Friday, October 07, 2016

  • Friday, October 07, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Pink Floyd's Facebook page:

Roger Waters, realizing that his anti-Israel statements hardly register in the world media any more, guessed that announcing a Pink Floyd "reunion" to bash Israel would get some serious publicity.

This happened 24 hours ago, and it was barely noticed. (The Guardian just picked up on it, though - after the non-event.) Roger Waters' attempt to gain headlines was an utter failure, and the band has now been tarnished by being associated with his own hate.

The hundreds of comments to the post are generally quite negative.

Daniel Prosko why won't you reunite and stand with people of Syria or Yazidi people, who massacred by IS?
Michael Kornau I knew Waters was an idiot, but i´m disappointed to hear that about Gilmour and Mason.
Mari Marti I love u until you begin to act like you're a political movement. Yeah, you're not that. Please, do not begin to write down like that or i'll stop following this page...
Jian Rong Ooi You must be new to PF. Pigs from 1977 and The Final Cut album in 1981 were political and anti-Thatcher, yet you choose their pro-Gaza stance in 2016 to say "I dont wanna know about their political opinions". Youre 40 years too late.
Hannah Ver What do you think would happen, if they demonstrate in Gaza for the rights of muslim women? Hamas would hang them on a crane! Free Gaza from Hamas!!
Cal Bradley What????
Israel was established 3500 years's the Muslim horde that is the occupiers..
Get your flippen history straight!
LikeReply26714 hrsEdited
Richard Evans Pink Floyd stick to your music. You seem to have little idea of the issues relating to the Israel-Palestine problems.Self publicity I think ! I thought David Gilmour and Nick Mason were above this.It doesn't suprise me that the idiot Roger Waters wants to be controversial just for the sake of it.Perhaps you would all be better off channelling your 'efforts' to addressiing the situation in Syria !
LikeReply22623 hrs
Matan Emmanuel Asher this is a disgrace. basically it means that Pink Floyd supports Hamas.
Shame on you David Gilmour who joins antisemitic acts by Roger Waters
LikeReply17919 hrs

What about the band's point that Israel illegally arrested the women?

The answer is that the band knows as little about international law as one would expect an irrelevant group of  aging rockers to know.

And the UN agrees, as described in the Palmer Report:

73. The Panel now turns to consider whether the other components of a lawful blockade under international law are met. Traditionally, naval blockades have most commonly been imposed in situations where there is an international armed conflict. While it is uncontested that there has been protracted violence taking the form of armed conflict between Israel and armed groups in Hamas-controlled Gaza, the characterization of this conflict as international is disputed. The conclusion of the Panel in this regard rests upon the facts as they exist on the ground. The specific circumstances of Gaza are unique and are not replicated anywhere in the world. Nor are they likely to be. Gaza and Israel are both distinct territorial and political areas. Hamas is the de facto political and administrative authority in Gaza and to a large extent has control over events on the ground there. It is Hamas that is firing the projectiles in Israel or is permitting others to do so. The Panel considers the conflict should be treated as an international one for the purposes of the law of blockade. This takes foremost into account Israel’s right to self-defence against armed attacks from outside territory. In this context, the debate on Gaza’s status, in particular its relationship to Israel, should not obscure the realities. The law does not operate in a political vacuum and it is implausible to deny that the nature of the armed violence between Israel and Hamas goes beyond purely domestic matters. In fact, it has all the trappings of an international armed conflict. ...
74. Israel was entitled to take reasonable steps to prevent the influx of weapons into Gaza. With that objective, Israel established a series of restrictions on vessels entering the waters of Gaza. These measures culminated in the declaration of the naval blockade on 3 January 2009. There were a number of reasons why the previous restrictions were inadequate, primary among them being the need for the measures to be legally watertight.
75. As required, the naval blockade was declared and notified. The Israeli authorities issued a “Notice to Mariners” through the appropriate channels, setting out the imposition of the blockade and the coordinates of the blockaded area. In addition, the notice was broadcast twice a day on an emergency radio channel for maritime communications. There is no contest about this. The suggestion that because the blockade was stated to be imposed “until further notice” means that the notification’s content is insufficient and the blockade thus invalid does not seem to us to be persuasive. The notice does specify a duration. Given the uncertainties of a continuing conflict, nothing more was required. Likewise, a limitation to certain groups of prohibited items in the blockade’s notification was not necessary. It lies in the nature of a blockade that it affects all maritime traffic, given that its aim is to prevent any access to and from a blockaded area. 
76. There is nothing before the Panel that would suggest that Israel did not maintain an effective and impartial blockade. Ever since its imposition on 3 January 2009, Israeli authorities have stopped any vessel attempting to enter the blockaded area. At the same time, there is no suggestion that Israel has hindered free access to the coasts and ports of other countries neutral to the conflict.  
Israel has no choice under international law but to intercept every boat en route to Gaza or else the naval blockade loses its effectiveness from a legal perspective.

