Monday, September 09, 2013

  • Monday, September 09, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Arabiya:
A Saudi businessman has sold a goat for an unprecedented price of $3 million, according to news reports on Monday.

Local newspaper Okaz reported that the sale of the animal for 13 million Saudi riyals ($3.46 million) caused a stir on social media.

Websites have published images of the multimillion-goat and the cheque that sealed the deal.

Experts interested in goat trading said the animal had unique features and is a rare breed, according to the report.
Believe it or not, this is not the most expensive animal ever sold. Not by a long shot. A racehorse named Green Monkey, who had great genes, was sold for $16 million in 2006. It only made $10,000 in its career.
  • Monday, September 09, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
This article from UNHCR bends over backwards not to blame Arab and Muslim countries for their horrendous treatment of Palestinian refugees from Syria, but the facts are all there.

NEW DELHI, India, August 30 (UNHCR) – "The Sunny Side of Life", beam the tourism ads for the Maldives, a tropical island in the Indian Ocean. That tagline has come true for one Palestinian refugee family, who found hope for their future on these islands after 10 months of life on the run.

Last October, Ubaid*, 49, fled Syria with his wife and two little daughters. "I thought the revolution would end and we would get victory. But there was no change, the killings increased and everything became expensive. There was no life for my children, they were living in fear," he said of the civil conflict that has driven nearly 2 million people out of the country – 1 million of them children.

The family fled first to Egypt, then to Libya, before arriving in Dubai, where Ubaid's brother lived. They later tried to fly to Europe to join relatives there. But due to irregular documentation, they were stopped from boarding the flight. Barred from re-entering Dubai and faced with the threat of deportation to Syria, on 10 July they instead chose to go to the Maldives, where the tourist-friendly authorities allow visas on arrival. But yet again their travel documents posed problems, and the Maldivian authorities detained them at the airport in the capital, Male.

The fact the Maldives, the smallest Asian country in population and area, could receive a Palestinian refugee family from Syria was itself unprecedented. This was complicated by the Maldives not being a signatory to the 1951 UN Convention on the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol and lacking experience in dealing with asylum-seekers and refugees.

"Once we heard about this family, we contacted the Maldivian authorities and dispatched a mission to Male to meet the family with the help of UN colleagues based there," recounted Dominik Bartsch, UNHCR's Chief of Mission in India, whose office also covers the Maldives without a permanent presence there.

The government of the Maldives granted UNHCR unimpeded access to the family and after three days of rigorous interviews, UNHCR New Delhi recognized the family as refugees and submitted their case to the Swedish government for possible resettlement in Sweden.

As they awaited a decision, Ubaid and his family were housed close to the airport. The girls were given toys to play with and could watch cartoons on a TV in the lobby. However, they could not leave the building, and greatly missed the fresh air and freedom of movement. It was hard for the parents to keep the girls in the confines of the room as the days went by. Once UNHCR's mission had returned to New Delhi, the UN Resident Coordinator on the Maldives and his Human Rights Advisor continued to provide regular support and comfort to the family.

"I have tried to go to other countries, but it has been impossible," said Ubaid. "Since we are Palestinians, no one accepts us. I can't go back to Egypt or Syria as both are in turmoil. Libya is equally dangerous. I faced harassment every day and once even got close to getting killed."

Sharing his hopes for the future, he added, "I want my daughters to be educated. I want special care for my daughter as she is suffering from Down's syndrome, and all my family live abroad."

Their hopes were answered when Sweden accepted them for resettlement. The family left Male last Monday evening and arrived in Stockholm the following day.

"I'm sure the girls will now have plenty of sunshine and fresh air to play in, thanks to the wonderful support from the Maldives, Sweden, and UN colleagues in the Maldives," said a delighted Bartsch.

Sweden and Germany have received the majority of asylum claims from Syria for the entire European Union. UNHCR has urged more countries to help Syria's neighbours shoulder the burden and offer asylum or resettlement.

