Friday, June 24, 2016

  • Friday, June 24, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Metro Market Facebook page, celebrating Ramadan at that Gaza mall.

Previous articles on this market here and here where we showed many Israeli products prominently advertised by that mall - including Sabra hummus!

(h/t David H)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Friday, June 24, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
It is 24 hours after Abbas' blood libel speech at the EU parliament.

It was widely reported - Reuters and the New York Times both featured his lies in their articles. Even Al Arabiya's coverage noted that there was no evidence for the claim.

Yet the only groups that have condemned it so far are groups that are explicitly Zionist to begin with. (Or they claim to be, in J-Street's case, even though that group seems to have ignored Abbas' many previous statements that are nearly as inflammatory and false.)

The EU parliament gave Abbas a a 30-second standing ovation after the speech. European Parliament President Martin Schulz welcomed him by saying, “Your presence here today, the day after President Rivlin delivered his address, sends a strong signal that the will to achieve a lasting peace between Israel and Palestine is still alive." But he has been silent since then.

The State Department spokesperson surreally talked about the incident but didn't come close to condemning it.

QUESTION: Are you familiar with the comments – the part of his speech in which he said that there were some rabbis who were wanting to poison Palestinian water?
MR KIRBY: I’ve seen the comments. I can’t confirm the veracity of that.
QUESTION: You can’t – I’m not asking you to confirm it. I’m asking you what you think of it.
MR KIRBY: Well, look, I mean --
QUESTION: I mean, is this the kind of – is this the kind of language that you guys want coming from someone who says that he’s a partner for peace and wants to negotiate, and then he accuses the other side of trying to poison his people?
MR KIRBY: We’ve been – without speaking to specific comments, as you know I’m not wont to do, we have been very clear – the Secretary’s been clear about our concerns about inflammatory rhetoric and incitement and --
QUESTION: Well, this is before the EU parliament. What --
MR KIRBY: Again, we want – here’s how I’d put it, Matt: We --
QUESTION: You don’t think it’s --
MR KIRBY: As we’ve said before, we --
QUESTION: You don’t think it might be true, do you?
MR KIRBY: I – again, I’ve seen nothing to indicate the truth of that. But we have long said what we want is for both sides to ratchet down not just the violence but the rhetoric, which can inflame some of the violence. And we just don’t find that sort of rhetoric helpful.
Oh, accusing Jews of poisoning the wells is not "helpful" and is an opportunity for both sides to ratchet down the rhetoric. Thanks for those strong words from Israel's best friend.

The fact is that while diplomats routinely and forcefully condemn Israel for actions that their own states are far more guilty of, there is nothing but praise for Mahmoud Abbas as he spouts his lies and incitement (Unbelievably, Abbas even began the speech saying that he is against incitement.)

The double standards cannot be clearer. And while they would deny this up and down, it is hard to construe the lack of reaction to this as anything other than an attempt to paper it over because the lie of Abbas as a peacemaker is too strong to be overcome by pesky facts.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

  • Thursday, June 23, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today, Mahmoud Abbas accused rabbis in Israel of encouraging their flock to poison Palestinian water supplies.

And the EU members applauded.

It is not exactly the first time that Abbas and the PA have made wild antisemitic accusations. Yet the ardor that the West shows for Abbas continues unabated.

