Thursday, January 29, 2009

  • Thursday, January 29, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
In relationships, an enabler is someone whose actions allow another to continue his or her self-destructive behavior. It is most often seen in families where one member suffers from alcoholism or some other addiction and the other members cover up for that person rather than forcing him to directly suffer the consequences. The maladaptive individual does not have to be an addict, though - an example would be a 26 year old son who refuses to look for a job while his doting mother continues to make his bed and bake his favorite cookies.

The enablers will no doubt say that they do this out of a sense of love, or obligation, or protection.

This is exactly what UNRWA does.

Originally charged with providing temporary aid for Arab refugees from Palestine and then with finding a lasting solution based on resettlement and jobs programs, UNRWA has become the adoptive parents of millions of able-bodied adults who refuse to grow up and take responsibility for their own actions.

UNRWA's perspective has been warped over the years from a well-meaning agency meant to solve a problem to a huge, pathetic, self-perpetuating bureaucracy . This metamorphosis can be seen in its annual reports to the UN and its public statements today.

In a strange way, the UNRWA's acting as an uncritical, enabling parent is natural.

When one gives of oneself unconditionally to another, he or she tends to become emotionally attached to the recipient. Over time this often turns into love.

The UNRWA's goal is not to do what is best for Palestinian Arab refugees and their endless descendants; it is to unconditionally provide for them in perpetuity. Generations of this unselfish giving from an endless supply of international cash tends to change not just the recipient but also the giver, in this case into someone who will defend their helpless charges against all enemies. Now, we have a situation where most UNRWA workers are Palestinian Arabs themselves and the agency has become part of the family.

In Arab culture, the clan looks out for itself against all enemies.

This explains UNRWA's statements and actions.

Last year, in my first correspondence with the UNRWA's spokesman, I asked him to comment on the reports that the UNRWA was forced to close their own offices in response to threats and attacks by Palestinian Arabs. It was reported in the Arabic media but nothing was mentioned in the UNRWA website about it. Here is the response I got:
There had been problems but these have now been avoided for the time being.
Here we have a UN agency being literally attacked by mobs of people, but the reaction is to minimize the importance of the story to such an extent that its expansive PR machine remains silent.

My more recent emails with UNRWA, trying to see if they can find anything negative to say about Hamas' hijacking of aid trucks over the past year - events that even Hamas has acknowledged - results in the same stonewalling and avoidance.

One does not publicly embarrass one's family. The UNRWA might not be thrilled with Hamas actions, but even when they interfere with UNRWA activities - such as by firing rockets from next to or inside UNRWA facilities - they are excused, downplayed and redirected to hatred of the enemy. UNRWA might not be directly supporting Hamas terror, but it is enabling terror.

Just like enablers in families, the UNRWA cannot conceive that they are doing anything wrong.
They are convinced that they altrusitic, they are loving, they are helping defend their people against the world that cannot possibly understand what things are like on the inside.

The only way to break this cycle of enablement is to force the maladaptive member of the family to face up to the consequences of his actions. However, this is not a part of the UNRWA's charter. On the contrary, if the UNRWA would force Palestinian Arabs to act like adults who can solve their own problems, then they would be violating their own rules of providing perpetual aid.

Their enablement is enshrined for perpetuity.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

After the UNRWA spokesman sent me his latest denial that Hamas diverts or steals aid, I sent him this:

Thanks, but my original question and all followups were asking not only about UNRWA aid but also about aid meant for other NGOs, such as Red Crescent. In at least one case UNRWA was the alleged recipient of the diverted aid, as reported in the Arabic News last February:

Hamas says it seized Jordan aid to keep it safe
Palestine-Jordan, Politics, 2/12/2008

Hamas government in Gaza acknowledged on Saturday that they had seized 16 trucks of aid supplies from Jordan to keep it safe from Palestine Authority.

Hamas government's Social Affairs Minister Ziad Zaza said that the government will hand it over to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees.