* Name changed for protection reasons

Notice how hard the UNHCR tries to eliminate the refugee status of just one Palestinian Arab family, while UNRWA does everything it can to perpetuate their refugee status forever.

See also this post from 2008, "The second-most hated people in the Middle East." We've seen this show before - when Palestinian Arabs were fleeing Iraq and Arab countries refused to allow them to enter - and even fought against their becoming citizens of non-Arab states!

(h/t Irene)

  • Monday, September 09, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
There is a very nice article in the Jerusalem Report by Tibor Krausz about pro-Israel bloggers, including me, IsraellyCool, Arnold Roth and Richard Landes. Here's the PDF (including some of my cartoons.)

Here are the parts that mention me, but read the whole thing.
Pro-Israel bloggers clearly have their work cut out for them, but that doesn’t faze perhaps the most influential one of them. “We definitely make a difference,” insists the New York-based IT professional who goes by the cyberspace nom de guerre of Elder of Ziyon and enjoys regular attention from mainstream media outlets for his investigative scoops.

Elder, who chose his pseudonym to poke fun at cockamamie conspiracy theories about Jewish power, began frequenting Yahoo message boards a decade ago to challenge the views and logic of Israel’s garrulous detractors. “Arguing one-on-one with people emotionally invested in hating Israel was a big waste of time,” the blogger, who prefers to remain anonymous and describes himself as a “fairly ordinary middle-aged Jewish guy,” tells The Report. “I looked for alternatives where I could write more freely and expansively for a larger audience.”

So in August 2004, he started his own blog. After a first few tentative steps of simply reposting items from the mainstream media, he soon came into his own as a seemingly indefatigable one-man operation, armed only with a computer, chutzpa and stamina. In several new posts daily, except on Shabbat, the blogger — who reaches some 10,000 readers a day and has many fans far and wide, Israel included — links to the latest articles of interest on the Middle East, parses media reports for inaccuracies and overt biases, provides satirical rebuttals to Israel’s fiercest critics, and highlights the Jewish State’s little-publicized achievements. “It takes up a few hours a day; but then again, that’s less time than most people spend watching TV,” he says.

He spends some of that time digging up archival records about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and perusing damning reports by NGOs and the UN on Israeli policy to verify the credibility of their sources and double-check their conclusions. Recently, after delving into a UN document and poring over photographs of damaged buildings in Gaza, he discovered that two Palestinian children whose deaths had been blamed on Israel during its week-long Operation Pillar of Defense offensive against Hamas militants last November, including the much-publicized death of a local BBC correspondent’s young son, had in fact been killed by Hamas rockets. His findings made the headlines.

“Pro-Israel bloggers have served as a sort of ‘information Iron Dome,’” says Dovid Efune, a British Jew who edits the New York-based weekly The Algemeiner Journal, whose website hosts some 500 Jewish bloggers. “During Israel’s Pillar of Defense, they were at the forefront of exposing and intercepting routine bits of misinformation by Hamas before they could land. Hamas and other anti-Israel actors were routinely releasing pictures of bloodied, maimed or dead children with the aim of whipping up anti-Israel sentiments. In many cases, the pictures [some of which were picked up by the mainstream media] were false, taken from different conflicts or scenarios. Larger news organizations [rarely bother combing through] Twitter feeds or translating Arabic Facebook pages.”

But Elder of Ziyon does. Running regular Google News searches on keywords in Arabic, then turning to his trusted aide, the Google Translate tool, the blogger scours the Arab-language news media for reports and op-eds about Israel, mocking, exploring and deconstructing the foibles of anti-Israel firebrands from Iran’s Press TV to Al Jazeera to the Palestinian news agency, Ma’an.

“At this very moment, I did an Arabic news search for ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,’” he explains. “It came up with five articles. One was from a Baathist website saying the US involvement in Syria is just like the Jewish/Freemason methods detailed in the ‘Protocols’ for taking over the world. The second was from a Jordanian columnist who sees the ‘Protocols’ behind Turkey’s current troubles. The third came from Egypt’s Al Wafd [a supposedly liberal daily], which claims to have uncovered a nefarious plot by the singer Madonna to convert the world to Judaism through [her study of] Kabbala. She’s also of course using the ‘Protocols’ as her playbook. There’s always some good material there!”