This gimmick didn't add any positive publicity to the pro-Hamas groups that are trying to destroy Israel, and it hurt Pink Floyd's reputation immeasurably.

Great move, Roger!

(h/t Slava)

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Thursday, October 06, 2016

  • Thursday, October 06, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon

Al Riyadh has an article against the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) with a novel approach.

It says that Americans are warning that the bill could "open up the gates of hell." (That phrase actually came from a different Saudi newspaper in May, and was reported by US media.)

The bill would force a re-opening of the investigation into 9/11, and then all of the suppressed evidence will reveal that the Jews are the ones who blew up the twin towers, not Arabs.

It quotes from a 9/11 "truther" organization, AE911Truth, where over 2000 engineers and architects supposedly signed a petition asking to review the evidence for 9/11.

The article also quotes Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, claiming that thousands of Jews were sent text messages warning them not to go to work in Lower Manhattan that day.

Moreover, the site claims that a 1996 movie "The Long Kiss Goodnight"  predicted 9/11 since the protagonist said he would kill 4000 people and blame Muslims while referencing the 1993 WTC bombing. (In reality, the false flag attack planned in the movie was a chemical weapon attack against downtown Niagara Falls.)

Anyway, if the Saudis are so positive that Arabs had nothing to do with 9/11, then they should welcome the chance to prove their thesis in court, shouldn't they? JASTA will be great for them!

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

HBO to produce TV series about Israeli teens' abduction, murder
American cable network HBO and Israel's Keshet International Studios announced Wednesday that they will co-produce a series about the tragic events involving the abduction and murder of three Israeli teenagers in 2014.
Gil-ad Shaer, 16, from Talmon, Eyal Yifrach, 19, from Elad, and Naftali Fraenkel, 16 from Nof Ayalon, an American citizen, were abducted by Hamas on June 12, 2014. Their bodies were found some two week later. The abduction compounded an already volatile security situation, which escalated into Operation Protective Edge in the Gaza Strip.
The series, created by Hagai Levi, Noah Stollman and Joseph Cedar will be filmed on location in Israel in the summer of 2017.
According to available details, the show's protagonist is an idealistic Shin Bet investigator. The plot depicts the escalating violence following the teens' abduction and brutal murder from him point of view.
The series will be filmed in Hebrew and star Israeli actors, but will be adapted to English prior to its broadcast in the U.S.
This is not Levi's first production with the acclaimed network, as he also co-produced the award winning series "In Treatment" and "The Affair."

