Monday, August 13, 2012

  • Monday, August 13, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Former PA minister and billionaire slammed by Palestinian boycott group for discussing peace with supermarket mogul
“The Palestinian billionaire Munib Al-Masri, a former Palestinian Authority minister, has become the latest target of a boycott drive aimed at ending normalization efforts between Israelis and Palestinians.”
Masri has been singled out by the Boycott National Committee (BNC) for discussing the Arab League’s 2002 Peace Initiative with Israeli businessman Rami Levy, at a meeting at one of Levy’s supermarkets in the West Bank, as part of an effort to persuade Israelis to take the initiative seriously.
“The statement asserted that the Arab Peace Initiative had been rejected by Palestinians, since it ignored the rights of Arab Israelis and attempted to eliminate the “right of return” of Palestinian refugees by calling for “an agreed upon solution” to their plight through negotiations with Israel.
The statement ended by demanding that the PLO put an end to the meetings between Masri and Levy.”

Sinai: New Islamic Terror Emirate? by Khaled Abu Toameh
"The Egyptians were the first to condemn Israel each time it fired back at terrorists who launched rockets and missiles at Israeli cities and communities. The Egyptians are finally learning that terrorism is a double-edged sword, and that those who approve of terror activities will one day find themselves targeted by the same terrorists."

'Incitement Index' shows PA facilitates demonization of Israel
Vice Prime Minister Moshe Ya'alon presents "Index of Incitement" to Knesset Index finds that Palestinian Authority is actively working against normalization with Israel on all levels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: Palestinian Authority is incapable of adopting a dialogue of peace.

Khamenei's Sacred Word: Destroy Israel by Clifford May
“There's nothing wrong with negotiating with your enemies. There is something wrong if you don't know that those sitting across the table from you are your enemies. Too many Americans, Europeans and even Israelis still don't grasp that Iran's rulers—not average Iranians, but those who wield power—believe it is their sacred obligation to destroy us. This is not some misunderstanding that can be resolved through outreach, diplomacy, engagement and "confidence-building measures." It is at the core of their ideology and theology. We know this because they tell us, clearly and repeatedly. More Americans should understand this—and keep it in mind as the debate goes forward.”
“In his presentation in Jerusalem, Aznar recalled another meeting, this one with Vladimir Putin, in which he advised the Russian president against selling missiles to Iran. "Don't worry—I, you, we can sell them everything, even if we are worried by an Iranian nuclear bomb," Aznar quoted Putin as saying. "Because at the end of the day, Israel will take care of it."

US didn’t foresee 9/11, officials in Jerusalem say, after White House claims it would know if Iran was about to get the bomb
Withering response from anonymous sources in Israel to Obama spokesman’s attempt at reassurance

Turkey: Gender-based violence leading cause of death for women aged 15-44

More Turk Bias Against Greeks, Armenians
“Armenians, for example, need not apply. They are by law unable to own housing or businesses in Turkey. Greeks have it better. They are merely banned from purchasing houses or stores in Istanbul and coastal provinces. Such discrimination is rooted in Turkish historical animus.”

Widow of murdered Yemenite Jew immigrates to Israel
Luiza Nahari, a Yemenite Jew whose husband, Moshe, was murdered in their hometown of Raydah in December 2008, immigrated to Israel on Sunday morning with four of her children.

The birth of a new games: How one inspirational man escaped the Nazis and created the modern day Paralympics
“A pioneering neurologist who fled Nazi Germany for a safer life in Britain could never have dreamed that a low-key archery contest for war veterans with horrific injuries would one day become the London 2012 Paralympic Games.”
“Dr Guttmann's story has now been transformed into an upcoming BBC2 (Best of Men) drama with Eddie Marsan as the German doctor and Rob Brydon as one of his patients, to be screened on Thursday August 14.”

Israel helps India clean up the Ganges river

Israel Daily Picture: The Jerusalem Windmill Will Soon Turn and Mill Again.
Built in 1857, It Operated for less than 20 Years

Windmill in 1866, when it was operational

Also, a Palestinese lexicon.

Sir Gerald Kaufman and Hamas Chic at Harry's Place

(h/t Leo Dam Hofshi)
  • Monday, August 13, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From VICE:

Part two will be posted tomorrow.
  • Monday, August 13, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
An Egyptian named Abdul Baset Mohammed, President of the Academy of the scientific miracles in the Holy Quran and Sunnah, is claiming that NASA has proven the Quranic story of Laylat al Qadr.