In March, the blogger revealed that the Arabic version of the website of MIFTAH, an EU-funded “moderate” NGO headed by prominent Palestinian legislator Hanan Ashrawi, ran an article promoting the old libel that Jews used the blood of Christians and Muslims for their matza at Passover. Cue an international hue and cry. MIFTAH lashed out at the “obscure pro-Israeli” blogger over his “smear campaign” before issuing an apology, in English, a few days later.

“Many pro-Israel bloggers are doing cutting-edge work,” stresses Benjamin Weinthal, a veteran American journalist who is The Jerusalem Post’s correspondent in Berlin. “They’re breaking stories either on their blogs or on social media sites like Twitter.” Weinthal first took notice of Elder’s work in September 2009, when the blogger revealed that Marc Garlasco, an American official for Human Rights Watch and a fierce critic of Israel, turned out, under closer inspection, to be an avid collector of Nazi memorabilia.

“I’ve written several articles based on [revelations by] pro-Israel blogs,” Weinthal says. One of those articles revolved around findings that Vittorio Arrigoni, an Italian activist for the pro-Palestinian International Solidarity Movement who was murdered by Islamists in Gaza in 2011, called Jews “rats” and posted anti-Semitic cartoons on his Facebook page.” He adds: “Bloggers have carved out new territory for themselves by zooming in on stories that remain in the cracks or on the edges of mainstream news coverage. They bring these stories front and center into the mainstream.”

Elder himself downplays his influence. “I’ve been fortunate that some of my posts do bubble up to [the mainstream media] but too much of the stuff we bloggers do stays stuck in our little world,” he remarks.

“My standard reaction [to being labeled a paid propagandist] is: ‘When do I get my check?’” Elder of Ziyon quips. “The idea that we’re ‘well-coordinated’ is itself hilarious. Some [anti-Israel blogger] can, with a single tweet, mobilize thousands of people to create a trending topic on Twitter or to vote in some online poll,” he says. “Our side can’t even figure out how to put together a single site that looks as professional as +972 Magazine [an online publication by the Israeli left].”

He himself uses a plain and free Blogspot template for his site.

“We each have our own ideas on how to relate to Islam, on whether to embrace the two-state solution, on what issues are important,” Elder goes on. “I’m in touch with other bloggers, of course, but there’s no Hasbara Central. We have lots of generals and very few troops.”

...As with journalists, so with bloggers, credibility is an important issue. Operating without any editorial control in the Internet’s raucous free-for-all, freelance bloggers can blow hot and cold as they please. “Any way you slice it, a regular person will instinctively trust Reuters as being less biased than someone called ‘Elder of Ziyon,’” the eponymous blogger says. “I try to substitute transparency for my anonymity, so I back up my arguments with references to original sources.”
From Ian:

