In April and March, there were many more Qassams claimed to have been fired by the Arab terror groups than Israel acknowledged having landed in Israel. It appeared that the terror groups were vying for taking credit and that many rockets didn't even make it over the border.
But this month, the terrorists are less likely to exaggerate. The PalArab newspapers mention Israeli reports of rockets but they are not usually quoting terrorist group claims of more rockets.
Secondly, there are daily reports in the PalArab newspapers of Israeli incursions into Gaza, but very few of these are reported in Israeli media. Again, I don't know if it is Israeli war censorship or if the PalArabs are making up stories to cover up internal fighting and blame injuries/deaths on Israel.
There is no doubt that fighting is starting to increase again between Hamas and Fatah, after a lull. No official deaths yet but lots of kidnappings and injuries.