According to the legend, on that night - being celebrated in various odd-numbered dates towards the end of Ramadan - the sun appeared without any visible sunbeams, sort of like the moon. This is the night that Muslims believe the first verse of the Quran were revealed to Mohammed.

Mohammed says that ten years ago, NASA found proof of this phenomenon but is hushing it up.

Not only that, but another NASA scientist who has seen proofs of the Koran in his space research converted to Islam - and was then fired by NASA.

He goes on to tell other stories about how Quranic claims about anatomy have been proven by science, ,as well as a tale about British scientists who supposedly determined that the stone at the Kaaba was not from this solar system.

This all recalls the Muslim claim that Neil Armstrong and other astronauts heard the Muslim call to prayer when they walked on the moon, and that scientists determined that the Kaaba in Mecca is a center of cosmic radiation.

  • Monday, August 13, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Sometimes they don't even seem to try to hide their Jew-hatred:

The international peaceful sports event that has taken place in London unfolds as the pro-Israeli lobby’s activities lose disguise in front of people, including researchers.

Many conspiracies have been forming ever since London was voted as the 2012 host for the summer games back in 2005.

Soon after the vote, Britain began planning and constructing the Olympic Park along with various elements. These elements have gradually shown signs of mystery and controversies that are linked to secret organizations.

London-based secret investing organizations include possibility movements of the Illuminati, Freemasons, the British Royal Family and the highly funded pro-Israeli lobby or Zionist groups.

The pro-Israeli lobby in Britain has been statistically proven to be more powerful and influential than its influential branch in the US.

The US holds 13 pro-Zionist senators in its Senate and another 30 in the House of Representatives. Though, in Britain, the Jewish community is 20 times smaller, but there are 18 in the House of Commons and 41 in the House of Lords.
Whoops, they forgot to change "Jewish" to "Zionist" there.

In case you have any doubt, there are a lot more than 13 Zionist senators and 30 Zionist members of the House in the US - but that is the number of Jewish members.

Then the article goes on into uncharted waters of crazed hate:
The goal of the Zionist movement is very similar to that of the New World Order conspiracy known as the Illuminati that some believe is behind many of the activities related to the current 2012 London Olympics.

It is said that a small but very powerful Zionist group, has a place in the Illuminati inner circle powers. Their aim is to create a single government that could control all aspects of the global population.

According to Icke and Springmeier, thinkers of conspiracy, the secret powerful Zionist investors already dictate world economic and food policies, controlling presidents and prime ministers and manipulate young generations of people through music, movie and sports entertainments.

Conspiracy researchers believe that pro-Israeli lobbies and Illuminati powers take a liking to clues and symbols.

The 2012 logo for the London Olympics has been recognized in jumbled letters to spell the word Zion, the Zionist religious name for New Jerusalem.

A possible element of Zionist or Illuminati influences can be seen in the physical appearances of the London Olympics mascots Wenlock and Mandeville, both designed with one large eye that parents in London find strange and creepy as the creatures are supposed to be role model characters for their children.
Plus, if you look carefully, they are wearing "Zionist" yarmulkas!

Usually this kind of writing on PressTV is done by their stable of Western conspiracy theory columnists,  along with disclaimers that this is not necessarily the opinion of PressTV, but this article seems home-grown.
  • Monday, August 13, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Arabiya:
Defected Brigadier General Ibrahim al-Jabawi said on Monday that the Syrian regime’s gang-like militia, the Shabiha, were led by Iranian military advisors when they stormed al-Shamas district in Homs.

According to Jabawi, each Shabiha group followed an Iranian military advisor, Al Arabiya news channel reported him as saying.
The Shabiha are known for their ruthlessness, as they do not wear uniforms when they attack anti-regime activists. They are said to be responsible for a number of massacres, including the Houla massacre (108 killed) and the Al Qubeir massacre (78 killed.)

Which means that the Iranian military is involved in war crimes every day.

No doubt the UN will jump right on this information.