The Top Ten Schools Supporting Terrorists
1. Brooklyn College (CUNY)
2. San Diego State University
3. San Francisco State University
4. Tufts University
5. University of California Berkeley
6. University of California Irvine
7. University of California Los Angeles
8. University of Chicago
9. University of Tennessee Knoxville
10. Vassar College
(Note: the schools are listed in alphabetical order)
Across America college campuses are being flooded with pro-terrorist propaganda by groups supported by college administrators and student funds. These groups are led by Students for Justice in Palestine but they include the broad coalitions of the left which have become the breeding grounds for a new anti-Semitism. Boycott, Divest and Sanctions resolutions targeting the state of Israel for destruction are passed to chants of “Allahu Ahkbar,” while Jewish students are the targets of verbal and physical harassments which have reached epidemic proportions. This is a report on the 10 schools most supportive of the efforts of Students for Justice in Palestine and its allies, to demonize the state of Israel and bring about its destruction.

David Collier: Institutional antisemitism at Goldsmiths, University of London
On Tuesday I spent an evening at Goldsmiths, University of London. It was my first visit. The talk itself was called ‘Palestine 101’. Like many events that are taking place on campus at the moment, it was designed to convert ‘interested folk’ into ‘dumbed down’, rabid, Israel haters.
The talk was one of the most nonsensical, baseless and insane rants I have yet to hear *from a student* on a university campus. Alessia Cancemi, the Goldsmiths PalSoc president, who led the talk, left every single person in the room more stupid than they had been at the start of the evening. De-education would be a good title for what was delivered.
What I watched was classic institutionalised antisemitism. Hidden behind the argument that anti-Zionism isn’t anything to do with antisemitism, every syllable, every picture, every message, places the vast majority of those listening, at odds exclusively with Jewish rights. The Jewish right to self-determination, the Jewish right to nationhood, the Jewish right to self-defence. All these are denied.
So the evening at Goldsmiths begins and Cancemi needed to tell everyone about boycotting Israel. But first clearly has to impress upon all these newcomers, why Israel is deserving of such hate. It is at this point that the Palestinian narrative is weakest. History is the soft underbelly. Why? Because their narrative has more holes than a warehouse full of Swiss Cheese.

  • Thursday, October 06, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
"The Last Secret of the Temple," by Paul Sussman, was a 2008 book that seems to have heavily borrowed from the Dan Brown playbook.
In the year 70 AD, as the Romans sacked and destroyed the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, a young Jewish boy was hidden away and chosen as the guardian of a great secret. For seventy generations this secret remained safeguarded. But in present day Israel, a Jewish radical threatens to reveal this hidden truth and use it to rend apart the fragile Middle East—and only an unlikely duo of hardened detectives of very different origins and a young, enterprising Palestinian journalist can unite to ward off disaster.

It received mixed reviews, but for some reason the publishing house decided that this book should be translated to Arabic back in 2010.

But how could one get Arabs interested in a book about the Jewish Temple to people who now pretend it never existed?

By telling the Arabs that the book was censored by Israel because it is so offensive to Jews!

The front cover of the Arabic edition says "لكتاب الذي منع في إسرائيل", "Book banned in Israel," right above the title.

As far as I can tell, although I don't think that the book has been translated into Hebrew, there is no ban on it in Israel and there never has been.

(Spoiler alert: the "last secret" is the magical Menorah which, using shades of the Chanukah story, never runs out of oil. The entire book can be read here.)

The books published by Bantam Books, along with "Arab Scientific Publishers Inc."

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 Vic Rosenthal's Weekly Column

Who’s afraid of the Minister of Sport and Culture?

Recently, as seems to happen on a regular basis, rumors spread about the Yitzhak Herzog’s Zionist Union (Labor + Tzipi Livni) party joining Netanyahu’s government. Supposedly there were negotiations over the Rosh Hashana holiday, and the deal was said to include eight ministerial portfolios for the center-left ZU, including the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Sport and Culture post that is currently held by the Likud’s Miri Regev.

Both sides denied it, which only means that if there were discussions they did not come to a conclusion – yet. Herzog pointed out that he couldn’t have been negotiating since he had spent the last four hours in the synagogue. Given that there are 24 hours in a day and several days that can reasonably be called the “holiday weekend,” this is a remarkably weak argument.