He said that Hamas wanted to prevent the aid supplies from falling into the hands of the Palestinian Red Crescent, which operates under the Palestine Authority led by Mahmud Abbas.

"This sort of aid never reached the Palestinian people in the past but was instead monopolized by a single party," al-Zaza said.

Zaza said that Hamas had secured Jordanian agreement to hand over the supplies to UNRWA.

Israel imposed a complete lockdown on the Gaza Strip on January 17 blocking even fuel, foods and medicines.

But in a population of 1.5 million that is largely dependent on foreign aid without any independent income, many families remain desperately short of basic goods.

Jordan said on Saturday the Islamist Palestinian group Hamas has confiscated a convoy of humanitarian aid sent to people living under an Israeli blockade in the Gaza Strip.

Minister of State for Information Affairs Nasser Joudeh said Hamas government on Thursday seized 16 trucks carrying emergency supplies into Gaza.

"We are surprised it should be confiscated and distributed in a manner based on political considerations...this only penalizes those who really deserve this aid," Joudeh said.
So while your statement makes clear that you deny the claims that aid trucks meant for UNRWA were diverted by Hamas, but I must ask you again: are you aware of any incidents where Hamas diverted, interfered with or stole aid meant for other NGOs, including the example cited here where Hamas admitted diverting aid to your agency?

In addition, a UN press release yesterday says that "The Under-Secretary-General also emphasized that Hamas must refrain from any interference with the movement or distribution of humanitarian goods" which indicates that at least John Holmes is aware of such incidents in the past. Do you know what he might be referring to?

Thanks so much,

The answer was terse:
I speak only for unrwa. C
Even though the example I cited had the aid going to UNRWA.

So I just emailed one more time:
I understand; can you confirm the February incident cited where the Jordanian aid was diverted to UNRWA? Did UNRWA accept a shipment that was meant for another NGO, or is Hamas not telling the truth when they said they would send it to UNRWA?

The reply:
Cannot confirm

I may sum up what I've learned soon...

My UNRWA correspondence adventures can be seen here.
  • Wednesday, January 28, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
A fantastic find from Simply Jews, apparently the work of a Swiss cartoonist in 1956.

While UNRWA adamantly denies that Hamas is stealing aid in Gaza, contrary to reports from Israeli, PA and Jordanian officials, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs John Holmes has just said something intriguing.

In a report to the UN on the situation in Gaza, where he criticizes both Israel and Hamas,
The Under-Secretary-General also emphasized that Hamas must refrain from any interference with the movement or distribution of humanitarian goods.
Why would this UN official ask them to refrain if they hadn't done anything?

It appears that those on the ground in Gaza know the rules: you don't directly criticize Hamas for doing things it does not admit to doing on its own. Everyone denying that Hamas steals aid happen to be in Gaza under effective Hamas rule; everyone who charges Hamas with these crimes are safely out of its reach.

UPDATE: I just got the official UNRWA denial via email:
There have been reports in the media and elsewhere that UNRWA aid for Gaza is being stolen, confiscated or diverted. These reports are entirely baseless. UNRWA has a system of closely monitoring our aid pipeline; from the port of Ashdod in Israel, our warehouses in the West Bank and the aid arriving in Gaza from Egypt and Jordan, through the crossings into the Gaza Strip, to our storage facilities in Gaza itself and finally to our distribution centres where recipients with authorized cards receive our assistance. At every stage our aid is checked by UNRWA officials. From this monitoring and our constant vigilance, we can say with certainty that no UNRWA aid in Gaza has been stolen, confiscated or diverted. If such eventualities were to occur, UNRWA would be aware and immediately take the issue up with any relevant parties and ensure redress.

Central to our obligation to assist and protect Palestine refugees is the duty to ensure that the relief provided by the international community reaches its intended recipients, namely, Palestinian civilians rendered vulnerable by the closure of Gaza’s borders and by the elusiveness since 1948 of a just and lasting solution to their plight.
I asked some very specific followup questions, which will be posted here if/when I get a response.
  • Wednesday, January 28, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
The rumors that have popped up in the past day that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad might have some Jewish ancestors - probably cooked up by his political opponents - is resonating in the Fatah-linked Palestine Press Agency. Its readers are not surprised, as they consider all Shiites to be really Jewish.