In other Syrian news, rebels appear to have shot down a Syrian MIG-23 fighter jet- and they posted video:

(h/t Yoel)
  • Monday, August 13, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
In the past day there have been numerous Arabic articles about a new Israeli initiative, spearheaded by Danny Ayalon, to have the international community recognize the plight of Jews from Arab countries and to compensate them for the property they have lost.

As Ambassador Ron Prosor wrote in the Huffington Post last month:
Forging a peaceful future in the Middle East will require Arab governments to finally learn the lessons of their pasts. They must build inclusive societies that protect minorities and offer everyone a seat at the decision-making table.

The first steps toward true pluralism will come when Arab countries acknowledge the history of persecution and intolerance in their own lands. They should start by unearthing the 850,000 untold stories of Jews ripped from their ancient homes.

The historic Jewish presence in the Arab World must be recognized. The grave injustices inflicted upon them must be acknowledged. The crimes committed against them must be rectified.
The Israeli government recently agreed to set aside a day to remember the Jews of Arab countries, probably on the anniversary of the Farhud pogrom in Iraq.

The campaign is making inroads in the US, as the Forward reported yesterday:
In a rare show of pre-election bipartisanship, lawmakers from both parties are sponsoring a bill that would link the plight of Palestinian refugees with that of Jews from Arab countries.

The legislation would require the administration to include mention of the need to resolve the issue of Jews who were expelled from their homes in Arab countries in diplomatic discussions about Palestinian refugees. The bill specifically cites talks that take place within the framework of the so-called Middle East Quartet, made up of the United States, Russia, the European Union and the U.N.
Arabic articles are saying that Israel plans a conference on September 10 in Jerusalem on the issue, and plans to push it at the UN General Assembly on September 21.

Naturally, the Palestinian Arab press is taking a keen interest in what they feel is a cynical way to deflect the world's conversation from their own dominant refugee narrative.

But the worldwide Arabic press is noting these initiatives as well.

A British law firm is said to have written a letter to the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office formally asking for Yemen to compensate Yemenite Jews for huge amounts of property confiscated from them starting in 1947.

The Egyptian press is talking about Israel demanding the rights to some $21 billion worth of property in the old Jewish quarter of Cairo, including the large Adly Street Synagogue (Shaar Hashamayim, built in 1905). They note that in 1971, a law was passed nationalizing all Jewish-owned property in Egypt.

The initiative is some sixty years overdue.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

  • Sunday, August 12, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
According to the anti-Hamas Palestine Press Agency, Mahmoud Zahar was interviewed by Al Arabiya and made some disparaging statements about Palestinian Arabs who fled the area in 1948.

I couldn't find the interview in Al Arabiya.

According to the article, Zahar mocked the Palestinian Arabs who left Palestine to go to Jordan, Syria and Lebanon in 1948, saying that they were not as strong as the ones who stayed in Gaza and the territories.

He said, on the other hand, "The people of Gaza and the West Bank and Jerusalem held fast to the ground regardless of the department or authority which governed them."

If he really said that, he is quite ignorant of history because most Gazans and West Bank residents fled homes within what was to become Israel as well, they just happened to stop fleeing within the borders of British Mandate Palestine rather than outside them.

But it is possible that PalPress exaggerated the story a bit. It seems beyond stupid for a Hamas leader to alienate millions of self-identified "Palestinians."

We'll see if there is a denial in the next day or two.

  • Sunday, August 12, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
In other words, no time to blog.

But I can create open threads from my phone.
  • Sunday, August 12, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Abbas urges Egypt to destroy underground tunnels
"Abdel Raheem (Top aid to Abbas) said the tunnels had for some time been posing a threat to Egypt’s national security and the unity of the Palestinians.
Dismissing claims that the tunnels were being used to prevent a humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, Abdel Raheem said they served only a small group of people – a reference to Hamas leaders.
“The tunnels have nothing to do with economic prosperity in the Gaza Strip,” he stressed. “The Palestinian Authority allocates more than half its budget for the Gaza Strip.”

