higazi of Amnesty International said that Israel should have foreseen the disastrous effects of such strikes on a dense civilian neighborhood could have. Attacking anyway, without warning and with heavy bombs, could be a war crime and should be part of an ongoing investigation into Palestine by the International Criminal Court, he said.”

Several of the bylines on the video are of people with experience at advocacy groups and who were educated in Europe, which can tend to tilt more favorably toward the Palestinians and against Israel than US institutions. Evan Hill, a producer on the project, before coming to the Times spent three years as a Middle East researcher from Human Rights Watch, a notoriously anti-Israel advocacy group; beefore that, he worked for Al Jazeera. Triebert is a 2015 graduate of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, and Tiefenthäler is a 2012 graduate of Humbolt University of Berlin, according to their LinkedIn profiles. Kingsley, the Times Jerusalem bureau chief, was educated in England and came to the Times from the British Guardian newspaper.

A former Israeli diplomat, Lenny Ben-David, called the video a “hatchet job,” and said the Times video “relied on Gaza photographers & ‘fixers’ who are owned or threatened by Hamas.”
Where’s the Outrage?
There’s an entire global industry dedicated to vilifying and isolating Israel, the world’s only Jewish-majority nation.

Where’s the outrage?

Of the 193 UN member states, only one, Israel, is targeted by another, Iran, for annihilation, even as many countries conduct a shameful business-as-usual policy with the Iranian regime.

Where’s the outrage?

At the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, just one nation is deemed such a violator of human rights that it warrants a separate and permanent agenda item. Not China. Not Cuba. Not Iran. Not Russia. Not Syria. Only Israel, the lone liberal democracy in the Middle East.

Where’s the outrage?

Every country but one has the recognized right to designate its own capital city. Only Israel is denied that right by a majority of states.

Where’s the outrage?

Unlike other countries, Israel’s legitimacy is constantly challenged, yet Israel’s claim to a sovereign sliver of land has been validated by more international bodies (San Remo Conference, League of Nations, UN Special Committee on Palestine, UN General Assembly) than most other nations, including several that happen to be located in the Middle East.

Where’s the outrage?

Jews have been connected to the region for 3,500+ years, established Jerusalem as the center of Jewish prayer, and, even in forced exile, never stopped yearning for a return. Nonetheless, Jews are called “crusaders” and “colonizers,” rather than the indigenous people they are.

Where’s the outrage?

Watchdog Group Says UN Report on Children and Armed Conflict Biased Against Israel Due to NGO Influence
A top watchdog group asserts that a new UN report on children in armed conflict that will be presented to the Security Council on Monday is biased against Israel due to the involvement of “radical” NGOs in its formulation.

A review by NGO Monitor said of the Children and Armed Conflict (CAAC) report to the UN Secretary-General that its allegations against Israel “primarily originate with a group of radical NGOs that belong to a ‘working group’ tasked by UNICEF with monitoring and advocacy on children’s issues. Together with UNICEF, they engage in a campaign to demonize Israel in the Secretary-General’s annual report.”

The group said that there is also an issue of disproportionate criticism of the Jewish state, which is driven by institutional pressures.

“The relatively large number of NGOs active in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict — enabled by significant funding from the EU, European governments, and others — leads to a selection bias: [the] UN receives and reports a high number of allegations against Israel because of NGO engagement,” the Israel-based group said. “Grave violations that occur in places with less NGO presence are underreported.”

NGO Monitor also criticized the report’s redefinition of the term “maiming” to include the inhalation of tear gas, which then amounts to 50% of the number of children the report claims have been maimed.

This redefinition has been used only in relation to Israel, it said.
  • Monday, June 28, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
There have been numerous attacks on journalists during anti-government rallies in he West Bank over the past few days. Undercover Palestinian police and Fatah members have been filmed attacking journalists, destroying cameras, and many journalists have been injured.