Last week Netanyahu asked some members of his cabinet how they would feel about adding the ZU. The ones who were present didn’t voice any objections, although Naftali Bennett of the Beit Yehudi party and Avigdor Lieberman of Israel Beiteinu, who might be likely to object, weren’t there.

There were several different stories about how the portfolios would be distributed, but in all of them Regev gets a new job. One wonders why “Sport and Culture” is so important – one would think the Foreign Ministry is much more significant, and normally it would be. But there are two special circumstances: first, Netanyahu runs foreign policy himself no matter who the minister is (as Lieberman found out when he was FM in the previous government); and second, the ZU is really interested in putting an end to the culture war being waged against them by the tough-as-nails Regev. Moving her out is doubtless one of their conditions for a deal.

In Israel, most artistic and cultural activities – art, music, theater, film – get subsidies from the government. From before the founding of the state, these areas were dominated by the Left, specifically a narrow, politically extreme segment of the old Tel Aviv Ashkenazi elite. They get the grants, run the theater groups, make the films, write the reviews, teach the courses, and give each other the prizes. Although the Left’s Knesset representation has been on a steady decline since the historic victory of Menachem Begin in 1977, its control of the cultural establishment is still solid.

Current Israeli films tend to reflect the world-view of the artistic elite. Many are anti-war and even anti-Israeli; some are pro-Palestinian/anti-occupation, and those that are not explicitly political are often about deviance and dysfunctionality in Israeli society. Naturally, foreign audiences eat up anything negative about Israel, and they often win prizes at European film festivals; but they don’t do that well here outside of North Tel Aviv.

Regev is definitely not one of the elite, and doesn’t share their values. A former army spokesperson who achieved the rank of Brigadier General in the IDF and has a Master’s degree in business administration, she was born in “development town” Kiryat Gat to parents who immigrated from Morocco. The left-wing champions of tolerance who care so much for Arabs and illegal African migrants hate her passionately.

In several high-profile cases she used her position to withhold government funds – in one case to a theater that produced a play whose protagonist was a terrorist who committed a murder, in another to a group that would not perform in the territories. Recently, as the presenter of the Ophir Awards (Israel’s equivalent to the Oscars), she walked out of the auditorium after an Arab actor and rapper read a poem by Palestinian “national poet” Mahmoud Darwish that included the lines

But if I starve
I will eat my oppressor's flesh
Beware, beware of my starving
And my rage

Later, she returned and explained to the booing, rowdy audience that she intended to appoint a committee to “examine the management of the Israeli Academy of Film and Television as well as funding for films.”

Regev is pushing hard on the content of radio and television programs too. She feels that taxpayer money should not be used to support artistic endeavors that are anti-Israel. Her opponents insist that she is “anti-democratic” and “suppressing free speech,” to which she replies that they can speak all they want as long as the country isn’t paying for it. As you can probably guess, I’m on her side.

Although I have no inside knowledge of the discussions that may or may not be going on between Netanyahu and Herzog, I would guess that there are other ministers that the ZU would like to see sidelined. Both Naftali Bennett (Minister of Education) and Ayelet Shaked (Minister of Law), of the right-of-center Beit Hayehudi party, have consistently irked the establishments that have controlled their respective areas forever, just like the arts. In particular, Shaked wants to limit the power of the very activist, left-leaning Israeli Supreme Court.

What would Netanyahu gain from doing this? After bringing in Lieberman’s party, he has a coalition of 67, much better than the one-seat majority of 61 that he started with. One theory is that he expects Barack Obama to support  a coercive resolution in the UN Security Council, and he wants to head it off by establishing a “regional commission” with several Arab states in order to restart talks with the Palestinians. Bibi knows, says the theory, that some of the right-wing members of the government will quit if he talks about relinquishing territory, and so he wants to add a number of ZU people as a cushion for his majority.