CIFWatch: The death of Camp David? On the real world consequences of “Land for Peace”
"And have all these retreats – Bethlehem, Hebron, Jenin, and Gush Katif- brought Israel one moment of peace? The grandchild of the 1978 Camp David Accords, the Oslo process, brought only a dramatic escalation in violence and bloodshed.
Necessity being the mother of invention, Israel must take a cold, hard look at the failed promises, dashed hopes and lives lost as the direct result of the strange calculus known as ‘land-for-peace’. Going forward, a new diplomatic paradigm, based on mutual respect, trade, tourism, investment and collaborative efforts in the fields of technology and medicine should be developed. In other words, scrap land-for-peace and replace it with peace-for-peace.
Until then, Israel and its neighbors are destined to wallow in a state of low-level bellicosity, with occasional flare ups as we’ve seen over the last several days in the Sinai Peninsula."

Open Zion: Denigrating Jewish Refugees by Lyn Julius
“The pro-Nazi Palestinian leader, Haj Amin al-Husseini, instigated the Farhud pogrom against the Jews of Iraq in 1941. He sought Nazi license to exterminate Jews in Arab countries as well as Palestine “ in the same way as the problem was resolved in the Axis Countries.” Before the mass Palestinian exodus, the Arab League hatched a postwar, coordinated Nuremberg-style plan to persecute their Jewish citizens as enemy aliens.”
“By what right can Lara Friedman denigrate the rights of half the Jewish population of Israel, who descend from refugees of Arab and Muslim lands? What is truly degrading is her denial of Jewish refugee rights and belittling of Jewish suffering. Justice for Jewish refugees is an unresolved human rights issue with no statute of limitations. Its pursuit is more, not less, likely to achieve reconciliation between the two peoples.”

There are 200 to 300 Merah in France, the secret services do not have the means to monitor all 24h/24" (French)
“The Interior Ministry on Thursday declassified documents classified defense secrets of the Central Directorate of Internal Intelligence (DCRI) on Mohamed Merah. The terrorist was not only known services since 2009, but it was also a "prime target" of the DCRI for its proximity to Toulouse radical Islamists. The French intelligence could they avoid the drama?”

White House says it has ‘eyes’ inside Iranian nuclear program
"The United States said Friday it had “eyes” and “visibility” inside Iran’s nuclear program and would know if Tehran had made a “breakout” move toward acquiring a nuclear weapon.
The comment by White House spokesman Jay Carney followed Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak’s remark that new U.S. intelligence suggested that the threat from Iran was becoming more “urgent.”

Peter Kent condemns anti-israel rally at Queen’s Park (Canada)

US and Turkey to take ‘in-depth’ look at creating Syrian no-fly zone

Jewish graves desecrated in Germany
Two teenagers arrested for disturbing the dead and causing thousands of dollars worth of damage to cemetery in Treuchtlingen

Ankie Spitzer to lead worldwide minute of silence Sunday for Munich 11
Widow of Israeli coach who was killed at the 1972 Games will join the JCC Maccabi Games opening ceremonies

RT: Unwanted: Jews in Egypt feel threatened in post-revolution Cairo
"The Arab Spring and rise to power of the Muslim Brotherhood have soured its relations with Israel. It's also deeply affecting Jews in Egypt who until recently, considered it their home."

Can Syria's Christians Survive?
In the land of St. Paul's conversion, ancient Catholic and Orthodox communities are finding themselves on the wrong side of an increasingly sectarian conflict.
"A century ago, the Levant supported a population that was perhaps 20% Christian. Now it is closer to 5%. Syria today hosts vibrant, if dwindling, communities of various ancient sects: Syrian Orthodox, Syrian Catholics, Greek Orthodox, Greek Catholics and Armenian Orthodox."

Freed Ethiopian Christians Claim Saudi Government 'Hates' Non-Muslims
"A group of 35 Ethiopian Christians arrested in Saudi Arabia last year for holding a midnight vigil at a private home were deported earlier this week, and some of them claim they were apprehended simply because Saudi officials "hate" non-Muslims."

Lebanese star reported for smoking in Ramadan
"Her driver, an Algerian who was fasting, asked her to put out the cigarette, but she refused and kept on smoking, local Arabic daily Al Chorouk reported.
Angered by her reaction, the Algerian drove the car to a police station in the city of Chelghoum Laïd and reported her to the police for failing to show due respect to Muslims."

Fatwa By Senior Al-Qaeda Sheikh Sanctions Killing 'Alawites In Syria

Also, "Forest Fire Jihad" (IMRA)

Israeli tourism booming (AP)

Arabs upset over Ha'aretz cartoon

(h/t Yoel)
  • Sunday, August 12, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Reuters:
Syria has accused Israel, the United States, Saudi Arabia and Qatar of running military operation centers in Turkey to support the rebels by overseeing battles in Syria’s 17-month conflict.