In PalArab self-death news, a Qalqiya resident was found shot to death in Hebron. A Gaza man was tortured to death by Hamas. And I had not yet counted yesterday's reports that a former B'Tselem worker was also killed by Hamas earlier this month. My latest gross count based on newspaper articles came before that death, so I don't think it is double-counting. So the 2008 PalArab self-death count is now at 41.

The PA's Minister of Social Affairs now counts 63 trucks of aid hijacked by Hamas on the 19th and 20th of this month, something that UNRWA calls "utter nonsense." Which story makes more sense?

Hamas had promised to act like Hezbollah and pay families thousands of dollars in compansation for lost relatives or damaged homes. So far, the families that Hamas paid have received only a fraction of the promised amounts.
  • Wednesday, January 28, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hamas is being portrayed in the media as representing the "extremists" among Palestinian Arabs and Mahmoud Abbas' PA is consistently viewed as being "moderate." The Gaza operation has seemingly shown that the two sides are polar opposites, and has made many consider that it is now more important than ever to prop up the PA as Israel's only viable peace partner.

A little research shows that the idea of the PA and Fatah being anti-terrorism is a gross error.

It is true that the PA stayed largely on the sidelines during the war, and even seemed to passively support Israel against Hamas. It is equally true that there is no love lost between Hamas and Fatah over Hamas' violent, bloody coup in Gaza in 2007.

However, this antipathy must not be considered proof that the PA leaders are against terrorism.

The JCPA just released an important study about the Western hopes of the PA retaking Gaza and the PA's shortcomings. A couple of salient facts emerge:
In 2009, thousands of "unemployed" Fatah militiamen, such as members of the Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades, still hold weapons that they conceal in their homes. In their current dormant status, they also continue to receive monthly salaries from the Palestinian Authority on the instructions of Abbas and Fayyad,15 who are eager to avoid conflict with these groups and to protect themselves from the death threats made by the Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades and Hamas against them.16
Remarkable and ignored in Western diplomatic circles is that Fayyad has continued to pay the monthly salaries of between 6,000 and 12,000 Hamas Executive Force operatives in Gaza, in line with the 2007 Mecca national unity agreement that brought Hamas under the umbrella of the Palestinian Authority for budgetary purposes.20

It is widely believed in Western diplomatic circles that the PA in Ramallah was only paying the salaries of civil service employees in Gaza to encourage them to stay at home to avoid working with Hamas, especially after Hamas' expulsion of Fatah in June 2007. This is incorrect. The PA, and indirectly the U.S., and international donor countries have continued to pay monthly salaries to Hamas security operatives (Read: terrorists) and their commanders from the PA's $120 million monthly budget allocation to the Gaza Strip.21 The height of irony in this regard may have been seen during the Gaza war when Hamas fighters received their salaries from the PA at Gaza City's Shifa Hospital which was immune from IDF fire.22

Fatah's armed wing, the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, announced on January 19, 2009, that its men in Gaza fought against Israel alongside Hamas, together with Islamic Jihad's Al-Quds Battalions. The Al Aksa Brigades said they fired 102 rockets and 35 mortars, and detonated explosive devices that wounded a number of IDF soldiers.72
Another recent article reveals an even more egregious display of support for terrorists by the PA:
Col. Radi Assidah, the Palestinian Authority's security commander in the Jenin area, said over the weekend that his force is protecting and providing shelter to Islamic Jihad fugitives.

A number of Islamic Jihad activists wanted by Israel recently handed themselves over to the PA security forces in the city out of fear that they would be killed or arrested by Israel, Assidah said.

Assidah said the Islamic Jihad men arrived about five months ago at the headquarters of the PA security forces in Jenin to seek sanctuary until their cases with Israel were resolved.