Here are only three examples, in cartoon form, showing that Abbas can literally say anything and be respected as a man of peace.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Obama’s Humiliating Terror Blinders
Attorney General Loretta Lynch thinks you’re stupid. Or, at least, her boss does.
According to CBS News justice reporter Paula Reid, the Department of Justice is trying to shift the national conversation surrounding the massacre at an Orlando gay club “more to hate and not just terrorism.” The layperson may see only a modest distinction between “hate” and “terrorism.” The latter is generally a violent expression of the former. For the Obama administration, there is a world of difference in the two concepts—the foremost being that the White House can’t be directly blamed for increased incidents of hate.
“I cannot tell you definitely that we will ever narrow it down to one motivation,” Lynch told reporters while expounding on a litany of reasons why a disturbed and violent individual may go on a rampage. “This was clearly an act of terror and an act of hate.” CBS appropriately headlined the attorney general’s attempt at obfuscation “a motive may never be known.” Well, the attorney general’s motives are surely known.
The DOJ sacrificed all plausible deniability that it was not trying to confuse the public about the Orlando shooter’s true motives when they thought it prudent to omit the shooter’s references to the Islamic State in a transcript of the 911 call in which he confessed to his crime.
“In the name of God the Merciful, the beneficent,” said Omar Mateen on the night of his rampage. “I pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi may God protect him [said in Arabic], on behalf of the Islamic State.”
It is an act of extraordinary hubris to dismiss what this self-styled ISIS militant has said and impose upon him some other series of motives that complicate the story. Surely, Lynch would prefer we be talking about “hate” and the supposedly elusive definition of Islamist terror rather than her announcement that the FBI has apparently lost track of Mateen’s wife, who was almost certainly an accomplice in this murder.
Tarek Fatah: Whitewashing Islamist Terror
Almost 10 years ago, Maclean's magazine published an essay by Mark Steyn, titled "The future belongs to Islam." In it, he suggested, "the West is growing old and enfeebled, and lacks the will to rebuff those who would supplant it."
It was an extract from Steyn's then best-selling book America Alone, where he concluded, "It's the end of the world as we've known it." Steyn wrote:
We are witnessing the end of the late 20th-century progressive welfare democracy. The children and grandchildren of those fascists and republicans who waged a bitter civil war for the future of Spain now shrug when a bunch of foreigners blow up their capital. Too sedated even to sue for terms, they capitulate instantly.
There was an outcry among Canada's Islamists, who took Steyn and Maclean's to the Ontario and British Columbia Human Rights Commissions. My fellow Sun columnist, Farzana Hassan, and I wrote a rejoinder in Maclean's titled, "Mark Steyn has a right to be wrong."
Today, I recognize, Steyn was right and I was wrong.
If there were any doubts the West is abdicating its responsibility to stand up for Western values, the amateur attempts by the FBI to cover up the Islamist nature of the Orlando attack removed them.
President Barack Obama and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton deflected attention from the obvious Islamic nature of the terrorism to a debate about gun control.
An FBI spokesman did the same when he downplayed the role of Islamism in the attack, editorializing that the killer, "does not represent the religion of Islam, but a perverted view, which based on what we know today, was inspired by extremist killers."
No Way to Treat a child. Again, J Street finds itself on the wrong side
Ever the optimists, American Muslims for Palestine has proudly proclaimed that 20 of the 535 members of Congress have signed onto a letter filled with spurious accusations against Israel.
Twenty of of 535 Congressional Representatives. Just under 4%. The signers are listed below.
The letter, introduced by Betty McCollum, a Democrat from Minnesota asks "Does a life of utter hopelessness...directly contribute to the violence?" She's asking the wrong question.
The rampant abuse of Palestinians children by those responsible for their very safety- their parents and their government- goes unmentioned in the McCollum letter.
There is no mention of Hamas run summer camps, that teach soldiering skills to children as young as 12.

Today's example of blatant antisemitism in Arab newspapers comes from Al Jarida in Kuwait, which headlines an article "Jews: Top Terrorists."

In case you think this is about "Zionists," the photograph should set you straight:

The article goes through history to "prove" that Jews have been the ultimate and original terrorists, going back to the times of Joshua up until today's ISIS terrorism which is of course, we are told, connected to Jews.

The article starts its proofs by quoting a Midrash that "the Book and the sword descended from Heaven entwined together." This is proof, to the author, that violence is inherent in Judaism. (The point of the midrash is that the Book is meant to conquer the Sword, or alternatively if the Jews didn't accept the Book, then the Jews will be punished with the sword.)

