If we understand that Hamas, just like the BLA, is an expression of the people's relationship to power and the status quo, it's just that we took a position—and the community knows that—that whenever the status quo does something bad to our community we will retaliate in kind. Black folks appreciated that. Yeah, if you stick a mic in their face from CBS and said, "Two cops was just killed yesterday by these Black extremists and these radical revolutionaries, what do you think about them?" They might say, "Well, that’s a shame. I don't think police should be killed." What else they going to say? "Yeah, they should have killed that motherfucker?" You understand what I'm saying? But if you took a survey of the people there… "Yeah, them cops always coming in here beating up on people. Good somebody got their ass, especially that white one that’s always bullying people. It’s good they kill his ass." They might not say that on CBS, but that’s what they feel.It’s just like the Palestinians when Hamas went across that border and defeated all of that surveillance and snatched them Israelis, they were cheering. They was dancing on the tanks with their cell phones. You see? They couldn't cheer when they were occupied and Israeli soldiers standing at the checkpoint. They had to humble themselves. They had to let these people push them around. But, yeah, our boys got ‘em. Our boys got ‘em. Yeah. When they see the rockets coming over from Iran and from Hezbollah dropping on them Israelis, they be talking about, "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" People identify with resistance, you see? Who are the ones in Lebanon talking about Hezbollah in a negative way? It’s the Christians talking about, "Hezbollah is endangering Lebanon." Like Lebanon is safe with Israel on your doorstep? If it wasn't for Hezbollah, Lebanon would be cool? American imperialism would have no [influence]? Y'all be good?...What I’m trying to point out is that we used to have an axiom that repression breeds resistance. All this murder and killing, you see them young kids that’s watching their whole family get murdered in their sleep, them babies that are starving and watching their mama cry and watching their daddy and their siblings die. If you think that that’s not the next generation of Hamas, you a goddamn fool. And they going to be far more ruthless than the ones that you got now. You better negotiate with these motherfuckers you got now, because when that baby grow up... That’s why the Egyptians like, "I ain’t letting them motherfuckers in here. You know what I’m going to have on my hand in 10 years with a population that’s experienced this and they in the desert in Gaza suffering and we the ones just keeping them there suffering?" Whoa.
"He's an Anti-Zionist Too!" cartoon book (December 2024) PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism (February 2022) |
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