HBO to produce TV series about Israeli teens' abduction, murder
American cable network HBO and Israel's Keshet International Studios announced Wednesday that they will co-produce a series about the tragic events involving the abduction and murder of three Israeli teenagers in 2014.
Gil-ad Shaer, 16, from Talmon, Eyal Yifrach, 19, from Elad, and Naftali Fraenkel, 16 from Nof Ayalon, an American citizen, were abducted by Hamas on June 12, 2014. Their bodies were found some two week later. The abduction compounded an already volatile security situation, which escalated into Operation Protective Edge in the Gaza Strip.
The series, created by Hagai Levi, Noah Stollman and Joseph Cedar will be filmed on location in Israel in the summer of 2017.
According to available details, the show's protagonist is an idealistic Shin Bet investigator. The plot depicts the escalating violence following the teens' abduction and brutal murder from him point of view.
The series will be filmed in Hebrew and star Israeli actors, but will be adapted to English prior to its broadcast in the U.S.
This is not Levi's first production with the acclaimed network, as he also co-produced the award winning series "In Treatment" and "The Affair."
The Top Ten Schools Supporting Terrorists
1. Brooklyn College (CUNY)
2. San Diego State University
3. San Francisco State University
4. Tufts University
5. University of California Berkeley
6. University of California Irvine
7. University of California Los Angeles
8. University of Chicago
9. University of Tennessee Knoxville
10. Vassar College
(Note: the schools are listed in alphabetical order)
Across America college campuses are being flooded with pro-terrorist propaganda by groups supported by college administrators and student funds. These groups are led by Students for Justice in Palestine but they include the broad coalitions of the left which have become the breeding grounds for a new anti-Semitism. Boycott, Divest and Sanctions resolutions targeting the state of Israel for destruction are passed to chants of “Allahu Ahkbar,” while Jewish students are the targets of verbal and physical harassments which have reached epidemic proportions. This is a report on the 10 schools most supportive of the efforts of Students for Justice in Palestine and its allies, to demonize the state of Israel and bring about its destruction.
David Collier: Institutional antisemitism at Goldsmiths, University of London
On Tuesday I spent an evening at Goldsmiths, University of London. It was my first visit. The talk itself was called ‘Palestine 101’. Like many events that are taking place on campus at the moment, it was designed to convert ‘interested folk’ into ‘dumbed down’, rabid, Israel haters.
The talk was one of the most nonsensical, baseless and insane rants I have yet to hear *from a student* on a university campus. Alessia Cancemi, the Goldsmiths PalSoc president, who led the talk, left every single person in the room more stupid than they had been at the start of the evening. De-education would be a good title for what was delivered.
What I watched was classic institutionalised antisemitism. Hidden behind the argument that anti-Zionism isn’t anything to do with antisemitism, every syllable, every picture, every message, places the vast majority of those listening, at odds exclusively with Jewish rights. The Jewish right to self-determination, the Jewish right to nationhood, the Jewish right to self-defence. All these are denied.
So the evening at Goldsmiths begins and Cancemi needed to tell everyone about boycotting Israel. But first clearly has to impress upon all these newcomers, why Israel is deserving of such hate. It is at this point that the Palestinian narrative is weakest. History is the soft underbelly. Why? Because their narrative has more holes than a warehouse full of Swiss Cheese.
NGO Monitor: Event at UN in Geneva Marks 15 Years Since Notorious Durban Conference
At an event held today at the UN in Geneva, NGO Monitor marked 15 years since the notorious Conference on Racism that took place in Durban, South Africa in 2001. The event discussed the enduring, negative impact that conference had in contributing to the exploitation of universal ethical principles, including coordinated efforts to demonize Israel and the emergence of BDS campaigns rooted in the strategy set out by many of the over 1,500 NGOs in attendance.Holocaust film gets secret screening in Gaza, leaving director fearing for his life
Among the leading experts who addressed the event were David Harris, CEO American Jewish Committee; Prof. Alan Dershowitz, Professor Emeritus of Law at Harvard Law School; Prof. Gerald Steinberg, President of NGO Monitor; Hon. Michael Danby MP, Senior Member of the Australian Parliament; Amb. Aviva Raz Shechter, Israeli Ambassador to the UN in Geneva; Anne Herzberg, Legal Advisor at NGO Monitor; and Hillel Neuer, Director of UN Watch.