We then learn that the Talmud identified terrorism as a legitimate tool to get what Jews demand.

Jews are identified as anti-Roman terrorists as well. The Jews who committed suicide at Masada were anti-Roman terrorists as well, and since the legend says that they first killed the women and children before killing themselves then this is more proof of their terrorism. When the IDF sends soldiers to Masada, according to the article, it is to imbue them with this tradition of Jewish terrorism.

See? It is all so obvious!

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Thursday, June 23, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon

 Vic Rosenthal's Weekly Column

This happened on Tuesday: Palestinian terrorists spilled oil on highway 443 between Jerusalem and Modi’in and threw rocks and firebombs at passing vehicles, as they do on a regular basis. The IDF responded and opened fire at what they thought were the terrorists, killing one Palestinian teenager and wounding two others. Although all the facts aren’t available as I write this, it appears that the soldiers were mistaken about their target, and the people they shot were innocent.

Palestinians are understandably enraged, but it’s also understandable that an Israeli might ask, “what do they expect?” Every day they try and sometimes succeed to kill Jews with their rocks and firebombs, their cars and knives, and sometimes their guns and explosives. Of course we are going to fight back, and mistakes happen.

But how did we get here, to the point that our peoples are killing each other?

The Arabs and their supporters will tell you “nakba, occupation, blah blah.” That isn’t true. It is a rationalization but it is not an explanation. Here is the explanation in two words: 

The PLO.

In 1979, I drove with my wife and two-year old son from Jerusalem to Afula. I took route 60, through Samaria. Today I doubt that we would survive that trip, but when we got lost near Shechem (Nablus), local Arabs gave us directions to get back on the right road. They treated us like guests. 

Later, during the first Lebanon war, I had a conversation with an Arab from Abu Ghosh, a town that had chosen to be loyal to Israel in 1948. What is the solution? I asked him. We need a state of our own, he said, but not run by the PLO. They are killers and they don’t care about Arabs either.

The PLO was created in 1964 by the Arab league as a club to beat Israel with. It was taken over by Yasser Arafat’s Fatah faction in 1967. Its policy has always been to ‘liberate Palestine by armed struggle’ (although Arafat claimed during the Oslo period to have changed the PLO charter, this was not actually done). 

The PLO was funded and armed by the Soviet Union and carried out numerous terrorist actions against Israel during the 1970s, including the massacre of the Olympic athletes in 1972, the Ma’alot massacre in 1974, the Coastal Road massacre of 1978, and many more. The IDF invaded Lebanon in 1982 in order to eliminate the PLO, and at the end of the war had the PLO fighters and leadership trapped in Beirut. But a European/American brokered agreement allowed them to escape. French Foreign Legion troops and US Marines escorted Arafat onto a ship, and the PLO reestablished its headquarters in Tunis. Ariel Sharon later said that one of the things he most regretted was not killing Arafat when he had the chance.

Although it perpetrated a few terror attacks from Tunis (notably the Achille Lauro hijacking in 1985), the PLO became more and more irrelevant in exile. But in 1993, Israel made the greatest political mistake in its history and signed the Oslo Accords, breathing life back into the PLO.

In January 1993 the PLO was outlawed in Israel and it was even illegal for an Israeli to meet with PLO representatives. But Yossi Beilin, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs under Shimon Peres, began secret negotiations with the PLO without informing the Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin. Rabin only found out about the meetings in May, and although his conception of an acceptable deal with the Palestinians was very different than that of Peres and Beilin, he had no choice but to embrace the negotiations, especially once the Americans became involved.

The Oslo accords recognized the PLO as the representative of the Palestinians, brought the execrable Arafat and his gangsters back to Israel (first to Gaza and later to Ramallah) and created the Palestinian Authority, a pseudo-government for the territories, run by the PLO.