This brings me to the main criticism that many people on the Right make against Netanyahu, that he is so focused on staying in power and so ideologically flexible as to lack any ideology – or any plan other than to improvise. There’s some truth in this, but on the other hand, his supporters may believe that the opposition is so dangerously naïve and incompetent that perhaps keeping him in power really is top priority.

Regev was one of the top vote-getters in the Likud primary, number 5 on their list, so whatever happens she will be a minister in the government if she wishes. But I admit that I will be very sorry if she doesn’t keep her position as the nemesis of the egotistical, narcissistic, decadent and not-as-talented-as-they-think cultural establishment.

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From Ian:

Obama’s confusion about the ‘occupation’ of Palestinian land
The president would probably be aghast if he were told that ‘the United States cannot permanently occupy Mexican land.’ Can ‘occupation’ lead to peaceful accommodation?
“Israel cannot permanently occupy Palestinian land,” said Barack Obama in his speech at the United Nations last month. By Palestinian land he presumably meant Judea and Samaria, the territory between the Jordan River and the lines delineated by Israel and Jordan in April 1949, in an armistice that followed Jordan’s participation in the combined Arab attack on Israel in 1948. Maybe he was also referring to the Gaza Strip, although that region is now under the rule of Hamas, a Palestinian terrorist organization, and there is no Israeli presence there.
Was it Palestinian land that Jordan annexed after the conclusion of the armistice with Israel? Nobody made that claim at the time, nor during the following 18 years when Jordan held that area.
Did it suddenly become Palestinian land only after Jordan joined Egypt and Syria in their war against Israel in 1967 and was forced to withdraw from the area? Or was it Palestinian land all along, while the Palestinian claim was left in abeyance as long as Jordan ruled the area and sprang to life only after the Jordanian army was defeated?
There is clearly some ambiguity about the Palestinian title to this area. Many Palestinians say Israeli “occupation” is not limited to Judea and Samaria, but also includes the State of Israel itself.
The Palestinian claim is obviously not consistent with the terms of the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine of 1922, which recognized the historical connection between the Jewish people and Palestine and called for close settlement of Jews on the land. So maybe the fact that the majority of the population living in the area east of the 1949 armistice lines is Palestinian is sufficient to claim title to the land, a claim that was not pressed during Jordan’s tenure?
Actually, this isn’t the only area on the globe whose ownership is in dispute. Obama would probably be aghast if he were told by someone that “the United States cannot permanently occupy Mexican land.” Yes, much of the United States – California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Texas – is territory captured during the Mexican-American War of 1846-48, in a war of aggression. It was a war waged under the banner of “Manifest Destiny” – America’s destiny to extend its possessions to the Pacific Ocean.
Eugene Kontorovich: Palestine, Uti Possidetis Juris, and the Borders of Israel
Israel’s borders and territorial scope are a source of seemingly endless debate. Remarkably, despite the intensity of the debates, little attention has been paid to the relevance of the doctrine of uti possidetis juris to resolving legal aspects of the border dispute. Uti possidetis juris is widely acknowledged as the doctrine of customary international law that is central to determining territorial sovereignty in the era of decolonization. The doctrine provides that emerging states presumptively inherit their pre-independence administrative boundaries.
Applied to the case of Israel, uti possidetis juris would dictate that Israel inherit the boundaries of the Mandate of Palestine as they existed in May, 1948. The doctrine would thus support Israeli claims to any or all of the currently hotly disputed areas of Jerusalem (including East Jerusalem), the West Bank, and even potentially the Gaza Strip (though not the Golan Heights).

  • Thursday, October 06, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
In today's Selichot (Ashkenaz,) the special prayers said before and between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur,  there was this interesting section:

Artscroll translates it as "How the people of Araby have surrounded us and the Hamites cut us off! They call a man who never prophesied 'The Prophet'. And as for them, they build army, troop and legion. But as for me, where will I go?"

The commentary reproduced above also makes clear that we are talking about Arabs and Muslims.