"They sought refuge with us," he said. "Since then we have been hosting them in our headquarters. They are not prisoners and they are entitled to leave whenever they want."

Assidah also revealed that the PA government of Salaam Fayad was paying the wanted Islamic Jihad men monthly salaries.
The PA is not only indirectly financially supporting terrorism by sending most of its budget to Gaza and freeing Hamas to spend money on weapons, it is also directly paying terrorists from Hamas, Al Aqsa Brigades and Islamic Jihad! And it is actively protecting wanted Islamic Jihad terrorists from jail!

To call this outrageous would be an understatement, yet the West - which is bankrolling the PA to the tune of some $2 billion a year - remains supportive of these corrupt, terror-supporting so-called "moderates."

Ironically, the Gaza operation makes the terrorist-leaning PA seem even more of a strategic partner for "peace," and the EU, US and current Israeli government is encouraging such thinking.

As Western money goes directly to people sworn to murdering Israelis.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

  • Tuesday, January 27, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon

Al Yamamah College, a Saudi Arabian institution of advanced learning, hosted a British University Fair last Sunday. At this fair, representatives of 25 British universities could interact with potential students and tell them all about their programs, and the students could ask questions.

The organizers of the fair might have had good educations, but they didn't think about the moral implications of such a sinful gathering:

* Some of the British representatives were - women!
* Some of the potential Saudi students were - women!

Our heroes at the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice wasted no time to stop this outrage. They barged into the fair, posing as government representatives, and immediately demanded that any Saudi women attendees leave the fair immediately.

They then went to the British whores, I mean, university representatives, and told them to stop all their interactions with the remaining male students.

The British fair organizers caved to the clear moral imperatives that the Muttawa politely demanded of them and told their women to leave the fair.

Thanks to our heroes, Saudi women cannot go abroad to study, where they would inevitably become corrupted by the evil infidels, and virtuous Saudi men cannot be seduced by the loose British women who dare enter Saudi Arabia under the pretense of marketing their universities, those dens of iniquity.

And Saudi Arabia is safe and moral again!

Previous episodes can be seen here.
  • Tuesday, January 27, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
A former UNRWA legal advisor, James Lindsay, just wrote a report detailing the problems with UNRWA with specific recommendations. His history and analysis of the organization look to be spot on. While he finds few specific examples of UNRWA employees engaging in terrorism, he details the political tilt that UNRWA has been showing towards Hamas based on their statements. For example:
In 2008, UNRWA issued comparably fewer calls for engaging Hamas. Instead, it has focused on criticizing the Israeli blockade of Gaza (which targets all items except humanitarian aid).64 In this regard, the agency echoes the Hamas view of the conflict with Israel. For example, when UNRWA ran out of fuel supplies in late April–early May 2008, it implied that its shortage was caused by the Israelis (who were blocking deliveries to Hamas but not to UNRWA) rather than by Hamas’s actions (which included allowing demonstrators to prevent delivery of fuel to UNRWA as well as intimidation of the Petrol Station Owners Association, which subsequently refused to distribute fuel delivered to Gaza by Israel).65 This propensity to echo Hamas views extends to other issues as well. As mentioned earlier, Commissioner-General AbuZayd has referred to Qassam rockets being fired at Israeli civilians from Gaza as a response to Israeli military incursions.66 Regarding the resolution of the Palestinian refugee problem, UNRWA’s sympathies are not with resettlement or “repatriation” to a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza, but with “repatriation” to Israel.67 And in May 2008, during an interview with Iranian Press TV, Commissioner-General AbuZayd reportedly proclaimed that Hamas was “free from corruption” and “more popular than ever.”68 Even if true in the sense she meant—by “corruption,” she was presumably referring to theft for personal gain—her claim demonstrated something of a disconnect from earlier reports that Hamas was stealing fuel and items intended as humanitarian assistance.69
Lindsay is harshly critical of UNRWA's prolonging of the "refugee" problem and has specific suggestions to reduce it, as was the original purpose of UNRWA.