Barry Rubin: Obama Administration: The New Seven Pillars of "Wisdom" on the Middle East, Part One
These are the new (hopefully temporary): The White House’s Seven Pillars of Idiocy in the Middle East:
One: Other than aid and official government rhetoric, the United States is now neutral on the Israel-Palestinian conflict and, to put it more accurately, tilting toward the Palestinian side.
This does not mean disaster for Israel—and no Israeli official will say so in public--but it is a strategic reality.
Of course the talks will not go anywhere because the Palestinians know that they have a strong hand and they will overplay it. But, the administration’s willingness to punish Israel to win public relations points and shore up the doomed U.S. alignment with Islamists had to be reckoned with.
Amos Gilad: Strong Arab Sunni bloc doesn't see Israel as enemy
A powerful Middle Eastern axis of Sunni states has taken form in the region, which “does not view Israel as a sworn enemy” and has successfully kept extremist jihadi terrorism at bay, Maj.-Gen. (res.) Amos Gilad said on Sunday.
Speaking before the Institute for Counter-Terrorism’s international summit in Herzliya, Gilad, who is director of the Political-Military Affairs Bureau at the Defense Ministry, said that Israel “won’t ever be accepted as a formal member” of the Sunni axis, but that the states that make it up all view the US as the sole superpower and that their regional policies are indirectly beneficial for Israel.
Abbas Scorecard on Stopping Terror: 5,700 Attempts to Kill in 2013
The resumption of “peace talks’ between the Palestinian Authority and Israel in July came one month after 660 rock and firebomb attacks in June in Judea and Samaria, according to figures compiled by the “Hatzalah’ Judea and Samaria Emergency teams.
In the first six months of 2013, Hatzalah recorded 5,635 attempts to injure and murder Jews, including 611 Molotov cocktail attacks, eight shootings, three stabbings and 5,144 rock-throwing attacks that are intended to force drivers into fatal accidents, such as the one that killed American Israel Asher Palmer and his two-year-old son two years ago.
The statistics do not include terrorists’ blockage of roads and arson. At least 180 people were wounded from January through June, including 10 in June, and many of them still suffer from trauma and refuse to travel anywhere except in buses that have extra-thick plastic windows to protect it from rock attacks.
PMW: Terrorist featured in Palestinian education and culture as role model
Terrorist Dalal Mughrabi, who led the most lethal terror attack against Israel, is still being presented as a role model by Fatah, and being endorsed as such by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.
In 1978, Dalal Mughrabi led a group of terrorists who hijacked a bus and killed 37 civilians, 12 of them children.
Recently, Abbas awarded $6,000 to a dance group named after terrorist Dalal Mughrabi:
Jordanian children taught that terrorist Mughrabi is role model