This specific poem was written about a thousand years ago.

While there is no comparison between how Muslims and Christians treated Jews, the Jews were persecuted enough by Islam to cry out to God to save them.

It would be interesting to find out if the selichot said in Muslim lands included this section.

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  • Thursday, October 06, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon

From the Sydney Morning Herald:
A Pakistani scholar visiting Australia for a speaking tour has been ordered home after a video sermon surfaced of him saying the world will be purified when every Jew is wiped out.

Muhammad Raza Saqib Mustafai, who has a Facebook fan base of almost a million people, spoke at the Ghausia Masjid in Blacktown and the Al-Madinah Masjid in Liverpool over the long weekend.

Ghausia Masjid's imam Hafiz Raza, who organised the tour, didn't respond to questions about the visit or the 2012 video titled "Jews are the enemies of Islam and the real peace".

However, after Fairfax Media alerted the Pakistan Association of Australia to the video on Wednesday, they called the Ghausia Masjid who decided to cancel Mr Mustafai's talks this week in Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide and ask him to return home.

Association president Abbas Khan said Pakistani Australians are deeply committed to harmony in Australia and he was shocked by the video.

He said he met Mr Mustafai on Wednesday and the scholar said the video didn't reflect his opinions and was a quote from a book.
Here is what he said in 2012 (video here):
"And a time is about to come when Allah would bestow such a success on Islam that there would not be a single Jew left on the face of the earth. Hazrat Eisa [Jesus] would come; the warriors of Imam Mahdi [according to Islamic traditions he is the last Imam] would march into the battlefield; the pig would be killed and the symbol of cross would be broken.

"And it has been described in the books of Hadith [sayings of Prophet Muhammad] that Allah would provide such aid to the followers of Islam that if a Jew would be hiding behind a tree branch or a stone, then that stone would call out for the Muslim mujahid [to come] towards it and would tell him that a Jew is hiding behind me.

"And when the last Jew will be killed from this world, then peace would be established in the world – so much so that snakes would roam among people but would not bite. Wolves and goats would drink water from the same quayside and goats would not have any fear from wolves. It is the guarantee of world peace when the last Jew is slain. As long as there are Jews in this world, peace cannot be established in the whole world.

"Muslims are being called terrorists, as the cause of the destruction of world peace; but it is not the reality; Muslims are fighting the war of their survival. Muslims are not terrorists; they are the lovers of peace and preachers of peace. And all the troubles that exist around the world are because of the Jews. When the Jews are wiped out, then the world would be purified and the sun of peace would begin to rise on the entire world."
See, he does preach peace! It just all depends on murdering all Jews first!

His Facebook page indeed has nearly a million followers. He preaches all over the world.

Mustafai even visited the US earlier this year.

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  • Thursday, October 06, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last week Islamic Jihad held a rally to celebrate the 29th anniversary of its creation in 1987.

But it also celebrated the first anniversary of the murder spree that started last year, with members holding knives, stones and Molotov cocktails along with their normal guns:

And children were included in those celebrations of murdering Jews:

Female terrorists held a prominent place in the rally as well:

Here is a video that Islamic Jihad released at the same time that celebrates stabbing Jews (start at the 43 second mark):

It is a depraved culture that celebrates murders and incites children to become terrorists.

And it is perfectly normal for Palestinian Arabs. Because while the PA might not have rallies as explicit as this one in encouraging terror,  it does the exact same thing in its media and online.

This is the story that the mainstream media simply doesn't want to touch.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Wednesday, October 05, 2016

  • Wednesday, October 05, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Albawaba:

A private school in Doha has found itself in trouble after using textbooks that appear to feature Palestinians as their choice examples of “terrorism” - using the actions of Palestinian groups like the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) PLO and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) to discuss concepts like “hijacking” and “suicide vests”.