Arafat immediately proceeded to kill or expel his enemies – including anyone who did not agree with the PLO program to destroy the Jewish state – and to turn the Palestinian Authority into a massive machine, fueled by money from the US, EU and Israel, to train future soldiers and martyrs for the Palestinian cause.

The PA did nothing for ordinary Arabs, stealing literally billions in international aid to enrich PLO big shots. It did not create the infrastructure for a future state. 

The PLO has always been ideologically flexible. It was Arab nationalist while its patrons were Egypt and Syria, Marxist when it needed Soviet aid, and today it is pleased to incite Muslims to murder over the alleged plans of Israel to destroy the al-Aqsa mosque. It even pretends to be interested in building a Western-style democracy to impress the Americans. 

But the one aspect of its ideology that has always been the same is its commitment to violently ‘liberating’ Palestine from the Jews, and it has turned all of its institutions to this purpose: schools and universities, mosques, media, arts, literature, sport. All of them focus on teaching the lesson that all the land from the river to the sea is ‘Palestinian’, and the Jews have no claim on any of it. 

Israel does not appear on their maps, and they name public squares, schools and sports teams after ‘martyrs’ who have died killing Jews. Their TV programs for children encourage young people to die for the cause, while their adult fare repeats blood libels against Jews from the Middle Ages. Although the PLO under Arafat and now Abbas has promised since the early days of Oslo to stop incitement against Jews and Israel, it has never taken even the smallest step to do so. 

The PLO created the generation that goes out every day hoping to kill, and left us no choice but to send armed soldiers against them. The PLO made the bloody world that Israelis and Palestinians are living in today.

But apparently neither side has learned the lesson of the last two decades. The Palestinians have not learned that terrorism will not make us leave, but will only cause us to take stronger and stronger measures to protect ourselves.

And the Israelis? Well, a few days ago it was revealed that Yitzhak Herzog, head of the Labor Party (I can’t bring myself to call it the ‘Zionist Union’), following in the treasonous footsteps of Yossi Beilin and Shimon Peres, carried on secret negotiations with Mahmoud Abbas, and proposed a deal in which Israel would transfer all but 4% of Judea and Samaria to the PA/PLO, divide Jerusalem, give the Arabs sovereignty on the Temple Mount, and (my favorite part) ‘fight terrorism’ with a combined force of Israelis, Palestinians and Jordanians! Luckily, Herzog lost the election, and recent polls show that the Labor Party is at a historic low in voter approval. 

All this is a tragedy. Jews and Arabs can live, if not together, at least in proximity. But not if the Palestinian leadership will continue to be the eliminationist PLO. And certainly not if Israel continues to support and empower the PLO, instead of crushing it for once and for all.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

If occupation ends, so will terror worldwide, Abbas tells EU
In an appeal to the European Union on reaching a two-state solution to the conflict with Israel, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday said an end to Israeli presence in the West Bank and East Jerusalem would eradicate terrorism across the globe.
Speaking to European Parliament lawmakers, Abbas also underscored Ramallah’s support for a two-state solution as outlined in the current French peace plan and the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative, and pleaded with EU lawmakers to save Palestinians from Israeli “provocations,” including what he said were calls by rabbis to poison Palestinians’ water — repeating a hoax story.
“We are against terrorism, in whatever form it may take, and whoever carries it out,” Abbas told members of the European Parliament to a resounding applause.
“Once the occupation ends, terrorism will disappear, there will be no more terrorism in the Middle East, or anywhere else in the world,” he said.
IsraellyCool: Breaking: Mahmoud Abbas Repeats & Embellishes Water Blood Libel In Speech To EU Parliament
A few days ago, I posted about a blood libel originating with the PLO: that a prominent Rabbi had issued a religious decree “allowing Israeli settlers in the West Bank to poison Palestinian water sources in Palestinian towns.”
I thoroughly debunked the blood libel, prompting anti-Israel douchebloggerTM Richard Silverstein to accuse me of inventing it to begin with.
Well now further confirmation this originated with the PLO, with none other than Mahmoud Abbas raising it in a speech to the EU parliament within the last hour.
Based on an auto-translation:
During a speech before the European Parliament ..
Abbas: a week ago, a number of rabbis have declared poisoning the water in order to kill the Palestinians. Is this not incitement?

