Wednesday, October 04, 2017

From Ian:

Melanie Phillips: That UN reaction to 'son of Hamas'
Please join me in this clip as I discuss with Avi Abelow of Israel Video Network the amazing, comical and oh-so-telling reaction of UN delegates to home truths being told to them by the “son of Hamas”.

David Collier: My name is Rachel ‘X’
On 2 October 1938, Arab ‘rioters’ infiltrated a Jewish neighbourhood in Tiberias. They first cut the telephone wires to frustrate calls for help. They then set about massacring innocent civilians. According to the British:

‘It was systematically organized and savagely executed. Of the nineteen Jews killed, including women and children, all save four were stabbed to death.’

There were about 70 armed Arabs involved in the attack, they set fire to Jewish homes and the local synagogue. According to Wiki ‘in one house a mother, and her five children were killed’.

Wiki doesn’t explain that the father, Shimon Mizrachi, was elsewhere, on guard duty protecting other families. Nor does the account give you the names and ages of those five murdered children. Ezra (aged twelve), Miriam (five), Yocheved (three), Samuel (two) and Hephzibah (one).

It doesn’t give you the mother’s name either. The mother’s name was Rachel.

The Rachel of Kiryat Shmona
Kiryat Shmona is about 35 miles from Tiberias. A city in the Northern District of Israel, near the Lebanese border.

On 11 April 1974, terrorists from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) attacked civilians in Kiryat Shmona. These terrorists first tried to attack a school, but there was nobody inside. Instead they attacked a nearby residential building. Rehov (St) Yehuda Halevi number 15. They went from flat to flat in a barbaric killing spree. Eighteen people were murdered, half of them were children.

Anisa Stern (47) was one of the victims, killed alongside her eight-year-old daughter. The daughter’s name was Rachel
The Rachel of Ma’alot-Tarshiha

Just a few weeks after the massacre in Kiryat Shmona, on the 12th May 1974, a group of fifteen to seventeen year old students set out on a field trip of the Galilee. It was three days before Israel’s twenty-sixth Independence Day. It was a large student group and they had made arrangements to spend a night at the Netiv Meir School in Ma’alot.
Barry Shaw: The asymmetry of the Israel-Palestinian conflict
The international community ignores the misuse of funding to the Palestinian Authority with over $300 million allocated to terrorists and their families. Not only Hamas, but also the PA is a terror-ridden organization. Palestine Media Watch, in its latest report dated Sept. 27, revealed that the Palestinian Authority now has 75 schools named after terrorists or Nazi collaborators. One of these schools is funded by the Belgian government.

Both sides of the Palestinian political divide constantly make inflammatory anti-Semitic remarks when referring to Israel. Mahmoud Abbas has a long history of hitting at Jews as he assaults Israel.

While addressing the European Parliament on June 24, 2016, he accused rabbis of demanding the Israeli government poison Palestinian water. Prior to that, in another blatantly offensive anti-Semitic remark, he said that "we will not allow Jews with their filthy feet" to defile the Temple Mount.

Deep Palestinian anti-Semitism can be found in the infamous Hamas Charter, which quotes the hadith: "The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him."

This then is the asymmetry that prevents any possible solution to the impasse between Israel and the Palestinians.

It is not about borders or territory. It is about this deep schism between the two sides that has prevented progress for decades.

Until the international community faces up to this obvious obstacle of the ideological asymmetry between the two sides, do not expect a solution any day soon.

From Ian:

Khaled Abu Toameh: A State Within a State?
For now, however, Hamas seems prepared to swallow the bitter pill -- because the name of the game for Hamas is survival. Isolated and cash-stripped, Hamas will collude with anyone who offers it "oxygen".

Abbas, for his part, has agreed to serve as the savior of Hamas. Why? One simple reason: he does not wish to see a concord between Mohammed Dahlan and Hamas. In Abbas's view, the "reconciliation" deal is a victory not because Hamas has surrendered or relinquished security control over the Gaza Strip, but because he managed to foil Dahlan's return to Gaza and the political arena. Backed by the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and other Arab countries, Dahlan's return and rendezvous with Hamas would have been a severe blow to Abbas and his Palestinian Authority.

A Dahlan-Hamas alliance would have undermined Abbas's claim to be the president of all Palestinians, including those in the Gaza Strip. Moreover, such an alliance would have emboldened Dahlan, who lives in exile in the United Arab Emirates, and would have enhanced his prospects of succeeding Abbas as president of the PA.

Hamas has every reason to be satisfied with the "reconciliation" deal with Abbas. Its only concession was to dismantle its "administrative committee," which served as a shadow government in the Gaza Strip. Hamas shed no tears in this move, which absolved it from managing civilian affairs and paying salaries. Offloading this responsibility frees up Hamas to fortify its military capabilities.

Notably, the Egyptian-engineered deal does not require Hamas to make any political concessions. This in itself is a huge achievement for Hamas. Hamas is not being asked to recognize Israel's right to exist or accept any peace process.

The Gaza Strip is now headed toward a new era where it will be divided between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas – one in charge of civilian issues while the second has full security control.

This situation, if it remains unresolved, will most likely lead to the renewal of tensions between the two sides. The Gaza Strip is headed towards a situation of a state within a state. As of now, it is safe to call their arrangement a three-state solution: one Palestinian state in the West Bank and two in the Gaza Strip. Hezbollah and Hamas must be laughing their heads off as, under weak and impotent governments, they see their power grow.
Melanie Phillips: Has Interpol gone stark, staring mad?
Please join me in this clip as I discuss with avi Abelow of Israel Video Network the implications of the extraordinary decision by Interpol to admit a fictional country to its ranks.