A number of journalists protested by cutting up their press cards, saying that the Palestinian Union of Journalists have not been protesting and protecting them.

Finally, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate  issued a statement condemning the PA for these attacks on journalists. They called on the PA to dismiss the current police chief, and they called for a clear apology. They said that journalists will not cover news about the government or presidency until these demands are met.

This is, as far as I know, unprecedented. The media (outside Gaza) has always been in the pocket of the PA government. 

I've never seen the PA this shaky. The government insists it created a commission of inquiry into the death of Nizar Banat but no one believes that it will be impartial. The PA has also staged pro-government demonstrations and heavily covered them in their own media, while ignoring the anti-government demonstrations, which is fooling no one.

The current protests are of a different nature than any previous ones, and this is the biggest threat to the PA since it was created. 

Journalist Khaled Abu Toameh has quoted Mahmoud Abbas as saying in 2011, "I will step down before the first demonstration against me takes place. I will not accept 4, 10 or 20 people chanting 'Down with Abbas!' I will leave before that." 

  • Monday, June 28, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Dr. Alex Safian of the BESA Center does an interesting analysis to estimate how many Gazans were killed by Hamas rockets that fell short last month.

By calculating the lethality of Gaza rockets that fell in Israel, correcting for those intercepted by Iron Dome, assuming that the population density of the targets in Israel is roughly the same as that of Gaza as a whole, and knowing the number of rockets that landed in Gaza (680), he estimates that some 91 Gazans were killed from Gaza rockets - 36% of those killed in total in the war.

I had done a similar estimate a couple of weeks ago, although I made a mistake in saying that 12 Israelis had been killed directly by rockets - the number is 9, so my initial estimate would have been almost identical of 90 killed. However, I don't think Safian is taking into account the fact that, according to the IDF, most of the rockets that landed in Gaza fell towards the periphery of the sector, which is less populated and much of it is farmland or the Israeli-enforced no-go zone.

Very few Gaza rockets fell in Gaza City, Rafah or Khan Yunis, the largest cities. Many, however, fell in Jabalia, Beit Hanoun, and Beit Lahia.

It that sense, I think that Safian's analysis falls short. 

Interestingly, a similar graphic from the IDF during the 2014 war showed a similar pattern of rockets falling on the perimeter:

There is another factor at play here. Larger rockets have larger payloads, and therefore are more deadly. The smaller terror groups in Gaza who shot rockets did not have the range, or the payload, that the larger Hamas and Islamic Jihad rockets had. We have no idea how many of the larger rockets fell short, although given that we know that on the first day two rockets killed 16 Gazans, it seems likely that at least some did. In the beginning of the war I noted that some of the vapor trails for larger rockets showed them falling in Gaza; I did not notice that in later videos.

I think that the best way to estimate casualties from Gaza rockets is to go through the reports from PCHR and Al Mezan Center of casualties during the war and match those up with the lists of known terrorists killed. When civilians are killed without warning, in areas that are known to have been hit by Gaza rockets, and no known terror targets nearby, it can be confidently assumed that they were killed by Gaza rockets. I showed a few examples previously and added a few here.

According to PCHR’s investigations, Israeli warplanes targeted an agricultural land near a 3-storey house belonging to Mahmoud Hashem al-‘Attar’s sons in Beit Lahia on the Street beyween al-‘Atatrah and al-Salatin neighborhoods in Beit Lahia. As a result, Lamyaa’ Hasan al-‘Attar (27) and her 3 children namely Islam (8), Amira (7), and Mohammed “Zain al-Dein” (8 months) were killed, and their house was completely destroyed. Meanwhile, Israeli warplanes launched 2 missiles at an agricultural land in al-Amal neighborhood in Beit Lahia near a 2-storey house belonging to Ibrahim Mousa Ahmed Salama (49). As a result, his wife, Faiza Ahmed Mohammed Salama (45) was killed, and the house owner and his son were injured.