So now, not only is he repeating the libel, but is now claiming more than one Rabbi has made the decree.

The Peace Process Enabled Hate
The bottom line is that, after more than two decades of PA indoctrination, Palestinians who have been living under Palestinian civilian control are far more anti-Israel and less willing to compromise than they were in 1986, and also than their peers who spent those decades under Israeli civilian control. Nor is that surprising when you examine what the PA teaches its children.
Earlier this month, IMPACT-SE released its latest study of Palestinian schoolbooks. Inter alia, it found, maps generally omit Israel, and even pre-1967 Israel is referred to as land under Israeli “occupation.” Jewish history in the Holy Land isn’t merely ignored, but actively erased: In one egregious example, the Jerusalem Post reported, “Hebrew letters are removed from a trilingual stamp from the British Mandate period.” Some books even actively promote jihad, like this line from an eighth-grade text: “Oh brother, the oppressors have exceeded all bounds and jihad and sacrifice are necessary.”
Last year, Palestinian Media Watch released its own study of Palestinian hate education, which noted that at least 25 schools are named for Palestinian terrorists, whom students are actively encouraged to view as role models. In a film shown on official PA television, for instance, one student at a school named for Dalal Mughrabi–perpetrator of the deadliest terror attack in Israel’s history–said her “life’s ambition is to reach the level that the martyr fighter Dalal Mughrabi reached,” the Jerusalem Post reported.
Another clip from televised news in the PA showed a boy saying he learned in school to “fight the Jews, kill them and defeat them,” and another told children that Jews are “Satan with a tail.”
The report also contains chapters on incitement in Palestinian textbooks, educational materials glorifying Hitler, and the PA policy of blocking joint peace-building activities between Palestinian and Israeli children.

Moreover, what children learn in school is reinforced by nonstop incitement from PA officials and the PA-controlled media. Just this week, for instance, the PA Foreign Ministry accused a nonexistent Israeli rabbi of urging his followers to poison Palestinian wells, a libel PA President Mahmoud Abbas repeated in his speech to the European Parliament on Thursday. Also this week, the official PA television station broadcast a Ramadan program telling viewers that Nazareth, Haifa, Jaffa, and Acre–all cities in pre-1967 Israel–are part of “holy Palestine which is a waqf [Islamic trust]. Therefore it is forbidden to relinquish a single grain of its soil.” Last week, the PA education minister visited a school to “honor” the “martyr” who murdered an Israeli policewoman in February.

  • Thursday, June 23, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon

From the Berkeley Center for Race & Gender:
The UC Berkeley Center for Race & Gender is excited to announce the release of our third collaborative research report with The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) entitled, Confronting Fear: Islamophobia and its Impact in the United States.

The report has already been written up in The Guardian and probably elsewhere. It says that over $200 million was "accessible" over a five year period by groups dedicated to promoting hate for Muslims.

It lists a series of groups that it identifies as Islamophobic, both an "inner core" of hardcore Islamophobes and an "outer core" of supporting organizations to Islamophobia.

But it doesn't really describe how it categorized these groups to begin with.

For example, it describes MEMRI as one of its "Inner Core" of Muslim haters. Here's why:
On its website, MEMRI claims to “bridge the language gap between the West and the Middle East” by translating Arabic, Persian, Urdu, and other languages into English. Their translations have been widely criticized for inaccuracy and inflammatory misrepresentation.

How about another "Inner Core" group, the Middle East Forum?