  • Wednesday, October 04, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
Arabs who live near Israel have been trained to downplay their feelings about Jews and replace that word with "Zionists" in their English-language media, because they learned that the West is not yet accepting of blatant antisemitism - only the euphemistic kind that says "Zionists" control the banks and Hollywood and America.

But those Israel haters from beyond the immediate neighborhood of Israel are not as careful.

A long, disjointed anti-Israel rant at KashmirWatch includes:
World had expected President Obama to reign in the fascist Zionist criminal regime in West Asia so that peace is allowed to herald in the region. He did not or could not do that and let Israel as powerful as ever. Now with the arrival of Trump Israel, though opposed him during the poll, got a shot in it s terror arm. Israel had expected the supposed Mossad agent Mrs. Hillary Clinton to defeat “erratic” Trump to continue with the pro-Israeli policies. It took time, therefore, for Israel to recover from the disappointment and disillusionment over Clinton exit. But as Trump came to office Israel and its Mossad plus the powerful Jewish community USA began getting closer to the White House and Netanyahu became a special guest of Trump whose Jewish son in law is playing his worth make USA a Zionist proxy.

So, whenever Israel tells there is something wrong with US policy for Israel or West Asia, it only wants US president to remember that it was USA and UK that created Israel as a spoiled foisted child and it’s their prime duty to shield all its crimes against humanity.

European states were fed up with criminal-terrorist operations of Jews in the continent and UK got  rid of  them by carving out a separate Israel in 1948 within Palestine by killing and pushing the Palestinians out of their lands.  
From Turkey's Yeni Safak, an equally crazy article entitled "From where are the plans of the Crusader-Zionist alliance running?":

While [William] Safire, one of the symbolic figures of the Jewish lobby, was writing these [words of support for an independent Kurdistan] then U.S. President George H. W. Bush said:

"We are determined to keep our country as the leader of the Jewish-Christian union" (Aug. 24, 1992)
...Ecevit, the Prime Minister of the DSP-MHP-ANAP coalition government established after the elections in April 1999...was the guest of B'NAI B'RITH, the "roof organization" of all Jewish organizations in the world on Feb. 1, 2002, during the last months of his office as prime minister! It was TESEV’s founder, İshak Alaton, who introduced Gülen to B'NAI B'RITH managers years before he entered the masonic lodge in 1975.
I still don't know what that guy's thesis is, I think that the US and Israel were trying to carve up Turkey (no pun intended) and are now working on Iraq and Syria.

( I found no evidence of the Bush quote about a Jewish-Christian union.]

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, October 04, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
The "Report on UNCTAD Assistance to the Palestinian People: Developments in the Economy of the
Occupied Palestinian Territory" came out in September.

It tries to spin the statistics to blame Israel for all Palestinian ills, but the numbers show something very interesting.

When the West Bank and Gaza were under complete Israeli control, there was essentially no unemployment for Palestinian Arabs - 2.8%. Only after Oslo did unemployment go up, and it soared after the PLO decided to start a terror war.

UNCTAD complains about how Palestinians have been dependent on Israeli jobs for so long, but doesn't mention that they've had since 1994 - 23 years - to build an independent economy. And they didn't bother.

The other interesting statistic: "The [Palestinian] economy grew by an average 7.4 per cent in 1969–1992 and 4.4 per cent in 1994–2016."

7.4% annually from 1969-1992? Those are numbers that any country in the world would kill for!

And it was all because of Israeli "occupation." 

UNCTAD spins and spins and blames all of today's Palestinian economic woes on "occupation" for page after page. But it isn't occupation that has caused the Palestinian economy to go down the toilet - it was the decisions of Palestinian leadership to create a bloated bureaucracy that employs many, the support terror attacks which chased away Israeli employers, to shoot rockets at Israel prompting wars.

(h/t Irene)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, October 04, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
On Monday we noted that the US Consulate in Jerusalem had taken on responsibilities that had been done in the Embassy in Tel Aviv beforehand.

There seems to be a pattern.

The January 2017 newsletter of the US Embassy Tel Aviv, called the "Embassy Tel Aviv’s Consular Sun Times", says which US citizens go to which location for services:

Welcome to Tel Aviv!
The American Citizen Services Unit of U.S. Embassy Tel Aviv provides information and assistance to all U.S. citizens residing in Israel.

U.S. citizens visiting or residing in Jerusalem, the West Bank, or Gaza should contact U.S. Consulate General Jerusalem for assistance.

The Consular Agency in Haifa is also available to provide services to residents and visitors in the Haifa area.
This month, the newsletter is no longer called the "Embassy Tel Aviv’s Consular Sun Times." It is now the "Embassy Tel Aviv, Consulate General Jerusalem and Consular Agency Haifa Joint Newsletter."

And it now says that all Israelis can go to the Jerusalem consulate for their services, not just those in Jerusalem and the West Bank:

American Citizen Services are available at three locations:
The U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv;
the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem; and
the Consular Agency in Haifa.
All three locations stand ready to provide routine consular services, including notarial services and acceptance of applications for passports and Consular Reports of Birth Abroad. You are welcome to apply anywhere.

While this may be simple streamlining (notice how Haifa's consulate also seems to have added responsibilities), any way you look at it the Jerusalem consulate is taking on more responsibilities for US citizens in all of Israel (like Social Security) compared to what it did before. Also, the Jerusalem Consulate is more obviously connected to the US Embassy in Israel than it was before, when it acted essentially independently of Tel Aviv and was more oriented towards services to Palestinians.

There is a clear change of tone going on in the Jerusalem consulate as to its role.