In a letter to the U.N. Security Council released on Friday, Syrian U.N. Ambassador Bashar Jaafari also again blamed Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia of “harboring, funding and arming the armed terrorist groups.”

“Turkey has established within its territory military operations centers that are run by the intelligence services of Israel, the United States, Saudi Arabia and Qatar,” Jaafari wrote in the letter dated Aug. 2.
See? It seems that Israel isn't as isolated in the Middle East as everyone says!

  • Sunday, August 12, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Ahram:
A pair of Egyptian wrestlers, Abdou Omar Abdou Ahmed and Saleh Emara, lost their first round matches in the 66-kilogram and 96-kilogram men's freestyle categories by forfeit after failing to show up for their matches on time.

Ahmed was scheduled to wrestle Devid Safaryan of Armenia, while Emara was slated to face George Gogshelidze of Georgia, both matches at 8:30am.

However, the two players showed up four hours late believing that the match would start at 1pm based the schedule of the previous seven days of Olympic wrestling.

All matches on the final day of the Olympics were pushed up to make room for the closing ceremony.

No immediate official word was available on whether the pair simply failed to turn up on time or were not informed by management about changes in schedule.
  • Sunday, August 12, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today, the Kerem Shalom crossing is open and some 270 trucks of goods are entering Gaza.

More interesting, perhaps, is the truck leaving Gaza.

That truck is filled with vegetables that are meant to be sent to Saudi Arabia, according to Arabic media.

We have seen produce from Gaza sent to the West Bank and Jordan, but this is the first time I have seen goods going to the Gulf.

Meanwhile, Israel is working with the Dutch government and Gaza farmers to increase Gaza exports to Europe in the coming years.

It doesn't fit the narrative of Israel trying to destroy Gaza and starve its citizens, does it?

  • Sunday, August 12, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Mohammed Mahdi Akef, former head of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, said in a TV interview that the group has the ability to prepare fighters "to confront the Jews in any war."

He cited a couple of incidents in 1948 where the Brotherhood was involved in fighting as proof.

In the same interview, Akef said "to hell with those who do not accept Islamic rule in Egypt." He went on to say that under Islamic law, Copts and other non-Muslims would be treated fairly according to Islamic law. He said Islamic rule is the one favored by people of all denominations, and no legal system guarantees fairness in rights as Islam does.

How much longer before the jizya tax on non-Muslims kicks in?

UPDATE: Part of the interview is on MEMRI, but not the part about Jews:
  • Sunday, August 12, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Deutsche Welle:
Peacekeepers stationed in the Sinai Peninsula under the 1979 Egypt-Israeli peace accord have come under attack. Sinai has become increasingly militarized as Cairo seeks to root out suspected Islamist militants there.

Unidentified gunmen ambushed a camp of international peacekeepers in Sinai on Sunday, while security checkpoints near Egypt's border with the Gaza Strip also came under attack.

Security sources told the Reuters and AFP news agencies that the attack on the peacekeeper camp occurred in the central region of Sinai. No casualties have been reported.

"The attack happened in Um Shyhan area in the middle of Sinai but no one got injured," one anonymous source told Reuters.

The peacekeepers are part of the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) mission, an independent organization that is tasked with monitoring the implementation of the Egypt-Israeli peace treaty.
I talked about the MFO being essentially invisible last week during the Sinai attacks on Egypt and Israel. They belatedly updated their website on Wednesday to say that they were safe and taking security precautions.

Debka says that American soldiers with the MFO returned fire.

The NYT mentioned the MFO yesterday before this incident:
Compounding American concerns, the officials added, is the presence of an international peacekeeping force in Sinai that includes about 700 American soldiers and is now led by David M. Satterfield, a retired ambassador. The force, which oversees compliance of the treaty, is not authorized to fight extremists and is not part of the discussions on expanded assistance, but its troops and civilians have encountered the lawlessness in the region, including the threat of kidnappings.