The event also reviewed the lasting impact the Durban conference had on the Jewish community and Israel, and focused on strategic efforts that have since been adopted to combat attempts to isolate Israel internationally as well as address both present and future challenges.
According to Prof. Gerald Steinberg, president of NGO Monitor, “The Durban NGO Forum launched BDS, lawfare and the demonization of Israel, via ‘soft power’ warfare. It took the Israeli government and Jewish leaders around the world years to understand the threat of this multi-billion dollar industry that exploits human rights. NGO Monitor is playing a central role in providing accountability, and fifteen years later, the ‘halo effect’ which protected many NGOs from scrutiny has been eroded. There is much more work to be done, but the facades of NGO expertise and morality are increasingly visible.”
A controversial documentary about Anne Frank and the Holocaust has been given a clandestine screening in Gaza.CAMERA Op-Ed in The Washington Examiner Notes D.C. Museum's Honors for Terrorists
Holocaust denial is rife among the Hamas leaders who rule the self-governing Palestinian territory and much of the film’s footage was shot there during its war with Israel two years ago.
Tight security was called in for the scheduled showing of Anne Frank: Then and Now last Thursday, which was moved to a new location last minute “due to safety reasons and out of fear that those organising it would face accusations and judgement”. Just 42 people knew the time and place.
Hamas officials have branded the Holocaust “the big lie” despite the equally powerful President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority describing it as “the most heinous crime to have occurred against humanity in the modern era”. As such, it was deemed “too dangerous” for Croatian director Jakov Sedler to attend the screening, Deadline reports.
On September 16, 2016, the U.S. State Department listed a man named Fathi Hammad as a “specially designated global terrorist.” At first glance the classification of Hammad, a senior leader of terror group Hamas, may seem to be unordinary. Yet, it should be newsworthy to one Washington D.C.-area museum, the Newseum, which has memorialized as “fallen journalists” those who worked for a propaganda arm which Hammad created for Hamas: Al-Aqsa TV.Kaine’s Deceits About Iran
The Newseum claims it “educates the public about the value of a free press in a free society” and “promotes, explains and defends free expression and the five freedoms of the First Amendment: religion, speech, press, assembly and petition.” With this in mind, the Newseum created a memorial that recognizes “men and women who died or were killed while reporting the news.”
Yet, among the names on that memorial are staffers and representatives for Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad's state television, the Iranian mullahs' Press TV and Hamas' television station, Al-Aqsa TV. As the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), noted in a 2013 Washington Examiner Op-Ed, “There is nothing journalistic about them, their activities or their employers (“Newseum discredits itself by honoring terrorists,” May, 12, 2013).”
Hussam Salama and Mahmoud al-Kumi of Hammad's creation, al-Aqsa TV, are among those listed, since their induction in 2013, as having died “in pursuit of the news.” Yet, news is not what Hamas and its TV channel are seeking to obtain.
Kaine’s repetition of the word “stopped” echoes a statement made by President Obama in his 2012 foreign policy debate with Mitt Romney. In discussing his efforts to negotiate with Iran, Obama said the choice he was giving Iran was “to take the diplomatic route and end their nuclear program” or face an American president who would keep all options on the table.Middle East Expert: Democratic VP Candidate Tim Kaine 'Grossly Distorted' Israeli Military Chief's View of Iran Deal
But that’s not what happened. In the course of the negotiations, Obama and Secretary of State Kerry made concession after concession that not only ensured the survival of Iran’s nuclear program and its ability do advanced research but also eventually agreed to a deal that expires within 10-15 years. Iran is still enriching uranium and its nuclear sites are still operating. And it is treating any efforts to place limits on their testing of the ballistic missiles that could carry their nukes as null and void.
Which means that even if the Iranians don’t cheat on the pact any more than they have already, they will be able to break out to a bomb quickly within a decade without the U.S. or its European allies able to do a thing about it short of war. Kaine’s “stopped” is as much a lie as Obama’s “end” was a broken promise.
Was Kaine’s assertion that the administration was able to “cap” Iran’s nuclear capacity more truthful? Barely. A better description would be to say that the deal slowed its progress. But once the deal expires, any talk of a cap will be meaningless, since Iran will then be free to do as it likes and will have been immeasurably strengthened economically and militarily by the windfall of over a $100 billion in released frozen assets and the collapse of international sanctions—which will also help it fund international terrorism.