The entire report is available for download.

Melanie Phillips goes into much more detail on more recent criticism of UNRWA, including UNRWA denials that Hamas steals aid (a fact touched upon in Lindsay's paper as well, from early 2008.) Phillips is much more negative than Lindsay; Lindsay strikes me as a bit more fair in his criticism. Even so, UNRWA was quite upset at his paper, as he writes in his epilogue - yet they refused to detail any supposed mistakes when he sent it to them last year. (YNet also seems to exaggerate Lindsay's claims.)

It is notable that AP reported today on a UNRWA teacher specifically advocating violence and terrorism to his eight year old students:
In one classroom Saturday, when UNRWA schools reopened, a Palestinian teacher was filmed asking children about their trauma during the war. The unidentified teacher then told the children that Palestinians have to "wage war against them (Israelis) until they leave their land," and asked her students, aged about 8, how they should react.

Two children in the class suggested hurling stones or rockets back at Israel. "Okay," the teacher said, apparently summing up her class' position. "We throw rockets at them, we throw stones at them," she said.

I just asked Chris Gunness, UNRWA spokesman, two questions:
I would like to follow up on my earlier inquiry about the Jordanian aid truck meant for UNRWA that had been reportedly been hijacked by Hamas. Did you ever confirm that this happened, or that any aid truck was hijacked by Hamas?

Also, I just found a story from Palestine Press Agency from last April that quoted sources as saying that residents of a camp in Khan Younis were complaining about Hamas digging a weapons bunker underneath a UNRWA school there. ( ) Could you comment on whether this was ever investigated and, if so, what was discovered?
He answered:
The stolen aid story is utter nonsense. The bunker thing I have only heard once before and it was wrong.
  • Tuesday, January 27, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
If you could have your choice of 100 pounds of dimes, quarters, half-dollars or old Eisenhower dollar coins, which one should you choose?

And how much would they be worth?

Joem figured out the answer. From his comment:
Assuming face value, in purely mathematical terms, they would be equivalent, based on:

100 lbs = 45359.237 grams

dime = 2.268 g = 199996.6358 coins = $1,999.66
quarter = 5.670 g = 79998.65432 coins = $1,999.66
half dollar = 11.340 g = 39999.32716 coins = $1,999.66
Eisenhower dollar = 22.68 g = 19999.66358 coins = $1,999.66

But, since you can't have part of a coin, you'd have to round off the decimal of the coins, so you would be best off with dimes, since you would have $1,999.60. With the quarters or half-dollars you would have $1,999.50, and the dollars would leave you with just $1,999.00.
The question that popped in my mind that prompted this was if I had an arbitrarily sized piggy bank, what coin would be best to fill it with? Once I started figuring it out I was surprised to see that the quarter, dime and half-dollar had the same weight/value ratio. The current dollars, of course, are worth more per gram, but on a hunch I looked up the Eisenhower dollar and sure enough it was the exact same ratio as the dime/quarter/half-dollar.

In case you care, 100 lbs of pennies is $181.43, of nickels it is $453.55 and of current dollar coins it is $5,599.
  • Tuesday, January 27, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
From AP:
Some were killed when tank shells hit their homes. Others died when bombs erased their offices. Still others _ like Islamic Jihad fighter Mohammed Bedawi _ met their end battling Israeli troops.

"The drone hit him," said his cousin, Abed Bedawi, 21, referring to the unmanned surveillance planes often seen in Gaza's skies. "He was laying a bomb for a tank when the drone fired a missile at him."

Now they are all memories, their faces rolling off the presses at the Nibras print shop.

The shop prints customized, full-color posters and banners commemorating the dead _ a Palestinian tradition for people killed by Israel. In the wake of Israel's 22-day Gaza offensive _ which killed nearly 1,300 Palestinians _ the shop is one of Gaza's few businesses experiencing a postwar boom.