At approximately 16:20 on Wednesday, 12 May 2021, the dead body of Hammad ‘Ayyad Mansour al-Debari (86), from al-Shokah in eastern Rafah, arrived at Abu Yousif al-Najjar Hospital after he sustained shrapnel wounds in the head inside his house near al-Sabereen Mosque.  
At approximately 21:30, shrapnel of a missile fell on a house belonging to the sons of ‘Issa ‘Obaid on al-Nozhah Street in Jabalia. As a result, a girl with disability namely Buthaina Mahmoud ‘Issa ‘Obaid (6) was killed after being hit with shrapnel in the right side of her head when she was in front of her house.
[May 19] At approximately 20:05, Israeli warplanes fired a missile behind Sa’d ‘Ali ‘Asaliyia’s house in eastern Jabalia. As a result, Sa’d’s daughter namely Dima (10) was killed as she sustained shrapnel wounds throughout her body.
Another strong indication that Gazans were killed by Gaza rockets is when PCHR describes their injuries as being from "shrapnel," since Gaza rockets are built to maximize the amount of shrapnel and Israeli missiles minimize the amount of shrapnel.

[May 12] At approximately 21:15, Israeli warplanes launched 2 missiles at Salah al-Deen Street in front of al-‘Ijlah Meat Shop in al-Zaytun neighborhood in southern Gaza City. As a result, Yahiya Mazen Shehada Khalifa (14) was killed with shrapnel that hit different parts of his body as he was in front of his house.  Moreover, 4-storey building sustained severe damage.
Adding these to the 16 killed on the first day, that makes 25 Gaza civilians likely killed by Gaza rockets. I'm being cautious, there are plenty of others killed apparently from Gaza rockets that fell short; some of them did fall in Gaza City and other densely populated areas. 

If I had to guess, I would think the number of Gazans killed by Gaza rockets is closer to 50-60, which would make the ratio of terrorists to civilians killed by the IDF much higher than 1:1 - absolutely unheard of in an urban war.

  • Monday, June 28, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

In the wake of the heavy handed Palestinian security forces attacking protesters over the past three days, people criticized the EU for funding the Palestinian police. 

In response, the European Union and the Palestinians explained exactly what they fund for Palestinians:

The EU does not provide any financial or technical assistance to the Palestinian Security Forces other than technical assistance to the Palestinian Civil Police. Our funding pays salaries for nurses, doctors and teachers, and contributes to the financial support to the poorest Palestinian families in the West Bank and Gaza. We also finance major infrastructure projects, support civil society and the business sector, notably micro and small enterprises, implement projects to preserve the Palestinian identity of Area C and East Jerusalem, and remain the major partner of UNRWA. The EU has the most robust monitoring mechanism in place to ensure that every Euro is actually spent as intended.
We already knew this, but here the EU says it explicitly: they regard all of east Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria to be Palestinian territory - not something to be negotiated between the parties. And they will spend a large amount of EU money to oppose Israel's claims on those areas.

And it does this even though those areas were never "Palestinian." 

It isn't exactly being an honest broker. 

In 2017, the EU budgeted 45 million euros to support "East Jerusalem" over the following three years. As far as I can tell, none of it went to pay the rents of Arabs in Sheikh Jarrah which could stop their eviction. 

Sunday, June 27, 2021

  • Sunday, June 27, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

Fatah is releasing statement after statement to deflect or justify the police brutally attacking protesters this weekend.

Majed al-Helou, member of the Fatah Revolutionary Council said that "the occupation is the only beneficiary of the state of chaos that some seek to provoke in the Palestinian street, and the Fatah movement is resistant to conspiracies targeting our national project."

Muwaffaq Sehwil, secretary of Fatah in Ramallah, said that Fatah will remain vigilant, and will not stand idly by in the face of attempts to shed Palestinian blood, saying that the protesters had "non-national agendas."