Jordanian actress Najla Sahwil on PA TV:
"When I was growing up, I dreamt of playing the part of that great personality, Dalal Mughrabi. We grew up in school on the personality of this Palestinian female fighter. In first grade, I was throwing stones. In school we were nursed on the politics of Palestine, when we were little kids."
Khaled Abu Toameh: Hamas aims to open naval military academy in Gaza
Hamas is planning to open a naval academy soon in the Gaza Strip, Hamas Interior Minister Fathi Hammad announced on Sunday.
He said that the new institution, which would be part of the police academy, would be an “extension of all marine sciences which benefit the society in civilian and other affairs.”
Assad says his friends will hit US and allies if struck
Syrian President Bashar Assad warned America and its allies to expect multiple forms of retaliation, possibly including a chemical attack, if the US goes ahead with a military strike on Syria, in remarks published Monday by CBS News.
Assad, speaking to Charlie Rose in a Damascus interview, said Syria was “not the only player in the region” and, if an attack occurs, the US and allies in return “should expect everything. Not necessarily from the government.”
Syrian Warplanes Test British Air Defenses in Cyprus
RAF Typhoon fighters won a mid-air showdown with two Syrian warplanes heading towards Britain’s main base in Cyprus, the Sunday People reports.
The dramatic confrontation came after President Bashar Al-Assad’s air chiefs sent two Russian-made Sukhoi Su-24s to probe British air defenses, the report said.
The Syrian bombers refused to respond to repeated attempts by the control tower at the UK’s Akrotiri air base to contact them.
Turkey Moving Jets and Troops to Syrian Border
Over the past week, Turkey also moved convoys of military vehicles carrying equipment and personnel between its bases near the southeastern border.
Local media speculated, according to RT, that the Turkish move might be related to an accident last Tuesday, in which a package of live ammunition exploded while being smuggled into Turkey. Six people were killed in the incident at the border.
It has been suggested by the media that the additional troops will be the first to respond to a possible strike by Syria.
Arad: Attack On Syria May Not Bring About Positive Result
Speaking Sunday at the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism's (ICT) World Summit on Counter-Terrorism, taking place at the Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Arad said that President Barack H. Obama had bitten off more than he could chew, and that the best thing he could do now was extricate himself from the corner he had backed himself into with as much dignity as possible.
“Syria is not a signatory to international conventions against the use of chemical weapons,” said Arad, so the legal basis for intervention by the West was somewhat shoddy. “You cannot say that Assad violated an international convention Syria is not signed onto.” Assad, therefore, sees no reason not to use such weapons against anyone he feels threatens his rule.
Syria Amassed Chemical Stockpile with Western Help
Syria’s leaders amassed one of the world’s largest stockpiles of chemical weapons with help from the Soviet Union and Iran, as well as Western European suppliers and even a handful of American companies, American diplomatic cables and declassified intelligence records reveal, according to the New York Times.
Syria Strike: Nine Arab Countries on Board
According to Al Jazeera, Kerry said a number of Arab countries were willing to sign a statement issued by 12 countries of the G20 summit earlier this week, which called for a response to the chemical weapons attack. Announcements regarding this decision would be made in the next 24 hours, he added.
Arab Christians come out strongly against US strike in Syria
At a conference of more than 50 regional Christian leaders and a handful of global Christians and Muslim scholars in Amman this week, the dangers of Western intervention to the region's Christian minorities emerged as one of the strongest themes. With political Islam on the rise after the Arab uprisings of 2011, the region's ancient Christian communities are already feeling under threat and have the recent example of the devastation of Iraq's Christian community following the US-led invasion of 2003 to make them worry about the consequences of action.
Author of WSJ Op-Ed Supporting Syrian Rebels Has Ties With Islamist Group
Elizabeth O’Bagy, identified by the Wall Street Journal as senior analyst at the Institute for the Study of War, wrote in her op-ed that the Syrian civil war “is not being waged entirely, or even predominantly, by dangerous Islamists and al Qaeda die-hards.”
But Daniel Greenfield wrote Sept. 4 for FrontPage Magazine that the Wall Street Journal op-ed did not disclose that O’Bagy is also the political director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force—making her an advocate, not just an analyst, on the issue she wrote about. The task force’s board of directors includes officials of the Muslim Brotherhood-linked Muslim American Society, the Hamas-linked Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center mosque, and the Council of Islamic Organizations of Chicago, which advocates for a boycott of Israel. Mouaz Moustafa—the task force’s executive director and a Palestinian Arab—on Twitter has called for the establishment of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, and on YouTube marked an anti-Israel video from a channel called “JewsExposed” as one of his favorite videos, according to Greenfield.
Overrated: Hassan Rouhani
Rouhani is unlikely to invoke heavenly creatures from the UN podium, as Ahmedinejad did; he will probably refrain from engaging in Holocaust denial; and he will seek to engage the West in substantive negotiations to end the nuclear impasse.
He is definitely more moderate than Ahmadinejad, then — much as Nikita Khrushchev was more moderate than Joseph Stalin. But he is no Mikhail Gorbachev.
In a sense, there has been a softening in rhetoric, but no evidence yet that in substance Rouhani will be any different from his predecessors. And why should he be?
Sinai Terror Group Claims Failed Attempt on Minister's Life
The attempted assassination occurred as a car bomb ripped through the interior minister’s convoy as he was leaving home for work on Thursday.
One person was killed but Ibrahim, who was travelling in an armored car, survived the attempt unhurt.
The terrorist group apologized in the statement “for not killing the tyrant,” pledging more attacks against Ibrahim and the commander of Egypt’s military, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.
Ansar Beit al-Maqdis is an extremist Salafist group that has in the past claimed responsibility for an attempted rocket attack on the Israeli resort city of Eilat.
Egypt: 'Israeli Spy Stork' Killed and Eaten
Nature Conservation Egypt told the newspaper that the White Stork, which they named Menes, was released into a conservation area in southern Egypt but flew to an island in the Nile where it was caught and eaten.
The group said on a Facebook post, "Storks have been part of the Nubian diet for thousands of years, so the actual act of eating storks is not in itself a unique practice. However, the short-lived success story of getting Menes released was not enough to keep him safe till he exited Egypt.
  • Monday, September 09, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Iran's ABNA agency:
Leader of the Lebanese Towhid (Monotheism) Movement Wiam Wahhab warned that hundreds of missiles will rain down on Israel the very moment Syria comes under a foreign military attack.