Democratic candidate Tim Kaine “grossly misrepresented and distorted” the IDF chief of staff’s view of the Iran nuclear agreement during the vice presidential debate on Tuesday night, a Middle East expert told The Algemeiner.After VP debate, who was right on Iran deal, and do Israelis agree?
Speaking with The Algemeiner on Wednesday, Dr. Emily B. Landau, a senior research fellow at Israel’s Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), expressed dismay over Kaine’s assertion — made during a back-and-forth with his Republican counterpart Mike Pence — that the head of the Israeli military, Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot, had said the Iran nuclear deal had kept the Islamic Republic from getting a nuclear weapon.
In fact, Landau said, the Eisenkot statement in question — which was made during a speech at an INSS conference in January — was far more nuanced.
“While General Eisenkot’s message was different from things we’ve heard from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with less of a focus on worst case scenarios, what Eisenkot said was nowhere near a conclusion that the Iran deal prevented Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons,” Landau, the head of the Arms Control and Regional Security Program at the INSS, noted. “That’s just absolutely not what he said.”
Seven times during the vice presidential debate, Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Virginia, said the deal his running mate Hillary Clinton worked on had helped “stop Iranian nuclear weapons.”Trump supporters throw neo-Nazi advocate out of Nevada rally
Seven times, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence said no, it did not.
Twice, Kaine said Israel’s military “says it stopped.” Both times Pence, the running mate to Republican nominee Donald Trump, disagreed.
Who’s right? It’s a mixed bag.
The jury is still out on whether the deal has stopped Iran’s suspected nuclear weapons quest in the long term. As Kaine noted, Israel’s military brass has assessed that the deal has stopped Iran from advancing toward a nuclear bomb — but missing from his citations is the “for now.”
A group of Donald Trump supporters shut down a self-confirmed neo-Nazi at a rally for the Republican presidential nominee in Nevada on Wednesday night, CNN reported.Huma Abedin Email Attacked Jewish Group
Dozens of people at the campaign event in the city of Reno reportedly circled around the man and attempted to shout him down after he had brandished signs with slogans referring to Holocaust denial, Nazi symbolism and white supremacy.
Trump security guards eventually escorted the man, identified as 25-year-old Brady Garrett, out of the premises of the event.
Garrett, who said he represented the "alt-Right" movement had brandished posters during the rally reading "Research Holocaust Revisionism" and "1488," a numerical emblem representing white supremacy and the Nazi hail to Hitler.
The confrontation between the white supremacy adherent and the Trump supporters ensued after Garrett had made remarks to reporters following the rally.
CNN cited Garrett as criticizing Zionism and saying the US needs "to put European Americans first."
Huma Abedin, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s closest aide, urged former President Bill Clinton in 2009 to reject a speaking invitation before the American Israel Public Affairs Council (AIPAC), asking his assistant in an email, do “u really want to consider sending him into that crowd?”Still no calls for boycott as Turkish academic purge continues
Abedin’s comment about “that crowd” has sparked anger and consternation among Jewish and non-Jewish leaders who consider it hostile to Jews and to the State of Israel. Her comments are raising uncomfortable questions about Abedin’s past and her family’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
“Appalling” is how Morton Klein, national president of the Zionist Organization of America, described the email, adding that it, “shows hostility toward Jews and Israel in light of the fact that ‘that crowd’ gives huge ovations to White House speakers.”
Klein pointed to the Abedin family’s ties to a radical Islamic group, saying, “it makes me think about the allegations about her parents and other family members who were associated with the Muslim Brotherhood.”
The purge of Turkish academia has been extensive, as we documented in several posts since the July 15, 2016 failed coup.U.S. Women’s Chess Champion Comes Under Fire for Refusing to Wear Hijab in Iran Tournament
That purge met with some letters of criticism from American academic groups, but no calls for boycotts of Turkish academia of the sort that are pushed aggressively against Israel. We noted that hypocrisy previously:
Turkey Purge Continues: 15,200 Teachers Fired, Deans Asked to Leave
Will anti-Israel academic boycotters now also boycott Turkish universities?