According to its website, the Middle East Forum “works to define and promote American interests in the Middle East and protect Western values from Middle Eastern threats.” The group’s founder and director is Daniel Pipes, known as the grandfather of Islamophobia in the United States.
But Pipes says, over and over again, that moderate Islam is the solution to extremism. I have never seen anything inaccurate at MEF.

CAIR is offended at criticisms of terrorists and their enablers. And Berkeley's CRG accepts, without question, CAIR's criticisms.

But are those criticisms valid? Not at all. In these cases, the report accepts Muslim outrage at the truth as prima facie evidence of "Islamophobia."

The "Outer Core" includes outlets like Fox News and National Review, based on occasional comments or editorials that they deem "Islamophobic."

In other words, this 89 page report has no methodology to back up for its main accusations. If one is going to label an organization as "Islamophobic" one would need some actual evidence - what percentage of its articles attack Islam and Muslims in general, as opposed to radicals and extremists? Does it ever praise moderate Islam and Muslims?

The report claims that it is not against legitimate criticism of Islam:
Caveat: Questioning Islam or Muslims is Not Islamophobia It is not appropriate to label all, or even the majority, of those who question Islam and Muslims as Islamophobes. Equally, it is not Islamophobic to denounce crimes committed by individual Muslims or those citing Islam as a motivation for their actions.
But it gives no proof that (at least some of) the groups it calls out is doing anything other than legitimate criticism.

One of the main accusations that CAIR and others have against Zionists is that they use the charge of antisemitism too freely, and they use it as a club to shut down any criticism of Israel. But this is exactly what CAIR and Berkeley's CRG are doing, by defining at least some legitimate critics of radical Islam as haters - and therefore convincing people not to accept any valid criticism of today's Islamic world.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Thursday, June 23, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
It took a couple of days but the Arab media have noticed that Mahmoud Abbas gave a gift of a Zionist newspaper to King Salman.

Shehab News Agency writes:

In a resounding slap to the face of the to the heritage and history of the Palestinian people, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas gifted Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz with a souvenir, a historic image of the first Zionist newspaper in Palestine "Palestine Post."

Abbas giving a copy of that paper to the Saudi king shows the level of the decline happening in Palestinian diplomacy, as try to change history and shun Palestinian heritage.

Who told Abbas to offer this scandalous gift? And how did it come about? How could he give a Zionist newspaper that has always aired its poison against our people?
This is going to get good.

As far as the answer to the question of Abbas shunning Palestinian heritage, well, it is not exactly the first time Palestinians have been forced to co-opt British and Jewish institutions as "Palestinian." After all, they didn't consider themselves "Palestinian" until well after the British Mandate of Palestine ended.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Thursday, June 23, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon

From a press conference with Mahmoud Abbas and EU High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini:
We will also encourage different Palestinian factions to bring the ongoing reconciliation efforts to positive results on the basis of democracy and PLO principles and I know that President Abbas is personally very much committed to that.
What exactly are the "PLO principles"?

Whatever they are, they must be important. Mogherini was not the first to invoke this formula.

In January, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon "urged the Palestinian factions to advance unity on the basis of democracy and Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) principles."

In February, the Quartet said "genuine Palestinian unity, on the basis of democracy and the PLO principles, is essential to reuniting Gaza and the West Bank under one legitimate, democratic Palestinian authority."

I cannot find a listing of the PLO principles on any PLO website - not their UN website, not their Negotiations Affairs site, not in the official PLO website.

The only principles I can find are the ones in the 1968 PLO Charter that supports terror and demands that Israel be destroyed - and which had never been modified.

Plus the principles in the 1974 Phased Plan which included this part which is entirely consistent with how the PLO and PA acts now: "Any step taken towards liberation is a step towards the realization of the Liberation Organization's strategy of establishing the democratic Palestinian state specified in the resolutions of previous Palestinian National Councils" - meaning a step towards Israel's destruction.