...While not comprehensive, the posters enter a new element into the debate over how many militants were killed by Israel. The Israel military says it killed 700, while Hamas and other militant groups say they lost 158. In its final report on the death toll, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights said 223 of the 1,285 killed in the war were fighters.

Although the shop hasn't kept records, al-Hor guesses he has done posters for 350 people since the war's end, about 250 of them militants, suggesting the militant groups lost more fighters than they acknowledge. Other say the groups often claim the dead as members of their movements even when they were not.
Fatah was known for creative accounting of its billions of dollars; Hamas is known for its creative accounting of dead terrorists.
  • Tuesday, January 27, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
Someone doing a search on this site found a story that I had completely forgotten about. Here's the autotranslation from Palestine Press Agency, April 3, 2008:
Hamas militants digging tunnels under the Gaza Strip camps and store weapons and missiles under the UNRWA school in Khan Younis refugee camp

A reliable source told Palestine Press Agency that Hamas was digging tunnels beneath the densely populated Western camp, specifically in the area of the camp Alqtatop in the city of Khan Younis in southern Gaza.

The source said that "Hamas militants are digging tunnels leading to the school in the camp in the works for the storage of heavy weapons" and missiles Aldo_ka "in the tunnels beneath the school students."

The source added that "Hamas militias, while digging one of the tunnels in the area, broke one of the main water pipes in the camp, which led to the leak of water to the nearby population to the chagrin of the residents."
So the UNRWA could be technically accurate when it says that no Hamas militants are allowed in its schools. In, no; under, perhaps.

UPDATE: The UNRWA denies this story.
  • Tuesday, January 27, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights used to be one of the better places to find out about Palestinian Arab infighting that I would use as a source for my "self-death" counts.

Yet, even though there are verified reports that Hamas has killed dozens of Palestinian Arabs in Gaza during the initial operation, and even though the PCHR has been keeping its own count of those supposedly killed by Israel and their circumstances, they have not said a word about these murders on their website.
  • Tuesday, January 27, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
Two weeks ago, commenters Bill and Bill #2 wrote quite a bit about white phosphorus, and I wanted to post it so it would get a larger audience (as well as come up in Google searches for years to come...)
[Bill]: White phosphorus is *not* a chemical weapon. It is an incendiary. The 'WMD' nonsense is the revival of an old leftist slander against US forces in Iraq.

[Bill #2]: There are two types of white phosphorus (WP) smoke shells, one bursting and one with base ejection of smoke producing material. The bursting shells produce an immediate white smoke screen through the sudden oxidation of phosphorus in air. The base ejection shells emit larger discrete phosphorus-soaked felt that disperses and allows the phosphorus to oxidise more slowly. The ones that Israel are accused of using (so far) is the base ejection shells that are really only useful in producing smoke screens and not so useful for their incendiary effect. They are also safer in their usual deployment since the phosphorus is embedded in a carrier, making it far easier to treat incidental burn injuries.

You can tell the difference between the two:
Bursting smoke has a omnidirectional spherical burst with a large number of larger burning fragments of phosphorus extending beyond the white cloud. They are normally detonated at ground level, since the smoke cloud will approximate a hemisphere sitting on the ground, and in addition the heat of oxidation makes the resultant cloud qickly rise in a column of smoke and thus be less effective at ground level.

Base ejection smoke has a small burst where the smoke-producing fragments are emitted and spray out in a limited cone to the ground. This munition has its best effect when deployed in air burst to achieve a wider dispersion of its discrete smoke producing elements. The characteristic cone or fan of smoke producing elements in the air is quite photogenic, so there are numerous pictures of this.

Neither are Chemical Weapons, as banned by the Geneva Convention 1925. Most nationalities in WW2 and later deployed white phosphorus bursting smoke shells, and nobody was brought to trial for use of these as 'Chemical Weapons' at Nuremberg.

Neither are Incendary Weapons, as defined by Geneva Convention Protocol III(1980), Article 1: "(b) Incendiary weapons do not include:
(i) Munitions which may have incidental incendiary effects, such as illuminants, tracers, smoke or signalling systems; ", so the restrictions on their use in Article 2 is not applicable.