Turkey: Hospitals, Schools, Unions Among Those Shut-down By Erdogan Crack-down
Internet hunt: Find anti-Israel academic boycotters also boycotting Turkey
If you thought that Erdogan was done with the purge, you would be wrong. It continued this week, Turkey detains another 15 academics over use of ‘suspected’ mobile app:
The reigning American female chess champion has come under fire after announcing last week that she will boycott next year’s tournament, which is slated to be held in Iran, to protest the requirement that all participants wear the Islamic hair covering known as the hijab.World soccer boss says solving settlement clubs row ‘a priority’
Nazí Paikidze-Barnes, a 22-year-old originally from the former Soviet republic of Georgia, protested last month’s decision by FIDE, chess’ governing body, to hold next year’s Women’s World Chess Championship in the Islamic Republic, saying she would not participate even though it could hurt her career. “It is absolutely unacceptable to host one of the most important women’s tournaments in a venue where, to this day, women are forced to cover up with a hijab,” she told The Telegraph on Thursday. “I understand and respect cultural differences. But, failing to comply can lead to imprisonment and women’s rights are being severely restricted in general.”
Paikidze-Barnes emphasized her concerns on Twitter by pointing to the U.S. State Department’s warning that Americans traveling to Iran face a “risk of arrest and detention” by authorities. “It’s very upsetting that I have to miss my first Women’s World Championship,” she added.
Paikidze-Barnes received support from Nigel Short, a former British world title contender, who told The Telegraph: “There are people from all sorts of backgrounds going to this, there will be atheists, Christians, all sorts of people. … If you are deeply Christian why would you want to wear a symbol of Islamic oppression of women?”
FIFA president Gianni Infantino will make finding a solution to the bitter dispute over Israeli soccer clubs playing inside the West Bank a “priority,” he told AFP in an exclusive interview.Jewish Voice for Peace hijacks High Holidays for anti-Israel messaging
Six clubs in the Israeli leagues currently play in West Bank settlements, which are considered illegal under international law [by people who don't understand international law].
By allowing games to be contested there, FIFA is engaging in business activity that supports Israeli settlements, Human Rights Watch claimed in a recent report.
HRW said this endorsed the “theft” of Palestinian land and that the presence of Israeli clubs on the territory ran contrary to human rights commitments undertaken by football’s governing body.
“This is one of my priorities and our priorities. I have not yet gone into the area simply because the situation is such that at the moment the conditions are not there yet, but we’re working on it,” Infantino insisted to AFP.
Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) is a non-Jewish organization that provides cover to the anti-Israel boycott movement (BDS) by legitimizing and mainstreaming its assault on Jewish identity.Lebanon bans Palestinian film, citing Israel boycott
As we’ve noted in prior posts (see here and here), JVP activists operate in multiple arenas to exploit Jewish culture and traditions, putting them into service for a vehemently anti-Israel and anti-Zionist propaganda campaign. Various Jewish celebrations and commemorative life-cycle events are constantly being manipulated for Israel-bashing and pro-boycott messaging.
Last April, this identity theft of Jewish heritage was particularly visible during Passover, when JVP promoted BDS in a newly released Haggadah and staged ‘liberation seders’, appropriating the holiday’s rituals and texts for an anti-Israel narrative.
Now, JVP is usurping the Jewish High Holidays.
Lebanon has banned the screening of three films at the International Beirut Film Festival opening on Wednesday, organizers said.BBC Trending presents Palestinian incitement as ‘narrative’
The censored films were Palestinian filmmaker Maha Haj’s “Personal Affairs”, Syrian brothers Mohamad and Ahmad Malas’s “World Cup” and Iranian director Mohsen Makhmalbaf’s “The Nights of Zayandeh-Rood”, festival director Colette Naufal said.
Lebanon’s General Security agency asked for a scene to be removed from the Syrian film but the festival organizers refused to comply, she said.
“It’s unfortunate that political considerations interfere in arts and culture,” Naufal said, adding the cinematic event was striving to be “a platform for freedom of expression”.
Tarek Halabi, head of the audiovisual department at General Security, said screening the Palestinian director’s film went against a boycott of all Israeli products in Lebanon, “whether artistic or not”, as it was produced by an Israeli company and shot in the Jewish state.