The debacle began when pictures of the textbook used at the International School of Choueifat in Doha were shared on social media websites, highlighting the controversial chapter in question

The Qatari Ministry of Education was quick to respond, with Doha News reporting that the textbook has been removed from the school.
Many saw the textbook as unfair propaganda against the Palestinian people, taking to Twitter to react to the news and ask their government to look for similar instances in other schools.
According to their website, the International School of Choueifat has schools in a number of Middle Eastern countries, but whether this scandal will cause the school to change its international policies is yet to be seen.
As of now Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Jordan have forced the international school to withdraw the textbook from their teaching curriculum. 
Here are the parts of the book that caused such angst.

“Palestinian terrorists took over several airlines in 1970, including two American, one Swiss and one British. They targeted American planes because they felt the USA always helped out Israel, a country that occupies land that the Palestinians claim is their own. They wanted their own country – Palestine – and wanted land that Israel occupies. Terrorist acts continue to this day in the Middle East.”

“Explosives are attached to the bomber’s body. They approach their target and explode the bomb. Palestinian terrorists are well-known for this.”

The book itself is "Key Stage 3 History by Aaron Wilkes: Technology, War and Independence 1901-Present Day" by Oxford University Press.

As far as I can tell, there is no pushback from Arabs saying that, you know, suicide bombings really are acts of terror no matter who does them. Such thinking may exist but saying it out loud in the Arab world is not the smartest thing to do.

Because, as this incident shows, according to Arab countries, Palestinian suicide bombings that kill dozens of civilians are not considered terror acts.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

A Look Inside the Latest Gaza Women’s Flotilla The activists on board are no peaceful bunch
Who’s on board these love boats? As you can imagine, those whose moral compasses guide them straight into the arms of murderers who execute gays, oppress women, and spend every penny they get on planning and executing terrorist attacks. Like Ola Abed: she’s one of the people behind Gaza Man, a video game that encourages kids to shoot as many Israelis as they can, with extra points given for headshots. Too callous for your taste? Head over to Abed’s Facebook page and enjoy her frequent expressions of support for murderous attacks on Israeli civilians, or sample her Twitter feed for a taste of more uplifting calls for peace and love, like the hashtag #GiveUsWeapons.
The boats are sailing to Gaza from Barcelona, and these long nights at sea can get lonely, so Abed is lucky to have folks like Norsham Abu Bakr to keep her company. Abu Bakr, a Muslim Brotherhood supporter, has palled around with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and has waxed poetic on her Facebook page, sharing posts that accuse the Mossad of orchestrating the recent terrorist attacks in Munich and Nice. It’s a sentiment Wendy Goldsmith probably shares—the London, Ontario social worker, another of the boat’s passengers, was a chatty guest on Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad, a radio show dedicated in large part to promoting the idea that the Zionist entity is behind every major bloody attack in recent memory, starting with 9/11.
Don’t find any of this troubling? Unmoved by discrimination directed exclusively at Jews? No worries: the bigotry of the women on board contains multitudes. Just ask passenger Fauzia Hasan, a Malaysian doctor who has openly advocated banning Sisters in Islam, a Muslim women’s movement working for gender equality within the religion.
And so, if you seriously support a resolution to the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, pray that the Israeli navy swiftly takes over these boats before they reach Gaza’s terror-troubled shores, bringing this hateful journey to a peaceful end.
Prince Charles visits grandmother's grave while in Jerusalem
Charles, Prince of Wales, secretly visited his grandmother's grave while in Jerusalem for former president Shimon Peres' funeral.
Prince Charles' grandmother, Princess Alice of Battenburg, was buried at the Convent of Saint Mary Magdalene on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem per her request.
Her remains were transferred to a crypt below the church in August of 1988.
The visit was made in secrecy and went unreported until a number of photos surfaced on social media accounts of people working with the church. The visit was reported first by Haaretz.
The Royal family has historically refrained from visiting the site due to its location in the eastern part of Jerusalem, to remain neutral in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


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