"The first bullet fired at Syria will be reciprocated by 500 missiles against Tel Aviv," Wahhab, also a former Lebanese minister, said in an interview with Lebanon's Jadidah TV channel on Monday.

"This is no rhetoric, I am speaking the truth and telling you the reality," he added.

Wahhab warned of Syria's retaliatory measures against any possible foreign military aggression, and said Damascus' reaction will not be limited to Israel, but it will also include Turkey and other regional countries and the Persian Gulf littoral states which are collaborating with Washington in the war on Syria.
Note how Iran's threats are explicitly against Muslim countries. This despite Iran's pretense of wanting Muslim unity:
The World Forum for Proximity is an international organization founded by Iran. Its main aim is to create more unity and solidarity among Muslims worldwide, regardless of their schools of thought.
Looks like the World Forum for Proximity and its annual Muslim Unity Conference in Tehran are not succeeding very well even it their host country.

  • Monday, September 09, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here is a graphical synopsis of the UN's August 20th report to the Security Council on the situation in the Middle East. I reduced the size of the font for each new paragraph (except the conclusion) to give an idea of how the UN prioritizes Israel/PA, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon.

20 of the 31 paragraphs either were fully or partially about Israel, including the first 16.

You would hardly know that during this reporting period, Syria killed some 1400 people with chemical weapons (paragraph 24.)

Also note that the paragraphs about Israel have detailed statistics on settlement activity, arrests, illegal structures torn down and so forth. No such specifics are given for people being murdered in Syria by the thousands.

(h/t Gidon S. and Mida)
  • Monday, September 09, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From The Guardian:
Campaigners say that a tangled mix of family pressure, cultural traditions and religious motivations make FGM – illegal for almost 30 years in the UK – hard to eradicate. It has been documented in 28 countries in Africa and in a few countries in Asia and the Middle East. The practice involves removing all or part of the external female genitalia (including the clitoris, labia minora and labia majora – and in some cases the narrowing of the vagina), and is usually carried out before the age of 15. As well as the risk of bleeding to death or infection, a terrifying array of physical and psychological problems can follow.

Today 30,000 girls in the UK are said to be at risk of this form of mutilation, while 66,000 live with the consequences of it. Yet no one has ever been prosecuted for carrying out or abetting the practice (which carries a maximum prison sentence of 14 years).

...Although Muslim, Jewish and Christian communities carry out FGM, mainstream spiritual leaders from all three religions have denied that the practice stems from religion.
Do any Jewish communities carry out FGM?

There are two different sources that I can find, one which is almost certainly false and one which appears to have been true, years ago.

In the book Why Aren't Jewish Women Circumcised? Gender and Covenant In Judaism by Shaye J. D. Cohen, he tracks down a single mention of the practice among Egyptian Jews by Greek geographer Strabo. After looking at the evidence, however, Cohen believes it was simply a mistake on Strabo's part, as he was assuming that Jews from Egypt had taken on Egyptian customs. He quotes Philo as being quite emphatic on the matter that Egyptian Jewish men, not women, were circumcised.

The second source, which seems much more authoritative, comes from the paper "Ritual female genital surgery among Ethiopian Jews" by Grisaru, Lezer and Belmaker of Ben Gurion University of the Negev. In their article they note that most Ethiopian Jewish women claimed to have undergone female circumcision, although only 27% showed any physical signs of any surgery, which is in itself an interesting anthropological issue as far as how much to trust what people say in surveys.