“We have Americans in the Sinai,” Mrs. Clinton told CNN last month after her visit to Cairo. “We’ve had a few concerns about their safety. So this is not only about Egypt and Israel, it’s also about the United States and other members of that multinational force. So it’s in everyone’s interest that we work together to make sure that security is in place in Sinai.”
UPDATE: The MFO denies the story.
  • Sunday, August 12, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Into the Fray: The alchemy of Palestinian nationhood By MARTIN SHERMAN
Poof! Suddenly Jordanian nationals were transformed into a ‘Palestinian nation, Jordanian territory into a ‘Palestinian homeland'.
“Palestine is where the Jews are:
On May 27, 1967, barely a week before the outbreak of the Six Day War, Ahmed Shukairy, Yasser Arafat’s predecessor as chairman of the PLO, bellowed: “D-Day is approaching. The Arabs have waited 19 years for this and will not flinch from the war of liberation.”
On June 1, he crowed: “This is a fight for the homeland – it is either us or the Israelis. There is no middle road. The Jews of Palestine will have to leave... We shall destroy Israel and its inhabitants and as for the survivors – if there are any – the boats are ready to deport them.”

'Hamas fostering terror, damaging ties with Egypt' By KHALED ABU TOAMEH
Former PA security chief Dahlan says Gaza "not under siege", residents "not lacking anything."

Morsi tours Israel-Egypt border, breaks fast with troops, promises new terror crackdown
Egypt claims to have killed 60 Sinai terrorists since Sunday’s attack at Kerem Shalom, in which 16 Egyptian security officers were slain

Hamas asks Cairo to close smuggling tunnels near Israel
Islamist terrorist organization also proposes military cooperation with Egypt to guard
“In an unprecedented move, Hamas asked Cairo to shut smuggling tunnels along a section of the Gaza-Egypt border near the site of Sunday’s attack on the Kerem Shalom crossing and suggested a joint border protection force, Lebanese media reported on Saturday.”

Former Lebanese minister arrested for planning attacks for Syria's Assad
Michel Samaha, a former Lebanese minister, reportedly confessed to helping plan attacks on Sunni targets in Lebanon. If true, it illustrates how far Syria's Assad regime can reach into Lebanon.

UN Agency Embraces Terror Group
“Now, there’s nothing wrong with supporting women’s health but there are many charities out there to choose from, most of which are not tainted by involvement in terrorism. Given that money is fungible, and the Iranians use the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee for surveillance and to provide cover to terror operatives, it is shameful that the United Nations would embrace the group.”

Rwanda's Genocide and Lessons America Hasn't Learned for Syria by Shmuley Boteach
“...if America were to take action to stop the slaughter in Syria, North Korea, and other nations where innocent people are being crushed by evil governments, it would give us in the West far great credibility when speaking to our allies abroad about human rights and the infinite value of every human life.”

Indian Shia and Sunni Unite in Hating Israel
“Although Shia and Sunnis do not pray together, as both sects have the same goal – hostility to Israel – the Shia cleric, to set a precedent, recently asked the Sunni Imam to lead a prayer service attended by both congregations.”

Dershowitz - NJDC’s David Harris Must Go
Harvard Law School Professor Alan Dershowitz told Breitbart News that David Harris, head of the National Jewish Democratic Council, must step down.
“David Harris and the National Jewish Democratic Council are a bunch of liars. I, Alan Dershowitz, a Democrat, am calling for David Harris to step down in the interests of the Democratic Party. He’s going to turn Jewish voters away from the Democratic Party. They’re going to vote for the Republicans because of what David Harris and the National Jewish Democratic Council are doing.”

Top 10 Non-Jews Positively Influencing the Jewish Future 2012

Jewish groups denounce Islamic 'hate' rally
TORONTO -- Jewish groups are calling out Ontario Liberals for permitting an "anti-Semitic hate rally" to be held at Queen's Park by an Islamic group labelling Jewish nationalists in Israel as "oppressors and criminals."
An Islamic group marking International Al-Quds Day -- started in 1979 by Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini to mark the last Friday of Ramadan -- has been approved by sergeant-at-arms Dennis Clark to gather outside the Ontario legislature on Aug. 18, as they did last year and years before that.

Saudi Arabia to Build All-Women City

Also, see Daphne Anson demolishing a NYT op-ed.

Avi Bell says "Don't fear the Levy report."

Claire Belinski on questions about that downed Turkish plane.


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