The Governor of Jenin, Major General Akram Rajoub, said that the demonstrators insulting and provoking security personnel in Ramallah yesterday was an intentional and planned act, aimed at creating sedition in the Palestinian street. He said they were planning to create confusion and destabilize security, to repeat what happened in 2007 of a coup in the Gaza Strip in the West Bank.

  • Sunday, June 27, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

Too funny. From Al Monitor:

The boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement is upset at a Hamas leader for meeting with the Moroccan prime minister due to Morocco having relations with Israel.

BDS released an Arabic-language statement on Tuesday to “denounce” Hamas’ political head, Ismail Haniyeh, for meeting with Moroccan Prime Minister Saadeddine Othmani. The meeting took place last week during Haniyeh’s trip to Morocco, during which he also met with Islamist and opposition parties.

“We strongly condemn Haniyeh’s meeting with the Moroccan prime minister, which betrays our people and furthers normalization with the occupation and its continuing crimes,” BDS said in the statement.

Yes, BDS is criticizing Hamas for not adhering to the BDS standards.

Putting it another way, if Hamas isn't adhering to BDS, then no one is.  

BDS' statement went further:
The Palestinian National Committee for the Boycott of Israel denounces the meeting of the Head of the Political Bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, with Saad Eddine El Othmani, Prime Minister of Morocco and the signatory to the agreement of normalization and betrayal with Israel.  

At a time when we salute the brotherly Moroccan people for standing against normalization and with the cause of Palestine, its central cause, we strongly condemn Haniyeh's meeting with the Moroccan prime minister, which betrays our people and is implicated in normalization with the occupation and its continuing crimes. With the recent Israeli massacre against our people in the besieged Gaza Strip, with the systematic ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem, the Negev and the Jordan Valley, with the escalation of colonial settlement in all the occupied lands, and with the spread of manifestations of colonial fascism against our people in the lands of 1948, we cannot understand the attempt to legitimize this regime, which betrayed our people and their cause. 

The continuation of official Palestinian normalization, the most important manifestation of which is "security coordination" and the so-called "Committee for Communication with Israeli Society", and Haniyeh's participation in meetings with leaders of the Moroccan government legitimize normalization and provide fig leaves to justify or soften the normalization of other Arab regimes.
It sounds like BDS is pushing the secondary boycott - not to talk to anyone that has relations with Israel.  Israel has direct relations with 164 UN member states , only 28 don't recognize Israel (Algeria, Comoros, Djibouti, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brunei, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Niger, Pakistan, Cuba, North Korea, and Venezuela.) 

Even Iran meets with countries that have relations with Israel. 

It looks like BDS has really gone off the rails. 

From Ian:

Hungary takes EU lead in announcing boycott of upcoming Durban conference
Hungary has become the first EU country to announce it will not attend this year’s UN event marking the 20th anniversary of the World Conference on Racism in Durban, which featured antisemitic messages.

“The Hungarian government declared a zero-tolerance policy against antisemitism and is fully committed to guarantee the safety of the Jewish people that we also consistently represent in the international fora,” Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó wrote in a letter to Mark Weitzman, director of government affairs at the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles.

“In this spirit, Hungary does not support the Durban process and voted against the resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 31 December 2020 deciding on the convening of a high-level meeting on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action,” he wrote.

The 2001 World Conference Against Racism, is also known as Durban I, after the South African city in which it was held. It was a hotbed of antisemitic and anti-Israel messages and was where the accusation of apartheid against Israel was popularized.

An early draft of the resolution adopted at the Governmental Conference at Durban equated Zionism with racism, leading the US and Israel to withdraw from the conference. The final draft did not condemn Zionism as racist, but the Israel-Palestinian conflict is the only one listed specifically under the section on “victims of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.”

The NGO Forum at Durban approved a resolution calling Israel a “racist apartheid state” and accusing it of genocide. Antisemitic materials, including The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, were distributed at the event.