(h/t Irene)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Tuesday, October 03, 2017

From Ian:

Linda Sarsour Tells Social Justice Rally Attendees to Be Ready to ‘Put Their Lives on the Line’
Women's March co-organizer Linda Sarsour encouraged those at a social justice rally in New York City Sunday to be ready to "put their lives on the line" for "the movement," according to footage of her speech seen by the Washington Free Beacon.

"I am willing to die for black people, for indigenous people. I am willing to die for Muslim people, I am willing to die for the most marginalized people in this country. I am not afraid. The question is, are you ready to do that?" chanted Sarsour at the March for Racial Justice.

Sarsour also made pointed remarks toward Zionist activists who participated in the march across the Brooklyn Bridge, which was organized to include those unable to attend a similar march in D.C. on Saturday, due to it being the Jewish high holiday fast of Yom Kippur.

With groups in attendance such as Zioness, which has a feminist-Zionist platform, Sarsour called for anti-Israel indoctrination by and for Jews.

"It is not my job as a Palestinian Muslim to educate Jewish people that Palestinians deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. That is the job of Jewish people," said Sarsour over loud cheers.

Sarsour also once again chanted her oft-repeated cry that "we will not be intimidated by right-wing Zionists, by white supremacists, by racists."

In remarks that Zionist attendees said they believed were directed toward them, Sarsour said she "didn't feel safe" by elements in the crowd.
Exclusive interview: 'Son of Hamas,' the speaker who shocked the UNHRC
“Hamas, which I know well, is an ideological political organization that views extreme violence as a means to achieve its political ends. In the 21st century an individual or group that tries to achieve its goals by violent means should not be legitimized by anybody. In my definition, Hamas is a terror organization.

“I have seen how radically different the behavior of democratic Israel is from that of Hamas and Fatah. Hamas is still living in the 7th century, something Europe cannot even understand. Over the years I have realized that due to their religious views, Hamas cannot make peace with Israel. Their interpretation of Islam requires that cease fires alone are possible with infidels, not peace. Such a cease fire can last no more than 15 years. No political solution will ever satisfy Hamas in the long term. It is not about borders but who believes in their God and who does not. Hamas’ target is not just Israel, but for Islam to gain control over all non-believers.”

Mosab Hassan Yousef was born in 1978 in Ramallah, son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a founder of Hamas. After involvement in anti-Israeli activities he was arrested by the Israeli Shin Bet security service. When he was imprisoned he initially decided to become a double agent. After he saw the huge difference in behavior between Israel and Hamas he served as a key agent of the Israeli security services and continued to act in that capacity for ten years.

Yousef’s story is described in the 2010 bestseller, “Son of Hamas, A Gripping Account of Terror, Betrayal, Political Intrigue, and Unthinkable Choices” which has been translated into many languages. The movie “The Green Prince” which tells his story was released in 2014. Yousef converted to Christianity and now lives in the United States where he was granted asylum in 2010.

This interview was carried out on 27 September 2017, two days after Yousef spoke -- under the auspices of UN Watch -- at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva. The video of that speech received millions of hits. In our conversation he repeated several of the statements he made at the UNHRC.
Melanie Phillips: Staging incitement at the Young Vic
London’s Young Vic theatre is staging a revival of the hate-inciting, Israel-phobic agit-prop called My Name is Rachel Corrie which was first put on in 2005. With exquisitely horrible timing, its previews started last Friday evening which was Kol Nidrei, or the beginning of Yom Kippur which is the most holy day in the Jewish religious calendar. A protest is being staged outside the theatre every night; with enormous decency and commitment, a group of Christians leafleted the theatre during the Yom Kippur performances.

Last July Jonathan Hoffman, who is involved in the protests, wrote an excellent piece on Harry’s Place about this malevolent travesty in which he revealed the truth about Rachel Corrie, her poisonous organisation and what happened to her.

People who never knew or who have forgotten this 12 year-old story need to understand quite how vicious is this staged event and what enduring shame it brings to the Young Vic theatre. I therefore reproduce Jonathan’s blog post with permission below.

London’s Young Vic theatre is reviving ‘My Name is Rachel Corrie’. There will be 27 performances, starting with previews on Kol Nidre (29 September); press night is 4 October. The theatre holds 70, so 1890 people will have the chance to see this play which incites hatred against Israel and therefore against its supporters, at a theatre which is supported by the taxpayer.

The Facts
Rachel Corrie was a young American (age 23). The play is extracts from her emails and diaries, selected by Alan Rickman and Katharine Viner. She was idealistic but very naïve. She volunteered for the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), a group that opposes Israel’s existence and whose members seek to prevent the Israeli army from acting against terrorists in Gaza and Judea/Samaria. The IDF’s ability to operate effectively in these areas against terrorists has been systematically and intentionally obstructed by groups of foreign volunteers for the ISM, used by the Palestinian Authority as “human shields”. By interfering with Israeli counter-terrorism operations, the ISM directly endangers the lives of Israeli civilians.

You would think the Mudar Zahran sycophants would crawl under a rock after the revelations of last week's column: Mudar Zahran and the Right Wing Jewish Conspiracy. But no. In spite of overwhelming substantiated evidence that Zahran is running a massive operation to deceive and mislead the Jews, they have doubled down.

This makes me sad. I don't want anyone hurt as I was hurt. I don't want my people to be a laughing stock, or be fingered by the Arab world as conspiring to overthrow the King. This is bad for us, for our people.

But our people read that blog—the links, all the proofs cited there—and looked the other way. They saw how Zahran claims to be a political refugee, but in reality, owed a large debt to a Jordan bank. They saw how his own father disowned him. How he uses photos of dead people and pretends they are his cabinet members. 