That latter statement obviously exposes the dire level of Wendling’s understanding of the issue on which he is supposedly informing BBC audiences. There are of course no “Palestinian authorities who tackle online hate speech” and had the BBC done a better job of reporting on incitement and glorification of terrorism throughout the past year, he would perhaps know that official Palestinian bodies – including the PA and Fatah – have themselves regularly used Facebook and other social media platforms (as well as more traditional outlets) to incite violence and glorify acts of terrorism.Argentinian activist to stand trial over anti-Semitism allegations
Lamble closes the item:
“Well at the moment it seems like Facebook are walking a very thin tightrope of neutrality but they’re trying to please everyone. They’re meeting with the Israeli government to show that they’re listening to their concerns and they’ve also told us they want Palestinians to know their voices will be as safe on Facebook as every other community. It obviously depends where you stand on the political spectrum when deciding whether that’s a successful balancing act.”
Clearly this item once again does little to help BBC audiences understand the gravity of the issue of Palestinian incitement and indeed actively hinders that aim by misleadingly presenting the subject as being about “narrative” and portraying efforts to combat the spread of incitement as “bias”. It does however provide amplification for a campaign run by some Palestinians (apparently with connections to terror groups and ideologies which BBC Trending was obviously not interested in investigating) which is clearly designed to hamper Facebook’s efforts to clamp down on the incitement that they and others have long spread unhindered.
Argentinean activist and politician Luis D’Elia is set to stand trial for allegedly inciting hatred and discrimination against Jews, Federal Judge Luis Rodriguez announced Tuesday.South Florida synagogue vandalized before Rosh Hashanah
Two years ago, Rodriguez indicted D’Elia for discrimination over remarks he made in 2011 about brothers Sergio and Pablo Schoklender. According to the judge, D’Elia disseminated ideas that could encourage or incite hatred or persecution of the Jewish community in Argentina, via his radio show and his Twitter account.
Rodriguez evoked article 3 of a law prohibiting acts of discrimination in which people “participate in an organization or carry out propaganda based on ideas or theories of superiority of a race or a group of people of a certain religion, ethnic origin or color, aimed at justifying or promoting racial or religious discrimination in any form.”
In a radio interview, D’Elia commented on a court case involving Sergio Schoklender, the former financial adviser for the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo association, who had been indicted along with several colleagues for alleged embezzlement of public funds meant for a low-income housing project. The Schoklender brothers were jailed for murdering their parents in 1981, but were later released from prison and joined the association.
A South Florida synagogue was vandalized ahead of the Rosh Hashanah holiday.Ethiopian immigration to Israel resuming after 3-year freeze
The sign of the Chabad of Parkland was spray-painted with "Free Palestine," and words described as "offensive expletives" were spray-painted on the building, according to reports.
“This is highly disturbing, being that it is Rosh Hashanah, to know that there are people out there trying to intimidate the Jewish community,” Rabbi Shuey Biston told WSVN-TV in Miami.
Another rabbi, Mendy Gudnick, said: “This is the holiest time of the year. This is the Jewish New Year and so people are thinking about going to synagogue who don’t usually come to pray, and it gives them a little pause,”
Graffiti also appeared in other areas of Parkland, according to reports.
The number 12 also was spray-painted near some of the graffiti, a reference to part of an anti-law enforcement slogan. Chabad recently hosted a police appreciation breakfast. In addition, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel is a member of the congregation; he is taking part in the investigation.
The first group of Ethiopian Jews to move to Israel after waiting for three years will arrive at Ben Gurion International Airport on Sunday evening, almost a year after the government approved the immigration of 9,000 Jews still left in Ethiopia.Bruce Springsteen: I really need to play in Israel
The 78 immigrants who will be on the flight were first approved by the Interior Ministry in 2013 but never came due to lack of budget for their absorption, which includes housing allowances for at least two years and apartment grants.
“The tickets are bought, the absorption centers are ready, and we’re going to welcome them with open arms on Sunday,” said Nimrod Sabbah, a spokesman for Likud MK David Amsalem.
“The people waiting for them at the airport, you’ll see, are soldiers and people who have served Israel, they have been waiting for years and years for their families,” he said. “It pains me to say this, but if they were blond with blue eyes they would have been here ages ago. But they’re black, and the government of Israel is behaving with deep racism towards them.”
The move comes as Ethiopia is dealing with widespread violent anti-government protests, the most significant civil unrest in decades, centered in the Oromo and Amhara regions. Gondar, which is home to approximately 6,000 of the 9,000 Jews still left in Ethiopia, is located in the Amhara region.