David Collier: Lancaster - whiter than white antisemitism - an attack on the Jewish state
Lancaster Council just voted to boycott the Jewish state. The Councillors of this north-western city decided to create foreign policy all of their own. A policy that has no time for that tiny Middle Eastern democracy trying to survive amidst a sea of Islamist extremists, terrorist groups and despots.

Lancaster is a very white British city. The largest minority group is ‘other white’ – chiefly from Eastern Europe. It is also heavily Christian. Lancaster is not Bradford or Luton. It is not Sheffield either – another northern city with an anti-Israel fetish. Take a look at the Lancaster Councillors – there is no Islamist influence driving the agenda here. You cannot blame this brazen act of antisemitism on Islamist chest-beating or pandering to the extremists within a community that has changing demographics.

Beyond the University and its JSOC, there are also virtually no Jews in or around Lancaster.

This was a white British attack on the Jewish state. Hard left, rather than Islamist antisemitism. The product of 6 years of Corbynista politics spreading antisemitism into the mainstream.

Just a couple of months ago, there were cases of rampant antisemitism on Lancaster University Facebook pages. It would be interesting to hear how the 39 vile councillors that either supported or abstained on this BDS motion think that this type of action helps community cohesion in the United Kingdom – or more locally the Jewish students at their university.

The Lancaster motion
Some people have tried to pass the Lancaster motion off as some type of opposition to arms trade deals, but if you read the minutes of the meeting, you soon realise it was nothing of the sort.

The original motion set out to ‘express its support for the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement’. There is no nuance in this. When taken in its entirety BDS is an antisemitic movement that seeks the total destruction of Israel.

Reading the additional notes is to take a journey into the blind ignorance and hatred of the people that compiled them. The motion also lays the full blame for the recent conflict on Israel – which exposes political naivety on the part of the authors. The Palestinian decision to postpone elections was probably the most likely cause – as it gave clear motive to Hamas to desire a confrontation. Whoever wrote this motion – knows no more about the conflict than is delivered to them by updates from rabid anti-Israel newsletters.

It also chose to only condemn the death of Palestinian civilians. In Lancaster – Israeli civilians killed by Hamas terrorists clearly have no value and received no equal condemnation.

The council resolved to contact local pension funds asking them to divest from *all* Israeli companies that are active in Israeli ‘settlements’. Although it may seem limited – in effect, this is a blanket ban on investment in Israel – it covers everything from all banks and utility providers to every large Israeli chain store. Lancaster voted to boycott the Jewish state.

The three Lancaster conductors
There were three councillors leading the toxic vote. Councillor Jack O’Dwyer-Henry proposed the motion. It was seconded by Councillor Gina Dowding and Councillor Kevin Frea.

The motion passed with a clear majority (item 30); 26 members voted for, 11 against and 13 abstentions.
Jonathan Tobin: Who really cares about the Palestinians?
By contrast, Arabs who live in Israel enjoy not only democracy, including the right to vote, but hold seats in the Knesset and are now represented in the current government coalition, as well remain equal under the law, as opposed to being widely and falsely depicted as living under "apartheid."

Rather than dispute Israeli attacks on Hamas or the blockade it enforces along with Egypt against the terrorist-ruled enclave, people who actually cared about peace should support the overthrow of Hamas. Instead, they give impunity to a group whose purpose remains to fight to eliminate Israel and evict the Jews from their ancient homeland, while ignoring their own residents in the process.

Similarly, those who talk about the "occupation" of the West Bank are not only indifferent to the plight of the millions who suffer under Abbas's misrule, but wish to further empower him at the expense of Israel's security.

The fact that the Palestinian national movement is led by movements and leaders who are as undemocratic as they are corrupt and bloody-minded doesn't mean that Israel is perfect. Yet those who buy into the narrative of Palestinian victimhood not only regard what Arabs do to each other as not as interesting as what Israel supposedly does to them. They also treat the entire subject of Palestinian brutality as a non-issue and dismiss the entirely reasonable Israeli refusal to put themselves at the mercy of such people.