Mudar Zahran: His entire archive deleted from Gatestone

They saw how the Arab people take umbrage at Zahran's claims and ridicule him. And they saw how Zahran approached me to slander award-winning journalist Khaled Abu Toameh, because of his obsession with the man, and how Gatestone Institute deleted Zahran's entire archive.

They saw how he threatened ME, one of their own.

Our people read that blog, blinked, blew their noses, and kept on promoting their false god.

They asked me: "Okay, so you think Zahran is bad news. Is that any reason to hurt the conference, or to destroy the Jordan is Palestine option?" 

It's only about Mudar Zahran

To which I must reiterate: this is not about the conference or the Jordan is Palestine option. This is about a scam of major proportions, one that is really hurting our people.

Think about it: if Zahran really wanted regime change in Jordan, no one would say boo. But why appeal only to conservative, mostly Israeli Jews? Where are his Arab supporters (and no, they are not hiding in Arabic on Google as Zahran claims)? Why hold a conference, furthermore, in Jerusalem when Zahran lives in London? Why not lobby the UK, the US, and other western nations for assistance in reaching this goal?

Here is the answer: it's all a scam.

The scam targets the Jews of Israel.


Mudar Zahran and his Zionist conspiracy

This scam is generating resentment toward us in the Arab world and especially in Jordan. It has us rubbing our hands with glee, plotting against King Abdullah with our (likely imagined by the Jordanians) hooked noses and hands dripping with the blood of non-Jews.

Is that really how you want to be seen?

And it is Zahran who is getting you to incriminate yourselves.

Zahran is, moreover, setting Jew against Jew through his mouthpieces. An article entitled King Abdullah of Jordan Needs to Abdicate  appeared in the Times of Israel, Israel National News, and the American Thinker. The author is listed as Ted Belman. The piece (among many ridiculous claims) makes the accusation that Khaled Abu Toameh, Caroline Glick, and I (referred to as "X, Y, and Z") are working as operatives for King Abdullah of Jordan. Why would Ted Belman write such silly and libelous statements about his co-religionists? And the title of this piece, coming from a Jerusalem Jew! Cringe-worthy.

The Times of Israel removed the piece. It still appears on Israel National News and The American Thinker, though the former deleted this libelous excerpt:

The King’s Jerusalem Operatives Are Smearing the Conference. The regime has also undertaken a smear and confusion campaign in Jerusalem through Arab Israeli Journalist Mr X. Several Israeli sources have confirmed to the JOC that Mr. X has been calling his contacts, telling them that “The event is fake” and that “Mudar Zahran is a fraud”. Furthermore, Mr. X utilized two women who are very close to him to spread the same rumors; Ms Y, and Ms Z. Both women have been launching a terrorist type campaign on social media smearing the conference, the speakers and anyone who will be attending. Mr. X has sent several email messages to those involved in the conference telling them that the conference is “a sham” and that “it would hurt their reputation to be associated with Mudar Zahran”.

Another example of lies that Mr X, Ms Y and Ms Z are spreading is that some of the confirmed speakers were not attending at all. A journalistic source close to Jordan’s king’s royal media desk has confirmed that Mr X has been asked to undertake this under-cover operation by the king’s office. The source then added that Mr X “would not be putting all this effort for free or just because he enjoys it”.
I know Ted to be a generally good guy who works hard for Israel. Is it possible he was duped into doing this thing for Mudar Zahran? Did he put his name on Mudar's article in not one, but three publications? Can it be that under the name Ted Belman, this article appeared in three publications accusing me, a fellow Jew, of being an agent of the King of Jordan?
And before all the Arab nations of the world!
It beggars belief. 

Mudar Zahran: Disowned son

But why then, would my fellow Jews refrain from slandering me for this man's sake when they completely ignore what Mudar's own father said about him, continuing their seemingly unconditional support. I linked to Adnan Zahran's denunciation of his son Mudar in my last column. Here is a rough translation for so you can get a feel for it:
"Myself and the entire family and clan distance ourselves from you and your false and unjust statements and interviews. You are far from the truth and the right. Especially after your numerous and recurring promises to stop attacking our Royal Hashemite family."
Mudar's own father is calling him a liar, someone who breaks promises. Mudar's Jewish supporters, meanwhile, think they know Mudar better than Mudar's own father and clan! They support Mudar on the basis of words issued from his mouth and not on the basis of anything he has done or achieved. Because he has done and achieved nothing. 

Which brings us to Michael Ross.

Michael Ross is a real person. Mudar claims him as his chief of staff. Rachel Avraham claims he is the Michael Ben Abraham and Michael Ben Avraham who wrote the slanderous pieces about Khaled Abu Toameh that got her fired.

But why should this "Republican conservative lobbyist" California Jew Michael Ross suddenly take an ardent interest in writing about an Israeli Arab journalist?

And what is his area of interest as a lobbyist?



In last week's piece, I mentioned that Abu Toameh had won the Daniel Pearl Award. He also won the Hudson Award and CAMERA's Emet Award. But more importantly, he won the approval of the Israeli media with the Israel Media Critical Award. I have yet to meet the journalist, or anyone at all who has a bad thing to say about Khaled Abu Toameh.

Except Mudar Zahran, his minions, and his fake accounts. The ones he used to threaten me. The ones he used to threaten Khaled. The one he used of a dead US pilot as stand in for his "Shadow Secretary of Homeland Security."

Three articles by, about, or referencing Mudar appeared in Jerusalem Online during Rachel Avraham's tenure there. There was one by Mudar, one by Avraham interviewing Mudar, and this one by Michael Ross from this same time period, urging Trump to speak to. . . MUDAR ZAHRAN!
Could Rachel be handling Zahran's PR? Could she be serving as Mudar's ghost writer? 