If you want to find something more recent, perhaps the Draft Constitution of 2001 includes some principles. For example, this principle that effectively denies Jews the right to visit holy places because Jews just naturally disturb public order by breathing:
The freedom to practice religion and arrive to places of worship shall be guaranteed insofar as it does not disturb the public order or defame monotheistic religion.
(To be fair, they toned this down in the 2003 draft, which says "The state shall guarantee access to holy places that are subject to its sovereignty within the framework of law." - so what is the law? "the law shall regulate [the police] role in the service of the people, defense of the society, and vigilance in preserving security, public order, and public morals." Put them together and you get the 2001 statement.)

So exactly what are the PLO Principles of today? Shouldn't someone ask the EU, the UN and the Quartet since it is so obvious to them?

(h/t Irene)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

  • Wednesday, June 22, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Disqus:

User blocking provides commenters with the ability to manage who they interact with on Disqus and better self-moderate in your community. Empowering commenters to shape their individual discussion experience, this decreases the reliance on site moderators to keep discussions civil.
Blocking someone removes their activity from your experience across the network. This means that you’ll no longer get notifications from them via email or in your Disqus Inbox, nor will you see discussions or comments by them in your Home feed or on discussion threads.

So now you can ignore the trolls across Disqus.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Isi Leibler: Jews and Israel in a threatened, leaderless and delusional world
The painful lesson of the Orlando massacre is that no place in the world is immune to fanatical religious extremists willing to kill themselves to achieve heavenly salvation.
The Western world is floundering in its pathetic efforts to confront the demonic global forces threatening to plunge it back into the Dark Ages.
Its failure is largely due to the inability of democratic countries to face reality and devise a united strategy to vanquish these Islamic fundamentalist terrorists. Instead, Western leaders bury their heads in the sand and cravenly resort to policies of appeasement, even though there is not a single recorded historical instance in which a millennial terrorist force has modified its behavior in response to such an approach.
Europe, where major cities are suffering suicide attacks from crazed imported and home-grown Muslim terrorists, is now perversely absorbing millions of additional migrants from the Middle East killing fields – migrants ironically rejected by Islamic countries as security risks. The demography of Europe is being permanently altered but any rational discussion of the subject is immediately condemned as Islamophobic.
Contrary to all evidence, most West European governments continue to blame the Israeli-Palestinian impasse as the principle factor inflaming Islamic terrorism. Currently, the French government – France’s Muslim population is estimated to be over 15 percent and expanding dramatically – chooses to ignore the ongoing mayhem in the region and instead seeks to force Israel to retreat to the indefensible 1949 armistice lines.
Much of the current breakdown can be attributed to the influence of US President Barack Obama and the policies he initiated. His overriding objective was to build a bridge between the US and global Islam, and to this end he has fawned on leaders of rogue Islamic states and humiliated Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a low-level adversary rather than treating him as an ally.
Pro-settlement NGO urges Brexit over EU’s West Bank policies
An Israeli pro-settlement group is campaigning for Britain to leave the EU, to punish Europe for what it says is the continent’s pro-Palestinian stance, one of its officials said on Sunday.
Regavim is a right-wing NGO that supports Jewish settlements in the West Bank.
Its campaign includes a mock video of a masked Palestinian terrorist purportedly from the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip urging UK citizens to remain in the European Union because it supports the Palestinians.
Meir Deutsch, director of policy and government relations for Regavim, said the NGO wanted to harm the EU over its “intervention in the internal conflict here between Israel and the Palestinians.”
The EU has helped finance various projects in the West Bank and Israel has regularly demolished those it considers illegal. The cash-strapped Palestinian Authority also receives financial assistance from the EU.
The mock video posted by Regavim on its campaign website shows masked terrorists with the logo of Hamas’ armed wing, the Izz a-Din al-Qassam Brigades, and in the background a line in English that reads: “Hamas wants UK to stay in the EU.”
Hamas wants UK to stay in the EU (satire)


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