If those leading the charge to punish Israel were serious about wanting to help the Palestinians, they'd concentrate their fire on Abbas and Hamas and seek to support those few brave souls who seek their overthrow and replacement by those who believe in liberal democracy and peace, no matter how unlikely that might be.

But besotted by intersectional myths about Israel being a function of colonialism and an expression of "white privilege," they strip the Palestinians of any agency in their fate or conduct. This illustrates the basic truth that critical race theory, especially as it applies to the Middle East, both infantilizes Arabs and regards them solely as political props to be used to attack their preferred villains.

Seen in this light, it's clear that most of those who speak about Palestinian suffering actually couldn't care less about them. What they want is to single out and destroy Israel, victimizing its Jewish population and stripping them of their rights. Rather than an expression of sympathy for Palestinians whose leaders have condemned them to fighting a never-ending war they can't win, too many of the critiques of Israel recently voiced on the left must be seen as rooted more in anti-Semitism than concern for anyone's human rights.
  • Sunday, June 27, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

Iran's Mehr News writes:
The head of Hamas' political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, has travelled to Lebanon.

Heading a high-ranking Hamas delegation, Haniyeh arrived in Beirut on Sunday afternoon.

According to an earlier statement by the Hamas bureau in Lebanon, during the visit, Haniyeh will meet with the leaders of the three branches of the Lebanese government, senior Lebanese officials as well as the leaders of Palestinian groups.
Ramallah News adds that Haniyeh met with the "Presidency of the Republic, the Presidency of Parliament and the Presidency of the Government." 

It is clear that Haniyeh is being treated as a national leader by the Lebanese government.

Which makes one wonder why the world - including the US - has been sending money to bolster the Lebanese Army.

  • Sunday, June 27, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestinian terror groups have been recruiting children as soldiers from the very beginning of Palestinian Arab nationalism, as this famous 1970 Life cover shows.

There were numerous suicide bombings by children during the second intifada, and more attempts that weren't successful. 

This year, some of the "children" killed in the May war were identified as members of Hamas and other groups. 

It continues this year, as the Islamic Jihad and Hamas summer camps are in full session and they are proudly publishing their photos.


Islamic Jihad seems to prefer to train their children while they inhale smoke from burning tires.

Yet the world media and human rights NGOs are silent. There is nothing about Hamas or Islamic Jihad on HRW's Child Soldiers page or UNICEF's site on the topic.

Here's another case of the "Palestine exception," where Palestinian terrorists get away with doing things that others get condemned for. 

  • Sunday, June 27, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
On Saturday, Palestinians held demonstrations in Ramallah nd Hebron protesting the apparent murder of Nizar Banat by Palestinian police. 

The police, naturally, acted like they always do - by violently attacking the protesters. 

Here is a photo and video of an attack on a female journalist:

There were plainclothes police violently dragging people away.

The official Palestinian news agency Wafa, and official newspaper Al Hayat al Jadida, are ignoring these protests. 

Fatah did issue a statement saying that  "Our Palestinian security institutions will not be alone in the battle to defend our people, their rights and their cause, and we will confront all attempts to harm them and distort their image and exploit this incident to spread poison, and we will strike with an iron fist" anyone who insults the security services.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

From Ian:

Israel sending IDF team to Florida to assist with tower collapse rescue efforts
The Israel Defense Forces will send a search and rescue delegation to Florida to assist with rescue efforts following the Surfside residential building collapse that left at least four dead and nearly 160 still missing.

The team of Home Front Command soldiers will head to Florida following a series of talks over the weekend between Israeli defense officials and officials in Miami, the Defense Ministry said in a statement on Saturday night.

Defense Minister Benny Gantz said the move was approved in coordination with the Foreign Ministry.

“As with any national mission, the IDF and the defense establishment are ready to respond, act and assist. Every effort will be made to save lives, support the Jewish community and our friend the United States,” Gantz said.