Mudar Zahran cons Jewish women 

Rachel is not a bad person. She is caught up in something and is unable to get loose. It's an old story. I shared my own embarrassing tale of near-ensnarement. Bat Zion Susskind said the same thing happened to her with Mudar. He charmed her with words. Made her think he was the answer to the all the bloodshed, all the war and terror.
At that time, Bat Zion was living in the UK. So enamored of him was she that she even spoke to her contacts at that time, at the Israeli embassy in London, and suggested they have Zahran appear before them to offer an overview of what he can do for the Middle East. He did, eventually, speak to them. Batzi's support for him was total.
Here is a photo of her holding a sign that says, "Jordan is Palestine."

Batzi really believed in Mudar and his plan. That is until she discovered that he is not the man he pretends to be.

Batzi is not the only tale of female Jewish woe in relation to this man. Mudar Zahran told "X" (who is too embarrassed to use her real name here) that his mother was forcibly converted to Islam. According to this tale, Mudar's mom was JEWISH. Which would arguably make Mudar Zahran a Jew! X's heart went out to him.
She was IN.
Until she figured out he was a fraud. That happened sometime around the time he tried to get X to smear Khaled Abu Toameh. 

Mudar Zahran uses flattery 

Mery Nickey's experience mirrored my own and Batzi's. He flattered her, and attempted to cajole her into slandering Khaled Abu Toameh.

Always, always, always, Zahran comes back to a single thought: "How can I hurt Khaled Abu Toameh?"

He can't let it rest. It's an illness. 

Mudar Zahran messed with the wrong woman

Lori Lowenthal Marcus, a Harvard law grad and former writer at the Jewish Press, was approached by Mudar Zahran. He wanted her to interview him for the Press. This, of course, was his way of worming his way into her confidence to get her to smear Khaled Abu Toameh. The minute she saw what he was up to, she ended things, right then and there. Lori described this in an email she sent to the organizer of the conference, Ted Belman:
Prior to that interview I was very interested in Zahran's agenda - there aren't too many lovers of Israel who wouldn't hope that Jordan could be the homeland for the Palestinian Arabs. After about an hour into our Skype interview, Zahran told me about an Israeli Arab journalist who was not what he appeared to be and was on the payroll of the Jordanian king, and he told me that journalist was Khaled. When I pushed back, Zahran insisted this was true. I never published the interview and I've never spoken with Zahran again. And I've been warning people about Zahran since then.

Khaled abu Toameh is one of, if not the single greatest source of truth about the Middle East conflict between the Palestinian Arabs and Israel. By attacking him both publicly and through friends and the use of [pseudonyms], Zahran has done and continues to do a grave disservice to Israel.

This bitter fight was begun by Zahran, not Khaled. And it has nothing to do with the conference, but everything to do with Zahran's reputation which he is solely responsible for destroying. 

Mudar Zahran is dangerous

Now I'd really like to stop here. I'd much rather write up adorable Only In Israel stories. But right now, we are in danger.

I feel I've got no choice at all, but to keep laying those cards out on the table. This is the real Mudar Zahran: everything connected to him is evil.
And bad for our people.

UPDATE: For the sake of transparency, this piece has been amended regarding Mudar Zahran's academic credentials. I am certainly willing to further research this matter.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

A regular man, Niv Nehemiah would have preferred to remain anonymous. His family takes no comfort in being told that he is a hero. They want him to heal, to stop being in so much pain.
Two months after the terror attack in the Yavneh grocery store, where he works, everything is a challenge. He can now walk with support. Slowly, painfully. His speech is improving. The knife that plunged in to his head and his neck, ripped his vocal cords, missing the jugular by millimeters.

Real heroes don’t look like comic book super-heroes. They aren’t necessarily big, strong or muscular. They are people, uncomfortable with the title. When told they are heroes, they tend to blink, look away and then say: “I just did what I had to do.” Or, like WW2 veterans say: “the heroes are the ones that did not come home.”

When asked about his heroism, Niv says simply: “I’m not a hero…. The main thought I had in my head was that I am fighting for my life for my children and my wife.”

When asked if he had to relive the attack, would he choose to run away, Niv answers: “No. The instinct is to fight, for your family.”

The signs of his injuries still very visible, Niv is in obvious pain. For him, the battle against the terrorist is not over. He has difficulty swallowing. The things we do with ease, without even thinking about them are difficult for Niv and yet he has decided that he wants to attend the trial of the terrorist.
When asked why, Niv explains: “It’s not to show that I won, that I am out of this a ‘hero’. It is to show the people of Israel that we stood against terror and won.”  

It is not easy to look your would-be murderer in the eye. It is not easy to look calm and dignified when you are in pain. Niv’s personal battle is now to heal but yet again he is thinking of something bigger than himself. During the attack it was his family. Now it is his Nation. His indomitable spirit will not accept anything less than victory.

This is what heroism looks like.

Beware the person who claims the title of hero with ease and with pride. They are not worthy.
Courage is usually considered to be lack of fear but that is not true. Niv’s courage during the attack came from terrible fear of never again seeing the people he loves most. Niv’s courage to stand in front of his attacker, to show that although the terrorist broke his body he could not break Niv’s spirit – that comes from sheer determination.

Heroism is not about being stronger than other people, it is about loving something more than yourself.

Click on the link to view Israel’s Channel Two news item about Niv Nehemiah. Even if you don’t understand the language, Niv’s strength, despite his injuries, is obvious:

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Outcry After Palestinian School Built With Belgian Aid Renamed for Mass-Murdering Terrorist
The Belgian government is being urged to take action after a Palestinian school that was built with its funding was renamed in honor of a mass-murdering terrorist.