[Bill]:If could butt into your excellent post, I should point out that some of the confusion stems from WP's dual uses as a pyrotechnic and as an incendiary, and to the confusion (often deliberately used by anti-mil types) regarding applicable Int'l Law.

Pyrotechnics (smoke, marking, tracers, flares etc) are not restricted at all, and are specifically exempted both by the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCCW).

The CWC, just as Geneva III did, specifically excludes from the definition of 'chemical agents' weapons that operate by thermal effect (heat)- i.e. incendiaries.

The CCCW's main body forbids the use of incendiary weapons against civilians (who are already immune to attack under Geneva IV)- but not against combatant forces. Burn 'em up.

Protocol III (1977) to the CCCW additionally prohibits the use of incendiaries against combatants when they are amidst or in proximity to civilian populations: but neither Israel nor the US is a signatory to Protocol III.

[Bill #2, responding to a question]: The white bursts with the fan of smoke trails [that are visible in photographs] are base ejection white phosphorus.

Hamas has found discarded shells verifying their use, but are of course incorrectly claiming a war crime in their deployment: tol...icle5519433.ece You can look up the empty munition they triumphantly display at Janes: jah_0461.html

I would not want to be in the area when one went off, but that is mainly because you will have a heavy empty shell casing falling to the ground after it has ejected its smoke producing contents, and it's got to land somewhere. If you were at ground level underneath the deployment of the felt wedges, you would be almost certainly safe if you were in a car or under some non-flammable overhead shelter. The residue from the burning phosphorous is poisonous, but then again many of the residues from military explosives are similarly poisonous too. The burning phosphorus oxidises to phosphorus dioxide, and scavenges the water vapour in the air to form the smoke you can see in the pictures. This is the reason that it is used - the smoke shell does not have to contain all the material that provides the obscuration, but enlists the water vapour in the air to assist in that process. You would want to avoid breathing the smoke, but the smoke screen is passable by friendly troops without requiring the use of gas masks, so you shouldn't consider this a gas chemical weapon. The phosphorus pentoxide is transformed by the water then into phosphoric acid, the same chemical found in fizzy cola drinks and rust remover. The low concentration of phosphorus in the smoke is unlikely to be dangerous to those exposed for short periods.

Should a burning piece of phosphorus-soaked felt from the smoke shell come in contact with clothing or skin, you would first treat it as for any other burn - the first aid is for dousing with water and removal of remaining burning pieces. With proper deployment, the base ejection smoke shell is safer, since it is unlikely that phosphorus fragments are driven into a body as might be the case with impact bursting white phosphorus shells.

[EoZ]:Do you have any idea of what kind of phosphorus payload was shot by Hamas at Israel in a Qassam yesterday, and where they could have gotten it from?

[captainfish]: I liked in the article the evidence cited as evidence of Israeli use of chemical weapons was that people's feet were burned when they walked in the area that was under one of these bursts.

Seems rather odd that the burned residue from an air burst would still be "burnable" after laying on the ground after a while. And, why would you walk on the ground with bare feet in an area that is under attack?

[Bill #2]: In the Second World War, 20% of the mortar munition supplied to American troops in Normandy was bursting white phosphorus (WP) munitions . All major participants in this war used it. Since then, it has remained in use, basically because it is so effective for rapid smoke screens.

EOZ, it is most likely that the phosphorus load for the Qassam came from an intact 81mm WP mortar bomb. Just a small sample of the many countries that make bursting WP mortar bombs are China, Iran, Turkey, Austria, Russia, and the USA. Since the white phosphorus contents are self igniting, it is not a material that lends itself to home manufacture or scavenging and reuse of existing WP munition's contents. Some countries make Red Phosphorus base-ejecting mortar bombs, which could be used but are nowhere near as useful as a payload for a Qassam which necessarily has to use an impact fuse. As a military munition, a Qassam WP warhead provides no military purpose either for illumination nor concealment purposes, and thus its unguided firing at civilian areas probably does contradict the laws of warfare against firing at protected persons, as it does if its payload was all explosives. The good news is that it is probably not a 120mm mortar bomb, which would weigh about 12-13kg, probably more than a Qassam is capable of carrying the distances they want, and so their payload is likely to be poorly matched with the rocket engine.