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid said the sending of the delegation demonstrated the depth of friendship between the two nations.

“The State of Israel has no better friend than the United States, and the United States has no better friend than Israel. In such difficult moments, we stand with our American friends and the Jewish community in Florida,” Lapid said, according to the statement.

Golan Vach, a senior officer in the IDF’s Homefront Command, will head the delegation, which will be comprised of around ten reservists — experts in search and rescue efforts and in engineering, as well as in social care, the military said in a statement.

The team of soldiers that is part of the “Helping Hand” operation will fly out in the early hours of Sunday, the IDF announced.

“The mission of the delegation is to assist in the life-saving efforts by mapping the challenges at the site of the destruction, assisting the Jewish community and supporting the local rescue forces,” the IDF said.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett spoke with Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis on Saturday night to express his condolences, and said Israel would assist in any way needed.

“The United States is our greatest friend, and we stand by your side during this difficult time. We all pray for the safety of the wounded. I instructed all authorities in the Israeli government to assist in any way that may be required,” Bennett told DeSantis, according to a readout from the Prime Minister’s Office.

Nearly 160 people are still unaccounted for after the Champlain Towers South building in Surfside came down on Thursday.
United Hatzalah of Israel Sends Psychotrauma and Crisis Response Unit to Miami, El Al Sponsors Airfare
United Hatzalah of Israel, Israel’s largest all-volunteer EMS organization, working in conjunction with El Al Airlines, sent a team from its Psychotrauma and Crisis Response Unit to provide psychological support and stabilization to the families and neighbors of those injured, killed, or affected by the tragedy that occurred in Surfside Florida. The team’s mission will be to assist the community in Surfside and those affected by the collapse of a residential condo that has claimed the life of at least one person and left nearly 100 missing. The team flew out from Israel on Saturday night.

The team of psychological first aid experts is composed of top members of the organization’s Psychotrauma and Crisis Response Unit (PCRU) and will assist the families of those who were killed, injured, and missing, in the collapse. They will also make themselves available to members of the Miami community by providing psychological and emotional stabilization and treatment to those who need it in the wake of the incident.
Let’s get long-buried report on BBC anti-Israel bias published
Balen amalgamated his findings into a 20,000-word document. The results were apparently so damning that the BBC fought to keep the report from seeing the light of day. But tidbits leaked out, and the claims of anti-Israel bias were apparently confirmed.

In response, BBC executives ordered Balen’s report to be locked away. The corporation subsequently spent £333,000 ($500,000) to cover up Balen’s conclusions. The battle for full disclosure continued until 2012, when the British High Court unanimously dismissed the appeal of solicitor Steven Sugar, who had challenged the BBC under the Freedom of Information Act.

To date, Tim Davie has taken several steps to combat bias at the BBC.

For example, BBC World Service apologized for a “lapse of standards” after the broadcast of an uncritical interview with Palestinian terrorist Ahlam al-Tamimi, the mastermind of the 2001 suicide bombing of a pizzeria in the heart of Jerusalem that killed 15 people.

However, Arnold Roth, whose 15-year-old daughter Malki was murdered in the attack, said that the BBC’s apology for inviting Tamimi was “empty, cruel and pointless.” He said he was “stunned by the coldness of the BBC’s formalistic, paint-by-numbers reaction to the torrent of criticism they received from an enraged public.”

Roth also accused the BBC of having “misplaced its moral compass.”

Meanwhile, a record number of antisemitic incidents were recorded in the United Kingdom for the fourth year in a row. And on May 15, thousands of people in London participated in a protest, where many ‘pro-Palestinian’ demonstrators chanted about massacring Jews.

On May 16, multiple cars displaying Palestinian flags drove through Golders Green, a heavily Jewish-populated part of London. One individual shouted through a loudspeaker: “F–k the Jews, rape their daughters.”

The first step in combating overt antisemitism and anti-Israel bias is to acknowledge their existence – including at the BBC.


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