The Beit Awwa Basic Girls School was established in the southern West Bank “through a fund from the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium and through the Belgian Development Agency BTC,” according to a plaque at the school, which was first identified by the monitoring group Palestinian Media Watch (PMW).

Now known as the Dalal Mughrabi Elementary Mixed School, it was renamed by the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) Ministry of Education in honor of the Palestinian terrorist who took part in the 1978 Coastal Road massacre. Thirty-eight people — including 13 children — were killed and over 70 were wounded in the attack, which turned Mughrabi into a venerated hero among Palestinians.

The school’s logo also features a map of Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip, all depicted as a single territory. Its Facebook page has posted pictures glorifying Palestinian attackers, including Adi Hashem al Masalmeh, who was fatally shot after stabbing an Israeli soldier in October 2015.

Daniel Schwammenthal, director of the AJC Transatlantic Institute, told The Algemeiner that “the Palestinian Authority under President Abbas has established a culture of incitement that fuels terror and hatred, making it impossible to see how he can ever lead any serious peace negotiations.”

“By naming schools after terrorists, the PA is indoctrinating even little children, apparently determined to ensure this conflict will last well into the next generation,” he continued.
PMW: Faces of arch terrorists adorn Fatah school diary
Cover of free diary distributed by Fatah's youth movement Shabiba to high school students shows photos of Abu Jihad who was responsible for murder of 125 Israelis and Salah Khalaf, head of Black September and planner of murders of 11 Israeli athletes in Munich Olympics in 1972

Fatah’s youth movement Shabiba in Bethlehem recently distributed a free diary to high school students in which the front cover has a photo of Yasser Arafat, and the back cover displays photos of arch-terrorist Abu Jihad, who was responsible for the murder of 125 Israelis, and Salah Khalaf who was the head of the terror organization Black September, a secret branch of Fatah. Attacks planned by Salah Khalaf included the murder of the 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics in 1972 - an attack Fatah still glorifies.

Text on back cover of diary under pictures of the terrorists: "Shabiba is the guarantee of the future and the loyalty to the path of the Martyrs (Shahids)" [Facebook page of the Fatah Movement - Bethlehem Branch, Sept. 17, 2017]

Text on front cover: "Bethlehem branch of the Fatah Movement Shabiba High School Committee Student Diary
When you help Shabiba by belonging to it, you help yourself
as you are helping the Palestinian essence itself
And therefore you are helping the homeland,
and you belong to it and are a sacrifice for it"

[Facebook page of the Dar Salah High School for Girls in the Bethlehem District, Sept., 17. 2017]

Palestinian Media Watch has documented that Fatah’s university student movement -also named Shabiba - sends university students the same message that violence is the proper path. At two Palestinian universities, An-Najah National University in Nablus and Al-Quds Open University, Shabiba's logos advocate dying for "Palestine":
Honest Reporting: Abbas "Condemns" a $203,000 Murder
The headlines said that Palestinian President Abbas "condemned" the multiple murder of Israelis at Har Adar. They left out the part where he also pays for it. Why won't the media report the whole story?

  • Tuesday, October 03, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

On May 8, 2001, Koby Mandell, a 13 year old Israeli with American citizenship and 14 year old Yosef Ishran, were killed on the outskirts of Tekoa where their families lived. Though the actual identities of the murderers was never determined, the Israeli government determined that Palestinian terrorists were responsible.

Their murders led to Congressional legislation strengthening the US response to the killing of Americans overseas.

photo from video
Koby Mandell. Source: YouTube video

But it was not easy.

The original version of the Koby Mandell Act applied pressure on the US government to deal with Palestinian terrorists who murdered American citizens in attacks on Israel.

The Koby Mandell Act criticized the US government for its failure to dedicate the necessary resources to apprehending Palestinian terrorists:
  1. Numerous American citizens have been murdered or maimed by terrorists around the world, including more than one hundred murdered since 1968 in terrorist attacks occurring in Israel or in territories administered by Israel or in territories administered by the Palestinian Authority.

  2. Some American citizens who have been victims of terrorism overseas, especially those harmed by terrorists operating from areas administered by the Palestinian Authority, have not received from the United States Government services equal to those received by other such victims of overseas terrorism.

  3. The United States Government has not devoted adequate efforts or resources to the apprehension of terrorists who have harmed American citizens overseas, particularly in cases involving terrorists operating from areas administered by the Palestinian Authority. Monetary rewards for information leading to the capture of terrorists overseas, which the government advertises in regions where the terrorists are believed to be hiding, have not been advertised in areas administered by the Palestinian Authority.
The bill was criticized by Jewish groups for being too narrowly focused on Palestinian terrorism and for being more interested in criticizing the government than in developing more effective terrorism countermeasures.

Other aspects of the bill, seemed to be very relevant:
(7) The Office shall endeavor to monitor public actions by governments and regimes overseas pertaining to terrorists who have harmed American citizens, such as naming of schools, streets, or other public institutions or sites after such terrorists. In such instances, the Office shall encourage other United States Government agencies to halt their provision of assistance, directly or indirectly, to those institutions.
But one of the most important elements of the bill provided for rewards:
(1) The Office shall assume responsibility for administration of the Rewards for Justice program and its web site,, and in so doing will ensure that--
(A) rewards are offered to capture all terrorists involved in harming American citizens overseas, regardless of the terrorists’ country of origin or residence;
(B) such rewards are prominently advertised in the mass media and public sites in all countries or regions where such terrorists reside;
(C) the names and photographs and suspects in all such cases are included on the web site; and
(D) the names of the specific organizations claiming responsibility for terrorist attacks mentioned on the site are included in the descriptions of those attacks.
The key element of the bill is that US victims of Palestinian terrorism receive justice:
To create an office within the Department of Justice to undertake certain specific steps to ensure that all American citizens harmed by terrorism overseas receive equal treatment by the United States government regardless of the terrorists' country of origin or residence, and to ensure that all terrorists involved in such attacks are pursued, prosecuted, and punished with equal vigor, regardless of the terrorists' country of origin or residence.
The result was the creation of the Office of Justice for Victims of Overseas Terrorism (OVT)

Where do things stand now?