Lifelong Springsteen fan Amy Kalman, a mother of four who moved to Jerusalem from Toronto in the early 1980s, told The Times of Israel on Thursday that she had flown in just for the day from Israel for the rare opportunity to get a few seconds of one-on-one time with Springsteen at the signing.E-commerce giant eBay inks $30M acquisition of Israel's Corrigon
She happened to be online when the 2,000 free tickets to meet Springsteen at the store were made available, and decided to make the trip.
Each of the lucky 2,000 purchased a copy of his book pre-signed by Springsteen and got to pose for a photo with him and talk with him very briefly. Kalman decided she would use her moment to ask Springsteen to play a show in Israel.
“When we met, I said to him, ‘I just want you to know that I’ve flown in for the day from Israel,'” Kalman told The Times of Israel.
“And he said, ‘Well, that gets a hug.'”
Kalman went on: “I’d been thinking on the plane about, how could I say to him, nu, play in Israel already. But I didn’t get to say any of that because he immediately said, ‘I really need to play there.'”
“And I said, ‘Yes, you really do!'”
Then, Kalman said, she told Springsteen, “Thank you for sharing your hopes and dreams, music and love with so many people. And he said, ‘Thank you, I appreciate that.’ And by then, my time was over. I’d had my moment.”
Multinational e-commerce giant eBay on Wednesday announced it has finalized the acquisition of Israeli visual search technologies developer Corrigon for an estimated $30 million.Israeli scientists announce possible Alzheimer’s breakthrough
The Tel Aviv-based Corrigon is eBay's second acquisition of an Israeli company in 2016: In July, the company announced it had finalized the purchase of SalesPredict, which leverages advanced analytics to predict customer buying and sales patterns, for a reported $40 million.
Corrigon was founded in 2008 by Avinoam Omer and Einav Itamar. Prior to Corrigon, Omer founded Zoomix, which develops machine learning technology for data quality and master data management. Zoomix was acquired by Microsoft in 2008.
"As we continue to evolve the eBay shopping experience, Corrigon's technology and expertise will help buyers find the best results when shopping on eBay through experiences that were not possible a year ago, before our investments in structured data," Amit Menipaz, vice president and general manager of structured data at eBay said in a statement posted on eBay.
"Corrigon represents eBay's third acquisition in the structured data space this year, further underscoring our commitment to powering deeper inventory insights for our sellers and compelling new user experiences for our buyers."
Scientists from Tel Aviv University believe they have made a breakthrough that could help treat Alzheimer’s disease, the university said Wednesday.Coming soon: My Name is Israel, a DIY exhibition on Israeli aid
Researchers lead by Professor Daniel M. Michaelson managed to change the nature of the APOE gene in mice, which has been associated with the debilitating, neuro-degenerative disease.
The gene has a healthy form called APOE3 and a disease-related form APOE4, which is found in 60 percent of sufferers.
“Researchers have developed a novel mechanism and approach with which to convert the “bad” APOE4 to the “good” APOE3,” a statement from the university said.
The results of the study, which was jointly conducted by the university and the commercial company Artery Ltd., based in California, was published last month in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.
“APOE4 is a very important and understudied target,” Michaelson said, but noted that this was only one dimension of attempts to find a cure for the disease. “Is there really a magic bullet? One treatment that covers all aspects of Alzheimer’s? Not likely,” he said.
Over the last 14 years, we at ISRAEL21c have written extensively about Israeli humanitarian aid around the world. Month after month, year after year, we’ve bought you some of the most incredible stories of how a tiny nation with a population of just 8.5 million people has saved and enriched lives all over the planet.
Since it was founded in 1948, Israel has sent aid to 140 countries, helping people on virtually every continent with anything from emergency medical aid to psychological counselling, educational and environmental relief.
And yet very few people know about it.
Now we have brought these stories together in a remarkable online exhibition, My Name is Israel, which you can use and share wherever you want.
The exhibition, which launches next week, is a powerful account of some of the most moving stories of Israeli aid overseas. It follows in the footsteps of our first wildly successful exhibition, 18 Ways Israel is Changing the World, which went on exhibit in hundreds of locations around the world.
In My Name is Israel, we tell the story of the maid pulled out of the rubble by Israeli rescuers five days after a catastrophic earthquake devastated Nepal; the 16-month-old Afghani refugee who was brought to Israel for lifesaving heart surgery; the Syrian girl treated for cancer at a Haifa hospital; and the Israeli doctor who has devoted his career to helping eradicate parasitic infections in Africa.