The astonishing part, though, is that as soon as the Ethiopian Jews arrived in Israel, the practice ceased completely. This shows that they did it because of the surrounding Ethiopian culture, but no one claimed - even as a folktale - that this was a Jewish custom. Belmaker wrote a separate paper about this phenomenon:
A group of Ethiopian Jews who had immigrated to Israel was interviewed by an Amharic translator, and examined during routine gynecological examination...All women interviewed reported that FGM was universal in Ethiopia, but none intended to continue this practice with their daughters. All stated that this was a practice that would be left behind in their country of origin. ...
Ethiopian Jews, who practiced a major form of FGM in Ethiopia, give up the custom upon arrival in Israel and no reports exist among pediatricians, gynecologists or the press of FGM among Jews of Ethiopian origin in Israel.
While the only verified cases of FGM among Jews were the anomalous instances from Ethiopia, the practice today has completely disappeared among that community.

Which means that the Guardian is, once again, wrong.

One fact from the second Belmaker paper should have been included in the Guardian article, but wasn't. Bedouin Muslim women who had practiced FGM in Israel have also abandoned the practice, except in a symbolic form, in recent decades. This means that Israel is the only country in the Middle East that has managed to effectively eradicate FGM - far more successfully than even Western countries have been!

A good reporter would have found out that piece of information. A good reporter would have spent time to research and write why Israel has been successful in eradicating FGM when the UK has so many thousands of cases of women being mutilated every year.

That would be a good story, but, again, this is the Guardian.

UPDATE: CiFWatch, predictably, has an excellent response to the Guardian.

UPDATE 2: The article was corrected.

Sunday, September 08, 2013

  • Sunday, September 08, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Iran's FARS News:
Leader of Iraq’s Jaysh Al-Mukhtar (Al-Mukhtar army) Sheikh Wathiq al-Battat vowed to target Washington's interests in Iraq and the Persian Gulf region by thousands of martyrdom-seeking (suicide) operations if the US attacks Syria.

Speaking to FNA in Baghdad on Sunday, Sheikh Al-Battat said that his group has "23,000 fully-trained and equipped martyrdom-seeking forces who can blow the US interests in Iraq and the Persian Gulf at any time if the US commits such a stupid act".

Sheikh Al-Battat warned against any adventurism against the Syrian nation, and reiterated that the US will not be immune from the martyrdom-seeking operations of his warriors.
Given that Al Battat admits that he receives support from Iran, his statement - trumpeted in Iranian media - neatly proves that Iran directly supports terrorists.
  • Sunday, September 08, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon

Following are excerpts from an Egyptian show titled "Anybody Knows?!", which was posted on the Internet on May 19, 2013.

Title: "Anybody Knows?!"

In the studio

Little boy: Welcome to our show. Today, we'll be talking about…

On the street

What is the Holocaust?

Woman: The what?

Little boy: The Holocaust.

Woman: I don't know.

Man: The Holocaust? I've got no idea.

Young man: Give me some options to choose from. In Germany? I've heard about it, but don't know exactly what happened.

Another young man: The what?

Little boy: The Holocaust…

Young man: Holocaust? Can you repeat the question?

Little boy: The Holocaust.

Young man: What Holocaust? I have no idea.

Old woman: I don't know.

Young woman: Why don't you tell me what it is? I told you that I don't know. There's nothing wrong with learning from someone younger than you.

Man: Ah, the Holocaust? You mean Hitler's Holocaust? During the war, he burned [Jews] in crematoria.

Another woman: Hitler captured the Jews and burned and gassed them. He killed many of them. I'm not convinced that this really happened though.

Another man: This is a new term. It's the first time I've heard it in Egypt.

Youth: Either he burned the Jews, or the Jews burned… I don't exactly remember.

Young man: The Holocaust took place during World War II. Hitler rounded up the Jews and put them in things called gas chambers. There are disputes regarding the figures. Some say three million Jews were killed, and others say it was one million. Some question whether it occurred.

In the studio

Little boy: In the Holocaust, lots of people were rounded up and killed.
  • Sunday, September 08, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From NoCamels:

Dr. Sarit Larisch
“Killing these cancer stem cells is the holy grail of cancer treatments and therefore holds promise for complete eradication of cancer,” says Dr. Sarit Larisch of the University of Haifa.