On February 2, 2016, Representative Ron DeSantis chaired a hearing before the Subcommittee on National Security addressing the job the OVT was doing in general and in prosecuting Palestinian terrorists in particular.

Representative Ron DeSantis. Credit: Wikipedia

A key exchange between Congressman DeSantis and Brad Wiegmann, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, in the Department of Justice went like this:
Mr. Wiegmann, the committee has counted that since ’93, at least 64 Americans have been killed, as well as two unborn children, and 91 have been wounded by terrorists in Israel in disputed territories.

Mr. DESANTIS. How many terrorists who have killed or wounded Americans in Israel or disputed territories has the United States indicted, extradited, or prosecuted during this time period?
Mr. WIEGMANN. I think the answer is—is none.

Mr. DESANTIS. Okay. How many terrorists who have killed or wounded Americans anywhere else overseas has the United States indicted, extradited, or prosecuted?
Mr. WIEGMANN. I don’t have an exact figure for you.

Mr. DESANTIS. But it would be a decent size number, though, correct?
Mr. WIEGMANN. It would be a significant number, yes.

Mr. DESANTIS. Okay. Does the DOJ plan to prosecute any of the terrorism cases committed by Palestinian terrorism and Israel in the disputed territories?
Mr. WIEGMANN. So we have a number of open investigations. I can’t comment further on the status of the investigations.

Mr. DESANTIS. Do you know how many, though?
Mr. WIEGMANN. I can’t give you that number.

Mr. DESANTIS. Why not?
Mr. WIEGMANN. I don’t have the number, and I don’t think we want to comment exactly, because the more we say about the number of investigations we have, the more we tell the bad guys who we are trying to get.

Mr. DESANTIS. ...In your opening statement, you said that these prosecutions, when Americans are killed by terrorists overseas, including in Israel, that that was the highest priority, and that there should be no stone left unturned. And I understand when you’re talking about foreign jurisdictions, and you alluded to some of the issues that arise, and I think that point is well taken. But when it’s zero for 64, I think you see some people, who have been affected negatively, wonder, you know, what exactly is the Department doing within this particular aspect of terrorism that occurs in Israel?
Another exchange between Wiegmann and Representative DeSantis concerned whether US foreign policy might influence the the Department of Justice pursued terrorists:
Mr. DESANTIS. ...Now, it’s been alleged that the reason that DOJ does not prosecute the Palestinian terrorists who harm Americans in Israel, the disputed territories, is that the Department of Justice is concerned that such prosecutions will harm efforts to promote the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, or that it will actually harm the Palestinian Authority.

So let me ask you straight up, is that a consideration the Department of Justice?
Mr. WIEGMANN. I can assure that is absolutely not the case.

Mr. DESANTIS. And has the State Department ever made arguments to the Department of Justice to handle some of the Palestinian terrorism cases differently than you may normally handle, say, a terrorism case in Asia?

Mr. WIEGMANN. Absolutely not. The State Department has nothing to say about cases that we bring, whether in Palestinian territories related to these cases or not. So it absolutely makes zero difference to us whether the terrorist attack occurred in Israel, whether it’s a Palestinian terrorist group, whether it’s ISIL, Al Qaeda, they are all the same to us. We want to protect Americans regardless of who they are victimized by.
An important issue in the US pursuing and extraditing terrorists in general and Palestinian terrorists in particular is the question of double-jeopardy. Does the US consider pursuit of Palestinian terrorists released from prison, for example in the Gilad Shalit exchange, to be off-limits:
Mr. DESANTIS. ...Now, some have said that if you have a situation where a terrorist who kills Americans in Israel is prosecuted by the Israelis, then they are later released in a prisoner exchange or release, that somehow if we were to prosecute them here, that would trigger double jeopardy. Is that the Department’s position?

Mr. WIEGMANN. Absolutely not. We have prosecuted people who have been released from prison before. Sometimes it takes us a while. One prominent case is an older case, actually a case involving a Palestinian terrorist who hijacked an airliner in Pakistan. He spent, I think, 8 to 10 years in a Pakistani prison. Then he was released, made his way to another country, and was, I think, more, 10, 12, 15 years later that we were able finally to apprehend the person, prosecuted him in 2004, and he’s got a 60-year sentence today.

So we have prosecuted people who have been released from prison before, and certainly, nothing in the Israeli prison release would be any different. We fully intend to pursue charges in any of those cases if we can.
Some of Wiegmann's testimony is positive -- that the prosecution of Palestinian terrorists is not influenced or hampered by foreign policy and that double-jeopardy is not an issue.

But the fact remains that the record of the OVT is horrendous. Some of the parents and relatives of victims made clear they thought the Department of Justice and the Office of Justice for Victims of Overseas Terrorism were not doing their job, undercutting the intent of the Koby Mandell Act. Apart from the clear failure to apprehend even one Palestinian terrorist, other complaints during the hearing were that the OVT was not in contact with them..