With regard to the Israeli smoke ammunition, base-ejection shells that eject a fan of phosphorus-saturated felt-wedges, if you deprive the phosphorus oxygen, such as dousing them with water, sand, or soil, they remain ready to re-ignite after oxygen can again reach the phosphorus. I speculate that the wedges of felt are engineered to not form an oxygen-restrictive ash crust around the felt which would otherwise reduce their effectiveness as smoke producers. There is no military reason for having some the phosphorus left unoxidised and a potential hazard - it is an unwanted side effect.

An old party trick was to ... [exact description redacted by me, Bill #2, for safety's sake on consideration]... and light it when it was sitting on a large coin. When you rubbed the residue left on the coin between your fingers, smoke came off your fingers [Do Not Try This At Home]. Essentially it was a mini scale distillation of the red phosphorus, turning it into yellow and red phosphorus sublimating on the cooler metal object. White, yellow and red phosphorus are all phosphorus, but differ in the way the atoms are arranged in the solid (they are called allotropes of Phosphorus). Each allotrope of Phosphorus has markedly different reactivities, with red phosphorus being the least reactive.

This is what is possibly happening on the ground, captfish. When the felt wedges are burning on the ground, some of the white phosphorus is evaporated, but due to the inadequate oxygen doesn't burn but condenses on any nearby object that is below that of its boiling point, as white, yellow and red allotropes. As oxygen becomes available, the white phosphorus will burn, but the other allotropes may only oxidise slowly. Over time, some of that yellow phosphorus will catch fire, but some may have enough red phosphorus in it to be stable enough to not burn. Someone comes along with bare feet, steps on an oxygen-deprived felt wedge, or on a residue of condensed red and yellow phosphorus and the oxidation process accelerates with consequent heat. As I can personally witness, even skin friction can make the mix of allotropes burn.

The proportionally huge number of poorly supervised, by western standards, young people in the civilian population means that there is a huge pool of curious boys who will investigate anything that seems to relate to the events happening around them. I suspect that many of these boys are not being educated to be wary of military munitions, especially those articles which seem to be a 'dud' and apparently inert, or even those which are believed to be expended. They also may gain this nonchalance from poor weapons and munition handling by their elders. Wandering around in a battleground in bare feet is an extremely bad idea, for more than one reason.

Note that the interspersal of active Hamas fighters and civilians has made separation of the curious from dangerous objects, buildings and places impossible. This is a war crime by Hamas, and by these actions Israel is permitted to fight Hamas in such areas as their protected nature has already been compromised by Hamas. The rules of war were drafted to make the attempted use of human shields by one side useless since they would not be protected by international law, and thus be dissuaded from trying. Various commentators seem to be misinterpreting these laws of war, accidently or deliberately. The laws of warfare were developed to reduce the consequential damage to civilians, and to allow Hamas to be shielded by these laws is to increase the civilian deaths and suffering that will result in the long term.

I reject the claim: "Two wrongs don't make a right!", as it is perfectly clear that the deliberate placement of military personnel and munitions in otherwise protected places dissolves their protected place status. Thus under international law, there is only one wrong being committed here, not two.

I reject the claim: "The laws of war disallow the use of white phosphorous under all circumstances." People might feel it is morally wrong, but it is not a war crime.

I reject the misguided belief that the Principle of Proportionality means that you can only fight an enemy with only an equivalent force, and must stop if your enemy is taking more casualties than you are.

I reject the notion that Hamas shouldn't be held to the same moral standards that Israel is held to.


EoZ Book:"Protocols: Exposing Modern Antisemitism"


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