Tomorrow will be the fifth anniversary of this blog.
Over the years, my readership has steadily risen. Now the blog averages around 1400 hits every day.

(When looking at this graph keep in mind that we still have over four months left for 2009.)
Sometime later this year I should get my millionth hit.
My comments section has also grown dramatically, showing that there is a real community here, which I try to keep reasonably civil. I have over 23,000 comments over the years.
The blog has over 6400 posts now, averaging 3.5 a day (over 4.2 a day if you don't count the days I don't post, Shabbat and holidays.)
My usual goal with the blog is to post things that people are unlikely to have seen in other blogs or in the regular news. Even when I post something that was in the mainstream media, I try to add my own hook or observations. I think that I have been successful in this, although it remains frustrating to have had so many scoops and little recognition. Then again, I am not big on self-promotion. I am most gratified to hear that some prominent authors and commentators do read this blog.
I'm toying with the idea of placing ads on the site, but I am concerned that if I do that my choices for stories might change a bit, as I subconsciously look more for sensationalism. Controversy gets more hits than nuance.
I'm also still fantasizing about writing a book or two (reformatting the Haggadah I put together last year as well as editing my posts into something cohesive.) I never seem to have the time, though.
For those who started more recently, feel free to go back to my older posts from 2006 and 2007 and browse; there is a lot of stuff there you might enjoy.
Anyway, thank all of you for reading the blog!