Sherri Mandell herself indicated in 2012 that the OVT was not doing its job

  • When she the head of the American Consulate in Israel to find out about the recent activities of The Office of Justice for Victims of Overseas Terrorism , she never heard back.
  • Her family was not informed of key personnel changes in the OVT.
  • Although Rewards for Justice distributed 100 million dollars to 70 people who have given information leading to the apprehension of terrorists -- the program had not been activated in Israel.

We are approaching the end of 2017 and still the OVT has been a failure.

Most recently, efforts to bring Ahlam Tamimi to justice have been thwarted by Jordan's refusal to honor its extradition treaty with the US. It is unclear what the US is going to do to prevent this from being one more failure in the record of the the Office of Justice for Victims of Overseas Terrorism.

And in the record of the Koby Mandell Act.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Haaretz:
At the New York March for Racial Justice on Sunday, hundreds of New Yorkers, many of them Jewish Americans, gathered in solidarity with communities of color and protested against mass incarceration, police brutality, anti-immigration policies and systematic racism.

As the protestors gathered in anticipation of the march across Brooklyn Bridge, the three female organizers behind the Women’s March on Washington - Tamika D. Mallory, Carmen Perez, and Linda Sarsour - passionately urged the crowd to do more to fight white supremacy.

“It is not enough to be here," Sarsour said, adding that what matters is "whether we are doing it in our places of employment, public schools, churches and synagogues and mosques."

"One of the hardest things I have ever done is combating anti-black racism in the Arab-American community, challenging my own people on issues around racism, around anti-Semitism. That is my job to do, not your job to do."

Really? Because when an Arab American looked into Sarsour last year, it was found that she is indeed a racist herself:

 It turns out Sarsour is known to harbor an ugly racism towards African-Americans which makes her latching onto the BLM movement all the more galling. She rarely associated with or interacted with African-Americans (this explains why she views African-Americans through the prism of racist, media stereotypes) until the “activist” with political aspirations realized it can be to her benefit. Sarsour’s racism which she is now trying to hide is common knowledge among the Arab-American community in NY.
I would love to find a single article, tweet or shred of evidence that Sarsour has ever said a thing about antisemitsm to her Arab community. In fact, from that I can tell, she has no standing in the Arab-American community altogether. Her claim to fame is among the whites that she regularly disparages as being inherently racist.

I found an old tweet of Sarsour's that,  combined with what else we know about her, says a lot: “There’s no such thing as reverse racism. Racism is bigotry + power. The group that doesn’t have power can’t be racist.”

But Sarsour admits that she is (was) white, and enjoyed "white privilege."  before she put on her hijab.

Sarsour put on a hijab (even though she is not a religious Muslim) in order to deflect people from examining her own anti-black and antisemitic positions!

Because a white girl from Brooklyn who hates blacks is a white supremacist. But when she puts on a scarf she suddenly becomes a protected minority who, in her mind, cannot possibly be considered racist!

Now, the idea that Arabs cannot be racists and Sarsour's claims that she fights Arab racism are, of course, contradictory. But Sarsour changes her message depending on her audience at the time anyway.

Sarsour is a fraud. She is not considered a Muslim leader and she is not a person of color. Her hijab is political, not religious. (She eats on Ramadan, according to the article mentioned earlier.)  Her statements show her own hate for white people, for Jews and for anyone who believes that Jews are a nation that predates Islam. She has a known history of being a racist herself in her own community. But the media is too scared to call her on her lies, contradictions and play-acting, out of fear of being labeled "Islamophobic."

Which is what Sarsour has built her entire career on.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Tuesday, October 03, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
You know how the EU funds all of these illegal buildings in Area A?

I took some photos last year:

Now you can put one of those EU signs on your sukkah!

After all, the sukkah is the epitome of humanitarian aid (having guests) and civil protection (from God Himself!)

(h/t Yosef)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
Rima Najjar is a retired professor of English literature at Al-Quds University who was educated in the US. She often writes for sites like Electronic Intifada, because, you know, she's an intellectual.

Writing at the site "Global Research," Najjar says:
Palestine is the only and last active act of settler colonialism. Since the creation of the UN, “more than 80 former colonies [including several in the Arab world] comprising some 750 million people have gained independence since the creation of the United Nations.”
Why the exception in the case of Palestine? Because the ideological driving force behind the process, Zionism, is the most virulently and insidiously powerful force on the planet. 
There you have it. Love isn't the most powerful force on Earth. Neither is gravity or electromagnetism. Not hurricanes or earthquakes. Nor the desire for food or sex or fame. There is no political or ideological or biological or physical force today more powerful than Zionism.

We rock!

Yet somehow Israel still takes up less than 0.004% of the world's surface area. Somehow Israel can't just annex the territories it supposedly controls and expel the Arabs, which people like Najjar know is what Zionism is all about. The most powerful and insidious force on the planet can't do what countless nations have done to far more people in the most barbaric ways without an ounce of guilt.

What is wrong with us Zionists? By now you would have thought we'd have taken over Asia at least, and killed a couple of million Arabs. Especially since we're so immoral and intent on expansionism and colonialism, addicted to destroying other peoples and (probably) poisoning wells and killing prophets and killing gentile children to drink their blood.

Najjar also calls Zionism a "Jewish supremacist ideology that is dismissive of the human rights of non-Jews." This coming from someone whose entire article is dismissive of the human rights of Jews to self-determination.

These Israel haters are unhinged. The question is why they get any respect whatsoever by the world at large. Why are Najjar's rants (such as saying that Jewish nationalism is akin to white nationalism) considered reasoned discourse and not on par with those of David Duke or Richard Spencer?

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.


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