These are not words pronounced lightly; instead, they follow more than a decade of research that could give hope to cancer patients worldwide. Along with her colleagues, Larisch has established the basis for developing a new, more effective treatment for cancer using a protein called ARTS.

ARTS is a protein, which along with a number of other proteins and enzymes, regulates what is known as apoptosis. Apoptosis is the process of programmed cell death which occurs when a cell is damaged, mutated or no longer functional. ARTS acts as a trigger for cell death, its presence allowing for enzymes called caspases to destroy the non-functional cell.

But this process is missing in cancer cells.

Larisch’s research shows that unlike normal cells, cancer cells have an absence of the ARTS protein. “Without the ARTS protein, cells can’t be triggered to self-destruct. As a result cancer cells can survive and develop into a tumor,” she tells NoCamels.

“We have found that ARTS is lost in many types of cancers. Therefore, determining levels of ARTS in blood could provide a marker to alert to the possibility of developing certain types of cancers.” Consequently, Dr. Larisch believes that small molecules that mimic ARTS could restore the ability of cancer cells to be killed selectively using the natural process of apoptosis.

“ARTS-based cancer drugs could potentially change the treatment method of cancer worldwide,” Larisch tells NoCamels. “We have found that ARTS is particularly important for the death of defective stem cells. We therefore believe that ARTS-based drugs will specifically eliminate cancer stem cells (the cells that drive the growth of a tumor and are often resistant to chemotherapy or radiotherapy).

The therapy would also minimize common side-effects of conventional cancer treatment. “All currently available cancer drugs have unwanted side effects because they harm normal cells as well. In contrast, ARTS-based cancer drugs should only kill cancer cells because they act by specifically correcting the defect in their cell suicide program, caused by the loss of ARTS,” notes Dr. Larisch.
The article goes on to say that Dr. Larisch is seeking funding to develop anti-cancer drugs based on her research.

Meanwhile, another Israeli team, this one at Technion are working on a completely new method to reduce cholesterol and help reduce heart disease This team also prominently features a woman.

(h/t Jewess)

  • Sunday, September 08, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From EoZ, September 8, 2010:

From an ad in a Long Island Jewish newspaper, this week:


Then again, it is possible that they didn't rip me off directly - but they got it from the Chabad of University of Western Ontario:

(To be fair, I probably got the apple and honey image from a random Google search as well this time. Other years I drew them myself. )

  • Sunday, September 08, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From WAFA:

President Mahmoud Abbas starts Sunday a European tour with a four-day visit to Britain, a press release by the British Consulate in Jerusalem said on Friday.

Abbas is expected to meet with, among others, the British Prime Minister David Cameron, the deputy prime minister and the foreign secretary, William Hague.

Charg Ben Saoul, of the British Consulate in Jerusalem, expressed delight as Abbas’ upcoming trip to Britain.

“We are delighted to welcome President Abbas to the UK at this crucial time,’ he said.

“As the Foreign Secretary has repeatedly said, there is no more urgent UK foreign policy priority than resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and 2013 is a crucial year for progress.”
The same quote is in other news articles, although I couldn't find it on the British Consulate Jerusalem website.

It is telling that while the Middle East explodes, diplomats are still partying like its 1999.

By the way, the British Consulate Jerusalem site says that it is located in the "Occupied Palestinian Territories." It appears that its consular services are meant only for Arabs.

The site has a number of interesting articles. For example, the UK FCO is sponsoring a 'Let’s celebrate friendship' photo competition.

But is it looking for photos that show friendship between Jews and Arabs? No, of course not. The competition is "to search for the best images which demonstrate the friendship between the UK and the Palestinian people."

So where are the international photo competitions showing friendship between Jews and Arabs? Well, there aren't any. Because that would be "normalization with the enemy" and since the Arabs are against normal relations with Jews who live in the Middle East, it is better not to have outside parties interfere with their bigotry.


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